12-13-2021 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting December 13, 2021 —6:30 PM Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak.Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon approval of the Minutes from the November 8,2021 Regular Meeting. 2. Consider and act upon approval of the meeting and tour calendar for 2022. 3. Consider and act upon parkland dedication for Monroe Development. WORK SESSION WS1. City Comprehensive Plan update. WS2. Project Updates. WS3. Future agenda items. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on December 10,2021 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. Page 11 1 If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange,lease or value of real property. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Page 12 2 12/13/2021 Item 1. Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes November 8,2021 —6:30 PM Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF CALL TO ORDER Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Member Brian Willeford, Board Member Craig Allen, and Board Member Mullis. Board Chair Joni Robinson,Board Member Brett Swendig,and Board Member Kevin Stewart were absent. Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz;Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Wylie resident Daniel Chesnut, former Parks and Recreation Board Member, commented on his appreciation for the Wylie Recreation Center and how well he thought it was managed, as well as his understanding of the need for a increase to membership fees in the near future. REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider,and act upon,approval of the October 23,2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to approve the October 23, 2021 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Chair Robinson,Board Member Swendig, and Board Member Stewart absent. WORK SESSION WSI. Project updates. Director Diaz advised that City Council is requiring all Board and Commission meetings to be presented live stream beginning January 2022. Staff will update the Board with information regarding this change as it becomes available. Director Diaz updated the Board on the status of upcoming projects for the splash pad(s), dog-park, and the Senior Center facility improvements. City Council approved the aforementioned projects and have since amended the general fund budget to allow the construction process to begin. Staff is working with BRW, an architecture firm, on finalizing a scope for senior center improvements. Staff is also working through the Request for Qualification process to contract with a firm to design the dog park and splash pad(s). 4B funds and 4B bonds are being considered to supplement the general fund in all three projects. After the landscape architect firm is chosen and the contract is approved by City Council,monthly design updates will be presented to the Parks and Recreation Board; in addition, joint work sessions will take place with City Council, of which Board Members are encouraged to attend. WS2. Future agenda items. November 8,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 11 3 12/13/2021 Item 1. Director Diaz reviewed the October 26,2021 work session presentation given to the City Council on the completed Cost of Service Study conducted by Pros Consultants. The study included reviews of current fees for the senior center, Brown House,pavilions, and athletic fields; however,recreation center fees for current operations were the primary focus in Pros Consultants'presentation. Fees will be considered for the other parks and recreation facilities and will be presented to the City Council at a later date. Director Diaz noted that approximately $333,000 of the Recreation's annual funds go toward free public events with no revenue recovery, and that the Center is currently at a 41%overall recovery and a 68%recovery for membership fees. He explained that the pre-COVID-19 pandemic recovery was at approximately 50%overall and approximately 68%for membership fees. Recreation membership fees are the primary focus in the study with a target goal of 100%recovery for membership fees and 61%recovery for programs. In addition, market and operational studies could also be considered for the recreation center in the near future. Director Diaz advised that a proposed follow up work session with City Council will take place at a future meeting wherein staff should receive more direction on proceeding with the recommendations of the Cost of Service Study. The recently installed digital sign at Olde City Park is near completion. The stonework is finished and the digital board is on order. Sign content will be managed by Parks and Recreation staff in coordination with our City Information Public Officer. The playground at Twin Lakes Park is on backorder. The parking lot lighting at Community Park and the Senior Center will be ordered by the end of the year. Lighting upgrades will be made at the Founders Park area tennis courts, which are shared between the City of Wylie and Wylie Independent School District. The City of Wylie maintains the lighting repairs and payment of the utility costs, along with shared costs in light upgrades. Upcoming City events include the Christian Care Bake Sale on November 24,the Wylie Arts Festival on December 4, the Holiday Parade and the Tree Lighting event on December 5. Brown House Supervisor Julie Pannell is coordinating volunteer opportunities for city sponsored/co-sponsored events and will be reaching out to the Parks and Recreation Board via email with volunteer infoi nation. Brown House interior repairs are nearly complete,and the planned Visitor's Center within should be open sometime in February or March of 2022. