09-13-2021 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 1 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes 1„I September 13,2021 —6:30 PM Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Joni Robinson called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Brian Willeford, Board Member Craig Allen, and Board Member Kevin Stewart. Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Kim Mullis were both absent. Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No one came forward. REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider, and act upon,approval of the August 9,2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Stewart, seconded by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, to approve the August 9, 2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Kim Mullis absent. B. Consider,and act upon,approval of a Park Event Application for the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club to hold a softball tournament fundraiser event at Founders Park on November 6,2021. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Allen, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to approve the recommendation of a Park Event Application for the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club to hold a softball tournament fundraiser event at Founders Park on November 6, 2021. A vote was taken and motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Kim Mullis absent. WORK SESSION WSI. Discuss Cemetery Advisory Board update. Board Vice-Chair Suarez presented the Parks and Recreation Board on an update of the newly formed Cemetery Advisory Board, on which she also serves as a Board Member. This seven-person Board met for their first regular ' meeting on September 2, 2021 wherein Sandra Stone was nominated to serve as Board Chair, and Keith Stephens was nominated to serve as Board Vice-Chair for the 2021-2022 term. Both Cemetery Advisory Board Chair Stone and Board Vice-Chair Stephens have prior experience serving on similar boards. The Cemetery Advisory Board members voted to approve the Meeting Rules and Procedures as well as the meeting calendars for 2021 and 2022, September 13,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board MinutesPage I 1 agreeing to meet on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Wylie City Council Chambers. Wylie Assistant City Manager Renae' 011ie serves as Staff Liaison for the Cemetery Advisory Board,and she expects the transition of cemetery ownership and its existing funds to be underway by January 2022. In October or November staff is planning a Cemetery Advisory Board tour of the potential cemeteries that the City expects to acquire. WS2. Discuss future projects. Director Diaz advised that discussion between management staff and the City Council will take place at the September 14, 2021 City Council meeting to discuss potential projects throughout the City utilizing General Fund fund balance. City Manager Holstead is recommending a total of$5,320,000 be funded out of the General Fund balance during fiscal year 2021/2022 to go towards the expense of these potential projects. Based on the Parks and Recreation Master Plan findings as well as the recent bond discussions, City Manager Holstead is recommending consideration of pursuing projects for a splash pad, a dog park, and Senior Center facility improvements, all to be funded out of the General Fund. Director Diaz added that the 4B Fund balance could possibly be a funding source that would assist the aforementioned projects being considered. As noted in the recent Feasibility Study, the potential Senior Center remodel would likely include updated ADA compliant restrooms and a porte cochere at the front entrance of the building. A potential dog park could possibly be constructed north of the library, as indicated on the Municipal Complex Master Plan. A possible splash pad could be located at the Municipal Complex, behind the Library and Recreation Center (as shown on the Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Master Plan). A second splash pad is being considered to be located at Community Park due to its existing infrastructure, of which includes restrooms and parking. WS3. Discuss future Agenda items. Director Diaz listed some items staff recommended as potential items for discussion at future Parks and Recreation Board meetings. Board Chair Robinson advised that Board Members could email her individually with any ideas for topics of discussion,which she would forward on to Director Diaz. The fall Parks and Recreation Board Tour is scheduled for October 23, 2021 from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., which will begin at the Parks Maintenance Building, then onto the west side of town, primarily west of Country Club Road. It is possible the Board will have a brief meeting on Regular Agenda items needing Board approval. Any items of interest the Board would like to see during the Tour can be sent to Board Chair Robinson or Director Diaz individually. Staff is waiting on a response from the Assistant City Manager Renae' 011ie in regards to the suggestion by Board Robinson for City Council Members to join with Parks and Recreation Board Members for a team building retreat. The Parks and Recreation Department fall events will include National Night Out (October 5'h), Arbor Day (November 5'11), Boo on Ballard (October 28`h), the Wylie Arts Festival (December 46'), and Tree Lighting Ceremony(potentially on December 5'h). Board Members are invited to participate or assist in any of these events. Staff will send information on each as it comes available. PROS Consulting continues to work on the Parks and Recreation fee study. This will be added as an item of discussion on future agendas to review updates as well as the full study upon its completion. Board Chair Robinson requested staff to provide monthly updates during the regular Parks and Recreation Board meetings,advising of the progress and financial expenditures of the aforementioned future projects including splash pad(s),a dog park,and the Senior Center facility improvements. ADJOURNMENT September 13,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board MinutesPage 12 A motion was made by Board Member Allen, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to adjourn the meeting at 7:15 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Kim Mullis absent. J i nt Ro•inson,Board Chair ATTESgtAtT: c4v4-1-(24- Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant H September 13,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board MinutesPage 13