Ordinance 1987-18 (Jr;,::D I 1\.I(::!I\IC::i:~ l\jCJ.. .~ r!./ ~ .....:.....:,.......,/........:.:.......7.:....... AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE OF fj'''lE: c::: 1''1''\' :..,1.... L.ll'" WYLIE, TEXAS, AS HERELoFoRE AMENDED (ORDINANCE NO 81-5), TO CHANGE THE ZONING ON THE HEREINAFTER I)E~SCr'~]:BE~I:) F:'R{:J!='E~~F~"I'y 'l,.t:} "!"I.,1E NE:W ZONII~G (:L,.A~;~3Ir:'I(=~A-- TIoN HEREIN STALED; PROVIDING A REPEALING CLAUSE; F' F..: \J \.J Ie> I 1\1 \:3 j":j 8E:'v'EFi:(:jC I L. I'I'y c::: L.. (~ LJ E) t::: ;: F'rdY) I D I 1',.1 Li PENAL.TIES rOR VIOLAfIoN OF THIS ORDINANCE NOT fO EXCEED THE SUM OF TWO HUNDRED ($200.00> F' D F:i,' E: (i C: 1...1 i] F' F' r~: r...! ~::; E:: ;: (:, 1\1 [) L) eel... ;;:', Fi,: J 1..\ [i AN EFFECTIVE DATE. W!"1J:~~f:~EAE;, tl-lP (::::i"ty Z(:JI"}j.l'lg (:()flln}i5;~;:i{~I"l ar'}(j tt'le Lity C(:){..ln<::j.:l (~'f' the City of Wylie, texas. in compliance with the laws of the State o.f 1'exas witi', r'e.f:er-er'}{:e to t~}e qr"anting (:Jf zori:il"lQ c:: I"t E:l. n q (.::~ :::; Lt n c! f:.:,:II'- -1::. h i:'::: :~':: Cl r'! i "", (.~) C) t... d i r'l E:\ r"t c: i:::~ ~:1. r", cl :~:.: (:1 r'l :i. n (] ITj .::':\ P ~l j'l ~':':-;. \/ (.::..:, giver'l jl-e{lui~5ite !'lC)tj,(::es by pt"tt:):Licatior-~ and ()tl'lerwi~5e!1 arld a~:ter !~(:)].(:jj.rlg dlle ~'lear-ir~gs ar'~d afof:or"dj.!"lQ a 1:\,.:11 ar'lcj ~:2il'" I"leaf~j.i"lg tC) a].l pr'ol:Jelr.ty (JWrler-~5 genel'-ally, tt'le sa:lc! (3c)Ver'rlj.r'lg Bc)cjv i~; o.f: .tl")e (:Jpj.I-}j.(:Jj'.) ti"\a.t tt1B ~:;aj.d <:::t.j2I"lge of Z(:JI.'lJ.!'lg wtlj.ci") i ~:::. un ,:;i.Pi:::> 1. i e<:'I.\":. :i. c:)n of .....Alb.r..;j.,.t..t.Qn....P..~.Y~lQ.p.m~.nt....C..Qmp-a.n.y.. '"hULI,I c:I be gr"anted 0l'ld t~le C:[)m~)!'-etlel.1E5ive Z,:)!"li.ng C]ll"(:jj.!")ar'lc:e (J0: tt'lB Cj..ty e)f Wylie stlOlJ:i.(::1 be amer')ded il") tj'le e>:er-c.i~se ().f: :L'C~~~; legislative discretion: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CliY COUNCIL OF THE CITY DF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. That the Comprehenslve Zoning Ordinance ot the City of Wylie, Texas, be and the same is hereby amended by amending the Zoning Map of the City of Wylie, to qive the t'10j"'eina.f:ter" des(::r"j.tJecl r:)r"c)~)erty a l"lew 2CJflirlQ distll'.i<::t c: ]. E:'" ~::~. ::::. i + i c:: ~':';i. '1::. :i. C) r '"I t:. CJ ...., 1.1\1 i . I::. :: . ...........SJngl~....f.g,mi.ly..3 ~iai(j pr"C~~JeFi-\,' beir'lq clet5cf-il~ed a~; f(~l:L{~w~;~ See attached ;~'~ -. .10::- J__ . . ~ _ ZONING DESCRPTION BEING a trad of land situated in the E.C. Davidson Survey, Abstract No. 266, City of Wylie, CoIHn County, Texas, being part of