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Allen, to adjourn the meeting at 7:39 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 4-0 with Board Chair Robinson, Board Member Swendig, and Board Member Stewart absent. Gloria Suarez,Board Vice-Chair ATTEST: Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant II November 8,2021 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 12 4 12/13/2021 Item 2. J ` Parks Recreation Board Meeting and Tour Calendar w 1 2022 April July October SMTINTFS >.. .M.. ..T VW . .°.S. SNITVVTFS>.: S T A T F.........'. ... 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 3 igli 5 6 7 8 9 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 4i1 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 ® 16 1044, { 12 13 14 15 16 9 s1Q 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 17 18 19 20 21 22 $ti 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 31 30 31 February IIIIIIIIIIIIIIEMIMIIIIII. August November S '. .MTVVIFS SMTWTF S SIVITWTFS SMTWTFS 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 8 `urt 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 i,Ai 15 16 17 18 19 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 :14'i 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 27 28 29 30 March IIIIIIIIMMIMMIMMI September December 5... M ''T w .T .......F' .,5,,. S <°'M.:::'T.°:: VW' T,°''F,,,.' S ......,::M T , 1YV ....-1-°. ....F .......$ , S '...fill°......T' 1 1....... T F:::... S 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 1 2,.. 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 4 © 6 7 8 9 10 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13444't 15 16 17 18 19 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 11 12. 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 18 19 21 21 22 D 24 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 25 26 28 28 29 30 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CITY HOLIDAYS: PARB Meeting Schedule (6 30 pm,2nd Monday of each month) April 15—Good Friday . M Deadline for PARB May 30—Memorial DaylitAgenda July 4—Independence Day Submissions September 5 —Labor Day •\\' November 24 & 25—Thanksgiving � December 23 & 26—Christmas „,, 1 ' Y F January 2, 2023— New Year's City Council Meetings \ivy L I E 12/13/2021 Item 3. Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Robert Diaz Subject Consider and act upon parkland dedication for Monroe Development. Recommendation Motion to consider the parkland dedication as presented. Discussion The applicant is seeking approval for the parkland dedication for the Monroe Development. Skorburg Development is proposing to satisfy parkland dedication requirements by the dedication of parkland and improvements in lieu of funds. Per City ordinance, the current parkland dedication requirement is five acres per 100 lots. The minimum parkland dedication for this development in terms of acreage only is 7.1 acres. The proposed development has 142 lots. These would be assessed at$2,000 per lot unit for a total of$284,000. The total amount of fees in lieu of development would be $284,000. The developer proposes to dedicate a total of 16.9 acres (2.8 acres out of the floodplain)and install approximately 1,925 linear feet of 8' concrete trail within the development and other park amenities such as a playground. The developer also proposes to connect the trail from the Monroe property to Kings Bridge Park located in the northwest corner of the development. As part of the dedication of 16.9 acres the developer is also providing options to retain the lake on the property or to drain the lake due to water impoundment issues with the City of Dallas. All parkland dedicated to the City would be owned and maintained by the City. Page 1 of 1 6 12/13/2021 Item 3. MonroeDevelopment ( NAME TBD ) Parks and Recreation Board December 13, 2021 SKO t G C O NIP AN Y. 7 12/13/2021 Item 3. Subject Location � w;,r ., Parker Road u ,: a'tl 236nr�K wW^mave':crArCNr.w µ�, ) 1� ,,, gq, t� 'Qaw.ex ea'a . :ul^.:.,..v?Pul `^ :ry II ra k`I .. �:.°. �a" ., .? yn � 'r Alm 4 �� ..�,“, » ,.,u AV j!'iWhiito 0 W y , } a°" Branch & " �r S IS 1! Subject Property s„fi, a ,� w. .rrvM :V . ., j .,,,,,m m. ^""'"w.,� at .,;.T:nrner Branch ....",.......,.._,w...»_.m..,,. '�"' i"u;iu�', ' pu O ..'''''°,,,,xtl‘',- : :.4‘11+7;'''''':":':':'::':.,;'4.;t:',A',::::::i:'::.,:':,ititill-m, '''' ,. 1.,:,,,,gi ''',-%',",'"'. . ''''''At„. "' 0 y w: 2 8 12/13/2021 Item 3. The Skorburg Company .,,,,--: • Local, privately owned development firm with 40 years of experience parker Lake • Over 90 development projects in more than 33 different cities • states around DFW metroplex • More than 15 current projects in active development • Reputation for building high quality, long lasting communities ','.N. g g g • 44 I 1 s 4,,n4 fl,`,,4`s'' ) k ,,9 #r"*Ntfl#1.,#,,,-.1. s'•.," ;0#,`,#-## 00, #.,,,,,,„;#*t t„• • 1444,,-,\ ,, ifi rg4 VA -,, t \ 44444 e 4 4 ,,k044 4 ,4 40 4,,,z4--,4k.,„‘44 , ,„4/44 4 -"I'41 A •"' ',,O.'" \ I g g ,,, -•',,,, i.0 . 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Birmingham Park Ded ais ton �I IIII .ti n, sa,\.. wm I�� µ , 0„,,„,...,,,,, ,n„.