Ordinance 1931 (02) T -a,....,,.,.*.s t 4 ,•.t�� I .t x AN ('�u'�IrTr,nTGE IIVSmRtJCTI�Tu ANL� ALi^H(R?ZING THE CiTti ATTn�l`?�^y c}�' �^.I��y �'!F �'yLI�': TF!':A� Tn FiI�F SuTST.T IPT TH� ?�?A".iF A?"?L' I?� 'B�:H�LF THF CITY '?F t4"TL�F, '"E� AS, I"T mFr�' im��F� r^r*zm FC!R TH�' G�Lp �`�"I`�nRT �F hLL D�';,INnUFhTT ?'AR'"S .�?iF TNF �A?D C'^'Y �?F :nVLIEy P??n'�'ZLI�«= �'(�F fiI� C^'�,�.pE?3�.�TT!)fi"� h ;��t•LtiFI''a A�T ���tFr�Fr?�'j. B�' I"' �?F.�ATNFII E�t ?'�?F CZTY C�r?r'�'T� '�T' ;'N�' t'I?'Y ��F' �,'YLIT', T�"`'2��: aectior. T�a-S_t the Git, �,ttc�rr,ey of Thfi City of �y�ie, Texae, �ae �nd he is herebS� ir.�t�ucted an� a.utherized ta file euit in the narr�e �.nci in �eh��f of T�re City c�f ;�,f>�?, Texas, ir. the ;;rc��.�er �ru.rt for the c�l�.ecti��r. of ail d��inc�uent tdxe� �i�ae the saic� City r�f �m';; 3ie, Texa�. Se etion. 2. T�i1t �he saic: City Attorney of thE City oy j`:;r? ie, .e�:.�� sha�� b� �llov�iect aa his catt�rens�tion the sarae f�?s that are a��aavred Coi�nty anu Di�trict A�tor ney� ir euit� for the co�.lec uion �f StatP �.n� Coi%nty ±axa�, a,rd irx adiii�;i�rn ehal.l be ailowed fiftee:� p�r cent of `�e arrcunt �.ctually co�lectea to �e pai�: to hirr� ^uv cf the Tr�asurJ th� ��.ia City of l��ylie, ?'ex��. SectiGra> 3. The s�: �d Gity Attc�.rney of '1•�ylie, '?'exd�, is �:er=� i�:� truct�r� a�d �uthc�r� z�d *c swear to the pet i t i�ns �o f i 1 e� by hirr an� �erform $�ach ath.er ac�� a� are nece�s:�ry in �he c��le�tion �f said aelinquert �a�ces. �ect9 ar.. 4. A1� l:,.tivs an� ordir,ances �.nd part� a�' lw:�s an3 ox�.inance� heretofore enaeted ���hi�h arE �.n cAn�li.ct arF hereb�r re�ea�.ed. Secti�r.�o��5� ��ublic importance of the subject ma.tter of th�.� ordir�anc� ::�z� �nFCe�Rity f�:r the immedi�.te c��lectior. of �.1�. �ie�inc;uent taxes due `Th� `City �f i.ie., Te.xas creates ar; �=�er�ency an3 an irr,?��r�tive purl.i� nece��i �y th�t "�C �ruin�n�es to cG re�,d or. thr�� �ever�l 3�y� '�e �uspended, �,r.3 aaid rule i� h�re�� ��z<pen�ea, anc� �:�°�a ordi�r��n��: s'r:�aced �n ita first anu fin�:� redcain� an� pa�sag�, �:n�. e::.id ord:�nancE �h�.�1 ta?�e effect and �e in for�P irc�m an�. a,�t�r ate pwssag;e, an�. i t �a �rc��.ined. �''itnes� 'na.n�. ;�nc� of swi.0 C�.ty of t���:*'.ie, Te���s this th�� of- .T� 193 r'' A ,'i �C '�u�ror o. i y _�y� e, ex�a. C.arrect httast G� 1� S�cre ary o .e ty 1; e, Te��.s