Ordinance 1977-06
WHEREAS, request by various citizens engaged in developing real
estate and constructing structures in the City of Wylie
to amend sections of existing Ordinance # 62-8, titled
"Subdivision Regulations" to allow other types of materials
for use as water mains and sewer main, and
WHEREAS, the engineering firm of Henningson, Durham & Richardson,
Inc. of Texas engaged as consultants of the City of Wylie
have recommended certain tJ~s of material for use as water
mains and sewer mains and specifications of installation
of the same~ and
WHEREAS, The City Council ndS revie,,'ed and considered said
type$ of materials and installution specif~cations~
Now, . Therefore,
That the following sections of Ordinance # 71-11, Titled
"Subdivision Regulations" be amended to read as follows:
Sect ion 9-14--7: IMPROVEMENTS
E Water Lines.
Water systems shall have a sufficient number of outlets and
shall be of sufficient size to furnish adequate domestic
water supply, to furnish fire protection to all lots, and to
conform with the City'S Water Plan.
1. All water mains shall be of the following type of material
and shall have a minimum cover of 42 inches.
a.Ol Materials - Cast-iron pipe shall be Class 150 Cen-
trifugal Cast Pipe and shall be furnished in l8-foot
nominal laying lengths. Other standard lengths may be
furnished with the approval of the City.
Cast-iron pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with
ANSI Manual A21.6 (AWWACI06) and ANSI Manual A21.1
(AWWAHI), latest editions. All such pipe shall bear a
mark denoting approval by the Underwriters' Laboratories
of Chicago, Illinois, so "that it will be acceptable to
the State Fire Insurance Commission for use in fire
protection mains without penalty.
Pipe under these specificati ons !11(3Y be manufactured
from metal having a tensile strength of 18,000 Ibs.
per square inch and modulus of r"upture of 40,000 Ibs.
per square inch, or 21,000 lbs. per square inch tensile
strength and 45,000 lbs. Pipe shall be designed for
150 lbs. water working pressure, 42" minimum cover.
The minimum wall t.hickness shall conform to thickness
Class 21.
All pipe joints, unless otherwise sp€cifled or required,
shall be a pU~3h-on type where a single rubber gasket.
is positioned in an annular recess in thE? pipe bell.
The gasket and the annular recess shall be so designed
and shaped that the gasket is locked in place against
displacement: as the joint is assembled. The push-on
pipe joint: shall be manufactured in accordance with
ANSI A21.l1 (AWWA CIIl), latest editions.
Fittings shall be of the mechanical joint type, Class
150 or 250, conforming to ANSI A21.10 (AWWA ClIO).
As an alternate, fittings may be push-on joint type with
body thickness and radii of curvature conforming to ANSI
A21.10, and joints in accordance with Section 11 - 2.3 of
ANSI A21.11 (AWWA elll).
If in the opinion of the City, mechanical joint fittings
are not suitable for use where connections are made to
exist.ing mains, the connectinq fiU:ings shall be bell
and spigot ~md shall be c'ILlsL) D under American Water
works Associ ation Spt:'cif i c ,::tt ion Cl 00, latest editions.
All cast-iron pipe and f1 tting:; shall have a coal-t.ar
coating on out.side surface wi U; (1 minifflumLhickness of
one (1) mil. The interIor of the pipe and fittings shall
have cement mortar lininq and a ,:;(:al~:oat of bituminous
material. The exterior and interior coatinqs shall
be in accordance wi th p,NSI A21. 4 (AWY-JA Cl 04) and ANSI
A21.6 (Awv-JA ClOG), latest editions.
Other standard specifications which ;3hall be made a
part of t:hese spec..ificatiomo whet!:; 2pplicable t.O t:he
work herein described are as follows:
ANSI .1'\21.12 (N{lWA C112)
ANSI 1316.1
a. 02 Installation -'T11€ subgrade shall be accurately shaped
and trimmed to receive the pipe barrel and each pipe
section, when in place, shall have a uniform bearing
on the sul::xJrade for the full length of the pipe barrel.
Pipe shall not. be laid unless the subgrade is free of
water and in a condition safisfactory to the City.
Adjustments of the pipe to line and grade shall be
made by scraping away or filling in with gravel, or
approved selec1~ed Inuterial j and not be wedging or
blocki.ng up the l>ell.
The interior of the pipe shaIl be clean and joint sur-
faces shall be clean and dry when the pipe is lowered
into the trench. Pipe shall t'..e hammer tested for
soundness before beinq lowered into the trench. EaCh
pipe, fItting, and valve sfklll be lowered into the trench
carefully and laid tTue to 1 ine and grade.
a.03 Protect.ion of f'ipeline- Well fitted plugs or bulkheads
shall be securely placed in all operlings and in the end
of the line when con~3truct i on is stopped t.emporarily
and at the end of eac'h day's work. It shall be the
responsibility of the ceveloper to deliver to the City
2. pipeline whict! is clean throughout, its entire length.
a.04 Concrete Blockin9 -- Class 2,000 concrete shall be placed,
as directed by the Engineer, for blocking ~t each
change in direcU.on of the pipeline, in such manner as
\'lill substantially brace the pipe against_ undisturbed
trench walls. Conccet.e blocking, made from Type I cement,
shall have been placed four (4) days prjor to testing
the pipeline as hereinafter E3pecified. Test may be
made in two (2) days after cO"11pletion of blocking if
Type III cement..: :is used.