„., , , �II' "°li I' s' y..' „ fit; n, ,, , , , , , „ , � I ,, , , , , , , „, , „ , 0 l' �wr M1e w pr. ,--A;„„,„„„ u}1 MMA'������ m,� ,� '+II 55 b.E,a "Ai uumn A.A., � J�'ulk Z {2 'l4 ti I'. } lw M t ` �t �W u . A Ili I a�W 1t`4 � t. 40 wni 11 VI 'cur � I..... ' ' IP i„I n �t." ° aM tkkt I'... ,'' �.Jt�. >, 3 I' I.. I i' tte' ' ok ° 4Iiii— . ,,,",„'\:',,',,' II. II 1 s11's� I R� ,.tv$ .» OMB 1 r^' I' II'I �i o ' gill , ,i I'� Ism �� I' �M' m I d ii r I I, I� ,I. �'„I y C P I b ''I', .t�,;� � i'° I'' I I rl' J.. r=,5 /.,'M�) i _M' wi��i Parks Board i ICI� ,Y, "^I TA' � I I ,' I, h e' Ian' t,'' 'n,'o' , it r I II, uu i.t i7."S t,s� t,s �,, I„ i i t>J» �'' PI a`t IMP uu } 1t, i li'In �14� �� � 'titit,1`J r t,� . .. ., �' t �^;P:P-°::;°. b I II' 11 12/13/2021 Item 3. Final Trail BirminghamPark „, iII ll, J �.� IY� yl �. 1 I o I I , „,„„, „ j „,„ , ,Y) „I II Layout ...,, „„ „,„„,„„,„ , „„„ , , „, „, „,„ .„,„ II ,,,„ , ,,, „, �I "III 1 1 I I,i ';I Vi°y I, 1�' jl,' �,l ,,,,,, „,,,,,,,„„, ,,, „„ V" ;li„ ' ' Y „„,„,„ ,,,„„ ,• Ix '; "li, y" I.I I„lu' I',Y �n y„ i UI i 7 ' lu IViI'I al r' � «r l ° z I' I I ', I,I Ii } IY 8 ,tin Ili II .e'=S ii III n�u i Ali",,i� V(, Ht 1' JII I^' �.t (f 3 ol. �'W r :' 1!: 'm t ' Y�IPI llrl J �an ' it c i''°r. 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" ,: , e t ac It'ur 14 12/13/2021 Item 3. , 1 , ,- ii Proj ects Nearby , 1 -P. i!"''—— --• '''\ '''i, '771-10.E I 7, I 1 1 , • Developments in Wylie , 1 - /°- ilop,, ._. . 1 , , 1 \„ \ , , Wt1 Alanis Crossing iii , 1- -- I \ , 97 Homes _-- iii - I , - -,- i _ ,„,;$ ..., ,,, ,,„',,,,010,v,,,. . - 1.--,,c --$.1,. _ - 1. ,-111,. r. , ,k I k .04k 44,..4.4 'A ""?: 5q ', .0,• I Mk 9 1 kkg,4,„,,,, ,,,‘„,,,•;4,0,44; .14 ,,, „ , , 1 , ,,4' t‘' AlliV,'' ''' .-9 . 0 1:21\\''' ' ,,,..4kkr.k9" ' , 4'•"----,, kAt ..,„ ,, '''A44444044V10404044444',0A'kkk444,,A,444, 4' ' , 1 , 1 1, , ' ,444k,k\‘'''4'.9kS., \9 9's Ak9kk4kk,4kW4.44 444"4.4.444.14A41044'40,441/4k4,4, , k,k ,'4.4"9, 4,, , ..,‘ , . JA, '.4.2y14,• '''''— —— ''' ' 1—\ '' ' Av — ", •'' '''V "K",-1.--r- , "1444°'..4104*-494tettetetet r el,4.44it t •44reti -4.•4,,-'t • , u'it ' ,,' •,;et. '.-1', ) „„4 ttl.tx ", .4r.,..t..,,,...44,,,,,,,,,,tre..e.,e, A.J4-eetetee. , , 9 , • t, . , ... s ° - -''44-, '.4 .4' Y ".. 4' 4,, \•",,,,,,1 , , . ''''''' i L'eltenq tittr-,44 i.t."•‘04'-.4,j e . 4.:-^1,.,.‘e.4-,;;"0-;,,,',.1,'f'4";.' .'.:•e' ,4' ',"„„,,N,- " :,',.s., . ° * ,Forestt;r00},Dri 0,a.4.-.4,_ if , 15 12/13/2021 Item 3. Nearby a'' yPro ects �7p,s£:•"''� VM: Current Developments ,. Stone Creek BreezyHill Rockwall 798 Acres 1 700 lots, 8+ Phases a .' J' '' 'k'j„:, IN',,�,� m V0. 1 il ill Stone Creek was nominated byDallas Business Journal k. n,.,o ,;',,'Rot",,,, •f.l':'. . c �� iDealof ,' for 2008 Residential the Year , Homebuilders: Windsor Homes, Drees Homes, Paul Taylor, Negate) Homes Meritage Homes, k"iY ,,�`,,M to ct } ».�, :;�•a,,; ,.r.,, '1a � r''4rMS rt F i . ' .» J � . ri : � a<J„x?fi. :l sw ' r {in tl le n: _ ti, r t�8, J,,.e, �M rr „, a �ffi ,fin � b .h rot»r. lt'{,;.,,, >t� �� »� ? ,t44 a4" �1r »m,»r n s Y 7 a � t" l I� c: l ^ ,iiirb,: ."" �:� 't2•�• ^ro,t^p ' M�Sii ., ilia Net .1T � ...,P i tm+'vl s�'wiu'�T .,.br N 44 P^ Y ct5`�"":"�rs S {» J{ J tf . {r,it, )`ti\ .l �, S 4•, i �„ 3 l ds uP �L t =T �.J d, F � } "Vn ',if, \t< P'f Y , � . .ettbn �µ M.� §2 3 A Jt shv,� A »V 4/� �x F .vYi' 6vJ re�4 vG,a 'F+'Y 4A: 8Ni M' u{ 1. ay � a wt -.'ice a;.a— ��� ,{ �` 1J. " ` 4P. vll� v r, an, lu w, » M - 1� , ,: ,, 4.. , �„�{tom�,n�.�• «,' I.I. II' 16 12/13/2021 Item 3. Self-Storage w " `s° arc, • Dove We ' « w' oeppd 0 r • ,..,, ,,,:„ Property000 " 0040 0000atsl' pn. a a Branch tott xw s00 00 m Rita smith . � :, v' !." M Elementary + tmu C' Y ticoaViO 'Sad , h� fi+re a grvem a, � V �� sr*µ ,,'1 „N ,,,,„,,,,,,,,,t m, tti 11r 17 12/13/2021 Item 3. ";� n ' tO ,'is^ti.'"* '4• 'gat*, �4 ,u• 4�ii ,'t4't.�t''�' ,'; ;`>;< "n`e�»., yYt z,4 �;,,, ,'%.� !, »�f.d,'s, r:` '4', �.»su»:s,' 4 , ,',6, i.l3,. ,. m :rS?;•;,.;,<*,`«, t4,;,t „ .', zee},.t< h.-,„'`'}<t,'i4,.Y x•,).',, '"ixL 3 xi u,,v, tz..0 ,t,t v $a:.r,�: `g"'A iW a..:,u a�^ „,r:, a.,., ,<''', ri,','0.,.. rivikltrik, .'.:'''4,:,..>, r'' `v' ,,k4 etkn „3r,a<,,,,*, ....,r,: :.: ...,vT ` '`+». ,>i,l?.,,a, ;��' ,�„»:, ":t'd.' 's.Fl;<:.v<.,x«.i x,?yyr, �.,. ,.,,:;',.",,"., `t+ir'�tt .k^� 4- 14MYNiN�Mi t"f.,`d''''<. "'£ • 4« ,um •'.:,£ r`,p"I" 0. .t, r l .r - is��,<„. »1r'',i ,, "fin' '} t'J e.i",4'`+'',.,,- ',l.;r .',"�.'.° "''. '''. ';w44 Silt ,. kti-r,' ;,tii », -.man. 1 --*- »✓- <. 5, ' :; s• '4 t•,,r I` t'»S, .N"o» tt ,.ate„, �a„ . °°a` �£,, , r `t\<' t,,.,'», '°, `' t s DRAINAGE AND DETENTIONANALYSIS WILL_ °.`F ., 4 '1,t< ,< F sy -fit ,.° ' B RFORNI DURING NG RIhtG ^rti . TES" „..*„.tit ��;,x;, �� � EE�� !I #^ x , .. ,',,„, - „ �S OF PROJECT G7E�Rh�INE ` Q ,4, : : `° T XACT Q L T a � t"'' PROPOSED t TENTICN°„�2A�„' Ate ,ik ,,,,: `�•t',a , 1' . , n=.' ,,',tt _ i;1 Sett;tr< kx t.'f,i,,,'.1. 1. x ';'nw:..','n,.Ys, 44` * ##,. ,a„" *,•,,,,,r<,,; :a , ,�Yiie,,tit?:' u..%,,,, 's.3 ,'err . a,<i d -,.. i,�£' v n i` � y t 8N144, i n �.iw, »�9Y ,,.r,r. m,y,,t,ai,", r,y� » , i .: �4t„j, u^ u `I l it ��^�� vsytt,.,� »b .wt r�u. tr £.» U v\ „ t r7.� — The 4 }r ukt» n t,r� t t tr .t,d r t. �Y s Y Plan F u�aa�t L ,r 'Sr, 1,`ZI �, "fit",»<"�� 7 .. , r„ 'xa K' , "4� k4. t � i' 11 F t4 at,:,,., ',YSm 1 1' 4. Y•. 2., �1 �r� ^ra u t s,„'si?t.t Ir' t� 111111 ',d'��n�•i a ,r, ,,t,,, ,t ~t~t,,, :4 vv.�, x ,i,. "= «iavat;�.#t. �',�5' ,,, ,, r,„ ,.R• mow: t4,4 „ ,<'.;,: . » , .tea" a:t,,st,i' >'t., . ,,, `; '„k' 6t'ti..„t„�"'�, qA. ,t, °">'4,0` #' ° ",`"i;?z e ,;,�,?,,,4`»xu„t,"' »ri,fi ,4»:, '� 44 } :,tr,,,, 4,,, 1T j�'fp yy °`t`'i' ...'',`.� {�5}AV Ar fl'4:z, ,,,." \'r%,"vi\\'i,` „4,x. �1.i.J '...,- ;,.—,A " ' ' : T'' 4:7''' .y »r,:fs,;, ° x» ,u t�.{�@C',e,�tik$U ,.ja3z5.