10-07-2021 (Cemetery Advisory Board) Minutes ' Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes
Tour: October 7,2021 -4:00 PM ;,
Meeting: October 7,2021 -6:00 PM
Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
The Cemetery Advisory Board met at the Wylie City Hall parking lot,300 Country Club Rd.,Building 100, Wylie,
TX 75098 at 4:00 p.m.,to tour the following cemeteries: 1) Wylie Cemetery located adjacent to the Allen Funeral
Home off of Masters St.,2)Hughes Cemetery located off of Oak St., 3)Kreymer Cemetery located in Avalon Park
off of Kings Ct., 4) Hardt Cemetery located in Bozman Farms Subdivision on Crescent Oak St. and Wildflower
Ln., and 5) Groves Cemetery located in Dominion of Pleasant Valley Subdivision off of Crepe Myrtle Dr. All
Cemetery Advisor Board Members were in attendance, including the two Board Alternates.
Board Chair Sandra Stone called the regular meeting to order at 6:09 p.m. The following Cemetery Board members
were present: Board Co-Chair Keith Stephens,Board Member Gloria Suarez,Board Member Juan Azcarate,Board
Member Allison Stowe,Board Member Sandra Mondy,and Board Member Kimberly Summers. Board Alternates
Jami Lindquist and Erin Williams were also present.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant
II Janet Hawkes. Assistant City Manager Renae' 011ie was absent from the meeting.
Sachse High School student and Eagle Scout member, James Ali, gave a presentation on his project to honor
veterans who are buried in Wylie cemeteries. His project consists of him identifying military veterans buried in
Wylie cemeteries and to have their graves identified for honors and ceremonies such as Memorial Day, Veterans'
Day,and Wreaths Across America. Once identified,Mr.Ali intends to mark the graves with metal stakes and flags.
A. Consider,and act upon,approval of the September 2,2021 Regular Cemetery Advisory Board minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Stephens,seconded by Board Member Azcarate,to approve the September
2,2021 Regular Cemetery Advisory Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0.
WS1. Cemetery Advisory Board update.
Director Diaz advised that Wylie Cemetery and Hughes Cemetery will likely be taken over by the City of Wylie in 111
early 2022. Funding of approximately $50,000 has been designated for cemetery maintenance in the 2021/2022
budget,which will primarily go toward mowing and turf maintenance.
October 7,2021 Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Page I 1
Director Diaz explained that staff will begin drafting cemetery rules and regulations which will be brought to the
Cemetery Advisory Board for review and recommendation for approval by City Council. Staff intends to look at
the City of Mesquite and City of Allen's rules and guidelines as a basis in drafting the City of Wylie's rules and
Director Diaz stated that it is likely the City will set up a perpetual fund for the cemeteries after the fund balance is
received from the current cemetery board.
WS2. Future agenda items.
Board Chair Stone recommended future discussion on the consideration of setting up cemetery related committees,
as well as the setup of cemetery hours and a schedule of fees.
Director Diaz reiterated that routine maintenance on the cemeteries will be City directed without Board input, but
the Cemetery Advisory Board will oversee capital project items. He stated that a schedule of fees and hours of
operation will be brought before the Cemetery Advisory Board for review and recommendation for approval by
City Council.
A motion was made by Board Member Stephens, seconded by Board Member Suarez, to adjourn the meeting at
6:29 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 7-0.
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