At all points where wet connections are made to existing
1 ines, the t:appi nq connect ion f 1, ( i ngs shall be support_ed
by blocking up to the spring lIne with Class 2.000 con-
a.OS Hydrostatic Tcst- As soon as a continuous section of
new water main has been instLllled, the developer shall
proceed immediately to complete all testing and
sterilizing, make all connections, and place those
sections in service. The developer shall furnish all
labor, materials, tools and equipment necessary to
bulkhead and seal off the line for testing, fill it
with water, raise the filled line to test pressure and
measure the amount of leakage over the test period.
The pipeline shall be tested with a hydrostatic pres-
sure of not less than one hundred fifty (150) pounds
per square inch maintained over a continuous period of
not less than four (4) hours. After a successful
cont:inuous pressure period of four (4) hours has been
completed, a test for the determination of amount of
leakage shall be run at the same pressure as before
for a duration of two (2) hours. If the test indicates
a leakage in excess of a rate equal to twenty-five
(25) gallons per inch of internal pipe di amet.er per
mile of pipeline per twenty-four (24) hours. the dev-
eloper will be required to find and eliminate the leak.
All kno~l leaks shall ~~ stopped, regardless of this
test requirement.
'rOE' cost of testing, finding, and repairing the leaks
and retesUng, shall be at the expen~3e of the developer.
The water required t.o fill t.he lines will be furnished
by the City, without charge to the developer.
a.06 SterilIzation - Prior to sterilizing, each valved section
of the new pipeline shall be pressure tested and flushed
with clean water from the City system to remove all
visible evidence of dust, soil, and fine debris which
may have entered the line during construction and
testing. The water required to flush and sterilize
the lines, without unnecessary waste. will be furn-
ished by the City, without charge to the developer.
Chlorine shall be used to sterilize the pipeline by the
following method:
The amount of chlorine applied shall be such as to
provide a dosage of not less than fifty (50) parts
per million. The chlorinating material shall be
introduced to the water 1 ines and distribution sys--
tern in a manner approved by the City. After a
contact period of not less than twenty-four (24)
hours, L.he system shall be flushed with clean water
until the residual chlorine content is not greater
t~han 0.2 part.s per Tni 11 ion. All valves in the lines
bein(.J sterilized shall be opened and closed several
times during the contact period.
a.07 Standard for Polyethylene Encasement for G ray and
Ductile cast Iron Pipe
. .""~,_~~__~___._"..,.____..'e-'<..
1. Scope
This st.andard covers materials and installation proce-
dures for polyethylene encasement to be applied to
underground installations of gray and ductile cast
iron pipe. 'rhis standard may also be used for poly-
ethylene encasement of fittings, valves and other
appurt.enancest.o gray and ductile cast iron pipe systems.
2. Definitions
2.1 PolyethLl~ne encasement. Polyethylene material,
in tube or sheet for, which is used to encase
gray and ductile cast iron pipe.
2.2 Sec'-!.rin9:. OVerl~ Anyone of various met.hods
of holding polyethylene encasement in place
at the point of overlap until backfilling
operations are completed. This may be ac-
complished with adhesive tape, plastic string
or other suitable material.
3. Materials
3.1 Polyethylene. Polyethylene encasement materials
shall be manufactured of virgin polyet.hylene
possessing the characteristics shown in
Table 1.
3.2 ThicJsne_es. Polyethylene material shall have
a minimum nominal thickness of .008" (8 mils).
The Minus Tolerance on thickness shall not
exceed 10% of the nominal thickness.
3.3 .~b?_ .Sj~.?.~. 'I'he tube size -for each pipe diameter
shall be as listed in Table 2.
4. Installat.ion
4.1 ~~~_!1~r~.;L. Polyethylene encasement shall be in-
stalled on pipe and fittings at locations
specified on the construct.ion drawings. Al-
though not intended to be a completely air-
and \.;ater-t;ight enclosure, the polyethylene
shall prevent contact between the pipe and
the surrounding backfill.
4.2 pip~. This standard includes three different
methods for the installation of polyethylene
encasement. Methods A and B are for use with
polyethylene tubes and Method C is for use
with polyethylene sheets. (See Appendix A)
4.2.1 Hethod A. Cut polyethylene t-ube to a
length approximately two feet longer
t.han the length of the pipe section.
Slip the tube around the pipe, centering
it to provide n one foot overlap on
each adjacent pipe section, and bunching
it accordion fashion length wise until
it clears the pipe ends.
Lower the pipe into the trench and make
up the pipe joint with the preceding
section of pipe. A shallow bell hole
must be made at joints to facilitate
installation of the polyethylene tube.
After assembling the pipe joint, make
the overlap of the polyethylene tube.
Pull the bunched fX")lyethylen.e from
the preceding length of pipe,
slip it over the end of the new length
of pipe 21lld ~3ecure in place. 'Then slip
the end of the lXJlyethylene from the
new pipe section over the end of the
first wrap until it overlaps the joint
at the end of the preceding length of
pipe. Secure the overlap in place.
Take up the slack width to make a snug,
but not tight, fit along the barrel of
the pipe, securing the fold at quarter
Repair any rips, punctures, or other
damage to the polyethylene wi th adhe-
sive tape or with a short length of poly-
ethylene tube cut open, wrapped around
the pipe, and secured in place. Proceed
with installation of the next section
of pipe in the ,::;ame manner.
4.2.2. Method B. Cut polyethylene tube to a
length approximately one foot shorter
than the length of the pipe sect.ion.