¢,st, 4 *I* 8»• » vow* a�+ 'u+ <x,5, i7t,3}:,> tti. Y=: v'YV'' S Y`; n`,"'»,, • ft ,n ;,,»4p » v;. ,3 ti, ..,' kk`„,;e;rf r , :*,' t �',w.,,, »`' `5A' ,". 5 n v`: ,4.,I,'t. •�4s °� . `' ?'K a:'d2<`,e 9;' ',,,, 31•- "t4'; 'u> ,.. '.�yr�. �.� "1 \.," ,)i,�� Sa ttai':,,,. 03 ,i ate+ , e,p'„�'l 4. ,e' ,; ' "'t i4 ` -, '' Yt:, „ t, �yrtx, )�k��;4,4 7444 <,n, yQ"'.t 'i, .?�4� �, ..ft`y * ,a � •ivi• . O *` :`� ilk' £R Y�»:.9. S'tf,4',t,.;" 4' ,, }1044444.4t4.4 „ t`` ,i4 ,use , *i'�'�., :, ;'�`Yi), iii k� ` ,<s ,',�„-v ipef s �,<'rm,•,r Y.;', tq'.YO"1<+,rk,v}�',= ..fit '' t, ,t:< , k t Fu T` a'" `a.'.:45 . ',1 r'.#""`,xt`<*„'', ". , t »s ut' `Y. 4 µ 3 ?4'.; Q�1� ^M`aul'4'.' �� 2'N,,`. ,rye , ti; 113' '}urm,.. '`•» AS,Y'i cai3 `4 i. � ', '`.r,� .'i�\t.,''Y °<. c;'>t»:"; ;w:#;,?4 4§<a< .,,,,k} »»� » ', t,.»`,,," , 4*,„4tr.` .,, a ,: n• ',,t• ,;, £,,,"li*,1,.W" ., ',".,' .",,. t, ,' ,',,,, :y{c,Fyt`� ,'' ,, 'ti„ Q ,;-.t",. :, ,�, ,'d. 10 , ..pV� �,:�. =s, t > .� .x ,. ,fit,`"o's,°?�:;:g;,k, ,a: ' �+ sTT'` M, ��„" Et,` „ �5. »tYd ',,2C�a'"% ' fir. t p"fit.,, ;.1 m "� it. T '�' µ ti `t:;"`a µo p.3t` Mc a t 'ti., "t 12 18 12/13/2021 Item 3. yd' Dedication and III Improvements . �t I, zrr, w�' ) Ywr� 0, ,rrt �;'t � q. I� ) ,,uu f ^ $w,.4� -r�'"; :y `_� rat ry Ion ��' , 'Dedication- >,. ,Y2 �:.`jtys :"=^j, tk;� a yw�3+t�c,r3,A At. yY<+rs< F, �'au';^ `Yz it+ a» j {F r�t I..say�,` A, A '' S, "II >�r 1 k wa { �n P ^sfm #'�. :4 '4 0. 4 ^� 4, F t^ , �t t*"n FF i'S Y ��1!A�1$ r r F r= "u fs W 7 } �IM1 v 1 a0. .n v5y ei�9'X}W S^ a�t'` 3 u Ii V "I st �,n 4`5t z ,'�y z,� +� „.,.>: �,swzv , ,Si' „1„ {6.. vV, ,lta�,U`sr� � „,gyp. i� i ii�u i. �i a 3t gtl' 0 1 VI if 5t ' a >fi P* } eS L S` M1,,a�i t ti'y u� �s 's,`i���` t,'4 �G�" \Yip"•tr , 4a ,� t a�,r SYEr. # � ,r �I, I tF i � ^ 7 7 dll < r,�YN` v 1'e � a �,... 'F' as tN WILL DRAINAGE AND DETENTION ANALYSIS ="�„ ,, rY u II F �} F 4k �t Y 8 P R CJRM G DURING NG RNG „ F IN I �t i n�i�F #A ar '�a' "w�' k Aa4 II EE�� P PR i��OF ta.� T DE INE �' I° Tom, �T h`k, r, r � ,q� TEX T Cl AT N ib ,�"� „ ^w Tr I >, .„ �r PROPOSED dETENTIC3N A': " " „I " is ;r� ',4.i° 7� � )r ti`Wa'R'" t'n�u�FwwwYwreA i i I'���;�,�� 'u'I''�� vw^^` ��, III. AA, Atk ra �+ c 7', 4 �y ; f. 'i�Imi ale ,, "r lii ,,ls ss��, :' ..,' k�.£ A. �' } t")'ss'ai t r')»� �" T�i g v i� �v c<, ,sF, C n„ r,t�' Yea" _� �. Fyr m,# t, y, n.n �€F' ^nir ,Id � l wo, f�,.a d i,p 2r )" W yF � r ui 'illy �� i 4' $n �^ r''fliti. L�Fc la '„'OSe =}"1"t R s^ ' ,S,yias 4,4 C �I� �W'Q� !�u t'fi1 t } I I r�' a F { I: y t} wl, "" 5 � 1. #=ta,' I' .l °n, k � I y, 1 a2 I, f r M n' k�r�_I h— Ii 5 } Voln, r I St$ — '� a5;` II " it„tr )r 1 t{„,�v 1 od a �r wJ�„n)r=;t l I r, v I k I' I' li Ii j'� i �" ��x r r it �t I' _ i� rs� ';;," r 1p} R l t , t;,+ �r,,,,k; I 'I I k , rtr �,^'t• 4` I ; 5 i �„ lil Y:iss" 'r�� lwi� fl e^ u r, F I a= IIr 4, L i � 'sn' ����' } rt„r `„rir"a' k< �t d u y v4QS3,» i' 6 ¢:l t � 3t b ohs, �I 1 3 }d Y ti ''l g'x � fll a ,rY„� �p Y ,?" C v 4 f Lv Y �, �r rju "�Yi ,� mar rr „ r,a 2, �" V` a, l„ t h 1 x<y t `a ' Ili � :\ 1 i I' t II.... Xr�^h 3 ,S II I.• I' I'm � t, Ir )r S j»�e5, "YtR+ V4 5 rt L,� � i EE r it, 1$!P r„4 � F,'}sy'r t44; s SS I cw�xiC m n�4 l l' 5 r)„t�';' i I� b '@ Ilia 1' }„^ b a , t, ,< , �+ aC+Y'r,04..t �r � A I I m A�F S. s w, r 1 mr fits F'y° ti a sY�k b 5 b 8 y 4# Y tF, J s n:, ;�' tf vry b R a4_ $ t^r +"�`a. �� a1� I'0 7 �r��Y r$ • 44i q rNx 4 �r £is M v x x,�4* tr< to�, �1Y b 4z § # t=FmU �Sr " s Se,s zaww,. nor r"r b II II �a .& d'I F' t a , s £r` I'� I,a„At.' ��,"'� �a r v• " 'a�, ^Ir it '.,e � �' arc ��_ � T= ,,Y p�d4„ II, {s r�reA :, �" Y 3r �,� ann � far �fin 3 �' c.4 iI lir i a , vyas<v u t Aga p�{� R�s.'d A ^IS^ v{� �tr:' �v � Ii t • tw�, �' w ush 0 a Y� t \4 t = .4 c`` E IT p �i .et .de' i , ^4�a S. 's'ss+ rHr p ,,yy ,g, �ur it ii sill N t .mot` Il sl va I,',,A, t �� �1 .�' .y+j +� ,%, 7i .z,,,s a tre ks yt; `vC'" y 'x �����XI �wnaa T8, ' µI I e ,s . v z ^, 4n, ,+~# °�� `m, ,,, `.> "' ,8. &. ill vYw "'a 7* '2 aiMi P,i 19 12/13/2021 Item 3. ;�� , „ ""% ,'i,�{^ti''" '' 'xa> rt, ,u•t�ti t:ii " `=x".itttt " tit;`;t;`r' ""ngre"x., yut T, z,t ,;, IA* s„s ,,,,„,,**--at.,t»"...,* ** ''"'x .1,°* t `i»y�xi"tV, j *la",),,*' ,?:',S�Ss't";: _{'} es t:ti , 'ts`t;.tY k�S`+,�zr,,,.;rau..''mot°�»n,,.,, , ;t;.> ,.,r..s,, iL ,>itt',�""?q,^4?, ,.�,z,x,,,.: ...uvT »• t„ t ,° t' ,,..'" ',:;;t,.. **t 2 ;;§;l ",.. �, `,�»`„„, :`;ra k e' , a, '}` i to.'+ e.i",4'`+'',., .A. "''"'" ,t': 't Salt '' ,. r=,i r,' 10' », m»xa�rc,�.man. » 'U: yi%; i„a , "'''"' s. ., t.,=, t „�'»S, ` ,.a,=ut,, �a;, . °°a` �£,, as` r7'i 4 `'t4 `:' u'», n':4�" '4°� Xi" ?ly�°''»,,,»„r: =``°t" '�3, �", t�t� �Y,,� iad ..y`,5< '*,° s DRAINAGE AND DETENTION ANALYSIS WILL °1 ." t' �▪ ,__ " F s y "3, t ,"!t a RFORM DURING rr RING TES"" � ., ��;,'; �� E� r', i^ , .4,�,_. ::u,.; - „ ▪ �S OF PROJECT pE�MII Ai ` 4 ,i k. t:i<,' �., :.,s``Oa 4 £" V v, , I"'' om. £pax ,,,, 'a ; XACT Q L T `"'' PRQPOSEt? C TENTICN"„�2A�,, �, "T � I - A ;y�, d tom: ."• s:' 4,%" �'545 t 11 ttikifittNi,„,*VOA ,q{;t',a kr, 1' . „ , Ys. „ .,"}t _ itVt'`t**tc'` "4' k }. x ';'xw:..','d,.1 , t*` ti. ,� t4t,,,,t,,,: t:a ,,t ,�re,4,,t,?3tr,u..%"Y:i"�.3 ,'err 4,. ,»t,. rt -t i,£' v n i` � y t 8N 3 • ct.\e` y,<t,oi"", r,y� y� r� s it, "�� •rat'. �;oy,i h.^ t�'at.«. `•"... Fry,°;, ,,.",,,., air',x �.,t 4'- tt" i , u^ t.,„, ,.ti l d E ij 4a„ a k»�: tr 4F£.» U v\ The 55 t tki�. 4 }i�= kr» r tt t,i<< .. t��y t t t t. �t �w »t Y� 4 uu�a��t L 1 'Sr, 1,`ZI aa�, `S , t",»<"�� 7 .. l,�'"xa k\sp,. K' $i. Y k sS 4u.» n�1 t� i' F t4 at „»a l va„.e Y�T;4r 2., �1 �. 3 �r,;,�\,rF`t , r t s\i?t"t gg 1=' n4 Improvements �`, ,rt' ,t''„�,t `.»`,�:�, z,• `�;� ,�;. �st;;ii:' �.">4.,f,»;�. »a't�;" "ib1'� �e�.