Westgate, Phase I, an addition to the CIty of Wylie, as recorded In CabInet F, Pages' 793 and 794, of the Collin County Plat Records, and being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point In 1he souIh right-of-way line of FM 3412 (90' wIdIb), said point being both the. noIthwest comer'. of 268.879 IlCre tract of land conveyed. by deed to N.C. JeIIries in Volume 1703, Page 784 of the Deed Records of Collin County, Texas, and approximately 40' south. of the northeast 'comer of said DIMd80n SUN8y; 1lENCE South 000 58' so- West along the west line of said Jeffries tract a distance of 310.67 feet to a point for comer; THENCE South 700 54' 27- West a distance of 316.37 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 190 05' 33- West a distance of 20.00 feet to a point on a curve to the left having a central angle of 710 02' 16- and a radial bearing and distance of South 700 55' SO- West 214.25 feet; THENCE along said circular curve to the left an arc distance of 265.63 feet and a chord bearing and distance of North 540 35' 18- West 248.95 feet to the point of tangency; THENCE South 890 59' 34- West a distance of 180.00 feet to a point for comer; THENCE North 000 00' 26- West a distance of 251.21 feet to a point in the south right-of-way line of aforementioned FM 3412; THENCE North 890 59' 34- East along said south right-of-way line a distance of 294.45 feet to the northwest comer of a tract of land desaibed as an exception to a tract of land conveyed by deed to Sat Del Rey Properties, Inc., as recorded in Volume 1663, Page 451, Deed Records of Collin County, Texas; THENCE the following bearings and distances along said exception trad to points for corner: South 000 22' 55- East, 261.93 feet; North 880 46' 59- East. 169.96 feet; Nor1h 000 04' 18- West, 130.96 feet; North 5~ 13' 55- East, 14.84 feet; North 000 14' 06- West, 118.29 feet to the south right-of-way of aforementioned FM 3412; THENCE North 890 59' 34- East along said south right-of-way line a distance of 216.55 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 0.5915 acres or 25,764 square feet of land. SECTION L. That all ordinances of the CIty in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance be, and the same are hereby, repealed and all other ordinances of the City not in c:(:)r'~'fl:ict wittl ttle pr"(:)vlsi{:)f'lS (J.t t~lis (:)r"clil"~ar'jc:e sl~all !1"Pfll2il'l l.r') 'fLlJ.:!. 'fcJr"c::e ar'l(:J effect.. SECTION~. That the above described property shall be used only in the manner and for the purposes provided for in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance 0+ the City as amended herein I:) \:., t h {.::.