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Ordinance 2001-26 ORDINANCE NO. /)t[)/-:{)? AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A REGULATED AMBULANCE SERVICE SYSTEM BY IMPLEMENTING THE MASTER CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES BETWEEN EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER D/B/A EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ("ETMC-EMS") AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND OTHER SOUTHEAST COLLIN COUNTY COALITION MEMBERS INCLUDING THE CITY OF LA YON, LUCAS, MURPHY, PARKER, SACHSE, AND ST. PAUL WITH THE INITIAL TERM OF THE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE OF FINAL EXECUTION AS INDICA TED ON THE CONTRACT AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HEREOF. ARTICLE 1. PuRPOSE AND INTENT It is the purpose of this Uniform EMS Ordinance to: 1.01 Establish a regulated ambulance service system which can provide clinical quality of care, with reasonable, reliable response time standards, and with the goal of furnishing the best possible chance of survival, without disability or preventable complication, to each ambulance patient. 1.02 Establish a sole-provider ambulance system, because it is unreasonable to have unnecessarily high rates to make needed improvements to ambulance service in the service area, when a more efficiently designed system can achieve the same results at lower cost. The most efficient design to achieve the goals of high-quality service, at the lowest cost, consistent with the quality of care required, is the implementation of the system described herein. 1.03 Provide a method to develop specific performance standards, adequate review, and either continuation of service or an appropriate procedure to obtain alternate proposals from other providers. 1.04 To provide more effective medical oversight by recognizing a multi-jurisdictional Medical Control Board of licensed physicians expert in emergency medicine and related specialties as the entity empowered hereunder to oversee and regulate all clinical aspects of the emergency medical system which affect patient care within this jurisdiction. Page 1 of9 ARTICLE 2. DEFINITIONS The following words and phrases as used in this article, shall have the following meanings: 2.01 Advanced Life Support Ambulance: Any vehicle which is equipped to provide treatment of life-threatening emergencies through the use of advanced airway management, intravenous therapy, and other advanced prehospital care procedures, and which is equipped to transport sick or injured persons to or from health care facilities. 2.02 Administrator: That unit of local government designated in the lnterlocal Agreement which has accepted responsibility for providing administrative and clerical services necessary to the orderly issuance, renewal, suspension, revocation, or restriction of licenses, certifications and permits pursuant to authorization by the Medical Control Board, which licenses, certifications, and permits shall be accepted as valid throughout the Regulated Service Area, including this jurisdiction. 2.03 Ambulance: Any privately or publicly owned motor vehicle or helicopter that is specially designed or constructed and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for the transportation of patients. 2.04 Ambulance Patient or Patient: Any person being transported in a reclining position within the Regulated Service Area to or from a health care facility except when the transportation originates outside the Regulated Service Area. 2.05 Ambulance Service Contractor: That entity which is then currently under contract to provide all Ambulance and Ambulance Patient services within this jurisdiction and throughout the Regulated Service Area, except those services specifically exempted by Article 6 of this ordinance. 2.06 Approved Emergency Room/Department: A health care facility which possesses a Level 4 or higher trauma categorization as defined by the Texas Department of Health. 2.07 Approved User Fee: Those membership fees, mileage charges, subsidy payments, if any, and total average bill (exclusive of mileage charges) approved for this jurisdiction by the City Council from the Uniform Schedule of Price/Subsidy Options. 2.08 Base Station Physician: A physician licensed to practice medicine in the State of Texas, and certified by the Medical Control Board as knowledgeable of the prehospital emergency medical protocols, EMS radio procedures and the general operating policies of the Ambulance Service Contractor, and from whom ambulance personnel may take medical direction by radio or other remote communications device. 2.09 City Council: Thatgroup of officials elected to govern the affairs of this City. Page 2 of9 2.10 Contract Service Area: The geographic area encompassing the Regulated Service Area plus unincorporated areas of Collin County and such counties as may choose to contract with the Ambulance Service Contractor pursuant to a contract incorporating clinical standards required hereunder, and incorporating financial provisions with those contained in the contract with the Ambulance Service Contractor. 2.11 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT): An individual who is a "specially skilled emergency medical technician" under Chapter 773, Texas Health and Safety Code, or its successor. 2.12 EMS System: That network of individuals, organizations, facilities and equipment including, but not limited to, East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service, whose participation is required to generate a clinically-appropriate, pre-planned system-wide response to each request for prehospital care and/or interfacility transport, so as to provide each patient the best possible chance of survival without disability, given available financial resources. 2.13 Extraordinary Adjustment: That adjustment justified on the basis of either an increase in the System Standard of Care whose cost of implementation and ongoing compliance exceeds the then-remaining balance of the "Upgrade Reserve", or on the basis of an unusual increase in the cost of a factor of production when such increase in cost is industry wide and the result of causes beyond the Ambulance Service Contractor's reasonable control. 