Ordinance 1998-07 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. q S' - 7 AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DECLARING THAT UNCONTROLLED BURNING OF TRASH, GARBAGE, REFUSE OR OTHER DEBRIS WITHIN 5,000 FEET OF THE CITY LIMITS OF WYLIE IS 1) DANGEROUS AND DETRIMENTAL TO THE LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY OF ITS CITIZENS, 2) CREATES UNNECESSARY EXPENSES TO THE CITY AND 3) INTERFERES WITH THE ENJOYMENT OF PROPERTY AND/OR THE PUBLIC PEACE AND COMFORT, AND THEREFORE UNCONTROLLED BURNING IS DECLARED TO BE A NUISANCE AND IS PROHIBITED WITHIN 5000 FEET OF THE CITY LIMITS; DEFINING UNCONTROLLED BURNING; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR ABATING THE NUISANCE AND PREVENTING THE NUISANCE BY ALLOWING AN EXEMPTION IF A BURN PERMIT IS OBTAINED; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF TillS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, REPEALING AND SAVING CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the City of Wylie, Texas ("Wylie") to minimize the exposure of the potential dangers of uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie, and to protect, promote and preserve the public health, comfort, convenience, safety and welfare of the citizens of Wylie; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas ("City Council") investigated and determined that the controlled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie is potentially dangerous and detrimental to the life, health and property of its citizens; and WHEREAS, the City Council further investigated and determined that the uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie creates unnecessary expenses to Wylie when emergency vehicles are required to be dispatched to uncontrolled bums or bum sites unknown to emergency personnel; and ORDINANCE DECLARING BURNING WITHIN 5000 FEET OF WYLIE TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITED - Page 1 kw /1O/23/971\:/mbox8/wylie/firedeptlburrmus.ord / #940272.202 WHEREAS, the City Council further investigated and determined that the uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie interferes with the enjoyment of property and/or the public peace and comfort because of the fear and potential for spread of fire and/or smoke; and WHEREAS, for the reasons listed above and after careful consideration, the City Council hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to declare the uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie to be a nuisance pursuant to the authority granted in 9217.042 of the Local Government Code; and WHEREAS, for the reasons listed above and after careful consideration, the City Council hereby determines that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to prohibit the uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie, and to provide procedures for preventing and abating such nuisance; and WHEREAS, the City Council further investigated and determined that it is in the best interest of the citizens of Wylie to prevent such nuisance by allowing an exemption to the prohibition of uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie if a bum permit is obtained as provided for in Chapter 46 of Wylie's Code of Ordinances thereby allowing the bum to be controlled as determined by the city fire chief or designated representative. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: Incorporation of Findings. The findings set forth above are incorporated into the body of this Ordinance as if fully set forth herein. ORDINANCE DECLARING BURNING WITHIN 5000 FEET OF WYLIE TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITED - Page 2 kw 11 0/23/971\:/mbox8/wylielfrredeptlburrmus.ord I #940272.202 SECTION 2: Declaration of Nuisance and Definition of Uncontrolled Burning. The City Council hereby declares that the uncontrolled burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie 1) is a nuisance and can create dangerous conditions which are detrimental to the life, health and property of the citizens of Wylie, 2) creates unnecessary expenses for Wylie and 3) interferes with the enjoyment of property and/or the public peace and comfort. Uncontrolled burning means any and all burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5,000 feet of the city limits of Wylie unless the burning is conducted pursuant to one of the exemptions provided hereinafter. SECTION 3: Prohibition. It is unlawful for any person or entity to