03-24-2022 (Historic Review) Agenda Packet Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting IA/
March 24, 2022—6:00 PM IN
Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public
must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for
an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any
matter presented during citizen participation.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion.
There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda
and will be considered separately.
A. Consider,and act upon,the approval of the Minutes from January 27, 2022 Regular Meeting.
1. Consider,and act upon recommendation to City Council regarding window replacement on property located
307 N. Jackson.
2. Hold a Public Hearing to consider and act upon recommendation to Planning & Zoning Commission and
City Council to amend Zoning Ordinance 2015-09,Article 6, Section 6.3 Downtown Historic District.
3. Consider,and act upon a recommendation to the City Council to amend Chapter 58,Article II of the Code of
Ordinances on Landmarks.
I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on March 18, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at
Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas,a place convenient and readily accessible to
the public at all times.
Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed
Page 11
The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled
attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing
impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting.
If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or
executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or
is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the
Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date,
hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting
or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes
permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes:
Texas Government Code Section:
§ 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City.
§ 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City.
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03/24/2022 Item A.
V N Historic Review Commission
Department: Planning Item: A
Prepared By: Mary Bradley
Consider, and act upon,Minutes from the January 27,2022 Regular Meeting.
Motion to approve as presented.
Discussion _
The minutes are attached for your consideration.
03/24/2022 Item A.
Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting ,•I
January 27,2022—6:00 PM
Council Chambers- 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
Chair Joe Chandler called the meeting to order at 6:00pm. Commissioners present: Chair Joe Chandler,Vice Chair
Sandra Stone, Commissioner Kali Patton, Commissioner Allison Stowe, Commissioner Krisleigh Hoermann and
Commissioner Melissa Kenfield. Commissioners absent: Commissioner Frank Besadesky.
Staff present: Ms. Renae 011ie, Assistant City Manager, Mr. Jasen Haskins, Planning Manager and Mr. Jason
Greiner, Director Wylie Economic Development Corporation.
Vice Chair Stone gave the invocation and Chair Chandler led the Pledge of Allegiance.
Any member of the public may address the Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.
Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that
comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, the Commission is
not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation.
No one approached the Commissioners for Non-Agenda items.
All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one
motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the
Consent Agenda and will be considered separately.
A. Consider, and act upon,the approval of the Minutes from October 28, 2021 Regular Meeting.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stone, and seconded by Commissioner Patton to approve the Consent Agenda
as presented.A vote was taken and carried 6—0.
1. Hold a Public Hearing to consider, and act upon a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning
Commission to allow a change in zoning from Downtown Historic District - Residential only to allow
commercial and/or residential uses,located at 401 N Keefer within the Downtown Historic District. ZC
Staff Comments
Page I 1
03/24/2022 Item A.
Ms. 011ie addressed the Commissioners stating that at a work session on October 28, 2021 the Commissioners
gave staff direction to move forward with presenting a rezoning case for the property located at 401 N. Keefer to
allow both commercial and residential uses. Currently the use allowed is residential uses only within the
Downtown Historic District(DTH). If the request is approved,the base zoning of DTH will not change.
The subject property consists of two lots bordered on the east by the Union Pacific Railroad. The property
currently has a gravel access that is railroad easement. There have been several requests for modification and
renovations over the years to the property. Wylie Economic Development Corporation purchased the property in
2021 and is also working with the railroad for ingress and egress access.
Notifications were mailed to 23 surrounding property owners. One written response was received in opposition
and two written responses were received in favor. We also received one telephone response in favor of the request.
In response to the comment received in opposition, the new construction on the property shall be of historic
design and shall adhere to the design standards of the DTH regulations.
Board Discussion
Mr. Jason Greiner, Wylie Economic Development Corporation addressed the Commissioners and gave an update
on the contract with the Union Pacific Railroad. Once the right-of-way with the railroad is obtained,the site plan
will come back to the Commissioners and Planning and Zoning with parking and type of use provided at that
time. A tenant that is interested owns property within the DTH and has a residential and commercial use in one
structure,they would like to separate the business from the residential.
Public Comments
Chair Chandler opened the public hearing for Item 1.
Residents speaking in favor of the request include: Mr. Bobby Heath, Mr. Daniel Heath,Mr.Bob Heath, and Mr.
Jeff Butley.
Chair Chandler closed the public hearing for Item 1.
Board Action
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stone, seconded by Commissioner Hoermann to recommend approval to the
Planning and Zoning Commission on Item 1 as submitted.A vote was taken and carried 6—O.
A motion was made by Vice Chair Stone, and seconded by Commissioner Hoermann to adjourn the meeting at
Joe Chandler, Chair
Mary Bradley,Administrative Assistant II
Page I 2
03/24/2022 Item 1.
IN Historic Review Commission
Department: Planning Item: A
Prepared By: Renae'011ie
Consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council to approve substantial renovations in accordance
with ordinance No. 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing residential structure, located at 307 N. Jackson St.
within the Downtown Historic District.
Motion to recommend approval as presented
Owner: Blake Herpeche Applicant: Blake Herpeche
The property owner proposes to remodel the existing residential structure to remove a single window and replace it
with a larger double window to match the rest of the house. The property is used primarily as residential uses,with a
home occupation for a salon.
The proposed renovation will be on the rear of the structure (facing west). In addition to replacing the window, new
paint will match existing. Over the years,the structure has gone through several renovations.
The Arts & Craft style home was previously a landscaping business prior to the current use. The wrought iron columns
and rails were replaced with period appropriate columns and rails in 2015.A ramp was approved in 2018.
Image 1: Existing view from interior
Image 2: Existing view from exterior
Image 3: Proposed view from exterior
Image 4: Proposed view from interior
Summary/Strategic Goals
Economic Growth, Planning Management
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03/24/2022 Item 2.
IN Historic Review Commission
Department: Planning Item: B
Prepared By: Renae'011ie
Hold a Public hearing to consider, and act upon a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider
amendments to Zoning Ordinance 2015-09,Article 6, Section 6.3 Downtown Historic District.
Motion to recommend approval as presented
At its October 28, 2021 meeting, the Commission discussed at length the proposed updates to Article 6, Section 6.3
Downtown Historic District guidelines and regulations. From that meeting and direction from the Commission, staff
proposes the subject section be amended.