2.14 First Response, First Responder, First Response Organization: That service and those units (e. g., fire department, 1 st responders) which provide initial stabilization and trained assistance on-scene and, when required, en route to medical facilities, as well as certain extrication and rescue services. In accordance with Priority Dispatch Protocols, a 1 st response unit is routinely sent to all presumptively-classified life-threatening calls within the ETMC EMS servtce area 2.15 Helicopter Rescue Unit: Any rotary wing aircraft providing basic or advanced life support services and patient transportation originating from the scene of emergency incidents which occur within the Contract Service Area. 2.16 Interlocal Agreement: That certain agreement between the Cities of Lavon, Lucas, Murphy, Parker, Sachse, St. Paul, Wylie and such other cities which shall participate in the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition for EMS services, adopted effective , 2001, pursuant to Section 791.001 et seq. of the Texas Government Code annotated and known as the lnterlocal Cooperation Act and called herein Interlocal Agreement. 2.17 Master Ambulance Service Contract: That ambulance service contract between the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition and the Ambulance Service Contractor. 2.18 Medical Audit: An official inquiry into the circumstances involving an ambulance run or request for ambulance service, conducted by the Medical Director or a licensed physician designated by the Medical Director, or by the Medical Control Board. Page 3 of9 2.19 Medical Control: That direction given ambulance personnel by a base station physician through direct voice contact, with or without vital sign telemetry, as required by applicable medical protocols promulgated by the Medical Control Board, and by Chapter 773, Texas Health and Safety Code, or its successors. 2.20 Medical Control Board or MCB: That board of physicians established and empowered by this Uniform EMS Ordinance to update from time-to-time the System Standard of Care and to monitor compliance with that System Standard of Care. 2.21 Medical Director: An emergency physician, expert in the prehospital practice of Emergency Medicine, appointed by the Ambulance Service Contractor. 2.22 Medical Protocol: Any diagnosis-specific or problem-oriented written statement of standard procedures, or algorithm, promulgated by the Medical Control Board as the proper standard of prehospital care for a given clinical condition. 2.23 Member Jurisdiction: The individual corporate limits of the individual cities which are members of the Southeast Collin County Coalition. 2.24 Mutual Aid Agreement: A written agreement between one or more providers of ambulance service whereby the signing parties agree to provide backup ambulance service to one another under conditions and pursuant to terms specified in the agreement. 2.25 Paramedic: A person qualified as a certified "paramedic emergency medical technician: as defined by Chapter 773, Texas Health and Safety Code, or its successor. 2.26 Person: Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, governmental entity, or other group or combination acting as a unit. 2.27 Regulated Service Area: The combined corporate limits or legal boundaries of all jurisdictions which adopt this Uniform EMS Ordinance. 2.28 Senior Paramedic in Charge: That person among the certified personnel assigned to an ambulance, not the driver, who is a certified paramedic designated by the Ambulance Service Contractor as the individual in command of the ambulance. 2.29 Special Event: Any public event located within the Regulated Service Area, for which standby ambulance service is arranged in advance, and for which an Ambulance ( or Ambulances) are hired by the sponsor ofthe event or other interested party. 2.30 Specialized Mobile Intensive Care Unit: A vehicle which is specially constructed, equipped, staffed, and employed in the interfacility transport of patients whose requirements for enroute medical support are likely to exceed the clinical capabilities of a paramedic level ambulance. Page 4 of9 2.31 System Standard of Care: The combined compilation of all priority dispatching protocols, pre-arrival instruction protocols (i.e., ambulances), protocols for selecting destination hospital, standards for certification of pre-hospital care personnel (i.e., telephone call takers, ambulance personnel, and on-line medical control physicians), as well as standards governing requirements for on-board medical equipment and supplies, and licensure of ambulance services and first responder agencies. The System Standard of Care shall simultaneously serve as both a regulatory and contractual standard. ARTICLE 3. AUTHORITY TO OPERATE -- EXCEPTIONS 3.01 No person shall operate or cause to be operated an Ambulance nor furnish, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise be engaged in the business or service of the transportation of Ambulance Patients within the Regulated Service Area, or provide Special Events standby coverage, unless such person is the Ambulance Service Contractor. No person shall knowingly solicit ambulance services as regulated herein except the Ambulance Service Contractor. 3.02 However, the prohibitions set forth in Paragraph 3.01, above, shall not be applicable to an Ambulance or Ambulance Service provider: a. Which is rendering assistance to patients in the case of a major catastrophe or emergency with which the Contractor's ambulances are insufficient or unable to cope; or 1S b. Transporting a patient who is picked up from a location beyond the Regulated Service Area and transported to a location within the Regulated Service Area; or is c. Transporting a patient who is picked up from a location beyond the Regulated Service Area and transported to a location beyond the limits of the Regulated Service Area and only incidentally passing through the Regulated Service Area. 3.03 The Ambulance Service Contractor may use another ambulance service provider for non- emergency transfers to and from the Member Jurisdictions, if the Ambulance Service Contractor is unable to perform the service due to unavailability or due to exceeding the number of transports as set forth in Paragraph 3.04, below. 3.04 The Ambulance Service Contractor shall have the option to transport non-emergency transports to and from the Member Jurisdictions but will limit the number of such transports that the Ambulance Service Contractor's generally dedicated unit for the Contract Service Area to no more than five (5) per month. 