Slip the tube around the pipe, center-
ing it to provide six inches of bare
pipe at each end. Make polyethylene
snug, but not tight; secure ends as
described in 4.2.1
Before making up a joint, slip a three-
foot longth of polyethylene tube over
the end of the preceding pipe section,
bunching It accordion fashion lengthwise.
After cornplet.ing the joint, pull the
three-foot length of polyethylene over
the joint, overlapping the polyethylene
previously installed on each adjacent
section of pipe by at least one foot~
make snug and secure each end as described
in 4.2.1
Repair. any rips, punctures, or other
damage to the polyethylene as described
in 4.2.1. Proceed with installation
of the next section of pipe in the same
4.2.3. .Metho~-L~ Flat sheet polyethylene shall
have a minimum width twice the flat
tube width shown in Table 2.
Cut polyethylene sheet to a length ap-
proximately two feet longer than the
length of pipe section. Center the
cut length to provide a one-foot over-
lap on each adjacent pipe section, bunch-
ing it until it clears the pipe ends.
Wrap the polyethylene around the pipe
so that it overlap~ circumferentially
over the top qlladrant of the pipe. Place
a six-inch pength of adhesive tape at
approximately three-foot intervals along
the pipe length, securing the cut edge
of polyethylene sheet.
Lower the vJrapped pipe into the trench
and make up the pipe joint wj..th the
preceding :eJection of pipe. A shallow
bell hole must be made at joints to
facili tate int,tallation of the poly-
ethylene. After completing the joint,
make the overlap as described in 4.2.1.
Repair any rips, punctures, or other
damage to the polyet.hylene as described
in 4.2.1. Proceed with installation
of the next~3ection of pipe in the same
4.3 Pipe-Shaped Appu~~enances. Bends, reducers,
offsets and other pipe-shaped appurtenances
ahall be covered with polyethylene in the
same manner as the pipe.
4.4 Odd-shaped Appurte~an~es. Valves, tees, crosses
and other odd-shaped pieces which cannot pract-
ically be wrapped in a tube, shall be wrapped
wi th a flat sheet or split length of' polyethy-
lene tube. The sheet shall be passed under the
appurtenance and brought up around the body.
Se~ns shall be made by bringing the edges to-
gether, folding over twice, and taping down.
Slack WJ.dth and overlaps at joints shall be
handled as descriLed in 4.2.1. Tape polye-
tylene securely in place at valve stem and
other penetrations.
4.5 Openj.J1.9s len Ert~_a.E~!!l('o_DL. Openings for branches,
service taps, blow-off's, air valves, and similar
appurtenances shall be made by making an X-
shaped cut in the polyetheylene and temporarily
folding the film back. After the appurtenance
is installed, tape the ;lck securely to the
appurtenance and repair the cut, as well as
any other damaged areas in the polyethylene with
Junctio~s Between Wrapped and Unwr~~9_Rj~
Where polyethylene wrapped pipe joins a pipe
which is not wrapped, extend the polyethylene
tube to cover the unwrapped pipe a distance
of at least two feet. Secure the end with cir-
cumferential turns of tape.
Backfill for Polyethylene Wrapped~_~. Backfill
material shall be the same as specified for pipe
without polyethylene wrapping. Special care
shall be taken to prevent damage to the polye-
thylene wrapping when placing backfill. Back-
fill material shall he free from cinders, refuse,
boulders, rocks, stones or other material that
could damage polyethylene. In general, backfill-
ing practice should be in accordance with AWWA
Standare C-600-64, or latest revision thereof.
:rab1e I
Raw Material Used to Manufactu re
Polyethylene Enca~ement Material
Type, Class, Grade,
other Characteristics.....
T y'pe. " . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . .
Class... . .. .. .. .. ... .. .. . ..
Grade. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .
Flow Rate (formerly
Me 1 t I nd ex) . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Dielectric Strength.......
Pot'iet,l:!.Y.lene Enca:H'ment Material
Tensile strength..........
Dielectric Strength.......
In ~ccordance with ASTM
Specification D-1248-68
or latest revision thereof.
A. Natural Color
C. Black
0.4 maximum
Volume resistivity, minimum
ohm-ern] = 1015
1200 ps~ minimum
300% minimum
800 volts per mil thickness
m i rnmum
Table 2
Nominal Pipe
. (Inches)
Recommended Polyethylene
Flat Tube width
~Inches) *
* For flat sheet polyethylene, see pd~~gr~ph 4.2.3.
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b.O! Materials - Ductile iron pipe shall be designed in
accordance with A.S.A. Specification A21.50--1965,
and shall be centrifugally cast and furnished in
IS-foot nominal laying lengths.
The pipe shall be manufactured, wi th a push-on type
joint. This joint shall be of the type which pro-
vides a recession in the bell for the employment of
a single rubber gasket to be placed before the in-
sertion of the succeeding spigot. The joints shall
be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's
The pipe shall be designed for 8 feet of cover. The
minimum wall thickness shall conform to thickness Class
'nle fittings shall be of the mechanical joint type and
may be of either cast iron' or ductile iron, manufactured
in accordance with ASA Specification A21.10 (AWWA ClIO)
"American Standard for Cast-Iron Fittings, 2-inch Through
48-inch, For Water and Ot.her Liquids, II of latest revision.
If, in the opinion of the City, mechanical joint fittings
are not suitable for use where connections are made to
existing mains, the connecting fitt.ings shall be bell
and spiqot.
