Ordinance 1998-26 ORDINANCE NO. tJB-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING RESOURCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 1999, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1998 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1999; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have prepared and filed with the City Secretary a proposed Budget for operation of the City during Fiscal Year 1999; and, WHEREAS, the proposed budget appears to be in a fonn and substance which fully complies with all applicable provisions of the City Charter and State law; and, WHEREAS, the proposed budget has been available for public inspection and review; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has this date conducted a public hearing to receive input from the citizens of the City concerning the content of the budget; and, WHEREAS, the Council having considered the proposed budget at length, and having provided input into its preparation, has determined that the proposed budget, and the revenues and expenditures therein contained, is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal action; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, as follows: SECTION I That the proposed budget of the revenue of the City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereof, as summarized in the attached Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby is, completely adopted and approved as the Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 1999. SECTION II That the sum of ELEVEN MilLION FIVE HUNDRED TWENTY-EIGHT THOUSAND FOUR HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS ($11,528,430) is hereby appropriated out to the General, Community Park, Wylie Economic Development Corp., 4B Sales Tax, G.O. Debt Service, 4B Debt Service, Street, Service Center, 4B Capital Project, Fire Station, Utility, Utility Construction and Fleet Replacement Funds for payment of Operation Expenses and Capital Outlay of the operation and administration of the City according to the various purposes and intents therein described. Ordinance No. 'J8~~ Page 2 SECTION III That specific authority is hereby given to the City Manager to transfer appropriations budgeted from an account classification or activity to another within any individual department or activity; and to transfer appropriations from designated appropriations to any individual department or activity as provided in the City Charter. SECTION IV Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-divisions, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal or invalid the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof, other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional. SECTION V This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council pursuant to law and the City Charter. SECTION VI . That all other ordinances and code proVisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 22nd day of September, 1998. ~ fV/ ~OndY' Mayor ATTEST: ,<\'c\\\ \ I 11lll/lIflflllll .~0::';"Od'::: W I!/~ ":,:'-::"'1 i r<.~ ~~ "' ,,~ ..$Y~, '~~ ~,., ~ !}:.r, ~ ~. 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'Ibln!;, ".ho helng by me dilly S\VUfll delJUsed nml snys that the foregoing nUnched Cdy g~ WlJue. - Ond, No. 98-26 " II'; I'"l,lishcd III snld lIen'SIJRIJer UII the fhllmvlng dntes, tu-wlt: Se.pt. 30 , 1998, nllll , 1998. S"hSl'.-Ibcd oud S1vorn to befure me this Ule ~ tn {'uflr" ,vhlcll \"UUeS9 lilY lIolld Rlld senl of uff1ce. dny of {)AhJl~ , J 998. ~",1Ul:tt'Jf, ,f~il~'tf~ l'{~i:~ \'- !j ;~""\~;'~' , ,.9;~,\\" ~. DEBRA M WORKMAN J MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ... November 10, 2001 i ~=:- ., 1O~~Yhw~ UclJna 1\'1. \VorlunulI Nolary l)ubJic In mill for The Shale of Texns IVly COlllmissloll Expires Nov. 10, 200J Public Notices Collin Co., Texas, and the South line of McMillan Rd. for a distance of 1818,08 feet (1815 foot deed) to a railroad spike set for the Southwest corner of said Donihoo property; THENCE N 00"36' 44"E along the West line of said Donihoo property and the called West line of the 1. W. Mitchell Survey and the called East line of the C.A. McMillan Survey, Abstract No, 588 and following the center of McCreary Rd. (County Rd. No. 245), (60 foot undedicated right~of-way) for a distance of 2669.91 feet (2640 foot deed) to a railroad spike set in asphalt for cor- ner, said point being the Northwest corner of the Donihoo 110 acre tract and the called Northwest comer of said J.W, Mitchell Survey and also being the Southwest corner of called 80 acre tract conveyed to E, Donihoo by deed as recorded in Volume 549 at Page 451 of the Deed Records of Collin Co., Texas; THENCE N 89"33'32"E along the common line of said called 110 acre tract and the 80 acre tract and fol- lowing the called North line of the J.W. Mitchell Survey for a distance of 1821.64 feet (1815 foot deed) to a I" iron pipe found for comer, said point being the Northeast comer of said called 110 acre tract and also being in the West line of a called 113.407 acre tract of land conveyed to William E. Campbell, Jr.-McCreary Rd. Limited Partner- ship by deed as recorded in Volume 881 at Page 802 of the Deed Records of Collin Co" Texas; THENCE S00040'50"W along the common line of the called 110 acre tract and the called 113.407 acre tract and following the general line of old fence line for a distance of 2698.21 feet (2640 foot deed) to the PLACE OF BEGINNING and nr\....T'T'.6.T...TT..Y"" 1"'" 11"\AL """ny--,~ Public Notices allowed, Also, a portion of the Subdivision Regulations-Chapter 155 of the Code of Ordinances is under con- sideration, The area under consider- ation is as follows: Section 155.071-Developer's pro rata share for thoroughfares, the change or addition involves clarify- ing what is meant by pro rata share to be received by the City from developers adjacent to existing or planned thoroughfares, City of Murphy 18-1t-952 ORDINANCE NO, 98-25 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1998 BEGINNING OCT, 1, 1997 AND ENDING SEPT, 30, 1998, BY AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 98-10; REPEALING ALL CON- FLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILI- TY CLAUSE; AND PROVID- ING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Attest arbara A. Salinas Jo oDd Ma or 18-1t-339 \ ORDINANCE NO. 98-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRI- ATING RESOURCES FOR FIS- CAL YEAR 1999, BEGINNING OCT. 1, 1998 AND ENDING SEPT. 30, 1999; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDI- NANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Public Notices described as follows: Beginning at a Ya inch iron rod found in the south right-of-way line of the St. Louis and Southwest I Railroad (100' R.O.W,) for the 1 northwest corner of a 2.939 acre ] tract of land conveyed to Paul C, Merritt and Richard A. Williams by . deed recorded in Volume 2070, ' Page 140, Land Records, Collin Co., Texas; Thence, S 00000' oo"E, along the west line of said 2.939 acre tract, a distance of 325.98 feet to a ~ inch iron rod set in the north right-of- J way line of State Hwy No. 78 for the southwest comer of said 2.939 acre tract and being in a curve to the left having a radius of 2924.93 feet; Thence, along said curve to the left, I through a central angle of 02"59'04" an arc length of 152.35 feet and a chord of S 75"05' 48"W, 152.34 feet to a Yz inch iron rod found for the southeast comer of a northerly tract of land described in j a deed to A.D. Boyd Family Trust ( and recorded by County Clerk's I File No, 94-0059169, Land ( Records, Collin Co" Texas; F 1 Thence, N 00"00'00" E, along the , east line of said Boyd Family Trust F Tract, a distance of 265.15 feet to a S Yz inch iron rod set in the south I right-of-way line of said Railroad in ) a curve to the right having a radius 1 of 5741.78 feet for the northeast comer of said Boyd Family Trust 1 Tract, tl 2 Thence, along the south right-of- n way line of said Railroad and curve ( to the right, through a central angle of 01046'34" an arc length of J, 177 .98 feet and a chord of N J, 55048'36" E, 177.97 feet to the (