~ (~J i'" t'::' n t :i. n t.J c:c -;:: t:. h :i. ':::; :~':~ () n 1 n q c: ], i:i. ~::' ::;,:i. + :l c: ci. -1::. t () n " (:~ F::j'. r I C)I"\I .,:j. "f'hat Stl0~..l],d al"}Y rJ2jragr"apt'), ~~5er1ter1c:e, tl'lj.~; c)r'dir'~arl{:e t:)P j.:I.legal (Jr" ],l"}~la:id, this ordinance as ::::.t,_lb c:i i \/ i ~:::' :i, c::cn :i C 1 i-::i,U, :::.f::':' :1 pt.,,! r' ~::i, '::::.C! Ci!'OO :::. E.: C t:i. C)!"j C)-1-- adjudged or held to be unconstitutional. t~le s;ame s!'la:ll l"l(~.t a.f,f:ec::t ttle valicIJ..ty o.t' ~':':'t t:\lhcJl f:::' (J!.'.. a.lml\/ rla.I'..'!::. c:)I.... pr"c)\/:!. '::~.:i. CJn t:.;'''!i::.~li''''I::~:'C)+ C) '1::. !''', f..,::'j-"n i:,i I :':-Ijl 1.111'." I'I~"'! +. so decided to be invalid, illegal or unconstitutional and shall not affect the validity of the Comprehensive Zoning ()Il"ciir'lal'lce 2:~ a wi")(::cle.. SECTION 5. That any person, firm or corporation violating 0l"lV (:)+ tl"lE 1:Jr"(:)v:i5:i.(:)rl~~; or' ~er'ln~5 a.t. this; Olr'{:jj.flarl{:::e ~;tlall IJP subject to the same penalty as provided for in the (::c:)fnfJ~'el"le!"lsive Z<:)nj,r')q f::ll"'dif13I'lce c).f ttle (::itY~i as j-lel"'o'l(:3.f(:Jr"E 2iYlene1ecj, and Ll~)Or'l C:(:)f'lvj. (:"'tj. CJJ"l ~;t'la],]. be 13Uflistleci by .f:LI")e l'lO.t 't{~ e>~~:ee(:! ttle sLtnl (::){ tW(:J ~l'.Jr'ld!""ed d(~11af"~5 ($2~:)~:)~(}O) .f(:)l:" eat::!..) ()f'f:er)5e~i arlcJ tt')3't eac::t"l (jay StJCi-l vio].atJ.(:JI") sha],J. COI"ltj.l"l{..le 'l:(:J e~,{j.!5t s;tla:ll (:::c)rlstitl.lte a !5ef)al~ate {3ffel"}SG" ~;E~[:'~'IiJN ():: l:t j.~;5 flec::essar"v to give tt'12 p~(:Jr)eF'ty desc::t:":ibeeJ t'lerei,r'l tt18 atJ<:Jve tller'l'l:ic)fl2ej 2C)f'lJ.nq cla~ss;i'f:Lcati(JI"l :irl (3!"'(:leir' t(J per-mi.'L j,t~; ~:)r-c)~)er- deve].(Jr:){nel.)t arlcj j.l") ()f-(:ier" to ~:)r-(Jt2(:t 't!"le r:)lj~:)li{:: irlteF'e!~~t, <:::Offlfc:)!,.'t 2r")(j qer'~er"al we:Lfat'e fo ttle (:it~!" Therefore, this ordinance shall take effect immediately ~rom 31'1d a.ft:er" j.ts pa~5s;aqe, a~~; tt'jE law :lfl S{~C:tl (::a~;es tJlr"(:)vj.des~" DULLY PASSED bY THE CI1Y COUNCIL. DF THE CITY OF WYL.IE, rE:>J:!~::;" t.h:i. ~::. t.1"H,': . ....24.th... c!.:'.i\.' cd: ....F.ebruary........... ........ .... . 'I 1 (;:'::::) Z...." ~\\\\ \\,\1, IIIIII",,,,,,/, ~~~ 0 F W~~/~ ~'A. "' ., <. ~ ~ ~ ~..' '.; ,..",,:~ 6 () .*~ 2".'-'."'--..- /~ / ~ _-? ~~? ..~--7 .........,.................,.... 'm' ....:::':..,......... ,.....~,.....<:..._~~'':':~~'~... Chuck Trimble, Mavor ('ifr E bT ~ /\ .' . ,/, / A (. " ;-" . . - .I / .r). , jl .1*'" . .-/ ..... .(..'~..ji.{./:.t/~l:.~.. .',4,. '.m m' .....(::6:~/,1.{,;;:~:::<.. c::: ,:'irt:) :C'y' n Nf.0 ,::. ~,' Cyf y"0 S F'e: ,.... E' t a.I'" y