3.05 All emergency and non-emergency calls and requests for ambulance services originating within the Member Jurisdictions will be dispatched through or to the Ambulance Service Contractor's dispatch center. PageSof9 3.06 Violations of this Article are hereby declared to be public nuisances and shall be prohibited and abated in actions at law or in equity. ARTICLE 4. MEDICAL CONTROL BOARD 4.01 System Standard of Care Adopted. The System Standard of Care as defined herein is hereby adopted as the minimum requirement for compliance with this ordinance, and the Medical Control Board is hereby recognized as the clinical standards-setting body for this jurisdiction. 4.02 Physician Participation. Any hospital within this jurisdiction which operates an emergency room or emergency department meeting the requirements of an Approved Emergency Room/Department shall be eligible to appoint its physician director of said emergency room or department (or hislher physician designee) to membership on the Medical Control Board, and such representative shall have full voting rights when the MCB has been notified in writing by an officer of the hospital. 4.03 Coordination of Activities. The Medical Director appointed by the Ambulance Service Contractor shall serve as ex-officio, non-voting chair of the Medical Control Board, and shall be responsible for arranging meetings, creating the agenda, keeping minutes, ensuring compliance with this ordinance, and developing a process for monitoring compliance with the System Standard of Care, subject to approval by the Medical Control Board. 4.04 Duties and Responsibilities. Responsibilities of the Medical Control Board shall be as follows: a. To set the System Standard of Care and provide periodic revisions. The System Standard of Care shall address minimum requirements and reconunended higher standards governing the licensure of organizations, the certification of individuals, and the permitting of vehicles employed within the EMS System, and shall be developed in accordance with the following table of contents: (i) Prevention, CPR and other Public Information Programs (ii) Telephone Access (emergency and routine) (iii) Control Center Operations (iv) First Responder Services (v) Ambulance Services (vi) On-Line Medical Control (vii) Quality Improvement and Clinical Research b. Authorize the issuance, denial, revocation, suspension, or restriction of licenses, permits and certifications issued pursuant to this ordinance. c. Licenses, certifications and permits in good standing issued by any jurisdiction within the Regulated Service Area pursuant to written authorization by the Medical Control Board shall be recognized and accepted as valid by this jurisdiction. Page 6 of9 4.05 Selection of Patient Destination. Medical Protocols approved by the Medical Control Board shall establish protocols for selection of the destination hospital, which protocols shall be strictly followed by paramedic personnel and on-line medical control physicians, except when a departure from protocol is justified on the basis of special considerations of patient care or practical barriers to implementation (e.g., blocked roads, hospital divert status, etc.). In developing such "transport protocols, It the Medical Control Board shall strictly adhere to the following priorities of consideration, and shall recognize these priorities in the sequence presented: First Consideration: patient care and safety; Second Consideration: patient/family choice; Third Consideration: fairness in distribution of patients among hospitals. In this regard, the following rules shall apply: (a) Non-Emergencies. All "non-emergency patients" (as defmed by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall be transported to the destination selected by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, without exception. (b) Non-Life-Threatening Emergencies. Patients experiencing a "non-life threatening emergency" (as defmed by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall be transported to the facility of choice designated by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, or if no such preference is stated, to the nearest hospital approved by the Medical Control Board for receipt of patients experiencing non-life threatening emergencies. (c) Life-Threatening Emergencies. Patients experiencing life-threatening emergencies (as defmed by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall, in accordance with transport protocols approved by the Medical Control Board, be delivered to the "nearest appropriate facility," taking into consideration the patient's condition and location, the patient's medical requirements, and the respective capabilities of hospitals within and, for some types of patients, outside) the "Contract Service Area." Such transport protocols shall not be inconsistent with then-currently-approved trauma system protocols (when available). (d) Enforcement. Inappropriate and unjustified deviations from these patient-destination protocols by a paramedic without direct authorization by a Base Station Physician or inappropriate and unjustified instructions regarding such deviation by a Base Station Physician shall be subject to sanction by the Medical Control Board provided such sanctions are applied in accordance with due process procedures approved by the City Attorney. Such sanctions may include reprimand, suspension of certification, or revocation of certification, depending upon frequency and severity of error. Page 7 of9 4.06 Binding Arbitration Available. In the event any hospital desires to dispute a policy of the Medical Control Board affecting patient distribution, that hospital may at its option institute procedures for binding arbitration as follows: a. The hospital wishing to contest the specified policy shall present its position in writing to the Medical Control Board, including one or more proposed remedies acceptable to the hospital. b. If the Medical Control Board rejects all remedies proposed by the hospital, the hospital may appoint a physician expert in the medical specialty to which the contested policy is related to serve as a member of an arbitration team, provided that such physician shall have no affiliation, direct or indirect, with any hospital or physician group practicing within the Contract Service Area. c. The Medical Control Board shall then