11-08-2021 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes ' Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes D;,o
November 8,2021 —6:30 PM
Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board Member Brian Willeford, Board Member Craig Allen, and Board Member
Mullis. Board Chair Joni Robinson,Board Member Brett Swendig,and Board Member Kevin Stewart were absent.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant
II Janet Hawkes.
Wylie resident Daniel Chesnut, former Parks and Recreation Board Member, commented on his appreciation for
the Wylie Recreation Center and how well he thought it was managed, as well as his understanding of the need for
a increase to membership fees in the near future.
A. Consider,and act upon,approval of the October 23,2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Willeford,to approve the October 23,
2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Chair
Robinson, Board Member Swendig,and Board Member Stewart absent.
WS1. Project updates.
Director Diaz advised that City Council is requiring all Board and Commission meetings to be presented live stream
beginning January 2022. Staff will update the Board with information regarding this change as it becomes available.
Director Diaz updated the Board on the status of upcoming projects for the splash pad(s), dog-park, and the Senior
Center facility improvements. City Council approved the aforementioned projects and have since amended the
general fund budget to allow the construction process to begin. Staff is working with BRW, an architecture firm,
on finalizing a scope for senior center improvements. Staff is also working through the Request for Qualification
process to contract with a firm to design the dog park and splash pad(s). 4B funds and 4B bonds are being considered
to supplement the general fund in all three projects. After the landscape architect firm is chosen and the contract is
approved by City Council,monthly design updates will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board;in addition,
' joint work sessions will take place with City Council,of which Board Members are encouraged to attend.
WS2. Future agenda items.
November 8,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page I 1
Director Diaz reviewed the October 26,2021 work session presentation given to the City Council on the completed
Cost of Service Study conducted by Pros Consultants. The study included reviews of current fees for the senior
center,Brown House,pavilions,and athletic fields;however,recreation center fees for current operations were the
primary focus in Pros Consultants' presentation. Fees will be considered for the other parks and recreation facilities
and will be presented to the City Council at a later date. Director Diaz noted that approximately$333,000 of the
Recreation's annual funds go toward free public events with no revenue recovery, and that the Center is currently
at a 41%overall recovery and a 68%recovery for membership fees. He explained that the pre-COVID-19 pandemic
recovery was at approximately 50%overall and approximately 68%for membership fees. Recreation membership
fees are the primary focus in the study with a target goal of 100%recovery for membership fees and 61%recovery
for programs. In addition,market and operational studies could also be considered for the recreation center in the
near future. Director Diaz advised that a proposed follow up work session with City Council will take place at a
future meeting wherein staff should receive more direction on proceeding with the recommendations of the Cost of
Service Study.
The recently installed digital sign at Olde City Park is near completion. The stonework is finished and the digital
board is on order. Sign content will be managed by Parks and Recreation staff in coordination with our City
Information Public Officer.
The playground at Twin Lakes Park is on backorder. The parking lot lighting at Community Park and the Senior
Center will be ordered by the end of the year. Lighting upgrades will be made at the Founders Park area tennis
courts, which are shared between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District. The City of Wylie
maintains the lighting repairs and payment of the utility costs,along with shared costs in light upgrades.
Upcoming City events include the Christian Care Bake Sale on November 24,the Wylie Arts Festival on December
4, the Holiday Parade and the Tree Lighting event on December 5. Brown House Supervisor Julie Pannell is
coordinating volunteer opportunities for city sponsored/co-sponsored events and will be reaching out to the Parks
and Recreation Board via email with volunteer information.
Brown House interior repairs are nearly complete,and the planned Visitor's Center within should be open sometime
in February or March of 2022.
A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Allen, to adjourn the meeting at 7:39
p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Chair Robinson, Board Member Swendig, and Board
Member Stewart absent.
'aria Suarez, Boar V6e-Chair
Janet Bawkes,Administrative Assistant II
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