Ordinance 1998-25 ORDINANCE NO. &6-X; AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998 BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1998, BY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98- 10; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted Ordinance No. 98-10 adopting a Budget and appropriating resources for Fiscal Year 1998(FY 98), beginning October 1, 1997 and ending September 30, 1998; and, WHEREAS, the Staff has presented information to the Council concerning the actual income and expenses for the second half of FY 98 and made comparisons of such information to the heretofore budgeted projections; and, WHEREAS, based upon such review the Staff has recommended to the Council that certain amendments to the Budget, as hereinafter set forth, be made to facilitate operation and administration of the operations of the City for the balance of FY 98; and, WHEREAS, the Council has the authority to make amendments to the City Budget under Article VII, Section 4 of the City Charter, as well as State law; and, WHEREAS, the Council has determined that the proposed amendments to the FY 98 Budget, with the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal actions; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I The proposed amendments to the FY 98 Budget of the City of Wylie, as heretofore adopted by Ordinance No. 98-10, as summarized in Attachment 3 which is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby are, completely adopted and approved as amendments to the said FY 98 Budget. Ordinance No.~ Page 2 SECTION II All portions of the existing FY 98 Budget and Ordinance 98-10, except as specifically herein amended shall remain in full force and effect, and not be otherwise effected by the adoption of this amendatory ordinance. SECTION III Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION IV This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council and publication of its caption as the law and the City Charter provide in such cases. SECTION V That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency and all other provisions of the Wylie City Code not in conflict herewith shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION VI The repeal of any ordinance, of parts thereof, by the enactment of this Ordinance, shall not be construed as abandoning any action now pending under or by virtue of such ordinance; nor shall it have the effect of discontinuing, abating, modifying or altering any penalty accruing or to accrue, nor as effecting any rights of the municipality under any section or provisions of any ordinances at the time of passage of this ordinance. Ordinance No. j! -F Page 3 DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 22nd day of September, 1998. ~ tvlu-& J ondy, Mayor A TrEST: ~\\\\,""l\IlIlIlI1f",I/1. . ~.. . ~~~~ 0 F W yJ~'" ~A " " .;'~ ~'5'';,.' /.,~ ~() ~, ~ !:1 . ~ I ~ s ~ t:; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~'" "..~ ~ N - c: CD E .c o ctl ~ co 0) it ~ z Wco ::Eo> Co> z..... w- ::E~ <... lU~ 8! :;:)0. m~ C z w I a::: ~ w o z :=5 <( m a z ::) u. (9 z "a Cz ~w LLa ...Jw ~~ w~ z- wI- efB rn CD ... ::3 - :c c CD 0. X W "0 .$ CD en "0 ::3 en '0 #. C"') N ..... 0> 0> >- U. Z a Wo.. I-ow wl-O::: (90..<( g:=5~ en~U. 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NT"'> COO"CI M.....~ Z I- COCOC b I- 0)0) CO co an CD 5 0 10 10 8- 0 'It"'lt- LOIO- CI ~ W 0 ~ ~ C <( an ClS , <( .t:. co 0 10;- 10;- 0 0 ~ 0:: .c .c 1) :2 Z Q. :s :s :> ...I 0 (J) Z <( u... 100) ~ 00 10 10 N C> I- ..... ..... I- 00 IOLO 0 ll. r--r-- a:: ll. 00 coco ..... Z W <( W ..... 0 0 0 N ..Z 0 ~ Ow Z ~ N Zo ..... ..... 0 NN NN - ::)w ..... ..... S IOLO LO 10 co c: U-I- 0<0<0 0 '''It'lt 'It 'It 0) Q) w E ~<( z (J) Z :E ..c: -~ :> => <( 0 ...1- u.. W u... ro _I- 0:: 0 ~ t-(/) => ::)w u: lD AUDITED FUND BALANCE 9/30197 REVENUES: AdValQr'erTI T.,. Non-property Taxes F~.