All ductile iron pipe and fittings shall have a bit-
uminous coating on the outside, of either coal-tar or
asphalt base, approximately I mil thick. TI1e interior
of the pipe and fittings shall have a cement-mortar
lining with a seal coat of bituminous material or any
other seal coatings as may be approved by the City.
The linings and seal coating shall be in accordance with
the A.S.A. Specification A21.4, of latest revision.
b.02 Installation- Same as a.02
b.03 Protection of Pipe Line- Same as a.03
b.04 ConcretellJos,;ki!ill - Same as a.04
b.OS Hydrostatic Test - Same as a.05
b.06 Sterilization - Same as a.06
b.07 Standard for }'olyethylene encasement for Gray and
Ductile Cast Iron Pipe - Same as a.07
c.Ol Scope - Requirements for unplasticized polyvinly
choloride PVC pipe with integral thickened wall bells
for municipal water main di.stribution system's. The
pressure classifications of 1.50 psi (Minimum thickness
DR 18)'1nd 200 psi (Minimum thickness DR 14) refer t.O
the maximum hydrost:atic pressure to which the pipe will
be subject in normal operation. Pipe will be minimum
Class 150 unless indicated otherwise on plans.
c.02 PI luct - 'rho<; P1P(~ ::~hall rW'h Jr exceed requirements
of Ah'WA C-900-.7', !)'v'I' plpe. with ClIfjt iron outBide
djrnen:...:lun:; dfHi vll t Ii Uu\.!,..[ H1iHJ Joints. PVC water
pip(~ shall be 1 :J ted by 1 Jnd(~rwr it ers Labora tor ies and
appn,>vf:ld fat Iwe ,n C) I i ('oJ LInd t oWn~.; of Texas by the
State Board of In:;urdnc(:'. The rigid PVC pipe shall
bear the se,'iJ. of approvdl (or "N::F" mark) of the
National Sani t at ion FCunJ;lt- ion 'I'esti.ng Laooratory for
potable water Plt.:1c. t::-rIVl:310:1c3 must Le made for
contract ion dnd exp.)'ln~' l~)fl ::it each joint wi th a rubber
ring, and an integr...l1 thickened 'bell as part of each
joint. PIpe and fiU...inq:; !fii_:::;t ll€ assembled with a
non-toxic libricant. Layinq lengUls shall be 20
feet + 1 inch. P.ipe 51;<311 L,e ,]c)hns-Manville RIN3--
TITE PVC pipe or approved equal.
Pipe shall be ma.de in nonlinal :;izes of 4, 6, 8, 10,
and 12 inch!'s, and shall meet the dimension ratios
(DR's) and physical dilnen~310ns' as shown in Table I.
Service connections shall be made by direct tapping,
saddles, or tapped couplinqs. Direct tapping will
be allowed only on 6 inch and larger pipe. Fittings
shall be mechanical joint or ruhber ring slip joint
cast iron fittings. On direct taps, teflon tape shall
be used on corporat ion :; top threads.
c.03 Materials -- Pipe ~;h.J.ll }.;e made from N:3F approved Class
12454-A or n f'V:~ Con;pound c:onforming to ASTM resin
specification 01784.
c.04 Inst~llatian
b1i,io/13oCkfill Of ~L Bet
Lighffy Compacted (B5%)~',.'
Select MolerlOl Or .
FI'le Granular Mo1eri'JI '_,
~_.--.. -------- ~-T
,: "'.- ~1\~ ," i..."'t
Compact C, rushed OJ,i;; :~ "1J (/,'""" ,')')~, '
Stone, Sfandard ~:~ ~ .: _..~<:,:: )lJ:.'-
Gradation, ___ -~_:-:.:~= );~:>t:"':~';~,1 ; u, 1
'---~~~~;:~T} co; .
I 1-.", ~._._IJ' u") i S
i 8d ::::-' ~
L F. I 5
c.OS Proteetion of I'j~,.!llnt'
~;urn{! <19 u. OJ
c.06 Concrete Blocking - Srul~ a~ a.04
c.07 Hydrostat.ic Test -. Same as a.05
c.oa Sterilization - Same as u.06
c.09 Gate Valve Thrust Blocking as per detail.
All gate valves to be installed on P.V.C. pipe shall
be blocked and tied in accordance wi th the typical
detail included in these plans and specifications.
'/4'1. I Y1.'
6N.Y. mAP ~
HO weAn ~ur .
"1'.-,X' I'l.. A. b. "
51 'lE.
c.10 Trace Win~ ReC'{uirement for Non-rnet<111ic Pipe. See Detailz
::.x?O '
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Construction Detail, 14 Gauge Single Stran Plastic Coated Coppe r
Trace Wire.
The Trace Wire shall be installed adjacent ..lnd parallel to all non-
metallic pipe inst.llled.
2. Gate Veil ve
a. General - Gate va] vet, confor rn to AlTIer ican Water Works
Association Specification C500 (formerly 7F.l), latest
edition. Valves sh311 be designed for a minimum water
working pres lire of 150 pounds per square inch. Gat.e
valves shall have ~ clear waterway equal to the full
nominal diameter of the valve and shall be opened by
turning I.:) the left!._ Euch v<llve shall have the maker's
initials, pressure rating, and year in which manufactured
cast in the body.