Primary changes include:
• Better define substantial renovations and routine maintenance(Sec C.2&C.3)
• Included a section on the submittal process for landmarks (Sec. C.6)
• Demolition&Relocation section(Sec. E)
• Separated parking standards for residential and non-residential uses (Sec E.4.c&d)
• Accessory structures: eliminated placement of garages behind the rear edge of the main building. (Sec.
• Removed the prohibition of vertical siding(Sec. E.5.f.iv)
• Signage: updated to allow no more than two uprights for pole signs. (Sec. 6.a.i)
• Added a definition for Mural Signs. (Sec. 6.1)
Summary/Strategic Goals
Ties in with the City's mission statement: Honoring our past; Embracing our present;Planning our Future.
Meets the following Strategic Goals: Economic Growth: Support and grow our local economy.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
A. Purpose
Wylie's downtown has been identified by the Comprehensive Plan as a valuable resource worthy
of preservation as a historic district. This district provides development and design standards that
preserve the historic and architectural character of existing development, provides for adaptive
reuse of existing buildings,and the compatibility of new structures and uses with the historic nature
of downtown.
A contributing building and/or structure is one which retains a high degree of architectural integrity
that adds to the overall historic character of the district, and was built during the period of
significance for the district, generally more than 50 years ago.
A non-contributing building and/or structure means a building not contributing to the historic
significance of the district and does not add to the district's sense of time and place, and historical
development; or one where the location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and
association have been so altered or have so deteriorated that the overall integrity of the building
has been irretrievably lost. Generally, less than 50 years old.
B. District Boundaries
1. The Downtown Historic District (DTH) is generally bounded by State Highway 78 on the
south, Cottonbelt Avenue on the west, from Elliot Street to Brown Street, and including
property north of Brown Street on Keefer, and to the eastern property line of those lots
facing west on Second Street from Brown Street to the north and Marble Street to the south,
and those properties north of Brown Street along Ballard Avenue facing east and
continuing north to Tract 4 of the Samuel B. Shelby Abstract and approximately 100 feet
of frontage of those lots facing west and continuing north parallel to Ballard Avenue and
encompassing all of Block 1, Lot 5 of the Russell #01 Addition and Block 1, Tract 49 of
the James Truett Abstract.
2. The precise boundaries of the Downtown Historic District shall be shown on the official
zoning map of the City of Wylie. The boundaries of the Downtown Historic District may
be amended from time to time based on a request from area property owners, a request of
the staff, the Commission, or at the pleasure of the Council. In considering a request for a
change in district boundaries, the Council shall require:
a. Any additions to the district shall be contiguous to the existing boundaries of the
03/24/2022 Item 2.
b. Any reductions in the district shall be located on the edge of the district such that a hole
is not left inside the district; and
c. If requested by a property owner, a petition shall be presented showing owners of more
than 50 percent of the land within the district, excluding streets, and owners of more
than 50 percent of the building sites in the district are in support of the requested change
in boundaries.
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C. General Provisions
1. Site plan and design review submitted to the Planning Department is required for new
construction and substantial renovation of existing buildings within the Downtown Historic
District. All demolition request and work for contributing buildings and/or structures that
do not qualify as routine maintenance must be reviewed by the Historic Review
03/24/2022 Item 2.
a. Historic Review Commission (HRC) shall be appointed by the City Council and shall
consist of seven(7)members in accordance with Ordinance 2013-17, and as amended.
b. The HRC will be responsible for reviewing and recommending an action to the
Planning and Zoning Commission and/or the City Council for proposed new
construction or substantial renovation, revisions to the ordinance, and planning efforts
to fulfill the purpose of the Downtown Historic Ordinance and to consider future
amendments and long range goals of the District.
c. Submission of Plans. A completed application shall be submitted with a fee,
accompanied by the following, and any other necessary documents required by the
Planning Department.
i. Site Plan showing existing and proposed structures and improvements
ii. Interior floor plan showing all spaces, doors and windows
iii. Exterior elevations including
1. Existing&proposed changes
2. Doors &windows
3. Architectural features
4. Trim details
5. Material details
iv. Roof Plan
v. Accessory Structures
vi. Sections (for additions)
2. Substantial renovations as listed below require review by the HRC and City Council:
a. Alterations to the exterior of existing buildings that change the placement or design of
windows, doors or other exterior features of the building such as coping or pilasters;
b. An increase in the floor area of the building greater than 10 percent.
c. Adding new exterior building materials that do not match the existing materials.
d. Interior renovation of existing buildings that alter the exterior appearance of the
building (e.g., a drop ceiling that covers part of an existing window)
3. Common routine maintenance items as listed below may be reviewed at staff level.
a. Installation of an awning located on an accessory building, or on the rear facade of a
main building.
b. Shingle replacement that does not include a change in color or style.
c. Siding replacement that meets the requirements of this ordinance.
d. Application of paint that is the same color as the existing or that is an appropriate
dominant, trim, or accent color and part of an historic color palette.
e. The process of cleaning (including but not limited to low-pressure water-blasting and
stripping, but excluding sandblasting and high-pressure water blasting.
f. Painting, replacing, duplicating or stabilizing deteriorated or damaged architectural
features (including but not limited to roofing, windows, columns, and siding) in order
to maintain the structure and to slow deterioration.
g. Interior renovation of existing buildings that do not alter the exterior appearance of the
03/24/2022 Item 2.
4. Physical properties of an existing building such as setbacks, foot prints, height, or other
similar characteristics that cannot be altered without substantial hardship are not required
to meet the development or design standards within this article. All other provisions shall
5. All new development shall comply with the Site Design Standards included in Subsection
4, and the Architectural Standards in Subsection 5.
6. Submission of Plans for Landmark Designation shall be delivered to the City of Wylie
Planning Department, a minimum of 30 days prior to the meeting date set for the Historic
Review Commission
a. Required Documentation:
i. Completed application on forms provided by the City of Wylie with applicable
ii. Stated criteria met in accordance with Article II Landmarks, Section 58.23 of the
Code of Ordinances, as amended
iii. Documented history of the structure, complete with photos
b. Review Criteria
i. Staff prepares a written report documenting the historical facts of the property and
stating any impact that the owner may have with a historic landmark designation
on the owner's property.
ii. Staff will present the completed application for consideration by the Historic
Review Commission.