bum, cause to be burned, or allow any burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5000 feet of the city limits of Wylie, and such conduct is hereby prohibited except as otherwise provided hereinafter. SECTION 4: Exemptions. The burning of trash, garbage, refuse or other debris within 5000 feet of the city limits of Wylie shall be exempt from the prohibition of this Ordinance under the following conditions: 1) under the authority of a bum permit issued by Wylie as set forth in Chapter 46 of Wylie's Code of Ordinances, or as may be amended from time to time; 2) pursuant to a written grant from the Texas Natural Resource and Conservation Commission as more fully set forth in Chapter 46 of Wylie's Code of Ordinances, or as may be amended from time to time; or 3) in a state-approved, enclosed incinerator. ORDINANCE DECLARING BURNING WITHIN 5000 FEET OF WYLIE TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITED - Page 3 kw IIO/23/971\:/mbox8/wylie/frredeptlburrmus.ord I #940272.202 SECTION 5: Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty ofa misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2000.00). Each continuing day's violation under this Ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. SECTION 6: Iniunctive Relief In addition to and accumulative of all other penalties, Wylie shall have the right to seek injunctive relief to abate any and all violations of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: Severability Clause. It is the intention of the City Council that this Ordinance, and every provision thereof, shall be considered severable and the invalidity of any section, clause or provision or part or portion of any section, clause, or provision of this Ordinance shall not affect the validity of any other portion of this Ordinance. SECTION 8: Repealing and Saving Clauses. All Ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the extent they are in conflict. Any remaining portions of conflicting ordinances shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 9: Effective Date. The caption of this Ordinance shall be published in accordance with the law and the provisions of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wylie and shall be effective immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS,onthis J1ILdaYOf~ 19<)2: ORDINANCE DECLARING BURNING WITHIN 5000 FEET OF WYLIE TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITED - Page 4 kw 11 0/23/971\:/mbox8/wylielfiredeptlburrmus.ord I #940272.202 ATTESTED AND CORRECTLY RECORDED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: S is lY cre~~AL ,. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~fj ~ 0li ~ ,,,; ,I \>- ~~' ~ rYYLIE ,<(:..\\'-}' qll/I.' ' "lo":;' IlllUm: i: \ \ \ \',\\'. .... Date oCPublication: ABERNATHY, ROEDER, ROBERTSON, BOYD & JOPLIN, P.C. RICHARD M. ABERNATHY D.KAYWOODS City Attorneys ,THE WYLIE NEWS ORDINANCE DECLARING BURNING WITHIN 5000 FEET OF WYLIE TO BE A NUISANCE AND PROHIBITED - Page 5 kw 11 0/23/971\:/mbox8/wylielfiredeptlburrmus.ord I #940272.202 THE WYLIE NEWS Covering Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the tlUrrounding uea 110 N. Ballard St. P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, of THE WYLffi NEWS, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the forgoing attached City 06 WyR~e-O~di~a~~~ No. 98-7 was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: F~b~uCUtu 4 , 1998, and ,1998. /. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the ///'1 to certify which witness my hand and seal of of6c~. day of '~b 2~~U--~8, d ( '2-0 Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires Sept. 26, 2001 Serving Wideawake Wylie Since 1947 ranuu seIS or orawmgs ana spec1l1- cations will not be available. The right is reserved by the Mayor and the City Council, as the interest of the City may require, to reject any and all bids, and to waive any informality in bids received. No officer or employee of the City of Sachse shall have a financial interest, direct or indirect, in any 1 contract with the City of Sachse. ] I THE CITY OF SACHSE, TEXAS ) Lloyd Henderson, City Manager I: ) ATfEST: ~ Terry Smith, City Secretary 35-2t-1370 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS u c 11 ORDINANCE NO. 98-4 ;j n AN ORDINANCE ANNEXING A '! 