`�"r"a" ,�,s�,,�s �" 44;,w55451'8,t.14""',''5 — , 4,5 5. ,,,a—:—; "; ,',,,, "-, .,r�,ir; ,A �ELEIY'ALi"," T'`;;'" „ ,3 .,i=�Y:., 0s ' » P '�r,� »' t tt� ,„u q}.{1t.=; '$,z \aa,33,s,»,;.;s, "t 4.1555{:' it r, .,,�,,,: ,\.,ta2;"' La, �`,`''t;`s•."''�,,,'�' „''. 'j k`,i." ' �'kc»''. :�t7,'„ e„,,,,' u:.t aaa�»''t `tt"*r °,''`'i, k,w ^ ,., S ttai'it}.' me,p'„l g is ttt ..w dr 4t sk„, .a*`k:, uw„ tr,, J W,,.`:A"-, t: t* �,.7Y e�' ,;" "'t M14 ,,. '' t,:t „ ,ytt ��k�,,�; •",a,k yg"'.t ',,,Y„� ,,L. .a . O ';, � :`' i▪ lk,' t:'t».+. 9. S*:•'t,.;,` 4 :, } b„t t` ,i ,tie , :t ;'� "'t`,£. „„�„Imxt ` ,,: ,*,,-.0 t h z ,ir 1,,', 4,•t,�id'4.k.y.= It, '�.' t„,,, 3tto k. t. ,,",',a.,a ' a ,• :" u.:r^. ,,t; ,,,0:. r'.t""`,t ,,,' ".t;t ,% hut' `Y". µ14 , 3S ""t'.'}; , • t .u„5 .","' t„ ,• ,it {,} :., Et' - ' A »t i77 Y`+: 20.""»" '" ""fit;» Ilit4 ,1 m "� ' T ' z .µ.. ,\,-„t, t iµ„„.n, c" r, ua { ,e„' ,k�w,' ti,, :`'ed} '44$ "`,u,,*,;• *a, ,,v,,L,„„.:..,, ,. `. . 6 ,rti,� ,s ,.._„,u::•," �.,, ▪.,,.,.x,,»..��w w .:u' ,, �`. r,.., `�a , : ,.�m�m�� , _ xtt � � ., : 14 20 12/13/2021 Item 3. --.... „.„.....„„„.„„„„„„„....„..„„„„„...„.„.„...........,.. ..,",_".....„",.„.„.„.„,.......„.. . . . „: , , , Projected Improvement DESCRIPTION Quantity UNIT PRICE 14,000 SR.FT. $ 5,50 $ 5"Concrete Hike and Bike Trail 8`WideTOTAL COST Va I u e 1.,410.0 SQ.FT. $ 5.50 $ ,„.„..„.,..,...........„ ......„,„.„,„„,„„... 81,000 500 sa„FT. $ 5.50 $ 551'cCoonnccrreettee pHalk,ej,afonrd:inkech:asialn8„d` ,.....,,..,,,....„„ .,..,.,.... „„......,.„..„ 44,„„...,p.„0„,,7 v! .(,?4si..„..,„4„,,,A ,cp„ 1 EA. $ 2,000.00 $ 3,250 040,e4,,;,,,itftl, Handicap Ramps WideT a bs Connectiona!ongT r ai I ',....,„,,„ —,,,,t, .*.,.., ,,' - .,,, 1 EA. $15,000.00 $ 15,000 '''''''' ttlie4tit tttteitttetkt 'tt" .ttttt., t.:`tt, tt t. tttot g tit,t. - .. t; „a i 'tt, tt 0. Low Water Crossings .„..,„...„„*„.„,*.bAoli,,,i,„.'„gb.„,4,1e4 .„,,.., „„„A.,„, .-„...,„...1 A'...„,41 ,..„„„..„,—.• -'k.'„,.„,1..„t„,..-,44,,o,,, ,, ' , %.,.,, 4, i..„, ,' , .„...„.„„,.........,, ,,„,,A. $$$ 4,, ;.,.44 i 2,000 EA, $40,000.00 $ •4‘;'''''1: 1.10,*.44it_444.:! , ii.„4...,140-','-i4i61';,4,- -'.1.°14r '''''444!4.4444.4.4',f;44•;...4. .',' ,1,..t,tztettia, ,,,,,,,t, c3i„,,,, .,„„„,;:,,,,,i4 ,t4tit 1 1,4tt 33501,41t ititattp ,:4 rtt pi*ttcAtttottgitt .tia Lake Draining and Dam Breach .'. Fu*''',1,414,4„„.",'..`;...',,,,,?..:l'''.'„'.4„,li.'''. 4004,1 '7.°'4'4'4' * -' ',i', !- ,,„'-',:,'''4';'.4.: pt.*. 40,000 tM' ni44,040444,'4,1',4°, 'Pt' 'l't . '.1 ,,.' '',n1;„-.3..F':, s5,000 i*Nillizi4t*.4.4.,6 00 0,, 6 000 0 01*00,6006.6.6,44,‘662006,60„66 , , ,t,„,,Stplt Play Ground 1 EA. $25,000.0Cl $ ,4„,.."'„'.*L',„,:s7,..„,,!'''.,' . ..-....,,:7,-'11.V,'„, ' ',..L., -,,,,, .t „, 4„4-riTile ...,41,.)4,t.,V,„„ ''',44,V1- EA. $30,000.00 $ 1 ..PM,*...41)011,44,110',,4,,01,4,,,,,,, N:„w. ' ,7 R#0,.,10,106WitN04X,6„ ,1, 1, EA. $12,500.00 $ 12,500 1 '''''.4:::":"'.!,. .".:::„.:.,'" 1„:'" lkikiit414.4%,„.4„,„„..*.',„ ,1'.; , !;,,..VINit,".4.4.1'i'1...1,1,4 ,,--imilms I„,.„,...„,1.,i/ -1,,,,re„ki , '\ PlaygroundHP iaargsrcoaupned(SS:rdr:e.Structure and Pads,Tngd5Peltay)MulchGro un Ease) s Border)e .,„. .."....„..„..„.„,,.,,,,. ki0600-6,1„,i6 "' 01,5 2 EA. $ 2.000.0Cl $ 30,000 5,000 „,.W,„4„.4..Y..14' 4 A. $ 1,250.00 $ ',..; 'v'''''''T'''4"r'''--;1 1 1 ;;'' '„,„o„alf.'1...,:..m„,,....„. Park&Tpriacinl ilcmTparbolveements 4,000 Park Trail Bench rash Receptacle 4 EA. $ 1,250,00 $ 5,000 ...„... .., T '''' ' `'V.1,1,e':„. ...,„„.2,„,„,...„„...,..,....„ '4.4''''''''''' ''''' Park Trail Milage Markers '4').• EA. $ 1,000.0Cl $ ..„.,„..„.„„.....,.. 2 ., ,„, 6"Posts ID Placards 2 EA., $ 500.00 $ 1,000 eLEm 2 EA. $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000 p„mw• Installation .,......,....„,..,....".„„.400-00,t0 0, .6 ......„„.....„ !'::'"'''''':' ' Ls, $20,000.00 $ 1 ,, ' ' ,''' General Site Prep and Grading .,„,..,..„.„„„.„..,..„ ''.: ,,,. '''k ,,,, 20,000 - 40.$444i1. 'Ik.4#44.1 1.•;',/,XL4,444.111'4:',3'.:1:':fr '-, 1V,h';'7;' v*A4''''''-4 ' ' k.n--,44,$14-$''':'''-'.1 ''' .4$' ' k6.-• 7;4;4 14, Seeded Areas AC. $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000 '''', .,,." ,-„„,„. „Lk,4 ',„Oto it‘ ,„.•44„'4,,,5; :"lit'et ,`,' „tr, . „....„.„.„„,....„., . , , '',44,144, .: ,,, ,,,,,,,I04„,,,,;;,,A,,,,, .k„,,,,,,,,,i'\- „0 *.tiNitat.A.M.1,04,,,Ili t', ,,Nigk, ,r,.:.:0,,,,:10,',','.,- ',.*t,.'"',qi,4,--,4--,,,,,--4 :r.,',, - ',,,,:-,',:,,,' _ - ,, ,,,, \ ,, ,, „,J„-1 i *114*7471.,414? Irrigation ermuda Hydromulch for S'Trail Buffer and Playground Ares 4.0 1 LS. $60.000.0Cl $ 50.000 '' -A, ',,,''''' ,,,,••49 ',•"' :': Of : '• 715.1-2:0444i4R141-Ei ': • i.5,•••:,',- , '"4-ft::,.,,,-r-1•1.4,,i#' Ail,' 1 Ls., $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 Irrigation Design and Install for Seeding Irrigation Stamped Plan for Permit .„.„,..,„.......„„,„.„,., TOTAL $ 401,850 21 12/13/2021 Item 3. Dedication and Improvements in Lieu of PARK FEE CALCULATION III .,:' .': r!4f.i Date:12-8-2021 ., .4%.„.:.„9,440v.prAtr.„,,,.. ritge .',4;,,,,;1- 1,,''''44":111,4',!raMititt s fr..1"04,Prir'r. rr'''''.,fr!"'r rr.hr4.",.: rr,...,„,..li'.,., '.' Total ,,1 ill450 ,1A.0;411,,,,:1:.),...„.:',.,'‘'.14;'M, . ..—.....';-,LIP.,,,147 . :';',‘',1.4 '.i.t4 ..,.', No.of Lots Park Fee ttttik,tslitokoktt'it:":3.-,tttt,tt;.04 ,1, ,,,,,i,j7lili:tmilfifib, , '4.4..!' ,...,t-lit.i.ti l'i 142 $ 2,000.00 $ 284,000 ti'SAP at1,41,44.P.'''4'''''''itg'''''r:''''.'''''s'rri4.:W:r.ftomIgi IIR NAGE AND DETENTION ANAJ_YSIS WILL ,,,,-,,„„ ,,,,,,, ,A, ,),,,,,,,,,,, ''1460,Weit'''',''''''''''•' '''''''•'''i'14 i'";»,,,'''''''',''''r'''' BEAIPERFORIfir DURING Tlikip•MilaG III ,..I Avi.1.,,,:. ',„,,-.AN,!, $ 401,850 ::''''444.400.10,4,A.A, ..,,L114'.31'4V„41':''''''WPFx,VT, zEPRAfiliWON''O' „ r& t r.. .4,ti• ,i nd) $ (117,350) k......'