appoint a physician expert in the medical specialty to which the contested policy is related to serve as a member of the arbitration team, provided that such physician shall have no affiliation, direct or indirect, with any hospital or physician group practicing within the Contract Service Area. d. The two appointed members of the arbitration team shall then jointly appoint a third physician expert in the medical specialty to which the contested policy is related to serve as the third member of the arbitration team, provided that such physician shall have no affiliation, direct or indirect, with any hospital or physician group practicing within the Contract Service Area. e. The arbitration team shall then review such written documentation related to the dispute as may be available, and shall conduct such site visit inspections and on-site interviews as the team deems appropriate, and shall render a decision on the disputed matter either in favor of the Medical Control Board or in favor of the hospital initiating the arbitration process, and such decision shall be fmal. The arbitration team shall not have authority to impose any resolution which was not proposed by either the Medical Control Board or the hospital initiating the proceedings. f. The actual and reasonable cost of the arbitration process, including consulting fees and travel reimbursement, shall be paid by the hospital initiating the arbitration process. ARTICLE 5. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW All persons and entities regulated under this ordinance shall comply with the laws of the state and reference to permits, licenses, minimum equipment and minimum qualifications of operators and attendants and all state and federal laws and regulations applicable to its ambulance operation. Page 8 of9 ARTICLE 6. FAILURE TO PAY SERVICE CHARGES - PRolDBITED 6.01 It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to defraud, to request or accept the service of any ambulance within the City, having no intention of paying for such service. 6.02 Failure, by the person requesting or accepting the services of an ambulance, to pay to the person furnishing such service the customary charge therefor within ninety (90) days after demand for payment is made, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud and prima facie evidence that such person had no intention of paying for such services when the same were requested or accepted. 6.03 Demand for payment, as used in this article, shall be written demand, sent by registered or certified mail addressed to the person requesting or accepting such services and to the address given by or on behalf of such person at the time the services were requested or accepted. Intent to defraud or intention not to pay for such services may be shown by direct evidence. ARTICLE 7. VIOLATIONS - PENALTIES Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined as provided in Section of the municipal code. Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. It shall not be necessary for the complaint to negative any exception contained in this article concerning any prohibited act, but any such exception made in this article may be urged as a defense by any person charged by such complaint. Since this ordinance has a penalty for violation, it shall become effective after its publication in the newspaper on 20 . PASSED this I ~ day of 4lft\Q , A.D. 2.Q1. Attest: Approved as to form: Richard Abernathy, City Attorney Page 9 of9 CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES SOUTHEAST COLLIN COUNTY EMS COALITION CONSISTING OF THE CITIES OF LAVON, LUCAS, MURPHY, PARKER, SACHSE, ST. PAUL AND WYLIE EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER d/b/a EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ORIGINAL A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/1710 1 ARTICLE V - INSURANCE AND INPEMNIFICA TION ...................................................17 5.01 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS ....... ...............................................................................................17 5.02 INDEMNIFI CA TI ON...................................................................................................................... ...18 ARTICLE VI - MAJOR DEF AUL T AND REPLACEMENT PROVISIONS ...................19 6.01 MAJOR DEFAULT DEFINED ..........................................................................................................19 6.02 DECLARA TION OF MAJOR DEFAULT AND TRANSFER OF SERVICE ..................................19 6.03 MAJOR DEFAULT ............................................................................................................................20 6.04 DEFAULT NOT DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ........................................20 6.05 "LAME DUCK" PROVISIONS .........................................................................................................20 6.06 PERFORMANCE PENALTY ............................................................................................................20 ARTICLE VII - TERM AND RENEWAL .............................................................................21 7.01 TERM OF AGREEMENT ..................................................................................................................21 7 .02 RENEWAL TERMS ...........................................................................................................................21 AR TI CLE VIII - REPORTS. ...... ......................................................... ..... ...... ...... ...................22 8.01 VERIFICATION OF USER-FEE CHARGES....................................................................................22 8.02 RESPONSE TIME COMPLIANCE ...................................................................................................22 ARTICLE IX - GENERAL PROVISIONS ............................................................................24 9.01 9.02 9.03 9.04 9.05 9.06 9.07 9.08 9.09 9.10 9.11 9.12 9.13 9.14 9.15 9.16 9.17 9.18 9.19 9.20 9.21 9.22 CHARACTER AND COMPETENCE OF PERSONNEL..................................................................24 J PERMITS AND LICENSES............................................................................................... ~.............. .24 ASSIGNMENT ......................................................................... ..........................................................24 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT W AIVED.......................................................................................24 ATTORNEY FEES .............................................................................................................................24 NON-DISCRIMINATION ........................................ ......................... .... .............................................24 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS ...........................................................................................................25 SEVERABILITY.. ... ............. ............... ...... ..... ........ .............. .... ................................ ........ ................. .25 HEADINGS ................................................................ ............. ............. ............... ........ .......................25 CHOICE OF LAW .................. .................................................................. ...........................................25 ENTIRE AG REEMENT .... ............... ............................................................................ ......................25 AMENDMENT ............................................................... ...................... ... ............. ............................ ..25 NO WAIVER ................................................................ ............................ ............ ..............................25 INCORPORATION OF SCHEDULES ..............................................................................................26 CORRESPONDENCE ............................................................................. .... ......... ..............................26 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ............... ....... ... ...... .............................. ........................................26 FORCE MAJEURE............................. ..... ...... ........ ........... ... .................. ............................. ................26 ACCESS TO RECORDS ....... ................. ......... ............ ................... ........... ........ ..... .................. ..........27 ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION ......................................................................................27 CHANGE IN LA W .................................................................................... ............ ...... ................ .......27 CONSENTS, APPROVALS AND EXERCISE OF DISCRETION ...................................................27 THIRD PARTIES........ ........................ ............. ................. ....... ......................................................... .28 ii 9.23 PAID IN-SERVICE TRAINING ........................................................................................................28 9.24 PARAMEDIC SKILL LEVELS .....,...................................................................................................28 9 .25 TERMINATION CONTRACTS..................:......................................................................................28 9 .26 COUNTERPARTS......................... ............... ............................................. .......... .............................. .28 SCHEDULE A EMS ORDINANCE SCHEDULE B COMMITMENT TO 1ST RESPONDER SUPPORT AND QUALITY CARE SCHEDULE C QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM iii CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SERVICES This Contract for Paramedic Ambulance Services (hereinafter referred to as "Contract" of "Agreement") is entered into by and between the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition, consisting of the following Texas cities: Parker, Sachse, Wylie, St. Paul, Murphy, Lucas and Lavon (hereinafter referred to as "Coalition") and East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service, a Texas not-for-profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as "ETMC-EMS"). Coalition and ETMC-EMS are collectively referred to as the "Parties." NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and agreements herein contained and other good and valuable consideration, including the award of exclusive market rights, the receipt and adequacy of which are hereby forever acknowledged and confessed, the Parties agree as follows. ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to terms as used throughout this Agreement: Agreement means this Contract. Ambulance Patient means any person being transported to or from a health care facility in a reclining position from any point within the "Regulated Service Area." Ambulance Service Contract means an agreement between ETMC-EMS and any local governing unit incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those set forth in this Agreement. Ambulance Service Contractor means East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service (ETMC-EMS). . ANI/ALl means Automatic Number Identifier/Automatic Location Identifier and is one of the enhancement features of 911 system that aids in identification of incoming calls. CAD means Computer Assisted Dispatch including but not limited to primary dispatch data entry and automated time-stamping, 911 data interface, demand pattern analysis, system status management, automated patient locator aids, response time reporting and documentation, and (when installed) automated vehicle tracking. Contract Service Area means the geographic area encompassing the Regulated Service Area plus unincorporated areas of Collin County and such other counties as may choose to contract with ETMC-EMS pursuant to a contract incorporating clinical standards and financial provisions consistent with those contained in this Contract. A36\6203122\ 198996-5/17/0 1 CPR and 1st Response Support Program Fund means that certain bank account established by ETMC-EMS pursuant to this Contract, into which account late-run penalty payments are deposited on a monthly basis as provided for herein. Expenditures of such funds shall be limited to funding direct, out-of-pocket costs of citizen Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and rotated training and 1st Response support program costs. None of these funds shall be used to fund wages or salaries of personnel employed by ETMC-EMS, or to fund ETMC-EMS 's administrative or overhead costs. EMS System means that network of individuals, organizations, facilities and equipment, including but not limited to ETMC-EMS, whose participation is required to generate a clinically- appropriate, pre-planned system-wide response to each request for pre-hospital care and/or interfacility transport, so as to provide each patient the best possible chance of survival without disability and given available financial resources. Extraordinary Adjustment is an adjustment justified on the basis of either: (1) an increase in the System Standard of Care whose cost of implementation and on-going compliance exceeds the then-remaining balance of the "Upgrade Reserve"; or, (2) an unusual increase in the cost of a factor of production when such increase in cost is industry wide and the result of causes beyond ETMC-EMS' reasonable control. 