3021 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, 11 MORE OR LESS, SITUATED IN u THE RICHARD NEWMAN SUR- t VEY, ABSTRACT NO. 660 AND I BEING PART OF THE 195.939 ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN DEED TO BELCO EQUITIES, INC., ,'," RECORDED IN COLLIN COUN- r TY CLERK FILE NO. 95-0003093; PROVIDING THAT THE LAND OWNERS AND INHABITANTS OF THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED TRACT OF LAND SHALL BE ENTITLED TO THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES OF OTHER CITIZENS OF WYLIE AND BE BOUND BY THE ACTS AND ORDINANCES NOW IN EFFECT AND HEREINAFTER ADOPTED; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR A VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AND WYLIE'S COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 91-24, CHAP- TER 12, EXHIBIT A OF WYLIE'S CODE OF ORDINANCES; PRO- VIDING FOR REPEALING, SA V- INGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. 36-lt-339 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ORDINANCE NO. 98-5 AN Erl'ECTIVE DATE. 36-lt-339 CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS ./1 ./ ORDINANCE NO. 98-7 (' AN ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS DECLARING THAT UNCONTROLLED BURN- ING OF TRASH, GARBAGE, REFUSE OR OTHER DEBRIS WITHIN 5,000 FEET OF THE CITY LIMITS OF WYLIE IS 1) DANGEROUS AND DETRIMEN- T AL TO THE LIFE, HEALTH AND PROPERTY OF ITS CITI- ZENS, 2) CREATES UNNECES- SAR Y EXPENSES TO THE CITY AND 3) INTERFERES WITH THE ENJOYMENT OF PROPERTY AND/OR THE PUBLIC PEACE AND COMFORT, AND THERE- FORE UNCONTROLLED BURN- ING IS DECLARED TO BE A NUISANCE AND IS PROHIBIT- ED WITHIN 5000 FEET OF THE CITY LIMITS; DEFINING UNCONTROLLED BURNING; PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR ABATING THE NUISANCE AND PREVENTING THE NUI- SANCE BY ALLOWING AN EXEMPTION IF A BURN PER- MIT IS OBTAINED; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LA TION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILI- TY, REPEALING AND SAVING CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF; AND PRO- VIDING FOR AN, EFFECTIVE DATE. 36-lt-339 PUBLIC NOTICE The Board of Adjustment of the City of Sachse will meet on Thurs- day, February 19, 1998, at 7:30 p.m. at Sachse City Hall, 5560 S.H. 78, to hear a request from Todd Pool, Choice Homes, for a variance to the required side yard of 7.2 feet to allow for a side yard of 5 feet at the following locations in the Davis Estates Addition to the City of Sachse: Block BLots 21R thru 40R; Block D Lots 5R thru lOR; Block B Lot 8R; Block D Lot IR; Block E Lots 2R thru 6R; Block E Lot 17R; Block F Lots 2R, 5R, & 9R; Block A Lots I thru 23; Block BLots 1 thru 12; Block CLots 1 thru 16; Block D Lots 1 thOl 6: Block BLot Byrne Underhill, President 36-2t-371 WYLIE CENTRAL PARK Wylie, Texas SECTION 00020 u Advertise-, ment for Bids Sealed bids, in duplicate, addressed to the Honorable Mayor and City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, for: Wylie Central Park, Wylie, Texas prepared by Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc., 9876 PIano Road, Dallas, Texas 75238 (phone 214- 553-5778), will be received at the office of the Purchasing Manager of the City of Wylie, 2000 High- way 78 N., Wylie, Texas until 3:00 p.m.. February 27. 1998. Bids received after 3:00 p.m. will be returned unopened. The work includes two softball fields, soccer fields, parking lot paving, irrigation and turf. All bids will be opened at the Wylie City Hall, at which time a tabulation will be made for consideration of the Owner in awarding a contract. Any bids received after the closing time will be returned unopened. The Contractor shall identify his/her bid on the outside of the envelope by writing: Wylie Central Park. Bids shall be accompanied by a cashier's check or certified check, drawn upon a national or state bank, in an amount not less than five per- cent (5%) of the total maximum bid price, payable without recourse to the City of Wylie, or a bid bond in the same amount from a reliable surety company, as a guarantee that the bidder will enter into a contract. Bidding Documents: A maximum of two sets of Plans, Specifications and other Bidding Documents for this project may be obtained by General Contract()("s from the office of Dunkin Sims Stoffels, Inc., 9876 Piano Road, Dallas, Texas 75238, phone number 214-553-5778, upon receipt of $25.00 for each set of plans, payable to the City of Wylie. The deposit check will be refunded to bidders who submit a bona fide bid and return the drawings and Specifications in good condition within ten (10) rows. of thp. nMp. of