+iii. The Commission will make a recommendation to the City Council. Designation of
city landmarks will be made by a three-fourths vote of the city council in
accordance with Local Government Code 211, Section 211.0165, as amended.
Approved> Applicant receives
>Submit )>Staff >>Heani \ approval, obtains
Review Denial can be
ACtlo Denied resubmitted to HRC
with appropriate
D. Permitted Uses
1. The Downtown Historic District may contain any combination of uses shown in the Use
Chart in Article 5, Section 5.1.
2. Within the Downtown Historic District there are both residential and nonresidential uses
which may be located in either residential structures or commercial structures. To maintain
the architectural and historic character of existing blocks where one type of structure
predominates,the following regulations shall apply.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
a. Residential uses may be in residential structures or commercial structures. Residential
uses in commercial structures are only allowed if they occupy less than 40 percent of
the floor area of the building; and do not occupy the area adjacent to the street front.
b. Nonresidential uses may be in residential or commercial structures.Nonresidential uses
in residential structures must be in those blocks where existing residential structures
c. In block faces within the District that are currently developed with residential
structures, new construction shall be of historic design. Either residential or
nonresidential uses may be located in the residential structures.
d. In block faces within the Downtown Historic District that are currently developed with
commercial structures, new construction shall be of historic design.
e. Only residential uses are permitted for those lots along Cotton Belt Avenue, and along
Keefer Street from Elliot Street on the south to Brown Street on the north, as depicted
in Figure 6.1 and on the official zoning map of the City of Wylie.
E. Downtown Historic District Development and Design Standards and Guidelines
1. All properties must meet requirements provided in this section for Site Design, and
Architectural Standards.
2. Purpose of Downtown Historic District Design Standards. The purpose of these design
standards is to ensure the preservation of the historic and architectural qualities which make
the Downtown Historic District a unique place by permitting new development compatible
with existing historic buildings and by maintaining the historic and architectural qualities
of existing buildings.
a. Site Design Standards. The purpose of the Site Design Standards is to provide for
building and parking placement compatible with existing development.
b. Architectural Standards. The purpose of the Architectural Standards is to provide for
the preservation of existing historic and architectural qualities of Downtown Wylie,
ensure new construction is compatible with these qualities, and to protect and promote
the uniqueness of downtown as a commercial area.
c. Encourage the retention of original architectural elements:
i. Wood Windows
ii. Wood Doors
iii. Columns
iv. Chimneys
v. Porches
vi. Trim
d. Discourage:
i. Painting original brick that has never been painted
ii. The removal or replacement of original windows and doors
iii. The enclosure of porches
iv. The use of cementitious fiber board products except along ground
03/24/2022 Item 2.
v. The use of vinyl windows
3. Standards and Guidelines for Demolitions and Relocation.Each historic style in Wylie
is equally important,just as each house and the way it has, or will, develop is important.
The historic district designation is not meant to freeze the neighborhood in time,but rather
to guide the neighborhood into the future. The most significant events that affect the change
of character in a historic district are remodeling, demolition and new construction. When
altering an existing structure, or constructing a new home in the district, it is important to
draw upon the context of the local neighborhood for inspiration. This does not mean that
new construction should mimic existing homes. However, new construction should be
sympathetic to the existing building typologies within the district and, more specifically,
in the sub district and block face, if applicable
Prior to Demolition of a structure, a letter from a structural engineer is required. Each
request for demolition shall be considered on a case by case basis for contributing
Demolition of a structure will NOT be allowed if any of the items below are met:
1. A structure is of architectural or historical interest and/or value or its removal
would be detrimental to the public interest, or
2. The building contributes significantly to the character of the historic district and
demolition would create a detrimental view or adversely affect the existing
buildings on the block, or
3. A structure is contributing and of old or unusual or uncommon design and
materials and it could not be reproduced without great difficulty and/or expense,
4. If its proposed replacement would not make a positive visual contribution, would
disrupt the character or be visually incompatible within the historic district.
Demolition of a structure MAY be allowed if any of the following criteria is met:
1. The building has lost its architectural and historical integrity and importance and
its removal will not result in a negative, less appropriate visual effect on the
historic district, or
2. The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and
importance of the historic district(e.g. a noncontributing structure), and its
03/24/2022 Item 2.
removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district.
A building may only be moved from one site to another site within the historic district
under the following conditions:
1. The building is seriously threatened in its original location,
2. The integrity and structural soundness of the building will be maintained,
3. The building will be compatible with the overall character,visual appearance and
site orientation of existing buildings on the block at the new location, and
4. The removal of the building from its original site will not create a detrimental
view or loss of integrity on its immediate block.
A building may be moved from a site outside of the historic district to a site within
the historic district under the following conditions:
1. The integrity and structural soundness of the building will be maintained,
2. The building will be compatible with the overall character,visual appearance, and
site orientation of existing buildings on the block at the new location, and
3. Any proposed replacement at the original site will result in a more positive visual
effect on its immediate block.
4- Any relocated building moved into the historic district shall be rehabilitated
and/or repaired in accordance with the applicable sections of these guidelines so
as to retain the original character, architectural details, design, and materials of
the structure.
'1. Any relocated building in the historic district shall be rehabilitated (i.e. repaired
and/or rehabilitated) in accordance with the applicable sections of these guidelines
Go as to retain the original character, architectural details, design, and materials of
the structure
4. Site Design Standards
a. Building Placement- Commercial Structures
03/24/2022 Item 2.
i. Buildings shall be placed on the front property line. Buildings may be moved back
from the front property line a total of four feet to provide for wider sidewalks and
entries, if: The buildings takes up an entire block face; or is located on a corner; or
has a total frontage of more than 50 percent of the block face.
ii. New commercial structures shall be allowed only in block faces which are
predominantly developed with existing commercial structures, or are
predominately vacant land.
iii. Buildings shall be placed on the side property line. Buildings may be moved back
from the side property line a total of four feet to provide for wider sidewalks and
entries when the side property line is along a street.
iv. Buildings that go through a block so that they have frontage on two parallel streets,
shall treat each frontage as a main façade.
v. New commercial structures shall construct at least a six (6) foot wide sidewalk.
b. Building Placement-Residential Structures
i New single family residential structures are only allowed in blocks which are
predominantly developed with existing residential structures.
ii Residential structures shall conform with the front yard, side yard and rear yard
setbacks of existing residential buildings on the block face.Front yard and rear yard
setbacks will be deemed to be in conformity if they are within five feet of the
average of the existing setback on either side of the new construction. Side yard
setbacks shall be no closer than the side yard setback adjacent to the new
construction or 20 feet whichever is less. On corner lots, side yards shall be treated
as front yards and shall be the same as that required for the primary front yard.
iii Accessory structures such as garages, sheds, greenhouses etc. shall be located in a
separate structure from the main building, be visually compatible with the main
building and,
1. Shall not extend beyond a platted side or rear building line adjacent to a street.
If no building line exists adjacent to a street on an approved plat, the accessory
structure shall not be located closer than ten (10) feet from the side or rear
property line.
