01-13-2022 (Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee) Agenda Packet (02) Wylie Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee IA/ January 13,2022—6:00 PM IN Library Multi-Purpose Room-300 Country Club Road, Building#300, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Committee regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Committee requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Committee is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Committee and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider,and act upon the approval of the November 11,2021 Meeting. WORK SESSION WS1. Process Reminder WS2. Review and Discuss Land Use and Transportation Strategies WS3. Review and Discuss Future Land Use Map and Thoroughfare Map WS4. Next Steps ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on January 7, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. Page 11 I If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. Page 12 I 01/13/2022 Item A. IA/ Comprehensive Plan Advisory VN Committee CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Meeting November 11, 2021 —6:00 p.m. Smith Public Library- Multi-purpose Room 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 300 Wylie,TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Mr. Haskins called the meeting to order at 6:01 PM and announced 13 of the 14 Committee Members were present. Staff present: Jasen Haskins,Planning Manager, and Kevin Molina, Senior Planner. Consultant Team from Freese and Nichols present: Daniel Harrison,Project Manager. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Committee Members regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Committee Members request that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Committee Members not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation No one was present to approach the Committee. CONSENT AGENDA A. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the August 19,2021 meeting. The minutes were approved unanimously. WORK SESSION A. A recap of the comprehensive planning process B. A review of revisions made to the draft Housing and Land Use goals at the October 12 Joint Workshop with City Council, Minutes November 11,2021 Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Page 1 3 01/13/2022 Item A. C. Breakout sessions to review, discuss, and modify tentative strategies related to each i and Land Use goal in small groups, D. Group presentation and discussion of the breakout group findings, E. Group discussion and initial direction regarding the Future Land Use categories, and F. A summary of next steps and upcoming dates. Staff Presentation The primary focus of the meeting was to develop and refine the tentative strategies that were proposed to support the five Housing goals and three of the Land Use goals related to special areas(i.e.,Downtown, lakefront, and corridors). The Committee was divided into four groups of approximately three members each and asked to review tentative strategies proposed for an individual goal and suggest revisions, deletions, or additions. Then all groups reported back with an opportunity for other groups to comment on each goal. The same activity was conducted again to review the remaining strategies. With the groups' findings being shared, the consultant team made the revisions in real time using the "track changes"feature in Microsoft Word. Lastly, the Committee was asked to review the proposed Future Land Use categories for initial direction. The purpose of this exercise was to establish the menu of options for developing the Future Land Use map,which is the next step in the process. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Chair Stone reconvened the meeting into Regular Session. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:15PM unanimously. Sandra Stone, Chair ATTEST: Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant II Minutes November 11,2021 Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee Page 2 4 0 /13/2022 FNVISI ® N , Item W Y L I E 2022 Comprehensive Plan JANUARY 13, 2022 CPAC MEETING 01/13/2022 Item WS2. FREESE Y o Te a m 1 QNICHOLS ,0- 41 4.4 ,L(1111111 411, Daniel Harrison Erica Craycraft 6 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Today's • Process Reminder • Discussion and Activities: • Land Use and Transportation Strategies Strate ies ` • i' • Future Land Use Map • Thoroughfare Map MEM ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■ • Next Steps - N•NEN�� 0 01/13/2022 Item WS2. 4 1! +a 111. ►%ev.� ' -0 lib .. illellikil Process Reminder 0 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19g'} In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person 'Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person U 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19'44 In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat ri In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person io 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19'44 In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat ri In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person H 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19g'} In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat ri In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19'44 In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat ri In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person 13 H 01/13/2022 Item WS2I i vow, 1 , i „, , ( ti .I Ili / , \ _, \ 1___J ' ......... Shy t Land Use and TransporLation Goals 14 Draft Strategies Review and Refinement ROUND # 1 - LAND USE 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Round # 1 ( 30 Minute Exercise ) 1 . Sit at designated table (look for name card) 2. Review and discuss the assigned goal's drafted strategies with your group (10 minutes) Would you modify any of the strategies? Are any additional strategies needed to achieve the goal? 3. Share your findings with the CPAC, and add comments on other presented findings (Each of the three groups takes 5-7 minutes) 16 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal LU1 . Use the FLU map and strategies contained within this comprehensive plan when making development decisions. Tentative Strategies: a. Review and update the existing zoning ordinance and subdivision regulations to align with this plan's recommendations. b. Consider this plan when evaluating future rezonings or development plans, with an emphasis on achieving the overall vision for the community. c. Develop a checklist to review when considering a proposal that is inconsistent with the plan. d. Update this plan as needed to reflect any decisions that are consistent with the plan's vision but that may be inconsistent with a particular part of the plan. 17 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal LU2. Promote Wylie's sense of community identity and small-town charm . Tentative Strategies: a. Plan for capital improvements that contribute to the sense of community, such as enhanced gateway monuments and corridor banners. b. Define the appropriate public and private aesthetics (e.g., landscaping, signage, lighting, building site design)for highway, downtown, suburban, and rural corridors. c. Evaluate opportunities for outdoor gathering places in Downtown and other destinations. d. Consider increasing the number of community events and festivals, such as establishing a Wylie Heritage Days event or resuming the Wylie Farmers Market. e. Plan for a start-up business incubator or innovation center to support local entrepreneurship and hybrid workplaces. 18 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal LU6. Protect and conserve environmentally sensitive areas. Tentative Strategies: a. Review the existing hazard mitigation policy to ensure that the City is adequately prepared for potential disasters. b. Review floodplain development policies and overall conservation practices. c. Preserve green space through City purchase of land in strategic locations (i.e., floodprone areas or entryways into the City). d. Review the existing tree preservation, protection, and replacement policies. 