Ordinance 1998-29 ORDINANCE NO. 1~ -21 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, AMENDING A SECTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 98-16 IN REGARD TO WATER AND SEWER RATES AND FEES AND AMENDING A SECTION OF ORDINANCE NO. 63-1 REGULATING THE USE OF WATER FROM THE CITY WATER WORKS. WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed into law House Bill 670 relating to the payment date of a utility bill for an elderly person; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Wylie, Texas, has previously adopted Ordinance No. 98-18 establishing water and sewer rates and fees; and WHEREAS, the Texas Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed into law House Bill 859 relating to the confidentiality of certain information of a customer of a government-operated utilty; and WHEREAS, the City Council of Wylie, Texas, has previously adopted Ordinance No. 63-1 regulating the use of water from the City water works, and; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie has determined that it wishes to be in compliance with these laws; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie desires to shorten the number of days before a utility account is considered delinquent; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE GOVERNING BODY OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, that SECTION 1. The City hereby amends Section 1.00, Water and Sewer Rates, of Ordinance 98-16 as follows: ~1.06 Past due account penalty; restoration charges (a) The charges for water and/or sewer service shall be billed and collected monthly as a utility charge payable to the City of Wylie. All charges not paid within 14 days from the date that the bill is rendered shall be delinquent, except when the 14th day falls on Saturday, Sunday, or a legal holiday under which condition such bill shall be due by 5:00 p.m. Central Time, on the next working day following such Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. (b) Residential customers age sixty (60) years or older who are the responsible occupant may upon completion of an application and proof of age be granted a delay in the imposition of late charges of 25 days from the billing date for current billings only. The delay shall be effective on the first billing date following receipt of application. Responsible occupant is defined as an individual residing at the address and in whose name the account has been established. Ordinance No. 9(1; -~~ Page 2 (c) All payments made after the14th day, or 25th day for a customer 60 years of age or older who has applied for and been granted a delay in the imposition of late charges, will bear a late charge of [or] penalty of $1.00 or five percent, whichever is larger, on such monthly charge. (d) A customer's utility service may be disconnected if a bill has not been paid or a deferred payment agreement entered into within 24 days from the date of issuance of a bill, or 35 days from the date of issuance of a bill to a customer 60 years of age or older who has applied for and has been granted a delay in the imposition of late charges, and if proper notice has been given. Proper notice shall consist of a separate mailing or hand delivery at least ten days prior to a stated date of disconnection, with the words "termination notice" or similar language prominently displayed on the notice. The information included in the notice shall be provided in English and Spanish as necessary to adequately inform the customer. Attached to or on the face of the termination notice shall appear a statement notifying the customer that if they are in need of assistance with payment of their bill, they may be eligible for alternative payment programs, such as deferred payment plans, and to contact the water department of the City of Wylie for more information. If mailed, the cutoff day may not fall on a holiday or weekend, but will be on the next working day after the tenth day. Service may not be discontinued to a delinquent residential customer permanently residing at that residence becoming seriously ill or more seriously ill if service is discontinued. If a customer seeks to avoid termination on this basis, the customer must have the attending physician call or contact the water department within 14 days of the issuance of the bill, or within 25 days of the issuance of the bill for a customer 60 years of age or older who has applied for and has been granted a delay in the imposition of late charges. The limit on termination shall last 63 days from the issuance of the bill or a lesser period if agreed by the parties. The customer who makes such request shall enter into a deferred payment plan to accomplish payment of the bill. (e) Sub-paragraph d now becomes sub-paragraph e. (f) Sub-paragraph e now becomes sub-paragraph f. SECTION 2. The City hereby amends Section 3 of Ordinance 63-1 as follows: Information in a person's utility account may not be disclosed if such person requests that the City keep such information confidential. A person may request confidentiality by completing and delivering to the City written notice of such request. This does not prohibit the City from disclosing the information in a person's utility