Unless otherwise specified by the City, all gate
valves shall be iron body, bronze mounted, double disc,
parallel seat, non-rising stem, internal wedging type
with "0" ring seals and mechanical joint ends and shall
be nut operated. Gate valves attached to flanged outlets
shall have combination flanged und mechanical joint ends.
b. Flanges - Flanges shall be cast solid and faced accurately
at right angles to the axis of the casting. Dimensions
and drilling of flanges shall be in accordance with the
American Standards Association for a working pressure of
l25 pounds per square inch. Special drilling shall be
provided where necessary.
c. Valve Boxes - ValvE~s buried in the ground shall be pro-
vided wi th CiJst-j_ron valve boxe~; of proper dimensions to
fit over the valve bonnets and to extend to such elevation
at or slightly above the finished ground line as directed
by the City. Tops shall be complete with covers and shall
be adjustable. Valve boxes shall be set vertical and
concentric wi tJl the vulve E3tern. Any valve box which has
so moved from its original position as to prevent the
application of the valve key shall be satisfactorily re-
set by the developt::r at his own expense. A concrete
pad of the dimensions shown on the "Standard Wat.er De-
t_ails" sheet shall be poured around all valve boxes, un-
less otherwise directed by t:he City.
3. Fire Hydrant
a. General - In general, all fire hydrants shall conform
strictly to AWWA Standard Specifications for Fire Hydrants
for Ordinary Water Works Service, C502 latest edition,
except for changes or additions specifically outlined
as follows:
1~e operating nut shall be designed to prevent seepage
of rain or sleet and the accumulation of dust around
the revolvlng nut.
TIle hydrant top or bonnet shall be free draining and
of a type that will maint:ain the operating mechanism
in readiness to use under freezing conditions. It
shall be so (1esiqniJ.ted as to make tampering diffi-
cult and shall be provided with convenient means to
afford lubrication to insure cuse of operat_ion and
the prevent:ion of wear cmc1 corrosion.
The body of the hydrant shall De equiped with a break-
able flange, or breakable cast-iron flange bolts,
just arx"")ve the qrade 1 ine.
All hydrants shall r.>8 of such design as will permit
their extension without excavating in case of future
grade changes.
The complete hydrant shall be of such design that. when
the hydrant barrel is broken through traffic collision,
it may be replaced without excavating or breaking the
pavement. 1~e barrel and operating mechanism shall
be so designed that in case of accident, damage or
breaking of the hydrant above or near the grade level,
the main valve will remain reasonably tight. against
leakage or flooding.
Changes in shape or size of the waterway shall be
accomplished by means of easy curves. The junctions
of hose or pumper nozzles with the barrel shall be
rounded to ample radii. Exclusive of the main valve
opening, the net area of the waterway of the barrel
and foot piece of the smallest part shall be not less
than 150 percent of that. of the net opening of the
main valve.
Hydrants shall be provided with an automatic and
positively operating, non-corrodible drain or drip
valve so as to drain the hydrant completely when
the main valve is shut. A drain valve operating by
springs or gravity is not acceptable.
Operating stems whose threads are not located in the
barrell or waterway shall be made of genuine wrought
iron or steel and shall be bronze bushed where passing
throuqh the stuffing box. Operating threads must be
sealed against contact with the water at all times re-
gardless of open or closed position of main valve.
All operating stems shall be coupled opposite the
break flange with a breakable coupling or coupled in
such a way as to part without breaking.
Unless otherwise specified by the City, hydrants shall
be furnished with "0" ring seals.
The hydrant head shall be constructed so that it may
be rotated to face the nozzles in any desired direc-
tion. The developer shall rotate the fire hydrant
in such a direction to best serve the City.
Hydrant:s closing with t.he pressure must have a bronze
cap nut to seal the bottom end of stem threads against
contact with water.
Supplementary details are as follows:
I. The type of shut-off may be compression or gate.
Each hvdrant shall have a net valve opening
of not 4less than five (5) inches. The inlet:
shall be mechanical joint for 6-inch cast-
iron pipe.
3. All hydrzmts shall be equipped wi th two (2)
hose nozzles and one (1) steamer nozzel
and shall conform to the standards now in
use by the City.
4. The bury lengUl shull be for a minimum 42" bury.
5. Harnessing lugs shall not be provided unless
specified in order.
6. The operating nut shall conform to the stand-
ards nm.... in use by the City. The hydrant valve
shall open by turning to the Jeft.
If required by the City, the developer shall furnish
drawings with complete detailed dimensions of the
hydrant. proposed for this project.
b. Construction Method - Fire hydrants shall be placed
at all locations shown in the plans. Each hydrant
shall be set upon a slab of stone or concrete not
less than four (4") inches thick and not less than
one (I) square foot of surface area. Where solid
rock exists in the bottom of the trench and sam~~ is
excavated to the proper depth to form a foundation for
the hydrant, the slab of stone or concrete above
specified may be omitted.
The hydrant shc,11c-e set perpendicular, and t:o t.he
proper depth, and shall be carefully and substantially
blocked against firm trench walls using Class 2,000
concrete as herein specified.
There shall be pLlced <:lround the base of the hydrant
not less than seven (7) cubic feet of sound broken stone
or clean gravel, or other suitable material, t.o pro-
vide reservoir capacity so that the hydrant will
completely drain when closed.
c. Fire hydrants shall be placed on block corners or near
the center of the block in such a manner as to put
all of every lot within a radius of 500 feet (preferably
400 feet) of a fire hydrant. (This 500 feet is the
hose laying along streets from fire hydrant by Fire
Departmen t . )
d. All fire hydrants shall have a valve opening of not
less than 5 inches and shall be placed on mains of
not less than 6 inches in diameter. Six-inch valves
shall be placed on all fire hydrant leads.
