01-10-2022 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes IN January 10, 2022—6:30 PM Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Joni Robinson called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Craig Allen, and Board Member Kim Mullis. Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Brian Willeford, and Board Member Kevin Stewart were absent. Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No Citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider, and act upon, approval of the December 13, 2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Allen, seconded by Board Member Mullis, to approve the December 13, 2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Brian Willeford,and Board Member Kevin Stewart absent. B. Consider, and act upon, approval of a Park Event Application for the Kids Can Help Too — Gelila Makonnen's Chapter organization to hold a fundraiser event at Founders Park on Sunday, March 6, 2022. Director Diaz advised the Parks and Recreation Board that due to unavailability at Founders Park on March 5, and by request of Mr. Makonnen to change the event location in order to hold the event on the preferred date of March 5,the proposed event location was changed to instead be held at Community Park on March 5. He explained that this is the first year for this event to be held at one of Wylie's parks and staff intends to coordinate with local sports leagues on use of the park. Staff will also coordinate with the organization on the event logistics and set up. Wylie residents and representatives of the organization Mekonnen Hailemeskel and Marta Mesfin, attended the meeting to explain the event details and answer any questions about the requested event; also explained to the Parks and Recreation Board was how the non-profit organization was initiated. Mr. MeKonnen explained that his late daughter initially started the organization to raise funds to provide school uniforms,supplies,and necessities for low income children living in Ethiopia.The organization's primary focus is to bring awareness of the need to find annual sponsors for each child from one particular school of Ethiopia, with the goal to expand to other schools,possibly even locally,as the organization grows. The event will consist of games and a fun run as well as several vendors including a food truck, with the anticipation of 100-150 in attendance. January 10,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 11 Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Allen to approve for recommendation the application for the Kids Can Help Too—Gelila Makonnen's Chapter organization to hold a fundraiser event with the amended location to be at Community Park on Mr.Makonnen's preferred date of Saturday,March 5,2022. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Brian Willeford, and Board Member Kevin Stewart absent. WORK SESSION WS1. Project updates. Director Diaz updated the board on the fiscal year 2021/2022 Projects. He advised that the poles for the parking lot lighting at Community Park and the Wylie Senior Recreation Center have been ordered by the vendor, with an expected spring installation date. The Twin Lakes Park playground vendor has received the amenity equipment and staff is in process of preparing the park for the vendor to begin installation, which is anticipated to take place within the next two weeks. Valentine Park playground has been ordered by the vendor but there is no estimated date for delivery or installation at this time. In regards to the two splash pads and the dog park,review of the request for qualifications for a landscape architect has been reviewed by staff as well as the purchasing manager. Five vendors were prequalified and Dunaway and Associates was chosen, who the City has worked with in the past on several projects. For the splash pads design portion,Dunaway and Associates plans to use a sub-consultant specialized in aquatics engineering and design. Staff is considering packaging the design proposal with the two splash pads and the dog park together under one contract, as has been done in past projects. The anticipated design expense will exceed $50,000 and therefore must have prior City Council approval, which is expected to take place at a future Council meeting. Design and location of the splash pads and dog park sites will have Parks and Recreation Board and City Council input prior to the final design. Dunaway and Associates will look at site locations for all three projects. After looking at logistics and infrastructure, staff believe that a location for one of the splash pads and the dog park would be more suitable if constructed near one another at the Brown Street trailhead. This area would allow the splash pad and the dog park to utilize the same utilities for water and electric, in addition to planned amenities such as a restroom, expanded parking lot, and possibly a pavilion. Community Park is still a likely location for the second splash park due to its existing infrastructure and amenities, including ample parking, restrooms, and a pavilion located in that area. Funding for these projects will come out of the general fund balance but if funding exceeds the amount needed, staff will likely request taking the remaining amount out of the 4B tax revenue funds. Site selection and project designs will likely be finalized this summer and brought before the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council for final review and approval. Dunaway and Associates' construction documents will then subsequently be used to bid out the three projects, with it being very possible that all three will be packaged together in the bid, seeking out just one contractor who in particular has expertise with aquatics, due to the complexity of the splash pads Different options on Senior Recreation Center facility improvements is being discussed during the January 11th City Council work session. The total cost of the project if all items were approved is approximately 1.3 million; however, City Council has only allotted $750,000 for Senior Recreation Center improvements. Based off of the Feasibility Study done in 2018, along with staff and patron input, the highest priorities included in the list are modifications to the entrance such as a porta-cache,rest room upgrades for ADA compliancy,and interior cosmetic improvements such as painting. Items of lesser priority include an interior fire sprinkler system,the addition of an exterior meeting area such as a covered patio, new exterior windows and doors, and a dumpster enclosure. After receiving City Council's recommendations, a proposal with BRW and Associates will be finalized and the final design phase will begin. The Parks and Recreation Board expressed concern on possible displacement of the Senior Recreation Center patrons, of which Director Diaz advised that the hope is for only half of the center to be shut down at a time. He added that the Recreation Center,Collin County Community College, and possibly the nearby Waterbook Bible Fellowship Church are all possible considerations if the relocation of Senior Recreation Center January 10,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 12 programs and activities becomes necessary. The possible project timeline for construction includes a bid out as early as the fall of 2022,with construction starting year end. In a work session during the January 25 or February 22 City Council meeting, staff plans to present the Wylie Recreation Center operation counterpoints to the YMCA presentation that took place during a Council meeting in 2021. Staff will also review various options for membership fees based on the recent Feasibility Study. Parks and Recreation Board members are invited to attend and give input during this work session; staff will communicate meeting details after the date has been confirmed. WS2. Future agenda items. The winter 2022 Activity Menu has been published and distributed. Included in the edition is an article on January Wellness Month,as well as related upcoming activities which can be found on page six. Also included on page 30 are stories featuring our City parks, wherein staff chooses different City parks to be highlighted in each quarterly Activity Menu. The spring tour planned in April is fast approaching, and Director Diaz invited the Parks and Recreation Board to give input on locations they would like included. The City Ordinance Chapter 78 Prohibited Acts, are still being updated and reviewed by the City Attorney. Items to be updated are primarily related to the carry of weapons in City parks based on state law changes. The final draft is expected in February and will be brought to the Parks and Recreation Board for review likely in the spring. The new digital sign is complete and now in use at Olde City Park. Staff updates the information on the sign regularly, primarily including information on the Parks and Recreation Department and City events. Staff is removing the old banner sign board, which that was used prior to the installation of the new digital sign. The Interlocal agreement with Wylie Independent School District (WISD) and the City has been finalized. The project includes light upgrades to the tennis courts, which is a shared facility adjacent to Founders Park. City Council is scheduled to review and approve the City's funding portion of the light replacement expense at a future meeting; WISD will pay$180,000 and the City will pay$140,000 of the improvements expense. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Brian Willeford, and Board Member Kevin Stewart absent. 1 \ \' J ni Robinson, oard Chair ATTEST: Y\--Zi\ �'A 0 Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant II January 10,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 13