19 Draft Strategies Review and Refinement ROUND #2 - TRANSPORTATION 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Round #2 ( 30 Minute Exercise ) 1 . Stay with your small group 2. Review and discuss the assigned goal's drafted strategies with your group (10 minutes) Would you modify any of the strategies? Are any additional strategies needed to achieve the goal? 3. Share your findings with the CPAC, and add comments on other presented findings (Each of the three groups takes 5-7 minutes) 21 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal T1 . Plan for a safe and efficient transportation network. Tentative Strategies: a. Continue to implement the Thoroughfare Map and update as needed over time. b. Require cross-access connections between adjacent sites and establish minimum spacing between driveways to encourage shared access drives. c. Use tools such as TXDOT's Crash Records Information System to identify intersections with high crash rates that could benefit from safety improvements (i.e., signage, signalization, speed, turn radii,traffic calming elements). d. Prioritize street maintenance in capital improvements planning and promote awareness of maintenance efforts. e. Encourage bicycle connections along key corridors without reducing lane widths (e.g., sharrows, signed bike routes). 22 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal T2. Promote mobility, access, and connectivity throughout the community. Tentative Strategies: a. Consider requiring sidewalks wider than the current 5' minimum or wider multi-purpose trails in neighborhoods. b. Expand the existing "hike and bike" network by connecting existing trails and key destinations, supported by coordination with Collin County, surrounding cities, and NCTCOG. c. Plan for pedestrian and bicycle signalized crossings to ensure safe crossings of trails at roadways. d. Widen existing sidewalks in developed areas, prioritizing areas around lake, schools, and other key destinations. e. Proactively improve access and ADA-compliance throughout the City. 23 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Goal T3. Continue regional communications for a coordinated transportation network and efficient use of resources. Tentative Strategies: a. Coordinate with the local school district on transportation system implications of proposed school facility expansion/needs. b. Maintain coordination and communications with state, regional, and local entities (i.e., TXDOT, NCTCOG, Collin County, and neighboring cities)through quarterly or biannual meetings. c. Continue to evaluate potential state resources for transportation network improvements. 24 Future Land Use Map 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Future Land Use Map Helps guide decisions, such as: ■ Infrastructure investments ■ Capital improvement planning ■ Rezonings - but it is not the zoning map Intended to be flexible and kept up-to-date •® 3 p D F b=i i 10 1 I �} '= 'El- � I�i~ 1 �/� 01/13/20221tem WS2,-c . •_: i���j�/ Lavon Lake air IOWA Magi e T"'4:41 ::- '144 . ' '' .. ( d„°° Wit -; 'r ,', I Y � r T. , F. OA /� __ _— o Natural Sub-Urban Urban Urban Core / ____ _ dm Immo I '�/,,/ T- Parks Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential SF Residential �.'.; tl`• Golf Courses Multi Family Residential Commercial Corridor MF Residential \ Trails Neighborhood Services Ught Industrial NS 1• �� CC I- J 27 dot -•.. .o Least Intense Most Intcnx ----) [ LI A/CITY OF �-----E01/13/2022 Item WS2. ....--- ..,--7j.//rj MD -: e-,..-.:CI_. i = J _ _ DRAFT _ _ r \'-� City of Wylie 4 - i�.r� �! Future Land Use l a. j° ii -t'f /I I Land Uses J��` ; Low-density residential E� _' ;, -Medium-density residential ,' ) �. -Mixed-use and special planning areas , :..� ::! - \ ,, -Downtown L1 -Local commercial i o� Regional commercial 0 _, n -Industrial i � - -Public/semi-public V _Parks and open space ! //Y.\ t Lake Lavon Right-of-way 00 L ° « Floodplain(FEMA) �~ ,/ Y Ir Wylie City Limits 28 Wylie ETJ f I�' III 'in I MP '..., / �.M i 01/13/2022 Item WS2 ;\ . l 1 I ill I ill 1:111* I ; ( - E.. i --� 1 w _74: ` r wd ..root o..s ;< ESA / — j lie v 0 i 40 +l`_` .