4. Railroad and Highvlay Cros[;i ngs
4.01 Materials - The carrier pipe shall be cast--iron,
ductile-iron, or
polyvinyl chloride and shall conform to the re-
quirements of the applicable sections included in
these Technical Specifications.
The encasement pipe shall be corrugat~ed galvanized
metal pipe of t'he dj <Jmeter and gauge shown on the
plans. Corrugated metal pipe shall meet the re-
quirements of Federal Specifications QQ-C-806 for
"Culverts, Iron or Steel," and Amendment 2 there-
of, Type I, or AASHO Standard Specifications,
Designation ./1-136-42, for "Corrugated Metal Culvert
Any other materials t~hat_ may be allowed for const_ruct-
ing the carrier pipe and the encasement pipe or any
modifications to the materials to be furnished in
this section shall be approved by the City.
'.02: Constuction fv1ethods - The encasement pipe shall be
installed by boring and jacking, or by open cut
method as indicated on the plans. Regardless of
the method used, the encasement pipe shall be in-
stalled with even bearing throughout i t_s length,
and all voids between the encasement: pipe and earth
or rock shall be filled with stabilized pea gravel
or grout.
The minimum length of encasement pipe shall be
determined as indicated on the reviewal of plan
by the City. The encasement pipe shall be t.ightly
jointed to prevent leakage. The ends of the encasement
pipe shall be plugged wi t_h a clay core to prevent
entrance of excessive ground water.
\'lhere it is specified that~ the cast-iron carrier pipe
for sanitary sewers or water mains under streets and
highways is to be inst_alled by boring or jacking,
all voids between the outslde of the casto-iron car-
rier pipe and the bored hole shall "be filled with
sand or gravel.
No trench ::1hall be carried closer than ten (10) feet
of all pavement edges. No dirt from trench excavation
shall be piled on roadway shoulders. All trench
backfill shall be mechanically tamped to the Silil1e
density as surrounding ground. Before completion
of this proposed work, all roadway shoulders, slopes,
ditches and berms shall be restored to their original
The CONTRACTOR E..,hall noti fy the Rai lroad Company or
Highway Department of his construction schedule not
less than five (5) days prior to commencing the
work wi thin the right--of -way. The CON'I'RAC'l'OR shall
conform to the requirements of the Railroad Company
or Highway Department as to details of construction
methods and time of construction.
Ii' . Sani tary Sewers
Sanitary Sewer Facilities shall be provided to adequately service
the subdivision and conform with the City Sewer Plan.
1. All sewer pipe shall be of the fallowing:
a.Ol Material - Clay pipe for sanitary sewers shall be either
standard strength, glazed or unglazed, conforming to current
A.S.T.M. Destignation C700 (Latest Revision) Or extra
strength, glazed or unglazed, conforming to current A.S.T.M.
Destignation C700 (Latest Revision), All clay pipe twelve
(12~ inches is diameter and smaller shall be extra strength.
All clay pipe eight (8) inches in diameter and larger shall
be furnished in five (5) foot nominal laying lengt:hs,
except for specials and fittings.
..Toint, material for clay pipe shall conform to the current
requirements of A.S.T.M. Designation C425.
a.02 Clay Pipe Installation - Pipe shall be installed in com--
pliance with current A.S.T.M. Designation C12. Pipe
shall. be laid on prepared subgrade or embedments wit.h
bell holes excavated.
The laying of pipes :3hall commence at t_he lowest
point. so that the spigot ends point. in the direction of 1
flo"!. All pipes shall be laid wi t11 ends abbating and
true to line and grade. The pipe'S shall be matched so
that when laid, they will form a sewer with a smooth,
uniform invert.
a.03 :embedment and Encasement
'There shall be five classes of embedment:
Class 1. - Earth Embedment
Class 2 - Gravel Embedment
Class 3 -. Concrete Embedment
Class 4 - Concrete Embedment
Class 5 - Concrete Encasement
(See Detail at end
of Section F'.
Sanitary Sewers
P art I.)
The class of embedment will be recommended by the City
Engineering firm upon reviewal of plans before const:ruction
of lines.
I. _S'=-@.~~~ I fa .L CIa ~l?__~_~@J2~_9.rJl.~..D_t:
Gravel for Class 2 Embedm(:,nt: shall consist of washed
or screened gravel, ~-inch to ~-inch in slze, or pea gravel
that is retained on liB-inch mesh but passes the S/8-inch mesh.
Washed, screened or pea gravel shall be used in either earth
or rock trench, where Class 2 Embedment is designated.
2. Concrete Ernbed_l!!en_.t_....:~lJd Encas~meIl.t
Concrete embedment and enCi.1sement shall have a minimum
cornpress~ve strength of 2,000 pounds per square inch
at 28 days. Dry mix will not be permitted. The con-
crete cushion portion of the embedment or encasement
will be mixed moist or damp to give a slump or not
more than one (1) inch. Concrete for the sides and
top, if specified, shall be mixed to obtain' a slump
of not less thah one (I) inch nor more than three (3)
After pipe joints are completed, the voids at the joints
shall be filled with concrete, and the embedment shall
be brought up to proper grade. Where concrete is placed
over or along the pipe, it shall be placed in such
manner as not to damage or injure the joints or dis-
place the pipe.
A cleavage line between the base concrete and the side
embedment concrete will not be tolerated. Backfilling
shall be done in a careful manner and at such time, after
concrete embedment or encasement has been placed, as
not to damage the concrete in any way.
