Resolution 88-12-13-88-02 RESOLUTION NO. 88-12-13-88-2 RESOLUTION FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS SUPPORTING THE DEADLINE TIMES AND DATES FOR AGENDA ITEMS AND AGENDA BACKUP INFORMATION FOR CITY COU.CIL, PLANNING AND ZONING, ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS, LIBRARY BOARD AND PARK BOARD MEETINGS AND FOR AGENDA PREPARATION AND CONSENT AGENDA AND CITIZEN PARTICIPATION: WHEREAS, The City Council does agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to establish guidelines for the preparation of an agenda for City Council and other Board meetings; and, WHEREAS, the City Council does agree that a consent agenda would expedite the business matters of the Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council feels that citizens do have a right to be heard at Public Meetings and a procedure to insure this right should be established; and, WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter does not provide a procedure for the agenda preparation or for Citizen Participation; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1 AGENDA PREPARATION 1. Regular Council meetings are held on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month 2. Special Sessions are meetings called on dates other than the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month and shall be posted seventy-two (72) hours prior to the meeting time in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act. 3. The deadline for the posting of a Regular City Council meeting to be held on a Tuesday evening shall be Friday before said meeting, at 5:00 P. M. The back up information for the Council and interested parties shall also be completed by this time. The deadline for posting of other board meetings shall be the Friday before the said meeting, at 5:00 P.M. 4. The deadline for placing an item on the agenda is the Wednesday before said meeting at 12:00 Noon. Items placed on the agenda must be of sufficient clarity to enable the general public to determine the nature of the issue for consideration and the type of action required. Compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act is required in the preparation of the agenda. SECTION 2 PROCEDURE FOR REMOVAL OF ITEMS FROM AGENDA 1. A written request to the City Secretary signed by any four Council Members to remove an item from the agenda can prohibit the discussion and action on such item. The Council can exercise this power for two consecutive meetings. 2. The Mayor can verbally advise the City Secretary to remove an item from the agenda. He shall be able to exercise this power for one meeting. 3. The person who requested an item be placed on the agenda, and pulls that item prior to the meeting, then the item shall not be discussed. SECTION 3 CONSENT AGENDA Those items on the Council Agenda which are considered routine by the Mayor, City Manager and City Secretary, i. e., grant deeds, grant of easements, request to seek bids, reports of administrative actions and proposals, leases, and agreements previously approved in principle, etc., shall appear under the "Consent Agenda". Unless the Mayor or a Council Member specifically requests that item(s) be removed therefrom and Council action taken separately on said item(s), all items appearing under the "Consent Agenda" shall be approved, adopted, accepted, etc. by one motion of the Council and a roll call vote. Such action will appear in the Council minutes in their proper form. Those items specifically requested to be removed from the "Consent Agenda" and acted on separately shall be approved, adopted, accepted, etc., by separate motions of the Council and separate roll call vote. SECTION 4 GENERAL CITIZENS PARTICIPATION 1. During each Regular Session of the City Council, held on the Second and Fourth Tuesdays of each month, citizens wishing to inform the City Council of problems or concerns will be given the opportunity to do so under the heading of "Citizens Participation". 2. A sign up sheet will be provided for citizens to sign prior to the meeting. 3. Each speaker must identify himself, five minutes. stand, and limit come to the front, his presentation to 4. The Mayor does have the responsibility and the right to rule a citizen out of order and ask that he relinquish the floor. 5. The Council cannot take brought up during "Citizen direct staff to place the for action or may refer Department. action on a subject Participation", but may item on the next agenda it to the proper City PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ON THIS THE 13th DAY OF DECEMBER, 1988. /~ ATTEST: (;! i~_ { Carolyn /" ~ ..:.-----~ ~~ --C Chuck Trimble, Mayor