2. Shall not be located closer than five (5) feet to the side property line when the
accessory structure is located behind the main building.
3. When the accessory structure is located in the side yard, the setback for the
accessory structure will be the same as the setback requirement for the main
4. No accessory structure shall be located within the front yard setback.
iv New residential structures shall construct at least a six (6) foot wide sidewalk.
c. Parking for Nonresidential Uses
03/24/2022 Item 2.
i Onsite surface parking shall generally not be placed in the required front yard and
shall generally be separated from public streets by the building which it serves.
Exceptions to this requirement include:
a. A lot that is used entirely for surface parking with no listed use in accordance
with Section 5.2.
b. Surface parking on corner lots or lots with frontage on 2 or more public streets
shall comply with the above parking requirements along at least one street
c. Where onsite surface parking is constructed to serve existing buildings or
additions to existing buildings, the above parking requirements shall not apply.
ii Existing nonresidential uses may be renovated, reconstructed, and expanded up to
10 percent of their original floor area without having to comply with these parking
iii Commercial Uses less than 4,000 square feet in a block face with existing historic
commercial buildings shall not be required to provide off street parking.
iv Commercial Uses over 4,000 square feet will be required to provide off-street
parking under the following standards:
1 A minimum of 50% of all required parking, in accordance with Article 5 Use
Charts of this Ordinance, shall be located on site as required by specified use.
All on-site parking shall be placed a minimum of 10 feet behind the front façade
of the building with a landscape buffer provided.
2 Alternative materials; for driveways and parking spaces may includesuch aJ
pavestonesz and grasspavers or other materials can be used for driveways and
parking spaces, subject to approval of the City Engineer.
3 Up to 25 percent of the required parking can be provided by on-street parking
in front or to the side of the building with approval of the City Engineer.
4 The remainder of the required parking can be provided by off-site parking
facilities within 1,000 feet of the site with approval of the property owner. No
off-street parking can be developed with frontage on Ballard Street or the block
face on the east side of Jackson Street.l[I][2]
5 Upon a finding that a parking reduction is necessary to preserve historic
buildings and maintain the design integrity of the Downtown Historic District,
the Commission may grant parking variances up to a maximum of 75 percent
of the required parking.
v Off-street parking lots with over 20 spaces are required to have landscaping and
lighting that meets the standards for other nonresidential developments. (Article 4,
Section 4.3)
d. Parking for Residential Uses
i Parking for residential use shall be on site and shall provide a minimum of two
parking spaces.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
ii Alternative materials; for driveways and parking spaces may includesuch as
pavestones, and grasspavers or other materials c sed eways--and
parking-spaces, subject to approval of the City Engineer.
5. Architectural Design Standards
a. Street Facade—Commercial Structures
i. Primary street facades for nonresidential buildings in the Downtown Historic
District shall have the following basic features of existing historic buildings:
1. Cornice at top of facade;
2. Display windows with transom windows above and lower window panels
3. Pilasters that divide the facade vertically and separate the display windows units
into discrete visual elements.
4. Second floor windows, recessed with multiple lights, lintels, and sills.
ii. Architectural elements such as doors, windows, awnings, canopies and
architectural details shall be compatible with the overall visual qualities existing
within the historic buildings downtown. Maintain as much of the original basic
façade as possible. The basic façade consists of three parts: the storefront, with
large display windows and transom; the upper façade, with large regularly spaced
windows; and the decorative cornice.
iii. Choice of color for the primary facade, various architectural elements, or details
shall be in conformance with the color scheme existing within downtown and
appropriate for the historic and architectural character of the commercial structure.
(Sherwin Williams Preservation Palette, Valspar Historic Color Palette or equal
would be an approved color palette)
iv. In addition to the above, all commercial structures shall have at least two of the
following desirable design features as appropriate:
1.Street facades on side streets that meet the requirement for primary facades; or
2.Buildings on corners which create a diagonal corner cut with the entrance on the
corner; or
3.Pediments added to the top of the facade; or
4.Decorative brickwork and architectural detailing on or around the cornice, fascia,
pilasters, or around windows; or
5.Use of natural wooden doors with glass windows; or
6.Projecting canopies and or awnings placed over the ground floor windows and
03/24/2022 Item 2.
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Window Sill 7-i -^ Facade
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b. Street Facade-Residential Structures
i. (1) Residential structures within the Downtown Historic District shall have
identifiablethe following basic features of existing residential structures in the
district, as appropriate to the architectural style of the building. These features may
includeare depicted in the following: illustration for definitional purposes.
1. Covered porches integrated into the front facade of the main structure;
2. Multiplicity of roof forms;
3. Columns and railings defining porch;
4. Windows with multiple lights;
5. High pitch roof lines; and
6. Architectural detailing of gables, window and door casings, eave lines, and
ii. Residential structures shall face the main street
iii. Residential structures that have a room projecting from the primary line of the front
facade shall have a covered porch across the inset portion of the facade.
iv. Residential structures which do not have any projecting rooms shall have a covered
porch across at least two thirds of the width of the facade.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
v. Porches on residential structures shall be covered with a roof that is integral to the
main roof of the structure, or covered with a roof that is a substantial architectural
element integral to the design of the front facade.
vi. Porches shall have columns and railings around the edge of the porch except for the
entrances steps.