~ Licenses and Permits ~ Service Fees Court ft_ Interest & Miscellaneous Income ~ Bond Proceeds Tr~from OttierFlJflds TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: GeneratGOvemment Public Safety Ul't:)an~ Streets Comt'r1t.\OltySWVices Utilities Oebt$ervice Capital Projects ECOI'Il:lI'I'llc.~ Transfers to Other Funds TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING BALANCES CITY OF WYLIE PROPOSED FY97/98 FINAL BUDGET AMENDMENTS September 22, 1998 COMBINED SUMMARY 1997~98 ALL FUNDS(1) MID-YEAR FIRE AMENDED GENERAL VTILITY STATIONS BUDGET FUND FUND CPF $7,984,682 nla nla n/a Attachment 1 1997.98 ALL FUNDS(2) NET CHANGE FINAL AMENDED BUDGET For Purpose of Comparison 2,919,280 1,123,200 607,. 106,000 120,GOO 3,518,340 23$,000 401,902 26.. o 732,89~ 9,790,467 32,880 418,000 642,000 60,750 702,750 450,880 o 1,800,140 1,858,490 211,'70 693,461 845,2a2 1,892,190 1,71$.. 4,086,630 .,- 732,895 13,992,828 26,120 64,250 17,010 16,500 702,750 60,750 168,130 16,500 -.----_.- -"~----^ --~-~-,-",'^----'--"--- 702,750 $3,782,321 NET CHANGE TO ENDING FUND BALANCE --~---'--~'-_. m $28~?_@ ____t$1~,~()0)___ ____~<L_ TOTAL REVENUES $ NET DECREASE (INCREASE) IN FUND BALANCE: MID-YEAR BUDGET FINAL ADJUSTMENTS TO FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 BUDGET TOTAL APPROPRIABLE FUNDS $7,984,682 2,919.260 1,123,200 801,_ 106,000 120.000 3,518,340 231;000 434,782 26.. 1,060,000 793,841 10,944,097 1,826.260 1,922,740 2'18,170 693,461 Ha.232 1,908,690 1,71$,230 4,789,380 292,_ 793,645 14,880,208 __ - ___ ._ .__n_______u__ _. .__________ $4,048,571 ..._J~t5,~~()___ 10,944,097 4,202,361 (266,250) $ =$14~~~0,208_ (1) All budgeted funds are included in the Mid-Year Amended Budget and the Final Amended Budget Columns. However, individual fund columns include only the funds that are affected by proposed budget amendments. BUDAMD98.wK4 09/16/98 02:45 PM n/a o o o o o o o 32,880 o 1,060,000 60,750 1,153,630 26,120 64,250 o o 17,010 16,500 o 702,750 o 60,750 887,380 rl1lJJ~ \VYLIE NEWS i;" vrr i ~i W,iit.s.~i;;;": ~ii";; i,,-. ,,~i I i,~-;i;r;;u.uir.;i;m 110 /.J 11:111:1111 ~1. I' f I lIolt ,l(ill \\'\ IiI', 'Inn': "7.'i(t'JR (912) 442-5515 I'Rlt (972) 442-431 R STATE ()lr:fEXAS ( :( H JNTY Olr COLl..llN Ill.nnc mc, the IInderslgned outhorlty, 011 UI.S dny I,ersonnlly oljpeored Chnd Enghrock, of TilE WVLllt NEWS, R nCll'sl,n"er regulnr'y 1m bUshed '11 Collin COUllty, 'leJul.g Dlld bnvlng gcnernl drelllnUon'" Collin << 'IIlJIII}, 'Ibm.., nho IJclllg by me dul)' Sl1'or.. dCIJOsed nlld snys thnt the foregoing nttnchcd City 06 Wylie - O~d" No. 98-25 n /Ie; I'tlhli.;hrlllll ~nld IIc,,'spnl,cr on the fhllolvlng dntes. to-wit: Sept. 30 , 1998, nlll' , t 998. Suhsl'I'llJcd IIIILI s'1'orll to befure me this Ule o:? '" ('l'I'.lfJ noh'ch ,,,UueS9 my hnud nud senl of oWce. dny of Ikf. , J 998, ~.';(..\r~.. ::.A:ti'\ ':..J't.\.' ~*: ~ii'"" \~~i ir.}~,~,~,,"" DEBRA M WORKMAt. MY COMMISSION EXPIRE' November 10, 2001 /to du.. J ')'l7 LUZkA4.- lJclJru 1\'1. "Vorlunun Notury })ulJlic in mu] rUl" The Stule of Texns lVly COlllmission Expin~s Nov. J 0, 200J Public Notices I Collin Co., Texas, and the South line of McMillan Rd. for a distance of 1818.08 feet (1815 foot deed) to a railroad spike set for the Southwest comer of said Donllioo property; THENCE N 00"36' 44"E along the West line of said Donllioo property and the called West line of the J. W. Mitchell Survey and the called East line of the C.A. McMillan Survey, Abstract No. 588 and following the center of McCreary Rd. (County Rd. No. 245), (60 foot undedicated right-of-way) for a distance of 2669.91 feet (2640 foot deed) .to, a railroad spike set in asphalt for