01-15-2009 (Public Arts Advisory) Minutes Public Arts Advisory Board
Regular Board Meeting
January 15, 2009 - 6:30 p.m.
Wylie Municipal Complex
Council Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
The meeting was called to order at 6:.35 p.m. by Vice Chairman Harrison. Those in attendance were:
Patsy Robertson, Polly Harrison, Kathy Spillyards, Ashley Burt, Alvaro Salinas, and Erin Dougherty.
Chairman Matthews arrived at 7:00 p.m.
Staff present was Carole Ehrlich, Board Liaison/Secretary and Craig Kelly, Public Information Officer.
❑ Update and discussion regarding the branding/logo for the 2009 Annual
Wylie Arts Festival and Update and discussion regarding the proposed
applications for fine arts, food, and arts and craft booths. (Members Erin
Dougherty and Ashley Burt)
Board Discussion
PAAB member Dougherty reported that at the December 18th PAAB meeting, she asked members present to give
direction regarding the logo/branding for the Annual Wylie Arts Festival. The direction was to move forward with
logo and branding for Wylie Arts Festival with "Light up the Arts" as a tag line to incorporate the tree lighting. The
committee is planning to meet in the very near future to create the title and corresponding logo to be presented to
PAAB at the February or March meeting.
The Fine Arts and Arts and Crafts sub-committee chair Burt presented a rough draft of the proposed fine arts,
crafts and food application. Some suggestions that were discussed at the December meeting were added and
she presented the final draft to PAAB members for their review. She explained that revisions and final approval
may also be taken under business items tonight if the board wished to do so.
❑ Discussion regarding attendance numbers for other events held in the City.
(C. Kelly, Public Information Officer)
Staff Comments
Public Information Officer Kelly reported that he had compiled some rough numbers of attendance from other
events in Wylie, that were similar, to assist PAAB members in arriving at possible attendance estimates. He
reported that the Halloween Trick or Treat event brought in several thousand attendees; in contrast the Wylie
Summer Concert Series brought in a few hundred. The annual rodeo brings in an audience of approximately
2,000. He stated that residents in Wylie tend to come out for local events. He noted that the Christmas Parade
was well attended with people lining both sides of downtown Ballard. He explained that with the art event
scheduled for December, there should be a good number of people who come out to shop. Mr. Kelly noted that if
the event is planned well and marketed, the number should be quite good.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the minutes from the December 18, 2008
Public Arts Advisory Board Meeting. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Board Action
A motion was made by chairman Matthews, seconded by board member Dougherty to approve the
PAAB minutes of December 18, 2008 as presented. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
Tabled from December 18, 2008
Board Action
Consensus of the board was to remove item #2 from the table and consider.
2. Consider and act upon the appointment of sub-committee members for the
2009 Wylie Public Arts Festival and designating a date for the annual event.
(C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Staff Comments
PAAB staff liaison Ehrlich addressed the board stating that during the November 20th PAAB meeting
members volunteered to head individual committees needed for the first annual Wylie Arts Festival. Members
were also asked to submit to staff possible sub-committee volunteers to assist with the many areas that will
be needed for the event. At the December 18, 2008 PAAB meeting the following committees were approved:
Event Logo/Branding Committee, Fine Arts and High End Craft Vendor Committees, and the
Entertainment/Performing Arts Committee. The board asked that the following committees be tabled until a
listing of volunteer members for each committee could be submitted. Those committees include: Festive
Foods Vendors Committee, Volunteers Committee, Publicity Committee, Exposition Committee and the
Sponsorship Committee.
Board Discussion
PAAB members submitted additional volunteers to serve on the above committees for acceptance and
approval by the full board. PAAB members also recommended adding additional names as the event came
closer. PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that during the Wylie Boards and Commission interviews in June of
2009 the panel would ask those applying to consider volunteering for these committees.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Spillyards, seconded by chair Matthews to appoint the
following committees:
Festive Foods Vendors and Exposition Committee
January 15,2009 Wylie Public Arts Advisory Board Minutes Page 2 of 4
Kathy Spillyards-Chair, Cammie Spillyards, and Katy Cobb-Lee
Publicity Committee
Stewart Matthews-Chair, Craig Kelly, and Alvaro Salinas
Sponsorship Committee
Stewart Matthews-Chair, Sandy Pecaut, Craig Kelly, and Alvaro Salinas
Volunteers Committee
Erin Dougherty-Co Chair, Patsy Robertson-Co Chair, Joelanda Kundl, Lisa Garza, Jo Murphy, and
Sue Dempsey.
Additional members may be appointed to any committee at a later date. A vote was taken and the
motion passed 7-0.
3. Consider and act upon the Fine Art, Arts and Crafts, and Food Vendor
application for the Wylie Arts Festival. (C. Ehrlich, PAAB staff liaison)
Staff Comments
.1RM. PAAB liaison Ehrlich reported that during the PAAB discussion items tonight, PAAB members were presented
the proposed application for the fine arts, arts and crafts and food vendors. Final approval of the proposed
application may be made by this action item or tabled to another PAAB meeting. She noted that any revisions
could be included in the motion.
Board Discussion
Chair Matthews suggested that the time for the event be set for 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. The time period will
include the tree lighting and booth disassembly. Craig Kelly suggested that in addition to the 13 steps noted
on the application for vendors, that a simple 4 step process be noted at the end of the application to allow
applicants to quickly see if all items required for submission had be completed. He also suggested that ice
being furnished be removed so the City was not required to provide the ice. Additionally members discussed
adding festive and unique food and beverage vendors to insure that the vendors would sell food items specific
to the holiday event. Board members discussed changing the wording at the bottom of the application to read:
"All net proceeds for the Wylie Arts & Crafts Festival are used for the installation and maintenance of art
within the City of Wylie." Booth costs were set as follows: Arts & Crafts at$100.00 per space (add'I spaces @
$50.00 each), Festive Food and Beverage Booths at $150.00 (add'I spaces at $75.00 each) and non profit
groups at $50.00. Members suggested that fine art be by invitation. Chair Matthews commended board
member Burt and her committee for their thoroughness in the compilation of the proposed application.
Board Action
A motion was made by board member Dougherty, seconded by Chair Matthews to approve the
proposed Wylie Arts Festival application with the above discussion items included, pending the logo
and subject to legal review. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
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Board Action
A motion was made by board chair Matthews, seconded by board member Spillyards to adjourn the
meeting at 7:55 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 7-0.
Stewar atthews, Chair
Carol Ehrlich, S retary
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