vii. Choice of color for the primary facade, various architectural elements, or details
shall be in conformance with the color scheme appropriate for the architectural style
of the residential structure. (Sherwin Williams Preservation Palette, Valspar
Historic Color Palette or equal would be an approved color palette)
viii. In addition to the above all residential structures shall have at least two of the
following desirable design features as appropriate:
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with columns and rails
1. Use of skirting along the base of the building, in a manner appropriate to the
architectural design of the building; Skirting materials shall be durable, suitable
for exterior exposure, and installed in accordance with the manufacturer's
installation instructions. Skirting shall be secured as necessary to ensure
stability, to minimize vibrations, or minimize susceptibility to wind damage; or
2. Use of foundation plantings to soften and conceal the foundation; or
3. Use of architectural detailing appropriate to the architectural style of the
building. Architectural detailing includes but is not limited to elements such as
carving in porch rails, turned stiles, use of ornamentation around windows,
doors,eave lines,porches,and decorative windows and materials within gables.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
c. Building Proportions—Commercial Structures
i. New construction height, width and massing should be consistent with the scale of
adjacent contributing structuresOverall height of single story commercial buildings
in the Downtown Historic District shall be between 18 and 26 feet.
ii. Traditional patterns should be incorporated into new construction whenever
The proportion of the height to width of the facade between pilasters shall be in the
range of 2.5 to 1 to 3 to 1. The basic window units shall be between 2 to 2.5 times
the remaining height to the top of the cornice.
The ground floor facade shall have at least 45 percent of its area in transparent
windows,or doors. The second floor facade shall have at least 20 percent of its area
in windows. The area of windows includes any mullions framing individual lights
within the window frame.
iv. The building height shall not exceed forty-fivethirty five (4535') feet at the highest
point of the cornice and up to forty (40') feet for architectural elements including
but not limited to turrets,pinnacles and pediments.
d. Building Proportions—Residential Structures
i. New rResidential structures within the Downtown Historic District should respect
building heights in accordance with period specific design. may be a maximum of
first floor. Dormers and/or windows in the gable end of the roof shall be used to
provide light and air.
ii. Residential structures shall have a minimum roof pitch of 8:12.
iii. The building height shall not exceed forty-fivethirty five (4535') feet includingat
the roof ridge and up to forty(40') feet for architectural elements including but not
limited to turrets,pinnacles.
e. Building Materials - Commercial Structures
The base facade materials for commercial structures within the Downtown Historic
District shall be brick or stone.Architectural details,trim,window or door framing may
be wood, stone,cast stone,cast iron,or other materials compatible with the historic and
architectural character of the Downtown Historic District.
f. Building Materials—Residential Structures
i. The primary exterior material for residential structures within the Downtown
Historic District shall be wood siding and/or composite masonry materials having
a wood pattern.
ii. The width of the siding shall be between four and five inches in width.
iii. Renovation to existing residential structures should use materials which are
compatible with the existing residential structure. Adherence to these material
standards are encouraged where appropriate and/or possible.
iv. Vertical siding is prohibited.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
v. All development is defined by the base, middle and roof elements with particular
attention to the front façade as this is the section that defines the character of the
streetscape for the DTH. See Figure 6-4.
g. Fencing—Commercial Structures
Any fencing for commercial structures within the Downtown Historic District shall be
in the rear of the building not visible from the street.
h. Fencing—Residential Structures
i. Fencing placed in the front of the residential structure shall be limited as follows:
a. Height not to exceed 3 feet;
b. At least 50 percent of the surface area of the fence shall be open and transparent;
c. Made from wood or wrought iron. Masonry or brick may be used for columns
with wood or wrought iron fence panels;
d. Have the posts and rails facing the inside of the fence.
ii. Fences placed in the side or rear yard shall be permitted to a height of 8 feet
maximum and shall be constructed of wood or wrought iron. Masonry or brick may
be used for columns with wood or wrought iron fence panels All fences placed in
front of the residential building shall be decorative in design.
iii. Fences placed behind the residential building shall conform to fencing requirements
for single family development elsewhere in the city.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
6. Signs
Purpose: All signs in this section are applicable to the Downtown Historic District only
and are not appropriate to any other zoning district. The purpose of this section is not to
regulate the content of any sign, but to regulate to ensure that the area, material, and
placement of new signs and alterations made to existing signs and to ensure consistency
and to preserve the Downtown Historic District as a desirable area that is pleasing and
visually attractive. are appropriate to the architectural design of the building and the
district, and that signs do not visually obscure significant architectural features of a
building or the district in general.
a. General Provisions:
(i) Pole sign means any sign erected on a vertical framework consisting of no more
than twoone uprights supported by the ground and where there is a physical
separation between the base of the sign and the ground.
(ii) Signs shall be constructed of materials that are not subject to deterioration when
exposed to the weather. Internally illuminated signs must be constructed of non-
combustible material or approved plastics.
(iii) New signs should respect the size, scale and design of the historic building.
(iv) New signs should not obscure significant features of the historic building. (Signs
above a storefront should fit within the historic signboard for example.)
(v) No sign permitted under the regulations of this section shall be installed without
first obtaining zoning clearance and a sign permit.
b. Signs for Residential Structures
i The sign area of any one face shall not exceed sixteen(16) square feet in area. The
sign area of a pole sign shall not comprise more than seventy percent(70%) of the
entire sign structure.
ii The maximum height of a pole sign structure shall be six (6) feet when no lighting
is included. The maximum height of a pole sign structure shall be eight (8) feet
when a globe type light is included.
iii Logos and symbols may be illuminated or backlit by fluorescent fixtures. The use
of indirect lighting is also allowed.
iv The use of a fluorescent color on a sign is prohibited.
v No more than one pole sign may be displayed on a premise at any given time.
vi The sign may be placed adjacent to the public right-of-way, provided it does not
encroach on the sight visibility triangle and is a minimum of six feet from the
outside face of curb.
vii Single acorn type luminaires, flutes, moldings or other traditional details are
strongly preferred. See Figure 6-5.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
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c. Signs for Commercial Structures
i The size of the sign shall be in proportion to the building and the neighboring
structures and signs.
ii The total maximum allowable sign area for each building face is one square foot
per one linear foot of a single tenant, not to exceed 70 square feet, whichever is
iii The total maximum allowable sign area for each building face is one square foot
per one and one-half(1-1/2) linear foot of a multi-tenant building, not to exceed
100 square feet whichever is less.
iv Signs shall be mounted or erected so they do not obscure the architectural features
or openings of a building.