� ; : I —v -„,_ I 1 I I I II M I FIN Imi'di ' Wild — F. , 2,x.a. it I -;� I. �� �� ■ � DRAFT ''� ► City of Wylie ;, "'a Future Land Use • /'' _ 11 Land Uses a Low-density residential 0 P. - Medium-density residential Mixed-use and special planning areas v- . .,..,. -721.1.4„,_ ir IM Downtown / - ROCS - Local commercial j;% v. - Regional commercial - Industrial ° - Public/semi-public `s - Parks and open space Lake Lavon • Right-of-way ••• , % 11111 K Floodplain(FEMA) 29 Cil Wylie City Limits 0 Wylie ETJ \ k,C12" 01/13/2022 Item WS2. >1101 v`f ,„ r „.....,... , DRAFT - 1_,,011 City of Wylie Lill Future Land Use VP °' Land Uses `s 'CI Low-density residential Lf 32: Medium-density residential . . �� W a Mixed-use and special planning areas P€ lid 1Downtown _w c � e E - Local commercial GP IP■lawil��,�;��� - Regional commercial „Ma ' - �� i y � Industrial _ ire. - Public/semi-public —s`- _1 R S E it - Parks and open space 1� 4���pir .4, _. _ . si� r ; Lake Lavon "b+a— Right-of-way `• , ��� 1i K Floodplain(FEMA) 30 _ rid -,ass_ Wylie City Limits r �� ;I� ME �I —�t 1`. Wylie ETJ / R1. — 01/13/2022 Item WS2.hllIll11L-- j 1111 -—, Iii Aril , `"— 'RAFT City or wyne il Future Land Use - Land Uses Low-density residential Medium-density residential • - • — Mixed-use and special planning areas Downtown ,. r ME Local commercial i - Regional commercial I, - Industrial - Public/semi-public Lavon I. Parks and open space Lake Lake Lavon r„p. Right-of-way "4 , Floodplain(FEMA) 31 EMIR. P. s�,a j IV Wylie City Limits 'e / 0 Wylie ETJ 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Round #3 ( 35 Minute Exercise ) 1 . Stay with your small group 2. Review and discuss the FLU Map with your group (20 minutes) • Would you modify any of the land use designations? • Do the land uses reflect the plan's goals? • Does the map include the right land use categories? 3. Share your findings with the CPAC (each of the three groups takes about 5 minutes) 32 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Thoroughfare Map 33 IA/CITY OF _ , ; _ ___ __- VII WYLIE — a I 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Y f f f 11111 - • ' c2-L-. . r• • MEM 1 r _SL Le ( City of Wylie r.._ \ rw �. __ Thoroughfare Plan I Road Classifications 111116 Principal 6 Lane Divided, Existing 7 I, — Major Thoroughfare,Existing — ___ rr . 7 F I— --- Major Thoroughfare,Proposed \h M I il% ' — Secondary Thoroughfare.Existing ---, Secondary Thoroughfare,Proposed � 4p, — Collector,Existing © rlillic ---. Collector,Proposed 441 — Downtown Collector,Existing ---. Downtown Collector,Proposed Floodplain(FEMA) — 61 Wylie City Limits 3a Wylie ETJ li I v 01/13/2022 Item WS2. 1 il lFqll'-17—ILIIW— _JLavon Lake _ •.),_______ __ t 1/1 ., 71 ,: _ City of Wylie \ Thoroughfare Plan , IPP ____, : 1 I —{ Road Classifications r " �` Principal 6 Lane Divided,Existing Major Thoroughfare,Existing / I -• Major Thoroughfare,Proposed I Secondary Thoroughfare,Existing j I P �—i I -- Secondary Thoroughfare,Proposed ^ l J 1 — Collector,Existing I I • ---. Collector,Proposed / LJ — Downtown Collector,Existing �ti--r1 --• Downtown Collector,Proposed / u- 1 Floodplain(FEMA) 35 j______rR Wylie City Limits fGI Wylie ETJ I II — ._ / \ - - 01/13/2022 Item WS2. 1/ o L 1. I _ • 1 J --1---- j _________---- i F , ,___ / i • i 4 . ,. p ' _L 1 Lp_t K.,____.) • j City of Wylie 7s un Thoroughfare Plan Dallas County ty `,,. Road Classifications / Principal 6 Lane Divided,Existing --- Rockwall County ..„ ,,,c / - Major Thoroughfare,Existing lir a ' \ .... Major Thoroughfare,Proposed ZSecondary Thoroughfare,Existing __ `-oe - PI ---. Secondary Thoroughfare,Proposed — Collector,Existing ---• Collector,Proposed a. — Downtown Collector,Existing z -. ---• Downtown Collector,Proposed Floodplain(FEMA)• 36 J. 61 Wylie City Limits J Wylie ETJ COLLECTOR 01/13/2022 Item WS2. --if ''.-..; ... n 4 Ex: Westgate Way �e���� J Y 1 1 Shoulder Travel A Travel Shoulder Tune A Lane 1 Right-of-Way DOWNTOWN COLLECTOR ,--L • 1 Ex. Ballard Ave. D E 1 B B I E D1 Shoulder Parking Travel Travel Parking Shoulder Lane Lane A Lane Lane 37 Rjilid-of'WaY SECONDARY THOROUGHFARE 01/13/2022 Item WS2. `l . ,y; Ex: Brown Street fir;. ;� _ ,� kr �'� 11 1 I 1 t I t 0 B B C B B Shoulder Travel Dave l Median Travel Throe Saul& Lane Lane a Lane Lie ROW-Way MAJOR THOROUGHFARE n ff I, Ex: Country Club Road r' L� _ _ - Mi k, `�' 11 � 1 1 tltltjA D B B B C B 8 B _ SIouaer Trarel Trawl TranS Median Travel Trawl Tinker Stainer Lane Lib Lane A Lane Lie Lie ROI of Way PRINCIPAL THOROUGHFARE Ex: SH 78 _ 1 iai m A IDI1111; 11ICItBI1I ' I01 38 Saudi TranS Trii Tgan Wien Tre:M TiW Trii Sender Lane Lane Lane A Lens Ise Lane Rly}6Wey ..I. I e-, cii. Lx...4 1---lif 01/13/2022 Item WS2 i1imm- - ------01k . 