cor- ner, said point being the Northwest comer of the Dpnihoo 110 acre tract and the called Northwest comer of said J.W. Mitchell Survey and also being the Southwest comer of called 80 acre tract conveyed to E. Donihoo by deed~s recorded in Volume 549 at. Page 451 of the Deed Records of Collin Co., Texas; THENCE N 89"33'32"E along the common line of said called 110 acre tract and the 80 acre tract and fol- lowing the called North line of the J.W. Mitchell Survey for a distance of 1821.64 feet (1815 foot deed) to a I" iron pipe found for comer, said point being the Northeast comer of said called 11 0 acre tract and also being in the West line of a called 113.407 acre tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr.-McCreary Rd. Limited Partner- ship by deed as recorded in Volume 881 at Page 802 of the Deed Records of Collin Co., Texas; THENCE S00040' 50"W along the common line of the called 110 acre tract and the called 113.407 acre tract and following the general line of old fence line for a distance of 2698.21 feet (2640 foot deed) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and r()NTATNTNn II? 1?4.1'\ ArRF,~ Public Notices allowed. Also, a portion of the Subdivision Regulations-Chapter 155 of the Code of Ordinances is under con- sideration. The area under consider- ation is as follows: Section 155.071-Developer's pro rata share for thoroughfares. the change or addition involves clarify- ing what is meant by pro rata share to be received by the City from developers adjacent to existing or planned thomughfares. ,l>fMUlPhY 18-lt-952 ORDINANCE NO. 98-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998 BEGINNING OCT. 1, 1997 AND ENDING S,EPT. 30, 1998, BY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98-10; REPEALING ALL CON- FLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE; AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Attest: Barbara A. Salinas John Mondy, Mayor 18-lt-339 ORDINANCE NO. 98-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRI- A TING RESOURCES FOR FIS- CAL YEAR 1999, BEGINNING OCT. 1, 1998 AND ENDING SEPT. 30, 1999; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDI- NANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. A "00".. 'D"...,",,,,", A ~.,.l;'n""'l:" Public Notices described as follows: Beginning at a Ya inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of the S1. Louis and Southwesl Railroad (100' R.O.W.) for the northwest corner of a 2.939 acre tract of land conveyed to Paul C Merritt and Richard A. Williams by deed recorded in Volume 2070, Page 140, Land Records, ColliIl Co., Texas; Thence, S 00000' OO"E, along th~ west line of said 2.939 acre tract, ~ distance of 325.98 feet to a ~ inet iron rod set in the north right-of. way line of State Hwy No. 78 fOl the southwest comer of said 2.935 acre tract and being in a curve t< the left having a radius of 2924.9~ feet; Thence, along said curve to the left through a central angle OJ 02059'04" an arc length of 152.3~ feet and a chord of S 75005'48"W 152.34 feet to a VI inch iron ro< found for the southeast comer of I northerly tract of land described iI a deed to A.D. Boyd Family Trus and recorded by County Clerk': File No. 94-0059169, Lan< Records, Collin Co., Texas; Thence, N 00"00'00" E, along the east line of said Boyd Family Trus Tract, a distance of 265.15 feet to l VI inch iron rod set in the soutl right-of-way line of said Railroad il a curve to the right having a radio: of 5741.78 feet for the northeas comer of said Boyd Family Trus Tract, Thence, along the south right-of way line of said Railroad and Curvl to the right, through a central angll of 01046'34" an arc length 0 177 .98 feet and a chord of 1- 55048' 36" E, 177.97 feet to thl O,,:nt n.~ Dan.nn.t.ru... 0...,.,.1 ,.n.nt,..;n;n~