„00.4.1Stpl',,,Z-Zik4 .:,-4 1 41,..'s,474,4 PROPOSED D W-NTION( , Ai.,,,r,,_,,,,,, :rie .,q. ,,,.,t,-,,,*.,,A.1 i ',.) Park Fees ,'''.4*0.ig:NYNkrt,'• ',''i'''',''," .'''''.1'44.*:•,:i*,..,44.,-4m:,4,411,4142010,,!7.',._.47%,isc.k... „„,',. CostPaIk o Fee ip aBraks Improvements porno vPer Proposed Lot TLrocat:Csaosnuodnf Count $ '''.',ili,i.i'l'''''''.'N'.0..2:;17441010k Playground) PpKikot4tfkt:t'tArtlftjttvtttrttzrt;ttttt;,t, ittt.:;tt,tt:.t.aagxtr•st•tttt4t..,...t,,.,i,„„:,,,,,ig*f4ttttt,tttAtNktttttittlltt*trstkoeAgFi ottl.,...Att.0;,,,,i'lig gorwt,...mishstoottt,?tkttt•tttttz,:t....rmn.m.mott,tt,:t.tttIttt,tttt,,,,,,,:,...tt.tat4:4•00„.,io.A.,ttt....t:;,,ttttt,""ttt.,:t."- •----...• . ,Nt,ityttAtotr,,,,,,,.,...t,itttttAt, FPeaer kca sh ImprovementsContribution in tEux City Required k..10olkkiNkNON,Nt44.,!.:.!,: :',..:,;!:":::,!:!;:'.'•,;1•!:,'.:.2.g",,,::,:,:.''' '''''''''':::::!•;,:::'0:''''' l','!•:,:•!:!:!!!'t:,....:.:i.tINP''''''''''''''''4 ' ,1 i- I ••• ...S.,,,,,,Vs ':,,, s :It,,,,„*„., "*telh#N0510*.4.4.1:::: ...„,..:Agil).;.:!;;."':':,!!!!'i.!:,:::::!:';'.',.. L„,,A ,,,,J.4.. ..:...,,,,,.:',...,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,* ,. . •... V'''''is.,,"....,,." :'',''''.; TPoatrkal 2.8 Acres ,illtiPlik***Skikr.gg.,:.!!;':i',..::!:!!!;!::;;!%.:!; 121,!!!,;::!§R:.r.:::::::':'''''':!•,"1.*'6*,""..t4,Kt7c"TTI r i -4.k •• . ' k471:e..,„,.k, 'Vtil„ gllit%ktr4R.',•!;;,'::,,:,',',:,,":,i:q;:!:ga,';.!:::11.R.,;::!,,,:., „... .....e.:.!ii::1,!!!!':?,.1";,kfie"' I _.1..4..: 1441.11- __II, • •. t.N;:igt,;,*:.,,,%4,i',.. Park Larid Dedication 14.1 Acres tir.,...:IkitilkflktPit,•::;!:!6:k!,:t::,Z.:,.i.:IN,i,;:.!.4..„ .....,...597.7''''Etiks*"'..',, 1.. t I 1 I ' I '„.4,7---1!4,, .. iii::::!!:•,' •:'4414NIANikkrAik Park Land Dedication in Flood Plain 16.9 Acres. $1114.:',:iki,lkikeNS.C,,!.!Dl,!.;;..2.R:1,':::,g;',e:.'0. ..,,I\. ..1.-I-•41 1,:.• A 1 1.,,....k_F--lif___....„•,:=..,,,,,:'","''.q- ,,,,,,,,,m.' ,;,,i,;ii c,e,44. ir-.;',;i',.•'i:!it:',:::!'lltigig;.!.!:g1Ri!$:!:!Ili'i":::5,:::.,-IT-1 il, --,-t,,,,,k,„,„,„:—.4 ttl-1-1 t r i. r-,limpilk, tr.4-77.‘„t.- ,;:::::4,g r itirtriotwtAitxttrAittittAttl.;Ltrt,—",,"Tt"Tr.t.-- i .t It............,...........,.......4,,,,,-• -••---- ti.- t*.t,. tt ,,,ni4 ii tt.,4„Aviootyrttt.t..t.w.w.aztt.,,rttAct ,t,t t t.,....,tt..„...,..„..„..,,..„..,:...„.•,,,,„,..„-,-tn.-- , tt,,, t .....,....„,,,,,„„,,,tt4 ',...„ 4, - ....-tr..,,,: ::::.,,,,„.,-ik.'..,.), ',. '1...g ,.1,!4[.;.:.. ; , 11,974'"'14. ,,if ii ..Arq .., ,,A : :.:1:!:..: ,i''''"',?;:'' ',..t1.: 9.8 Acres ,,, I. . k, 7 ,Fut,tttt t Totalittya i Park Required Landn d Park Dedication Dedication i n 4.441.0**11.014,,ktilttk*,:•.ikiki:1 ,Pk...M 4 .: , 'N.,r, .'.AL VIrr.**,114,rrr,,,.,;,,grlit iglr.V.,,:rierr4X'rri3r '''''':111141,10031,141,t444.iiiikkAiitl4,',:w.:.4.; ,'.' .0..•'.''.',,.....'..,,,*700,,,:',',*.t,404:045 .R,7,177.;e7. -.T1:61:,! 176:91 Acres ".:4 '''''''' Total Park Land Dedication in Excess of Requirement t.,... „..„.,,A,.•!,•p. ,...,, (FA , ,''' .:,„,°.vsq. .'''''.:444101„Ikkle.:N4kaijilliAP:''',.4',.,,i,,,,.,,..,_'*'''..„':'''rt.: tti:t„,,ait 1,,,totttt,tt:,tt#t.t,,:rait•tiett,,t,7% L-ttirr.,.....,,, i„, ,,,,:t6t, it:tt,4tiLst.tkroptikittttt,t,R14,,t.,,tttt. , <roTrrtrt4tititt.,,,,-,,,,.':::,t,.,01-ti,„ii,--44,t_tr..tti':,,,t„..,,,,,:p-.t' g t't,•,.-...,,,,,,,,,57,ttt„,tt.s.,40 Note: .,,,.;;4.4 ,it.,. ''.'-'''N"N.4,*400,44. 1gWv.k',,,,•4„,,,_„,,,•,',„ ,t,051..-isleek,,,,d'I.:*tv,,. ..:.,,, -,,,',„:. ;' , ,,,..„,,,,k i,. 1-rr. .,: CDietyvetulabpeerto install r•espunsibipeafrokrawnadtterraailnidmprovem maintenance . ents u pon completion of the improvements. 16 22 12/13/2021 Item 3. 4,0,,,,T :rzd z...3 ,, QU'ave,,C iia pr . '' , ittl'4,1:4,4kg:14:`,;>41'''''':1'41'1':::':41'ilifi l ft? Branch k.,rtc ..,„‘„, .., Mo n r o e Lake „ „.. „, , „.„,,.„ „ ,,,„,„„ . „ .,,,,„„,..,,„ ,,„,,,,,,,,,„ Removal M 4 m^,A,,,'—',.;:iii,,,,Z7Z5t,,t,itallt,vist!0,1%;,..,,,..,1,,,,Iii.,, .,,,*t, ,,,,, ,,,,*,„%.,,,,,,,,..;.‘,,,., .,, : t ter.' �' " l q i4 ?"�y...."ro' %a 17 23 12/13/2021 Item 3. ;'',,y yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy y,,,"I'I','I'I'I"I,"yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy yyyy yy I''i;''''''",';I Mon II Il l I ;"4 roe Lake History ,11 ,, 11 y.� .I� II "1 I "111 I 1 II tk.)*t° Texas Water Rights Viewer version d1 TexasC •viraa¢farr Quality User uGc4 2lorr�ts� on � 11 I^I' �IPP, III'plc lll'�J .Pl'I I"� Gub texas 111 F yi e q,j IIII i� Iliiii »,iI ,Y>CC"ti.il ra:.J ii.. Ai WykiVA.'3S. { II' I'il,l Ilia �'1111i1 �I 1V' VI'1 9 li llil '' Built in ���q li l I'V jl' r I id-I , 'J, K ,I I Ir ICI' "Ir .; "II ��°�Illysl I he l �'Current ; I - II�I,1 � IVIoriroe �? � II� .II ll„ I F� i%1' IIII I,r t ' y!yl _�1+ l I"°7 pu q:l ,III' III'I IiiJ 111 n' II 1; IIhel ) with �' II III., ill ' des n'' g ni _Clan_,_h .II R° II Yt li ll 4J 'i IY'ii II, I I I ii'I'i 11" III I il' I�I dlli d vli DIY; lil ]'i j k l i lii l; }} II: II.. 11 liili'I i''lI4 IY' Yulil I I' II jl III II I I IVV Y"yV ry' 1 !YII, li I III'Y dl '1l' vl 24 12/13/2021 Item 3. 6 ° II Water ImpoundmentRights y „d , „ IIII „ ....„ ..„. ...". . " ,, , ,. . , , , , „., ,, , ., ,,,,,,.„,,,,.„,,.,,,,„ ,,,,.,,. , „,,,,,,,,, . ., , ,,,,,, , ,, , ,„,„„ ,, , ,„,„ ,, , „, ,,,,„. . ..... . ....„ „ , ..., , „,,„ „.... .., ,, , .„ .. .., , , ,,,„.....