7. Mr - • -I Ili r'° IIIIA r- L-13 I 0 \ PII ,205 P • NA. ,,,f7:7777- Daily LOS . , DE F Qc,L LaIrRay .--... Nk., Wylie City Limits 2 i 8 r39 d51 VVylie ETJ 01/13/2022 Item WS2. jL n 2028 . -,.- _ ir ..„ i Fr- 1-13 _17---/ . P3E1 I rii En / h - yZ__, ii _7i *A . .— L 1 8 MI '''', ' N I Daily LOS _ /___---- - ABC p zo IA i DE ., - F 78 Q . • 42 Wylie City Limits •� _ Wylie ETJ 1 & , n�aee•n 40 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Round #4 ( 15 Minute Exercise ) 1 . Stay with your small group 2. Review and discuss the Thoroughfare Map with your group (5 minutes) Would you change any of the planned connections? Would you add any new connections? 3. Share your findings with the CPAC (each of the three groups takes 3-5 minutes) 41 01/13/2022 Item WS2. L __ V�II ..Sl I'M'S-r11®I II / 1 III 111,144.114 II I ll`t`tt\i 1 Ill \� "\ \\\\\\\S I � a Lf. l imp It 4 I PI ■ 4 *1 1 if ,I ' lr%- TWA', \ 4 ir 1 III 1 �1 •. , ' a tl i. M. ' , -` 1r/ ! Next Steps 42 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Next Steps 1 . FNI to expand on the draft strategies 2. CPAC to complete the online survey (Feb 3-17) 3. CPAC to review the survey results before the next meeting 4. March 3: Next CPAC meeting to discuss survey results and revise the strategies before presenting at the March 31 Open House #2 43 01/13/2022 Item WS2. Schedule Date Meeting/Event Type Monday,August 19,2021 1IPAC Kickoff In Person Monday,September 13,2021 Community Open House#1(Virtual Option Sept.3rd through Sept.19'44 In Person/Online Tuesday,October 12,2021 Joint Workshop:Input Review and Coals In Person Thursday,November 11,2021 nnr.u u c Pla n. a i i Cat ri In Person Thursday,January 13,2021 CPAC:Future Land Use,Transportation In-Person Thursday,February 3-17,2022 CPAC Survey:Goals and Strategies Online Survey Online Thursday,March 3,2022 CPAC:Review and Discuss Goals and Strategies In-Person Thursday,March 31,2022 Community Open House#2(Online:March 21-April 4) In-Person/Online Thursday,May 19,2022 CPAC:Input Review,Finalize Plan(Complete draft plan sent in advance) MI Iln-Person Tuesday,June 14,2022 Joint Workshop In-Person Tuesday,July 26,2022 Joint Public Hearing In-Person 44 H 01/13/2022 Item WS2. .....• . . _.. --- '1-'-' ;'''' V .• .- 1. ., . - . _ - Ilk • 'o?,. - . ... - - '.7-..-• ,', I'- ,., ' , ...40111Pitk . ' , • 4 4 -- .• ill , . of '''.4 .I 1 . _ a 4. tf ..,,,, ......_ _..,. . . i ,, .„„ ,, /////, :41 a, . . 1 7111, • • 6 L . • _ • 1 1 .- — 1r----- . • .• - r• ,,, .._._ .,-4 .re..-, - _....— ..‘k .... - a ... _ -.-4 - "--aewAx.1111-------.r.-- rdirii-rw__- zit - „ .1. moo -ic- - -4- - _ ..___ — ...aa MD SIM . ...._ . 11 Questions or Comments • 45 H 01/13/2022 Item WS2. A• . i . " . --- 40I ,jFL11114 -{T' ' , . _ • • ........6.1%kuiiH7o _ YI 7I \ \ Rises I. ill 1 r Al ...k. Thank You ! City of Wylie ,,, ,� Existing Land Use 01/13/2022 Item WS2. I Final Plats I I Office Single Family = Retail I n I I Two-Family(Duplex) = Commercial ▪ Townhome Industrial �:� ▪ Multifamily = Utility - I �_ ▪ Manufactured Home I I Right-of-way ▪ Civic or Institutional I I Vacant - ▪ Parks and Open Space = Waterbody Wylie City Limits 0 Wylie ETJ L — , : w innimmiL . ;111 Lavon t Lake AT T Aillik‘ r-Fmd' , _____ r- In, Ala il• 'll =Y - .i; III'll -4. /..-----: ell • reefer : ii_ Mr r / a 1 ., C4 _ , a �► _ L Li, J 1. O1/13/2022 Item WS2. 711' 5 ---__________ I err a /N ii, IL laka ..1 i f P I Eil ' , "ribr RI ,... I 1 iv i Mir ':\ / NMI I Na zk f - • o City of Wylie Existing Land Use Final Plats Office ,78� I l ISingle Family = Retail L Two-Family(Duplex) = Commercial \ Townhome Industrial Multifamily = Utility i Manufactured Home Right-of-way O = Civic or Institutional Vacant • MI Parks and Open Space Waterbody .I J Wylie City 48 is G Wylie ETJ