v No sign or portion of a sign shall extend above the cornice line at the top of the
building face. Roof top signs are prohibited.
vi For buildings without a recognizable style, the sign shall adopt the decorative
features of the building,utilizing the same materials and colors.
vii The structural materials of the sign should match the historic materials of the
building. Wood, metal, stucco, stone or brick, is allowed. Plastic, vinyl or similar
03/24/2022 Item 2.
materials are prohibited. Neon, resin to give the appearance of wood, and fabric
may be used as appropriate.
viii Attached signs may only be illuminated utilizing internal lighting. Exterior letters
with exposed neon lighting are allowed.
d. Window Signs
Window signs do not require a permit or a permit fee. Window Signs must meet the
following regulations:
i. Window Signs must not obscure more than 20 percent of the window area per
ii. No illuminated Window Signs shall be allowed where it creates an unduly
distracting and hazardous condition to motorist, pedestrian or the general
public.allowed within two feet of the window surface,except for open/closed signs.
e. Awning Signs
i. An Awning may extend the full length of the wall of the building to which it is
attached and shall solely be supported by the exterior wall of the building. The
awning sign shall be no more than six feet(6')in height and shall not be placed less
than eight feet(8') above the sidewalk.
ii. Artwork or copy on Awning Signs shall be limited to a business name and or logo.
iii. The artwork or copy for an Awning Sign shall not exceed twenty percent(20%) of
the area of the Awning and shall extend for no more than sixty percent (60%) of
the length of the Awning.
f. Projecting Signs
i Signs shall be constructed of noncombustible material.
ii Signs shall not project more than three feet (3'), measured from the building face
and shall not be closer than two feet(2') from the back of the curb line.
iii Bottom of the sign shall be at least 8 feet above the sidewalk.
iv Signs shall be compatible in design, shape, and material with the architectural and
historic character of the building.
v Signs shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet per sign face.
g. Canopy Signs
i A Canopy Sign is a permanent structure that is supported by the building or by a
support extending to the ground directly under the canopy. The Canopy Sign may
be attached to, or be an integral part of the face of a canopy.
ii A Canopy Sign may consist of only the name and/or logo of the business at the
location of the canopy.
iii The artwork or copy on a Canopy Sign shall not exceed ten percent of the face of
the canopy, or a maximum of twenty-five (25) square feet, whichever is greater.
iv An illuminated stripe may be incorporated into a canopy. The stripe may extend
along the entire length of the face of the canopy.The width or thickness of the stripe
shall be limited to one-third of the vertical dimension of the face of the canopy. The
03/24/2022 Item 2.
internal illumination of a canopy is limited to the portions of the canopy face on
which a sign or stripe is permitted.
h. Special Events Banner Signs
i A Special Event Banner sign is composed of cloth, plastic, canvas or other light
ii Only banners promoting or supporting local community events will be permitted
over public right-of-ways.
iii An application to place a banner over a public right-of-way shall be submitted to
the Building Inspections Department at least 10 days before the date to be installed.
iv The City of Wylie may erect and remove banners over public right-of-way.Banners
may only be installed at locations approved by the City.
v The maximum banner size allowed is 4 x 36 feet, unless extended over the public
right-of-way. Banners must be in good repair at all times.
vi The banner may remain a maximum of fourteen (14) days. A maximum of two
banners can be hung for each event with placement of the second banner provided
as space allows. Only one banner will be hung at each location.
vii When a banner over the public right-of-way is removed,the applicant is responsible
for picking up the banner from the City of Wylie Service Center within ten (10)
working days of the removal date. A late fee of$50 will be charged for banners left
after the ten(10) day period. Unclaimed banners will be disposed of 30-days after
removal date.
viii Banners not defined as Special Events Banners are regulated by the City's current
Sign Ordinance and as amended.
i. A-Frame/Sandwich Board Signs
(i) No more than one a-frame or sandwich board sign per business shall be allowed,
and a minimum of four feet of clear sidewalk shall be maintained at all times. The
sign shall be sufficiently weighted or anchored to prevent movement by wind or
other elements.
(ii) No a-frame or sandwich board sign shall exceed eight square feet per face or four
feet in height. The entire sign structure shall be calculated as the total of sign area.
(iii) Materials suggested for use for signs are finished hardwoods, or softwoods.
Materials not allowed include, but are not limited to, fluorescent materials, paper
or fluorescent paints.
j. Encroachment into Public Right-of-Way. Any sign that is located upon or overhangs a
public right-of-way shall be approved by the Public Works Director or his/her designee
on forms provided by the City of Wylie.
03/24/2022 Item 2.
-k.Exempt Incidental Signs. Small incidental signs can be installed along a business
frontage without permit approval from the City. Incidental signs are commonly seen as
menu boards, open signs, small window signs noting hours of operation, and small
hanging signs. Incidental signs do not include other signs specifically listed within this
ordinance. Although a permit is not required for these type signs, the following
guidelines must be maintained.
i No more than three (3) incidental signs per building entrance.
ii Maximum area allowed is 3 sq. ft. each,with a total cumulative area not to exceed
7 sq. ft.;
iii Incidental signs that project over or into a pedestrian right-of-way must be at least
7'-6" above the sidewalk;
iv Cannot project beyond the awning;
v Cannot extend above the awning;
03/24/2022 Item 2.
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Figure 6-6 Exempt Incidental Signs
1. Mural Signs shall be reviewed and approved by the Building Official for compliance
with the definition of a mural and other applicable local, state, and federal laws.
m. Signs denied by the Building Official shall be subject to review pursuant to Sec 22-443
(10)Variances of the city's Sign Ordinance, as amended.
03/24/2022 Item 3.
IN Historic Review Commission
Department: Planning Item: C
Prepared By: Renae'011ie
onsider, and act upon a recommendation to the City Council to amend Chapter 58,Article II of the Code of Ordinances
en Landmarks.
Motion to recommend approval as presented
At its October 28, 2021 meeting, the Commission discussed at length the proposed updates to Chapter 58 of the Code
of Ordinances, and directed staff to move forward with such amendments. Staff is proposing amendments to the current
ordinance as adopted in 1990 by creating definitions as well as changes to bring the ordinance more in line with
established goals of the HRC.