account records to: (1) an official or employee of the state or a political subdivision of the state or the federal government acting in an official capacity; (2) an employee of a utility acting in connection with the employee's duties; (3) a consumer reporting agency; Ordinance No, ~ e - 2..J Page 3 (4) a contractor or sub-contractor approved by and providing services to the utility or to the state, a political subdivision of the state, the federal government, or an agency of the state or federal government; (5) a person for whom the customer has contractually waived confidentiality for personal information; (6) another entity that provides water, wastewater, sewer, gas, garbage, electricity, or drainage service for compensation. A person may rescind a request for confidentiality by completing and delivering to the City written permission to disclose information, DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 27th day of October, 1998. ~ \f\~JOhn Mondy Mayor ATTEST: ~~,:;:,,:~.:,:~\\>X'~"; ;~~ i ~ ~ J r.~;_:/,~:~!"': ~,,~,_, '~;-^O"'t lJ j f/;I ~"-' '/~;$,* ~'~"_, _ ~- 1(,.' ., ""'"-', ......:g>:~ /.....-',.,.~~.'<\l' l'~"f~ ~"/ ~,/,~ Ai ()~'f ._.... '\~\" Sc\ ". tt::::.~:'. \ : '. ~. .. " 1 ~:' \~\.,,~:;j i THE WYLIE NEWS Covering Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surrounding area 110 N, Ballard St. P,O, Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 442-5515 Fax (972) 442-4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in Collin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing attached lie - n ) nd.nLe. it:- was publishe . aper on the following dates, to-wit: Nov, 2-'0 , 1998, and ,1998. Subscribed and sworn to before me this the to certify which witness my hand and seal of omce. ~ day of ~ , 1998, ~.".~,..;"., [~1*1''''l:~~~ -: ~ : = ~II;... "l(;l" ~";::~.,?r:l~~~~'" oeBRA M WORKMAN MY COMMISSION EXPIRES November 10, 2001 ~ .a - J ~ YJ;~ Debra M. Workman Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Commission Expires Nov. 10, 2001 Serving Wideawake WYlie Since 1947 r- ! Services Mow-N-Go --=-f/Ez ~ A landscape maintenance company. Annual contracts only. $250 per month minimum, 972-475-9356 37-If-I888 ~I."'" el_ml"" $.tiN". q.". '1/~ S:' .'jO ..;,u.~ q./JDIH ~ ..\'~ ~", '1~,.~t~./ .. We will clean your House or BUSiness All Work Guaranteed For free personal estimate Call Marsha Hillman ~ 442-1389 pager 305-7263 I-If-817 Wanted Early 50's Ford pick-up, original to par- tial restore Call 442-3661 afternoons or evenings, 26-lt-pd Public Notice ORDINANCE #1603 Establishing an inspection fee for new streets, water, sewer and stooo sewer improvements; Providing for a penalty for violation; and provid- ing for an effective date.... Passed and Approved this 6th day of July 1998. Hugh Cairns, Mayor, Attest: Terry Smith, City Secretary A full & correct copy of these ordi- nances are available at Sachse City Hall. 26-lt-1370 ORDINANCE #98-11-44 An ordinance amending section 72,01 of the code of city of Murphy, Texas, prohibiting parking of cer- tain vehicles in agricultural districts; prviding a severability clause; pro- viding a penalty clause; and provid- ing an effective date, Public Notices ORDINANCE #98-29 An Ordinance of the City of Wylie, amending a section of ordinance No, 98-16 in regard to water and sewer rates and fees and amending a section of ordinance No, 63-1 regu- lating the use of water fromt he city water works, John Mondy, Mayor Attest: Barbara Salinas, City Secre- tary Zoning Case Number Applicant Location Property Description Present Zoning Requested Zoning 26-1t-339 ORDINANCE # 1624 Amending Chapter II, "Zoning" of the Sachse City Code; Deleting from the zoning ordinance the R-8.4 single family dwelling district; Amending the minimum building size in an R-I0 single family dwelling district adding uses By amending the districts in which uses are permitted; amending definitions of Article 2 by deleting and adding definitions; Providing for Penalty for Violation; and Providing for an Effective Date ... Passed and Approved this 2nd Day of Novem- ber, 1998. Hugh Cairns, Mayor, Attest: Terry Smith, City Secretary This public hearing is hel Wylie, Texas and the Ofl Planning and Z, City Council: Each public hearing win This notice has been senl approved city tax roll. A not a final action on the 1 be required for approval. City Council may be mOl A full & correct copy of these ordi- nances are available at Sachse City Hall, AlJ interested persons an you are unable to attend, return it prior to the publ applicable) on the endo 26-lt-1370 ORDINANCE #1631 Amending Chapter 3, Section 5A of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Sachse, Texas, entitles Permit fees required under construction codes to provide for pennit fees for new construction, single family resi- dential, accessory buildings, swim- ming pools, repair, renovation, mis- cellaneous; Providing for a Penalty for Violation;, aIl4~Niding for an "'-~~"l!':",;,,,^,,,,,,,....-,..',,,", ,. ~"",_",_~.,.",..".,-c,,=-,,_,,",,;,,~""'",,_",i,~'_;''''',,_,~ If the property owners 0: hearing, state law provi< the City Council. Ihe application is on til additional information, t'eJlU.ewinJ),.info~.n'"l.9tif}g.., ~