„,,,.4„,.. ,„,.,,,,,,, 7, ,„„.,* '., , ,, Parker , 7.,. tl'I M o n roe Lake ,y' i�r g tl rq '°Ai7ro4W.ig YV 'Y' '� �„ yy �a.1 S m4 ,��� „ �W' I''u 'N� I, "il wW',., n4� d t;.r r^q a M `I� 7w ,d >BF � � V .P A A ^Y Mfr ) ". 0' � ' 3. r, I. ^h 1 mr K ,. 7.m' A'u d «t III' , y,W r�"'&s ,x tr'fm 1 i _d Y, 'r���,' Monroe �^ ry mp ur :w. ,i,,�" v' :a: I^�NL�4 "^ Yt ow ,« G«I P "I "N In 1 f Danes, .'Priorito,'„City h' I Ier III having ti p ' a t wa rp Ir ' Wd µ -hm�� M aR y 'r yW-f � ' , W«F • Mt; ,,',t 1h °, fi ,d. mo. Ief J,114 xa. it k ., gs � � �dA ' 6tr i; V -1 L a 11^ t 4�° I. „" qn, h, °; ' I I rt ? y n; a, ,� mi H ^ll". �a FIre+v,te01V, F.;6rkSa e' .� I 4 '�� ' a I' "h� ''Own, New e, v rI^m- .' a nA i li it ay a1^� a~ MI "A 4y; ,q4r • rym',a ' m b1 ti"� � ' � nt a ,. " � ' ' "d " ,d I�. � I I A'Fiew' m�anG nt r .. i, N' t a � " � mA; yi Iw'Dw dl I� fiy 7g,: A'a • '4,tw �.M. r vt kpe ,S,tl '4" ro° « � � • 't`" ,r' "u d ryu� vr j, Si I'u l II.I I L.I I Ir��Ill" ,I:I' P hill I V �I6 Il '"I ui I I '!V , w r 6,� ''�� ,fi v, i Am u ', N M 11, " gM u NiY t a° I ' 11 ni "6 " T h :M"a ��uu Ba•tor Scett&White @1eA,calsw '41 ,rI u..'t 7it 1 bc ' ' " ' I' "" 'd�e � � �{8t1 ""h ,a yY 11 mW a� LAKERAYar,.: , :,09 o I 0,, "+ 1 «xa"' d . W .,,,a- eIw ."�'.. �a .r. f� .A�° HUBBARD 25 12/13/2021 Item 3. I i I�Water Im oun e I �nt R ,WI „ ,, it RE:Monroe Lakes Wylie Texas ;i, I,, shiu''i rii Re It Re;lklk Foroaarcl a�,+'�"^ 4;� T " t ilQua3€s,Denis*den6s. uaE€s dallascitk`ta€1.car > "c R John Arncl_q Cc ft9ik:e Gavin vi L' , ?ilyi,l l 'I'�, WATER s4 SUPPLY PRtYTECTItSPJ White Pa,er.df yy�, )Il;; I 1 I sC R6 +�IIA 4^a ,, ` 'ties diP1 ddI Mr.Arnold: u'f I Eased on the'informationyou haveprovided,ita appears that the Monroe Lake would require rightspermitfarrn the Texas Commission on EnvoronxnentaE Quality T�CECi.Assuming that theyoupursue a ppq g Y� ) g , ��om „ ♦.,�„, • '�, �,'r I I. yv +Vi r' +'A•,rights permit the City uef©alhas,because the City has senior water rights below the Monroe Lake,will request special contlitians in thewater right perrmit 2a prated lSallas'senio-r water rights.Attached isa4Vater Supply ,,:„, i;,r',,,' ,���,,,,,,,;,' I':" } r,� , i :',' ,,,", Protection White Pap er Ghat describes several captions for special conditions that have been�app roved rn a#heir xater rights.The special condoticans within the document are not an exhaustlwe list.Other special ,, v, ,, � ��� :� ,'„���,,,"���;"�"��,', ;,,�„�,�,,,,�.� , ��,v�,� ,�,;,,' conditions can he roused which will be evaluated aria case b case basis, .r'„I,,,,u,,,;w„I,,' 'I€,,,, , ,,,4 ,q, ,„,v,,, ,,,1! ,,, 4�>i"',tip;,„u,,,, (;hll(,v„,,, '.`„ � '- � - � , , i,��,���,d�'�V,, ,i,, ,,ou,„f ,, ����rv��+��'ri`•;�''I',"�I'I, � ;;'�+';d(i ;�,1,, '`,��''':�"'' An alternate ve to-ahtar�nung a vy ater rights permut ndauld he reMnavong Lake Marino-e. If ut es deaded to-remove Lake Monro-e,there are nc#specifvc ussues with Gallas v�ater rights.IHo-wever,I would Ibe concerned how the � I 1, I �y I I , I: removal takes Iplace to unsure sediment from tlhe remavall is not transported downs#ream to-Lake Ray Hubband. I I'. d ee '' ,' }',' 1 + i , ',I� Please let me know if you have any questions. Denis Qualls,P.E. 'I„ i ° Ili III'b I''qiP, Denis W.Qualls,P.E. D.M?'RE. li.vied of Senior Program Manager,Plortr�irr City of Dallas DaltaaCi IVews.net I Go vi , rl ,I. ,.I lY, [7allas water Ettillt etc �'' ','rl , '1 w„ i 250Q Marina 5traet�tRS ��,l � '" 11 I"e ''I ""duP it ijV Iw Dallas,E",`{,,"aLt}1 i il �I'u'rt Inl C}: 2i4 670 33#3 ' p denis.c vra(Is r+.c8ailasc�t hal3 cam '•�"d'" i' y"IP+ ° r'" ,,r Ir le �or1 [JPEN RECORDS NOTICE'This email and responses may be subject to the a eats Jprrr Records Act and maybe disclosed to the pevhRe upon recyeaes r. Please respond aced riaragFw. �� 11 1 u I I° , dl l 4� , l,' � f„I �Ilil o 1pi. "+lul �Vn 26 12/13/2021 Item 3. • ;I 6 Option 1 • eep Lake 0, „ II ,,,," ,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,„,, ,,,, ,, ,,, , ,,, IIII ,,, r 7, _ ±,s,,:.-_.. M .a �. I' L� _,".ti"'''.i .;''—il„,,,") IA. , „ )., „, , 6 f ar I . mfn u i e rvrou nMM1"'di NiiVr d1u' J I �ii^lyTi'1Ia ' IV �I' ' it I �w' 1 I' WI ,Ur 'a P I s � R"' of x ad n , iii81 tt �Id 0. , Po M I I i'� l u ,,fir `I G ' 'lo , "pp A I l�u k \ l' _ '�4fl71�,Fy'�Ot:�a 4444 4" . ' s" � 4 44.4 sV Nt' r M I I yy1 I I' 'II�. . us,, �y 'll'r' I w l'' nrm ry * mr"i! 1 y D ' Ijj ' 5I w. t f' 9v i I vl'�ai x <A { s V I l' I * � �ifir ter Weil, , I. I ,a II ,rn« en=. �x eV x!mr, v. z ' I rG II' II° I'o Ii II I1 1 I II 'W fi+ I r m 4 � lo" II �3°x44*441; I, r�r Irrnnn1 I', llr 0 II ' I' I i' w q yy r ,fi " " i I'. yl Ilu 27 12/13/2021 Item 3. Cost to Convert and Ma • Estimated Cost to Convert(Average Depth Well) 2021 Estimated Cost Design and Dam Analysis $30,000,00 3rd Party Consultant Fees(TCEQ and WOTUS) $15,000.00 Legal Fees $60,000.00 Dam Improvements $45,000.00 Cost To Drill Well 12,000.44,000'Depth $250,000.00 Irrigation Pump $15,000.00 Fountain $25,0OO.00 Water Level Control Device $15,000.00 Electricity(Fountain,Well,Water Level,and Irrigation) $22,500.00 Total $477,500.00 Similar Project Master Well Expenses(No Water Control Device) 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Design,Legal,and Permiting Pump inspection and Repairs 24,424.48 Minor Surface Repairs and Cleaning 2,100.00 6,700.77 Maintenance Pump inspection and Repairs 24,424.48 Minor Surface Repairs and Cleaning 2,100.00 6,700.77 Average Water Bill Estimated North Texas Groundwater District Total 6 Year Average Cost $33,134.38 28 12/13/2021 Item 3. II, Option 2 BreachDam ,II I I „ I I IIII ,„,„,,„ ,,,,_,„,, , , ,,,,,.. , ,„ .,, ,, .....