Ordinance 1995-01 RRRJ Fax:214-562-0202 Jan 5 '95 14:51 P.02 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE No.9 5 - J AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 19.02 (IO)(c) OF THE CITY OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES; ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN STREETS; ESTABLISHING PRIMA FACIE MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS DURING SCHOOL HOURS IN SUCH ZONE; PROVIDING FOR INST ALLA TrON OF SIGNS AND MARKINGS; REGULATING VEIDCULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC; PRESCRIBING PENAL TIES; REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. WHEREAS, the City Cowlcil of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council"), finds it necessary to amend Chapter 10, Section 19.02(1O)(c) of the Code of Ordinances to coordinate with the change in school attendance times and to establish maximwn speed limits withill the areas and at the locations named alld designated in the body of this Ordinance, ail within the corporate limits of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie"), and in the immediate viCinity of school areas, during periods of time when the schools are in session and school children are going to and from schools and playgrounds; and, WHEREAS, the City Council fmds that it is necessary for the protection and safety of pedestrians crossing streets in school areas to establish maximum speed limits and to prohibit the overtaking and passing of motor vehicles within the school zone; NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: School Zones. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, or drive, allY vehicle at a speed greater than the speed designated or posted, or to overtake or pass any other vehicle in any school AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 19.02 (10){c) OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCE5 E5TABUSHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN 5TREm _ Page 1 Iw I 01105195 II:lmbox8(wyliellldll%one.ord I ft40212.202 RRRJ Fax:214-562-0202 Jan 5 '95 14:52 P.03 zone as may be marked or designated within the city during the hours indicated within the city during the hours indicated upon signs erected in such zone, or whenever children are present in such zones. The following prima facia maximum speed limits hereafter indicated for motor vehicles are hereby determined and declared to be reasonable and safe, and such maximum speed limits are hereby fixed at the rate of speed indicated for motor vehicles traveling upon the main street or highway, or parts thereof, and no motor vehicle shall be operated along or upon said portions of said named streets or highway within the corporate limits of Wylie in excess of the speeds set forth set as follows: (1) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3;00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on school days on the following streets. (a) On Brown Street from a point one hundred fifty feet (150') west of the point of its intersection with Rustic Trail to a point three hundred sixty feet (360') east of the point of its intersection with Westgate Way. (b) On Birmingham Street from the point of its intersection with Williams Street to the point of its intersection with Stone Road. (c) 011 Kirby Street fTOm a point two hundred feet (200') east of the point of its intersection with Memorial Drive to the point of its intersection with Binninghaw Street. (d) On Springwood Lane from the point of its intersection with Lanwood Drive to the point of its intersection with W.A. Allen Boulevard. (e) On Lanwood Drive from a point five hundred twenty-five feet (525') north of its intersection with Spriugwood Lane south to the point of its intersection with Heatherwood Lane. (f) On Heatherwood Lane from its intersection with Lanwood Drive to its intersection with Castlewood Drive. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 18.02 (10)(c) OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN S~EETS . Page 2 Iw I 01105/H I 1:/mboxSlwyllcW$Chlmne.ord 11940272.202 RRRJ Fax:214-562-0202 Jan 5 '95 14:52 P.04 (g) On W.A. Allen Boulevard from a point five hundred fifty teet (550') north of the poil1t of its intersection with Springwood Lane to a point two hundred fifty feet (250') south of the point of its intersection with Springwood Laue. (h) On Brown Street from a point four hundred fifty feet (450') west of the point of its intersection with W.A. Allen Boulevard to a point four hundred eighty-five feet (485') east of the point of its intersection with W.A. Allen Boulevard. (i) On Stone Road from a point four hundred feet (400') west of the point of its intersection with Allen Road to a point two hundred fifty feet (250') east of the point of its intersection with Allen Road. (2) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:20 am. to 8:05 a.m. and 3:05 p.m. to 3:35 p.m. on school days on the following streets: (a) On Ballard Street from the point of its intersectiOll with Pirate Drive to a point three hundred twenty-five feet (325') south of the point of its intersection with Birmingham Street. (3) Twenty (20) miles per hour between the hours of 7:25 a.m. to 8:10 aln. and 3:10 p.ln. to 3:40 p.m. on school days on the fOllowing streets: (a) On Stone Road from a point two hundred twenty feet (220') east of the point of its intersection with Ballard Street to a point one hundred fifty feet (150') east of the point of its intersection with Hilltop Street. (b) On Pirate Drive from the point of its intersection with Hilltop Street to a point two hundred feet (200') east of the point two hundred feet (200') east of the point of its intersection with Ballard Street. ( c) On Hilltop Street from the point of its intersection with Pirate Drive to a point two hlUldred twenty-five feet (225') south of the point of its intersection with Stone Road. (4) Twenty-five (25) miles per hour between the hours of 7:15 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on school days on the following streets: (a) On State Highway 78 from the point of its intersection with Jackson Street to a point five hundred fifty-five feet (555') south of the point of its intersection with Binningham Street. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 18.02 (10)(c;) OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN S~TS . Page 3 Iw I 01105195 II:fmbox8lwylielschlzone.ord / tMOZ72.202 RRRJ Fax:214-562-0202 Jan 5 '95 14:53 P.05 The speed limits contained herein shall not be effective until signs giving notice of such regulations are posted upon or at the entrances to those portions of the street or highway affected as may be most appropriate in accordance with the Uniform Manual on Traffic Control Devices promulgated by the State Department of Highways and Public Transportation of the State of Texas, and the City Manager Or his or her duly authorized representative is authorized and directed to cause to be erected such appropriate signs. SECTION 2: Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fwed a sum of not more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall consititute a separate offense_ SECTION 3: Severability. It is the intention of the City Council that this Ordinance, and every provision thereof, shall be considered severable and the invalidity of any section, clause or provision or part 01' portion of any section, clause, or provision of this Ordinance shaH not affect the validity of any other portion of this Ordinance. SECTrON 4: Publication. The caption of this Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the law and the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wylie, Texas aud shall be effective immediately upon its passage and such publication. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 19.02 (10)(c) OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES ESTABUSHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAfN STREETS. Page 4 Iw I 01105115 II:lmboX8IWyIlelsc:hlxone.ord I n40272202 RRRJ Fax:214-562-0202 Jan 5 '95 14:53 P.06 DUL Y PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS on this day of 1995. ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: . 4()~titl~ City Secretary RICHARD M_ ABERNATHY City Attorney DATE OF PUBLICATION IN mE WYUE NEWS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 10, SECTION 19.02 (10)(c) OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES ESTABLISHING A SCHOOL ZONE FOR CERTAIN STREETS - Page 5 Iw I 01/05195 II:/mboxllwylielschl%cme.ord 1 ft4027Z.202