1st Response, 1st Responder, 1st Response Organization refers to that service and those units (e.g., fire department 1st responders) which provide initial stabilization and trained assistance on-scene and, when required, en route to medical facilities, as well as certain extrication and rescue services. In accordance with Priority Dispatch Protocols, a 1 st Response unit is routinely sent to all presumptively-classified life-threatening calls within the ETMC-EMS service area. Contract (aka Contract for Ambulance Services; aka the "Agreement"; aka the "Contract") is this Contract document labeled Contract For Paramedic Ambulance Services and is an agreement between the Coalition and East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service. . Medical Control Board means that board of physicians established and empowered by the Uniform EMS Ordinance to update from ~ime-to-time the System Standard of Care, and to monitor compliance with that System Standard of Care. Medical Director means that Medical Director which shall be an emergency physician, expert in the pre-hospital practice of Emergency Medicine, appointed by ETMC-EMS. Member Jurisdiction means the individual Coalition member's corporate limits. MICU means Mobile Intensive Care Unit as defined in the Texas Health and Safety Code. A36\6203'&2\198996-5/17/01 2 Mutual Aid means the paramedic ambulance service provided within the Contract Service Area by neighboring providers other than ETMC-EMS at the request of ETMC- EMS, pursuant to an agreement governing the exchange of service assistance when requested. Such a unit shall be judged by ETMC-EMS to have acceptably trained personnel and equipment, and approved by the Medical Control Board. PSAP means Public Service Answering Point and is an auxiliary service in the 911 system. Regulated Service Area means the combined corporate limits of all Member Jurisdictions that adopt the Uniform EMS Ordinance. Response Area of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means the corporate limits ofthe Member Jurisdictions of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition. Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition means an interlocal cooperative group consisting of the participating city goverrunents of Lavon, Lucas, Murphy, Parker, Sachse S1. Paul and Wylie, currently representing a combined population of approximately 33,464 residents. Subscription Ambulance Membership Plan means an optional plan by which citizens in the Member Jurisdictions can contract with ETMC-EMS for prepaid, medically necessary, ambulance transport services. System Standard of Care means the combined compilation of all priority-dispatching protocols, pre-arrival instruction protocols (i.e., ambulances), protocols for selecting destination hospital, standards for certification of pre-hospital care personnel (i.e., telephone call-takers, ambulance personnel and on-line medical control physicians), as well as standards governing requirements for on-board medical equipment arid supplies, and licensure of ambulance services established by the Uniform EMS Ordinance. The System Standard of Care shall simultaneously serve as both a regulatory and contractual standard. Uniform EMS Ordinance means that Ordinance set forth in Schedule A. (BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 3 ARTICLE II MUTUAL RESPONSIBILITIES AND UNDERSTANDINGS 2.01 FRANCHISE MODEL SYSTEM a. ETMC-EMS shall provide services under this Contract through a franchise model system and shall furnish its own facilities, vehicles, on-board equipment, radio systems and computer-aided dispatch hardware and software as provided in this Contract. Except as otherwise set forth herein, ETMC-EMS shall serve as the retail provider of 911 ambulance services, routine transport services and related ambulance services, financed primarily or exclusively on a fee-for-service basis, with or without subsidy according to the agreement of each member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction. b. ETMC-EMS may charge user fees for services rendered under this contract that are consistent with the provisions of this Contract. c. Except for subsidies paid to ETMC-EMS under the Subsidy/Price Agreement with each jurisdiction, ETMC-EMS shall look for compensation for its services under this Contract solely through the following sources: (i) Third party payors; (ii) Persons or entities who use ambulance serv1ces or other persons responsible for such ambulance services; and (iii) Contract purchasers of ambulance services. 2.02 ALL MICU, FULL-SERVICE SYSTEM. All ambulances rendering services pursuant to this Contract shall be an MICU and shall be staffed and equipped to render paramedic- level care. ' 2.03 "FIXED-PRICE TERM AGREEMENT FOR REQUIREMENTS." This Contract is a "fixed-price term agreement for requirements," with provisions for inflation adjustment and adjustment for externally-imposed upgrades to the System Standard afCare. At such time that ETMC-EMS assumes full responsibility for dispatch, the Coalition guarantees that every medical request including but not limited to 911 cases originating within the Member Jurisdictions, except 911 calls originating from an area within the County which has contracted for 911 ambulance services with a provider other than ETMC-EMS, shall be transferred to ETMC-EMS (along with ANI/ALl data as. available) for telephone interrogation, pre-arrival instructions (if appropriate) and the dispatch and delivery of ambulance service. 