The purpose of designating a local historic landmark is to bring attention to the general public of places of importance
and protect the historic resource from inappropriate changes or demolition. In addition, such landmarks will help
reinforce the city's mission statement of "Honoring our past;Embracing our present;Planning our future."
Guidance for landmark designation shall be in accordance with Local Government Code Chapter 211,whereby section
211.0165 outlines the necessary steps and grants authority to the municipality. Before a structure or land can be
designated as a local historic landmark, the property owner must consent, and approval by at least a three-fourths
majority vote of the City Council and HRC is required.
Responsibility of the City:
The HRC shall identify and designate an area(s) in order to make a recommendation on whether it qualifies for a local
landmark. The City Council, a property owner, an individual or neighborhood organization, may also request the
Commission to make such a study and recommendation. The municipality must provide the property owner a statement
that describes the impact that a historic designation of the owner's property may have on the owner and the owner's
property. Consideration of tax abatement on city portion of taxes only for properties with a designated landmark.
Responsibility of the property owners:
All property owners with a designated landmark have the responsibility as any property owner within the city to
maintain their property to minimum standards, which include the structural soundness of the building, deteriorated
roofing or siding materials,broken windows,maintaining porches and balconies, and keeping the yard free of debris.
Approval from the HRC is required prior to any exterior work beginning on a property with a designated landmark.
Financial Summary/Strategic Goals
Ties in with the City's mission statement: Honoring our past; Embracing our present; Planning our Future. Meets the
following Strategic Goals: Economic Growth: Support and grow our local economy.
With the passing of HB 1474, a city that has more than one zoning, planning, or historical commission, the
municipality shall designate one of those commissions as the entity with the exclusive authority to approve the
designations of properties as local historic landmarks and the inclusion of properties in a local historic district under
that paragraph.
03/24/2022 Item 3.
Secs. 58-1 - 58. 20. - Reserved
Sec. 58-20. - Definitions.
Accessory Structure means structures which are incidental to, and located on the same lot as
a principle building(s) including but not limited to, gazebos, garages, sheds, greenhouses, etc.
Building means a structure for the support or shelter of any use or occupancy.
Certificate Of Appropriateness (COA) means a permit issued by the historic review
commission and the city council granting an applicant approval for the alteration, change,
demolition, relocation, excavation, or new construction of contributing site, contributing
structure, or landmark for work proposed by an owner or applicant that is subject to this article.
Contributing Structure means a building, site, structure, or object that adds to the historic
character, or cultural values and possesses historic integrity of the district or area, and because
it was constructed during the period of significance, typically at least 50 years old.
Demolition means an act or process (notwithstanding acts of God, criminal activity, etc.) which
destroys a site or structure in its entirety, or which destroys a part of a site or structure and
permanently impairs its structural, historic, or architectural integrity.
Demolition by Neglect means allowing a structure, whether intentional or unintentional, to fall
into such a state of disrepair that it becomes necessary or desirable to demolish it.
Demolition Delay means suspension by the City of Wylie of an application for removal or
demolition of a structure.
Design Standards means guidelines adopted by the city council defining the requirements that
will preserve the historic and architectural character of a structure or a historic district.
Downtown Historic District (DTH) means an area as described in Section 6.3 Downtown
Historic District (DTH) B. District Boundaries of the city's Zoning Ordinance. The historic district
may have within its boundaries contributing, and non-contributing structures.
03/24/2022 Item 3.
Historic Review Commission (HRC) means the historic review commission of the City of
Historic Landmark (HL) means a structure, a group of structures, a site, an area, a district, or
combination thereof, that has received designation from the Wylie City Council on its own and
not as part of the Downtown Historic district. It may or may not also be located within the
Downtown Historic district as part of a separate designation.
Historic Preservation means the protection, rehabilitation, restoration, or reconstruction of
historically significant structures in an effort to preserve the historic character of Wylie.
Heritage Preservation Plan or Preservation Plan means a document created by the historic
review commission to provide a current inventory of heritage resources, a list of potential
heritage resources, and to make policy recommendations to guide heritage preservation
activities for the city of Wylie.
Heritage Resource means a property or properties designated by the city council as a Historic
Landmark (HL) or Downtown Historic district (DTH).
Maintenance means any work for which the purpose and effect of which is to correct or protect
with least degree of intervention any deterioration or decay of or damage to a structure or
property, or any part thereof, and to repair or replace the same, as nearly as may be practicable,
to avoid any further deterioration, decay, or damage, using the same materials or those
materials available which are as close as practicable to the original and all of which must
comply with applicable codes and ordinances. Maintenance does not include a change in
design, material, or outward appearance, but does include in-kind repairs or replacements.
Minor in-kind repairs or replacements means small-scale repairs or replacements to correct
minor problems or damage to the exterior of a structure or building, not including a change in
design, material, or outward appearance. Examples that satisfy this definition include, but are
not limited to touch up painting, spot replacement of shingles, replacement of a windowpane,
caulking, and securing loose boards.
National Historic Landmark means a nationally significant historic place designated by the
Secretary of the Interior for its exceptional value or quality in illustrating or interpreting the
heritage of the United States.
National Register of Historic Places means the nation's official list of buildings, districts, and
sites, including structures and objects, significant in American history and culture, architecture,
archeology, and engineering maintained by the National Park Service and administered on a
state-wide basis by the Texas Historical Commission.
Non-contributing structure means a structure within a heritage district that was substantially
constructed after the district's period of significance and is not an integral part of the historic,
archaeological and architectural fabric of the district or the city, or was substantially constructed
03/24/2022 Item 3.
within the district's period of significance and does not retain a significant portion of its
architectural or design integrity.
Potential heritage resource means a property listed in the preservation plan that, according to
preliminary research, may have historical, cultural, archeological or architectural importance,
either as an individual property or as part of a larger district. A potential heritage resource has
not received designation, but has the potential to become designated with further historic
research, restoration, or property owner interest.
Preservation means the act or process of applying measures necessary to sustain the existing
form, integrity, and materials of an historic property. Work, including preliminary measures to
protect and stabilize the property, generally focuses upon the ongoing maintenance and repair
of historic materials and features rather than extensive replacement and new construction. New
exterior additions are not within the scope of this treatment; however, the limited and sensitive
upgrading of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems and other code-required work to
make properties functional is appropriate within a preservation project.
