02-03-2009 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 1P, Parks and Recreation Board
Tuesday, February 3,2009—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Staff Conference Room
2000 Highway 78 North
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Co-chairman Dan Chesnut called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m.
Board Members present: Co-Chair Dan Chesnut, Brandi Lafleur, Benny Jones, Donna Larson and David Willey.
Absent were: Anne Hiney and Joy Cortinas.
Staff members present Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters, Economic Development Director Sam Satterwhite,
Public Services Director Michael Sferra, Parks& Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson, Parks& Recreation Asst
Superintendent Robert Diaz& Parks Secretary Charlotte Rice.
Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must provide their name and address Council requests that comments be
limited to three(3)minutes.In adddion,Council is not slowed to converse,deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
1.Consider and act upon recommending changes to the budget for the Founders Park Expansion and
Renovation Project that reflect the additional funding from the Collin County Parks and Open Space
Board Action:
Francois de Kock with Halff & Associates presented the Board with two new prototypes for pavilions; a
Concept A and Concept B. Concept A featured a large rectangular pavilion near the entrance of the
playground with minimal sidewalk addition. Concept B featured a hexagonal pavilion located south of the
playground with extensive sidewalk addition. It was agreed at the last meeting that the chosen pavilion should
be the same quality of Community Park's and Olde City Park's existing structures, which the first pavilion
satisfied. Another item included re-configuring the size and length of the walking trail to accommodate the
available funding and Mr. de Kock provided an augmented site plan featuring a complete walking trail that
better reflected the Board's vision. The Board considered both designs and decided that Concept A provided
a more generalized location. Board Member Willey motioned to pass Concept A presented by Halff &
Associates and Board Member Jones seconded.A vote was taken and passed 5-0.
2. Discussion and review of Chapter 78,Article IV of the City of Wylie Code of Ordinances:
Parkland Dedication and Appendix C: Fee Schedule,Section 15.00, Parkland Dedication Fees.
Board Discussion:
Assistant City Manager Jeff Butters began the discussion by imparting to the Board that the City is getting
feedback from commercial developers who are disappointed that the City requires them to pay non-residential
(commercial)fee for parkland dedication. He said that this impact fee, along with the City of Wylie having the
second-highest tax-rate in the state, was making commercial developers query how their commercial
properties impacted the City's parks system. He also intimated that there might be a legality involved, and
gave an incident in College Station, Texas as an example,that involved a similar fee.
With this current fee, retail outlets would be hesitant to commit to the City, opting to build nearby in cities who
did not implement such an impact fee. Economic Development Director Sam Satterwhite said he was in the
process of conducting an independent study comparing the methods by which fee-structure affects the ability
to attract potential developers and found it to be a great deterrent. The study predicted stagnant growth and
the developers lamenting the fee inspired scrutiny by staff and Council alike.
Board Member Brandi LaFteur said that Wylie shouldn't be compared to bigger cities because it was smaller
than most of the surrounding cities. Board Member Benny Jones said that the fee mostly hurt small
businesses and supported waiving the fee, or eliminating the fee, altogether. Board Member Willey asked Mr.
Satterwhite when he would yield results from his independent study and Mr. Satterwhite said approximately
three weeks. Board Member Willey recommended that the fee be suspended for two years and then brought
back for review, but before taking it to Council, wanted Mr. Satterwhite to share his results with the Board.
3. Discuss proposed non-smoking ordinance for parks and park facilities.
Board Discussion:
Assistant Parks Superintendent Robert Diaz presented the Board with the ordinance that staff drafted as per
the Board's request. This ordinance was presented to the Board at the regular January 26, 2009 meeting. The
vrvornak Board liked the proposed ordinance and recommended it as an action item. Mr. Diaz said that per attorney
review, it would be ready to go to Council in the spring.
A motion was made by Board Member Willey to adjourn and Board Member Jones seconded the motion;
consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:38 p.m.
Dan Chesnut,Co-Chairman
Charlotte Rice, Park Board Secretary
Minutes—February 3,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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