2.04 EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES. All equipment, facilities and medical supplies acquired or supplied for the performance of the work that is the subject of this Contract shall be furnished by ETMC-EMS at ETMC-EMS's own expense. 2.05 SUBSCRIPTION AMBULANCE MEMBERSHIP PLAN. a. Basic Objects of Program. ETMC-EMS shall offer for sale to residents of all member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract, a A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/0 I 4 subscription ambulance membership plan which fee for the first year of coverage under the plan will not exceed forty-eight ($48) dollars per household. The fee for the subscription ambulance membership plan is subject to an annual inflation adjustment equal to 100% of the percentage increase in the CPI over the most recent 12-month period for which published figures are then available as approved by the Board of Directors of ETMC-EMS. Additionally, ETMC-EMS may offer discounts for renewal of subscription ambulance membership plans. b. Legal Obligations. The subscription ambulance membership plan offered to residents of the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions under this Contract shall comply with federal and state law relating to subscription ambulance membership programs. c. Medicaid Recipients. Persons whose medical expenses are covered under Medicaid are not eligible to participate under the subscription ambulance membership plan. d. Additional Benefits. ETMC-EMS may, at its option, offer to persons who purchase subscription ambulance membership plans under this subsection, additional benefits. e. Periodic Membership Drives. ETMC-EMS shall hold an open enrollment period during each calendar year for the subscription ambulance membership program and residents in the member jurisdictions and participating jurisdictions shall be entitled to apply for participation in the subscription ambulance membership program during that period. f. Beneficial Extension of Service. Each person requiring or requesting ambulance service shall receive the quality of care and transportation required' under the System Standard of Care, without regard to membership status in the subscription ambulance membership program. g. Financial Assistance for Plan Purchase. A member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction may purchase or may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for subscription ambulance membership' plans in accordance with a written agreement between the member jurisdiction or participating jurisdiction and ETMC-EMS. 2.06 FINANCIAL INCENTIVE PROVISIONS. The following incentives for achieving response time reliability above the minimum requirements set forth in Section 3.02 shall apply: a. CPR and 1st Response Support Program Fund. ETMC-EMS shall establish a CPR and I st Response Support Program Fund. Expenditures from the fund will be used as set forth in Schedule B. ETMC-EMS shall develop and periodically update a CPR and 1 st Response Support Program plan, a current copy of which shall be submitted to the Coalition as a matter of public record. Furthermore, ETMC-EMS shall submit to the Coalition on a quarterly basis a detailed accounting of deposits to and expenditures from the CPR and 1 st Response A36\6203\22\ 198996-5117/01 5 Support Program Fund. In this regard, the Coalition shall have reasonable access to ETMC-EMS's records as necessary to verify that deposits to the CPR and 1st Response Support Program Fund are kept current at all times, and that expenditures from the CPR and 1 st Response Support Program Fund are in accordance with requirements of this Paragraph. b. Late-Run Penalties. For each whole minute an ambulance response time extends beyond the applicable time-frame specified in Section 3.02 hereof, ETMC-EMS shall pay into the CPR and 1 st Response Support Program Fund late-run penalty fees in the amounts shown below to be calculated for each transport, not to exceed $150 per incident. Presumptively-Classified Life-Threatening Calls ........................ .... $IO/min. Presumptively-Classified Non Life-Threatening Calls ................... ........ $ 5/min. Presumptively-Classified Routine Transports ................................... ..... $ 2/min. Scheduled Routine Transports .............................................................. ... $ 2/min. Representatives of the Medical Control Board shall periodically verify (by sampling technique) the accuracy of ETMC-EMS's response time reporting. ETMC-EMS's requests for application of exemptions to response time requirements and late-run penalties shall be subject to review and approval by the Medical Control Board or a designated standing committee appointed for that purpose. c. Exemptions. No requests for ambulance service shall be exempt from response time compliance and calculations or from late-run penalties, except as follows: (i) Requests not resulting in a patient transport; (ii) Requests during a period of unusually severe weather conditions, such that response time compliance is either impossible or could be achieved only at a greater risk to the public than would result from delayed response; (iii) Late runs resulting as a consequence of inaccurate or incomplete information obtained by 911 control center personnel during telephone interrogation of a caller; (iv) Late runs resulting from errors in a 911 control center conveyance of infonnation to the ETMC-EMS control center, either orally or by way of data transmission, provided, however, that this exemption shall not be applicable to any late run in which the caller was directly interrogated by ETMC-EMS's control center personnel and the caller gave accurate and complete information; (v) Requests during a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring non- participating jurisdiction, in which ETMC-EMS is rendering assistance. During such periods, ETMC-EMS shall use best-efforts to simultaneously maintain coverage within Member Jurisdictions as well as provide disaster assistance; - A36\6203\22\198996-5117/01 6 (vi) In cases where multiple paramedic-capable units are dispatched to a single incident, the first-arriving paramedic unit shall "stop the clock", and response times of later-arriving units shall be excluded from response time statistics and late-run penalties; or (vii) During periods of unusual system overload, which shall mean that at least two (2) emergency responses are occurring simultaneously within the service area, responses in excess of the first emergency request shall not be included in response time calculations or be subject to late-run deductions. No other causes of late response (e.g., equipment failure, vehicular accident regardless of origin, or other causes within ETMC-EMS's reasonable control) shall serve to justify exemption from response time requirements; and 2.07 USE OWN EXPERTISE AND JUDGMENT. ETMC-EMS is specifically advised to use its own best judgment in deciding upon the methods to be employed to achieve and maintain the levels of performance required hereunder. Such "methods" include compensation programs, shift schedules, personnel policies, supervisory structures, vehicle deployment techniques, and other internal matters which, taken together, comprise ETMC-EMS's own strategies and tactics for performing its obligations under this Agreement. 