3. Granular Material
Granular material shall be hand placed to a depth of
not less than twelve (12) inches over the top of the
pipe, where designated on the plans. Granular material
shall consist preferably of a free flowing material
like sand or mixed sand and gravel, free from lumps
large stone, clay and organic materials. Granular
material shall also include rock cuttings from a ditch-
ing machine (preferably wheel-type), provided that the
largest chips shall have at least an average dimension
in one place less than one-half inch (~").
Only if approved by the enigneer, good, sound eart:h may
be used in lieu of granular material for backfill over
the pipe. Good, sound earth is defined as gravel, sand,
sandy loam or loam, free from excessive clay. If, when
the material is damp and pressed into a tight ball in
the hand and fingers are relaxed_ the material crumbles
freely, the material will be considered as not having
an excessive clay content. Good, sound earth will be
allowed only if sand or rock cuttings are not present
on the project.
a.04 Inf il tration Test - TI1e total seepage and infiltration
of ground water as determined by test shall in no case
exceed 250 gallons per 24 hours per inch of diameter
per mile of pipe. An infiltration test or tests shall
be made on all sections of all sewer construction before
placing the same in service and before any connections
are made to other sewers, and if the quant,ity of infil-
tration into the sewer or sewers is in excess of the
maximum quantity as specified abo\'e, the joints shall
be repaired or the sewer relaid if necessary, or other
remedial construction shall be performed by and at the
expense of the Developer, in order to reduce the quantity
of ground water infiltration to an amount within limits
as specified. In the making of all tests the Developer
shall furnish the required equipment and labor and do
the necessary pmnping under the direction of the Engineer
and tests may be repeat_ed until each sewer individually
meets the specifications as to quantity of infiltration
as set out above. The City will not furnish water and
the necessary connections to mains or fire hydrants~
however, if water is not. readily available, the Developer
shall haul or pump necessary water to make the test.
Test can be made by one of five methods as directed by
the Engineer, except that all sections placed by boring,
jacking or tunnelling shall be subjected to an exfiltration
toe st.
1. Usinq Existinq_!i_!gl~~.r~Q_unsLv-l~.!_~E
v.."'here the natural qrounc3 wdl er, after well points ~re
removed, is above the top of the pipe for a section,
the flowing of water in the pipe can be measured and
tbe rate of seepage and infllt.ration measured for the
section so submerged. 'rhree readings or measurements
will be taken over a period of one (1) rninute and the
average will be uf:~ed t:o determine the rate of infiltra-
2. FloodinsL"~ Spe.ci!_:L~L0~S-:.!:1.0l}
Backfill will be brought up to at least a foot over pipe
to be tested for a distance of 200 feet or more. More
cover may be required on larger pipest.o prevent the
pipe from floating out of grade. DcU11S or dikes are
placed tightly around pipe at either end and the ditch
filled with water t.O an average dept. of four (4) feet
over the pipe. Flow at the lower end is measured for
the section so submerged. 'Three readings or measure-
mentswill be taken over a ~riod of one (l) minute
and the average w.lll be uE3ed to determine the rate
of infilt.ration.
Exfi 1 trdt:ion
A section of pipe below a rnanhole is bulkheaded at either
end with a 6" pipe is set in d vertical position. A
2" vent: pipc: is inserted in lower encj and extended up--
ward four (4) feet. The 6" pipe is filled with water,
fill.ing the sewer line until <111 air iE) forced out
through the ven t tube, '1-Then the W<lter levels are
level in t:he 2" ane] 6" pipe~3, mea~.;ure the drop in t"he
6" due to exfiltration over a specific time and cal-
culate the lo,,;s of water due to exfiltration. Reduce
this illnount by twenty-five percent (25%) to obtain
equivalent infiltration. Conditions encountered in
construction may vary this procedure slightly, but
essentially this method shall be used.
4. Air Testinq
Prior to air testing the pipe shall be visually inspected
to determine collapsed or crushed pipe. After visual
inspection the section to be tested shall be cleaned
and flushed. After flushing, all pipe outlets in the
test section shall be plugged and each plug shall be
suitably and securely braced.
(1) Constant Pressure: Add air slowly until the
pressure in the test section reaches 3.0 pounds per >
square inch gauge. Maintain the 3.0 psig pressure
until the air in the system reaches the temperature
of the pipe. (Approximately two minutes.) The volume
of air leaked from the test section shall be measured
by a rotameter placed in the system. The maximum rate
of air loss for acceptance shall not exceed 0.003
cubic feet per minute per square foot of interior pipe
surface, or 2.0 c.f.m. minimum when subjected to a
constant pressure of 3.0 psig. For each foot of water
table elevation above the invert of the pipe under test,
the allowable loss shall be reduced six percent.
(2) Time Pressure Drop: Add air slowly to the
portion of the pipe under test until the internal air
pressure is raised to 4.0 pounds per square inch gauge.
Maintain the internal pressure at 4.0 psig, by adding
air until the air temperature inside the pipe under
test has stabilized. (Approximately two minutes.) At
the end of the two minute period disconnect the air
supply. When pressure decreases to 3.5 psig, start
stop watch. Determine the time in seconds that is
required for the internal air pressure to reach 2.5 psig.
The amount of air loss shall then be determined from
the pipe size, length of test section and time in seands
and compared with the time required by specification
as shown in table at back of this section.
(3) Safety Provisions: Plugs used to close the
sewer pipe for either air or exfiltration testing must
be securely braced to prevent the unintentional release
of a plug which can become a high velcity projectile.