Reasonable rate of return means a reasonable profit or capital appreciation, which may
accrue from the use or ownership of a structure or property as the result of an investment or
Reconstruction means the act or process of depicting, by means of new construction, the form,
features, and detailing of a non-surviving site, landscape, building, structure, or object for the
purpose of replicating its appearance at a specific period of time and in its historic location.
Recorded Texas Historical Landmark means a state designation for buildings important for
their historical associations and which have retained a high degree of their original historic
fabric, at least fifty (50) years of age, and retained their original exterior appearance.
Rehabilitation means the act or process of making possible a compatible use for a property
through repair, alterations, and additions while preserving those portions or features that convey
its historical, cultural, or architectural values.
Relocation means any change of the location of a structure, object, or material thing in its
present setting to another setting.
Restoration means the act or process of accurately depicting the form, features, and character
of a property as it appeared at a particular period of time by means of the removal of features
from other periods in its history and reconstruction of missing features from the restoration
period. The limited and sensitive upgrading of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems and
other code-required work to make properties functional is appropriate within a restoration
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Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation means the standards established by
the Secretary of the Interior for advising federal agencies on the preservation and rehabilitation
of historic properties listed or eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.
State Antiquities Landmark means a designation made by the Texas Historical Commission
and, in the case of privately owned property, with the landowner's permission. This designation
can include buildings as well as archeological sites. For a building to be designated as a state
archeological landmark, it must first be listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Sec. 58-21. - Landmark Designation on perpetual monthly basis.
In accordance with Section 11 of Ordinance 2013-17, and Local Government Code Chapter 211,
Section 211.0165 Designation of Historic Landmark, as amended, the municipality shall have
the authority to recommend historic landmarks that have local importance. Designating local
historic landmarks as Places of Importance brings attention to the general public and protects
the historic resource from inappropriate changes or demolition. WhetherOn a m
perpetuity historic lancimemikerife edifices or locations which are distinctive and important
elements of the city's cultural, social, economic, political, archeological and architectural history,
shall be designated as historical landmarks of the city.
(Code 1991, ch. 1, §§ 15.00, 15.01; Code 1997, § 58-31; Code 2005, § 58-21; Ord. No. 90-11, §
1, 8-28-1990)
Sec. 58-22. - City council to designate.
Designation of city landmarks will be made by the City Council. Designations may be initiated by
a property owner, the Wylie Historical Society of the city, the City Council, or the Planning and
Zoning Commission, the Historic Review Commission, or city staff. If the property owner does
not consent, the designation or inclusion of the owner's property must be approved by a
three-fourths vote of the City Council, and the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Historic
Review Commission.
(Code 1991, ch. 1, § 15.02; Code 1997, § 58-32; Code 2005, § 58-22; Ord. No. 90-11, § 2,
Sec. 58-23. - Criteria and Markers.
1. Criteria. In making such designations as set forth in this article, the City Council and the
Historic Review Commission shall consider one or more of the following criteria:
a. Character, interest or value as part of the development, heritage or cultural
characteristics of the City of Wylie, State of Texas, or the United States;
b. Identification with a person or persons who significantly contributed to the
culture and development of the City;
c. Location as the site of a significant historic event;
d. Exemplification of the cultural, economic, social or historical heritage of the
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e. Relationship to other distinctive buildings, sites or areas which are eligible for
preservation according to a plan based on historical, cultural or architectural
f. Unique location of singular physical characteristics representing an established
and familiar visual feature of a neighborhood, community or the City;
g. Value as an aspect of community sentiment or public pride.
h. Detailed recommendation from the Historic Preservation Commission.
2. Markers. Designated landmarks will be awarded markers based on the category of
a. Historical edifices and similarly small sites shall be designated with a marker
detailing the historical significance of the edifice or site.
b. Historical zones, areas and residential neighborhoods shall, where possible in
cooperation with the parks and recreation department, be provided with a
conspicuous and attractive landscaped area with a marker detailing the historical
significance of the zone, area or residential neighborhood.
(Code 1991, ch. 1, § 15.03; Code 1997, § 58-33; Code 2005, § 58-23; Ord. No. 90-11, § 3,
Sec. 58-24. - City to take into account all landmarks when making improvements.
The City Council, when considering normal city improvements such as lighting, pavement or
landscaping, shall, where designated historic landmarks exist, make every effort to ensure that
such improvements are in keeping with and enhance the appearance of the landmark edifice or
(Code 1991, ch. 1, § 15.04; Code 1997, § 58-34; Code 2005, § 58-24; Ord. No. 90-11, § 4,
Sec. 58-25. Ordinary Maintenance.Participation in state Main Street center program.
Nothing in this ordinance should be construed to prevent ordinary maintenance or repair of any
exterior architectural feature of a property designated as a landmark or within a historic overlay
district. Ordinary maintenance shall be defined as any work that does not constitute a change in
design, material, color from a historic palette or outward appearance, and include in-kind
replacement or repair.The eitr eetnerl in recognition of the need to protect, preserve and promote
the cxioting town center, i.e., Nerrth Ballard Street Business District, declares official desire to
laek+sivete-ifr the state Main Street center program. To begin the process the city council instructs the
Eger to oontaot and cooperate with the city ch rce and th ty
of—the city in prcscnting a plan to the state Main Street center consideration in inclusion in the
state Main Street program.
{eede 1991, ch. 1, § 15.05; Codc 1997, § 58 3✓ Codc 2005, § s8 2✓ Ord. Ne--99-11, § 5,
3 28 1990)
Sec. 58-26. Off-Street Parking and Loading.
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Due to the development nature of property with a Historic Landmark Designation, it is
recognized that conventional off-street parking, loading, and development standards
required by Section 6.3 of the comprehensive zoning ordinance for individual lots may be
difficult to provide. Any uses proposed with a Historic Landmark Designation may present
a plan for parking to the Historic Review Commission and or the Planning and Zoning
Commission. Upon review, the required Commission may determine different amounts and
methods in establishing off-street parking.
(Ord. No. 90-11, § 5, 8-28-1990; Code 1991, ch. 1, § 15.05; Code 1997, § 58-35)
State Law reference— Main Ctrcct program, V.T.C.A., Government Code § 442.014; loans,
V.T.C.A., Government Code § 481.201.