01-18-2022 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes 0.10
Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting
January 18, 2022—6:00 PM
Council Chambers- 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie,Texas 75098 �flI,rlf v f=
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Chair Cory Plunk called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and announced a quorum present.Planning and Zoning
Commissioners in attendance were: Chair Cory Plunk,Vice Chair Bryan Rogers, Commissioner Taylor Newsom,
Commissioner Joshua Butler, Commissioner Jacques Loraine and Commissioner Jim Byrne. Commissioner Dan
Norris was absent.
Staff present: Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager, Mr. Kevin Molina, Senior Planner, Ms. Jenneen Elkhalid,
Project Engineer Manager, and Ms. Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant II.
Commissioner Newsom gave the invocation and Commissioner Butler let the Pledge of Allegiance.
Any member of the public may address the Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the
public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three
minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, the Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take
action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
Chair Plunk welcomed the new appointed Commissioner Jim Byrne.
No Citizen approached the Commissioners to speak on a Non-Agenda Item.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider, and act upon approval of the Minutes from December 21,2021 Regular Meeting
B. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Preliminary Plat for Allen Addition,
establishing seven lots on 1.8298 acres,located on the southwest corner of E.Brown Street and W.A. Allen
C. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat,being an Amended Plat of
Lot 1,Block A of Stone 2514 Addition on 1.276 acres, located at 7940 E Parker Road.
Commissioners Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Newsom, seconded by Vice Chair Rogers to approve Consent Agenda as
presented. A vote was taken and motion passed 6—0.
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1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Little's Academy, a daycare center use on 1.28 acres,property
located at 7940 E Parker Road.
Staff Comments
Senior Planner,Mr. Molina approached the Commissioners stating that the applicant is proposing to develop a
9.922 square foot Little's Academy, day care center on 1.276 acres located on Lot 1, Block A of Stone 2514
The development is currently planned for eight classrooms and provides 33 packing spaces with two of them
being ADA accessible. In September of 2021 the applicant was granted a variance allowing for up to 10
classrooms with the 33 parking space count. The purpose of the variance was to allow for growth.
As presented,this site plan is in compliance with the design requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Approval of
the site plan is subject to additions and alterations as required by the City Engineering Department.
With no questions for the applicant or Staff, a motion was made by Commissioner Newsom, seconded by
Commissioner Butler to approve as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
2. Remove from table and continue Public Hearing
A motion was made by Commissioner Butler, seconded by Commissioner Newsom to remove Item 2 from the
Hold a Public Hearing, to consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a
request for a change of zoning from Commercial Corridor (CC) to Commercial Corridor Special Use
Permit (CC-SUP),to allow for a restaurant with drive-through on 0.832 acres,property located at 2812
W FM 544. (ZC 2021-24)
Senior Planner, Mr. Molina approached the Commissioners stating that the Item was tabled at the December 21,
2021 Regular Meeting so the applicant could revise the proposal to address the Commission's concerns.
The original site was developed for a restaurant without a drive through service. The property owner is requesting
a Special Use Permit to allow a drive through service for marketing purposes as the previous restaurant closed.
The applicant has not provided,nor do the SUP conditions stipulate an ultimate end user.
The applicant has amended the zoning exhibit to include a stop sign at the exit of the drive- through lane and a
yield sign for the eastern drive that intersects with the exit drive-through lane.
Continuo Public Tearing,
Chair Plunk continued the Public Hearing, asking anyone that wished to address the Commissioners to come
forward. With no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Plunk closed the Public Hearing.
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CQInmissitiners Disgussion
The Commissioners discussed the option of having a window for the drive-through service in the rear of the
property. The Commissioners expressed concern for the pedestrians and possible blocking of the fire lane to the
adjacent existing commercial uses. Chair Plunk stated the structure was not developed to have a drive-through,the
space between the buildings was too tight.
Commissioners Action
A motion was made by Commissioner Newsom, seconded by Commissioner Loraine to recommend denial to the
City Council for Item 2. A vote was taken and carried 6—O.
Chair Plunk stated that there were no other items on the Agenda, and asked for any announcements.Ms. Bradley
stated that there will be a meeting on February 1,2022.
A motion was by Commissioner Butler, seconded by Vice Chair Rogers to adjourn the meeting at 6:31PM.A vote
was taken and carried 6—O.
Cory,Plunk, Chair
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Mary Bradley, Admin‘rative Assistant II
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