Gages, air piping manifilds and valves shall be located
at the top of the ground.
No one shall be permitted to enter a manhole where a
plugged pipe is under pressure.
(4) Test Equipment: The test equipment used with
either method of air pressure testing shall be certified
as satisfactory by the Engineer at the beginning of a
project. The inspector may at any time require a cal-
ibration check of the instrumentation used.
(5) The Contractor shall perform the air testing
in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instru-
ctions for the equipment used. In no case will air
testing be allowed for the 42-inch diameter pipe.
b.01 Polyvin1y Chloride pipe for sanitary sewers shall
have a minimum thickness SDR of 35.
Joints for the piping system shall be sealed with a
rubber ring gasket, and shall be of a composition and
texture which is resistant to common ingredients of
sewage, industrial wastes including oils and ground
water, and which will endure permanently under the con-
ditions likely to be imposed by this use. The joint,
when assembled, must be able to withstand an hydr
pressure internally of at least 10 psi.
b.02 Pipe Installation and Field Testing - Pipe shall be
installed in full compliance with the Recommended
Practice for "Underground Installation of Flexible
Thermoplastic Sewer Pipe," ASTM Designation D 2321
The bedding and haunching material shall be Class II -
1/4 to 3/4 inch graded angular stone as per ASTM Desig-
nation D 2321-72. In addition to the construction and
testing procedures outlined in other sections of the
specifications, the Developer shall be required to
install the pipe in such a manner so that the deflection
of the pipe shall not exceed 5% and the material sur-
rounding the pipe shall be compacted to not less than
90% Proctor. The area requiring compaction shall in-
clude the bed and side fill material and also the
material placed above the pipe for a distance of 12-
inches over the top of the pipe. The City may require
up to 10 random compaction tests to be completed by an
approved independent laboratory. If any of these tests
indicate that the material has not been compacted to
the required density, the Developer shall recompact
said material. The City shall then have the right to
require additional compaction tests to insure that
this or other material is compacted to the proper density.
b.03 Final Acceptance - Maximum deflection of the pipeline
under load shall be limited to 5% of the internal pipe
diameter. Pipe exceeding this deflection shall be
considered to have reached the limit of their service-
ability. Prior to expiration of performance bond, the
pipeline shall be measured for deflection by an inde-
pendent testing laboratory acceptable to the City, at
the expense of the Developer. All pipe exceeding 5%
deflection, and all other related work and material,
shall be replaced by the developer.
Testing shall be conducted by means of passing a mandril,
as approved by the City, from one end of the line to
the other. If the testing procedures as listed above,
indicate that the pipe deflection exceeds 5%, that
portion will be considered as a failure, and developer
will be required to replace pipe at developers expense.
Infj 1 tration and (~xfi1 trdt ion t efJt.s uS described in
paragraph a.04, section on Clay Pipe Sanitary Sewer,
shall also apply to the Polyvi nly Cllloride Sewer Pipe.
b.03 Embedment Detail
eACt::.'" L.L
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Feet 4 6
4 i 10
9' 20
131 30
18 40
22 50
Pipe Diameter in Inches
12 15
40 t . 62
21 I 24
71 110 158 248 356 485
88 138 198 309 446 5 5
79 124 178 243 317
119 186 267 364 475
26 59 106 165 238 371 510
31 69
35 ' 79
, 40 I 89
48 i 109
62 '139
70 158
79 170
97 i
113 !1 0
193 277
220 317
248 340
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2. A minimum of 8~inch sewer pipe shall be specified, except
that 6-inch lines will be acceptable only in the locations
where so approved by the City.
3. Wherever possible, sewers shall bo located in the alleys or
easements and shall be 5 feet to 6~ feet deep to invert.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of
the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to
comply with any provision hereof shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to
a fine not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), and
each day that such violation continues shall constitute
a separate offense and shall be punishable accordingly.
If any section or part of any section, paragraph or
clause of this Ordinance is declared invalid or un-
constitutionsl for any reason, such declaration shall not
be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or
effect of any other section or sections, part of section,
paragraph or clause of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its
PASSED AND APPROVED this _~ ~ day of ~
j;Jt~ ~}};d1I-1t~.
Mayor, City of Wylie
, 1977.
/J-'&/t~) tJ J~
City Secretary, City of Wylie
Approved as to form:
-'// LL..c,/~ L"-;.
. t .. !
Crty Attorney,
"". ~
Theodore Kent
2. A minimum of 8~inch sewer pipe shall be specified, except
that 6-inch lines will be acceptable only in the locations
where so approved by the City.
3. Wherever possible, sewers shall bo located in the alleys or
easements and shall be 5 feet to 6~ feet deep to invert.
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of
the provisions of this Ordinance or who shall fail to
comply with any provision hereof shall be guilty of a
misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be subject to
a fine not to exceed Two Hundred Dollars ($200.00), and
each day that such violation continues shall constitute
a separate offense and shall be punishable accordingly.
If any section or part of any section, paragraph or
clause of this Ordinance is declared invalid or un-
constitutionsl for any reason, such declaration shall not
be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or
effect of any other section or sections, part of section,
paragraph or clause of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its
I ;<. xJ.v
day of
, 1977.
ffc9-~'V<Lj 'LU ~ AI ~J
City Secretary, City of Wylie
Approved as to form:
j i J /' ~
., // L\..:._../~.....,- .. c.._'- "::, ~
. t -. 1-1
C~ty Attorney, Theodore Kent