* ,,,x„t ,,„ , „. , 3 q 4' III , ,„, ,,IVIorlroe I tl� i I, I �!s §@Iq N�wl q j " it Ild I!p t �"." orAT NI^mwe—aWa p I l$i 7 "" x_ i �u Y' � ..r�� diiJ3' t I V I I llli. y'r i �HR W � k I �IiyI I Ip V 11 '16 ,r ;I I,a � I I, , tand,Proc 0. „k u k .r' 404,i I;ficx' " I a< w a rt� a e � , M ' I Ia I acres I uu II I I OI l'44 uM :NN I. 1 , Ir u ,PoV , t ° iI.I , I Oe I„ „ i " H.,,'"ok4. k„aI� t i � I I I(I °v 8 I "� m �` a '' F "' 44.4‘ "II I� i �h �dpP �r n�rir „ .r ,y. rI F I Ili u I. r8 $ W ji B'w .a a' �� Ilm, ;�y I A ^0� ,I ;I ,I Tr. I W. ny. dif lu'I . M1W.t ti n, u' I X' �Y o� tire � { ill' msr v q If. ,gyy s � I•tip'. +d wn t K. ' xTM .u, 4 w uW i t v I''W I'.. II t" n, w r n" "> I I i 4l II ri Is li' 29 12/13/2021 Item 3. PARK FEE CALCULATION Date: 12-8-2021 No.of Lots Park Fee Total Park Fee Based on Proposed Lot Count 142 $ 2,000.00 $ 284,000 Cost of Park Improvements (Trail and Playground) $ 401,850 Total Park Improvements in Excess of Required Park Fees $ (117,850) Park Fee Cash Contribution to City $ - Park Land Dedication 2.8 Acres Park Land Dedication in Flood Plain 14.1 Acres Total Park Land Dedication 16.9 Acres Total Park Land Dedication 16.9 Acres City Required Park Dedication 7.1 Acres Total Park Land Dedication in Excess of Requirement 9.8 Acres Note: Developer to install park and trail improvements City to be responsible for water and maintenance upon completion of the improvements. 30 12/13/2021 Item 3. MONROE PARK&TRAIL COST PROJECTION Date:12-8-21 DESCRIPTION Quantity UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST 6"Concrete Hike and Bike Trail 8'Wide 14,000 SQ.FT. $ 6.50 $ 91,000 6"Concrete Hike and Bike Trail 8'Wide Connection 1,400 SQ.FT. $ 6.50 $ 9,100 6"Concrete Pads for Benches and Tables along Trail 500 SQ.FT. $ 6.50 $ 3,250 Handicap Ramps 1 EA. $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 Low Water Crossings 1 EA. $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 Lake Draining and Dam Breach 1 EA. $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000 Play Ground Playground Structure and Swing Set(Mulch Base) 1 EA. $ 85,000.00 $ 85,000 Hardscape(Sidewalks,Pads,and Play Ground Border) 1 EA. $ 30,000.00 $ 30,000 Playground Drainage 1 EA. $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500 Park&Trail Improvements Picnic Table 2 EA. $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000 Park Trail Bench 4 EA. $ 1,250.00 $ 5,000 Trash Receptacle 4 EA. $ 1,250.00 $ 5,000 Park Trail Milage Markers 6"Posts 2 EA. $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000 ID Placards 2 EA. $ 500.00 $ 1,000 Installation 2 EA. $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000 General Site Prep and Grading 1 LS. $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000 Seeded Areas Bermuda Hydromulch for 8'Trail Buffer and Playground Area 4.0 AC. $ 3,500.00 $ 14,000 Irrigation Irrigation Design and Install for Seeding 1 LS. $ 60,000.00 $ 60,000 Irrigation Stamped Plan for Permit 1 LS. $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 TOTAL $ 401,850 31__ s , , r' �.� r5 00,4 ,fie(tst 00 z�w. ,ti „ rt '}' its "'ti Ott s�.X _ n�>�,. r ,�5, ,, ,,, s�', f ,y'Mo t ''' ", y4>, a4s+ "• 12/13/2021 Item 3. ,, t'..J *" r{ „z`fi,t,,, ��,"„ -s, ' ai=;n a4vt sc,°° �rr'`{��t.ia,'tr< ,i„ p .: +;'Z 1a" 5, .`i',x"\:a" xt ,,.ilia ..,°.. 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Estimated Cost to Convert (Average Depth Well) 2021 Estimated Cost Design and Dam Analysis $30,000.00 3rd Party Consultant Fees(TCEQ and WOTUS) $15,000.00 Legal Fees $60,000.00 Dam Improvements $45,000.00 Cost To Drill Well 12,000'-14,000' Depth $250,000.00 Irrigation Pump $15,000.00 Fountain $25,000.00 Water Level Control Device $15,000.00 Electricity(Fountain,Well,Water Level,and Irrigation) $22,500.00 Total $477,500.00 33 12/13/2021 Item 3. Similar Project Master Well Expenses (No Water Control Device) 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 Design,Legal,and Permiting Pump inspection and Repairs 24,424.48 Minor Surface Repairs and Cleaning 2,100.00 6,700.77 Maintenance Pump inspection and Repairs 24,424.48 Minor Surface Repairs and Cleaning 2,100.00 6,700.77 Average Water Bill Estimated 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 3,500.00 North Texas Groundwater District Electricity(Fountain,Well,and Irrigation) 24,000.00 22,203.29 28,419.11 20,614.44 28,280.35 21,063.82 Total 51,924.48 27,803.29 31,919.11 30,815.21 31,780.35 24,563.82 6 Year Average Cost $33,134.38 34 12/13/2021 Item WS2. Al Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 13,2021 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: December 8,2021 Exhibits: Subject Project updates. Recommendation N/A Discussion Updates to the Board: • FY22 Projects-Parking lot lighting in Community Park/Senior Center, Twin Lakes Park Playground, and Valentine Park Playground • Splash pads • Dog park • Facility improvements to the Senior Center • Wylie Recreation Center Page 1 of 1 35 12/13/2021 Item WS3. Al Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: December 13,2021 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: December 8,2021 Exhibits: Subject Future Agenda Items. Recommendation N/A Discussion The items listed below are items that can be discussed to comply with the Open Meetings Act requirements. For this meeting, items to be discussed are as follows: • PARD upcoming events: Spring PARB Tour. • Review of the PARD Prohibited Acts in early 2022. • Project updates for this FY-digital sign in Olde City Park and updated tennis court lighting at Founders Park. Page 1 of 1 36