2.08 EXCLUSIVITY. ETMC-EMS is awarded exclusive rights and responsibilities for provision of all emergency and non-emergency ambulance services, including special events coverage, originating within the Member Jurisdictions, regardless of the manner in which the request for service is conveyed. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Required MICU (as defined in Section 3.01) is on a transfer or otherwise unavailable, ETMC-EMS may use another EMS service provider for non-'emergency transfers to and from the Member Jurisdictions, if ETMC-EMS is unable to perform the service due to unavailability or due to exceeding the number of transports as set forth in the next sentence. ETMC-EMS shall have the option to transport non-emergency transports to and from the Member Jurisdictions but will limit the number of such transports that ETMC-EMS's Required MICU will transport to no more than five (5) per month. Such non-emergency transports by the Required MICU will only be transported when other Coalition Members' ambulances are available. All emergency and non-emergency calls and requests for ambulance services originating within the Member Jurisdictions will be dispatched through or to ETMC-EMS' dispatch center. 2.09 SELECTION OF PATIENT DESTINATION. Medical Protocols approved by the Medical Control Board shall establish protocols for selection of the destination hospital, which protocols shall be strictly followed by paramedic personnel and on-line medical control physicians, except when a departure from protocol is justified on the basis of special considerations of patient care or practical barriers to implementation (e.g., blocked roads, hospital divert status, etc.). This Contract is entered into by both parties pursuant to a mutual assumption that transport protocols approved by the Medical A36\6203\22\198996-5/17/01 7 Control Board shall strictly adhere to the following priorities of consideration, and shall recognize these priorities in the sequence presented: a. First Consideration: patient care and safety; b. Second Consideration: patient/family choice; and c. Third Consideration: fairness in distribution of patients among hospitals. In this regard, the following rules shall apply: (i) Non-Emergencies. All "non-emergency patients" (as defined by patient- assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall be transported to the destination selected by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, without exception. (ii) Non Life-Threatening Emergencies. Patients experiencing a "non life- threatening emergency" (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall be transported to the facility of choice designated by the patient, the patient's family, or the patient's personal physician, or if no such preference is stated, to the nearest hospital approved by the Medical Control Board for receipt of patients experiencing non-life-threatening emergencies. (iii) Life-Threatening Emergencies. Patients experiencing life-threatening emergencies (as defined by patient-assessment protocols approved by the Medical Control Board) shall, in accordance with transport protocols approved by the Medical Control Board, be delivered to the "nearest appropriate facility", taking into consideration the patient's condition and location, the patient's medical requirements and the respective capabilities of hospitals within and, for some types of patients, outside the "Contract Service Area." Such transport protocols shall not be inconsistent with then-currently-approved trauma system protocols (when available). (iv) Enforcement. Inappropriate and unjustified deviations from these patient-destination protocols by a paramedic without direct authorization by a Base Station Physician or inappropriate and unjustified instructions regarding such deviation by a Base Station Physician shall be subject to sanction by the Medical Control Board provided such sanctions are applied in accordance with due process procedures approved by the Coalition's attorney. Such sanctions may include reprimand, suspension of certification, or revocation of certification, depending upon frequency and severity of error. (BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\198996-5/17/01 8- ARTICLE III SCOPE AND QUALITY OF SERVICES 3.01 AMBULANCE SERVICES TO COALITION. ETMC-EMS shall provide emergency and non-emergency ambulance service to the entire Response Area of the Coalition, and shall provide staff and MICUs as set forth in this Contract, including but not limited to at least one fully staffed MICU dedicated solely for response to the entire Response Area of the Coalition (the "Required MICU"). ETMC-EMS shall only use the Required MICU for non-emergency transfers to and from the Coalition. Baylor Garland Baylor Richardson Columbia Medical Center PIano Garland Community Lake Pointe Medical Center North Central Medical Presbyterian Allen Presbyterian PIano Sunbridge NH Wylie Medical Center PIano In the event that no ambulance provided for in this Contract is available for service, or additional ambulances are needed, each member of the Coalition will be required to rely upon mutual aid plans for their city. 3.02 RESPONSE TIME RELIABILITY. ETMC-EMS will maintain a response time on all transports ETMC-EMS provides under this Agreement as set forth below: Within the Response Area of the Southeast Collin County EMS Coalition: a. Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 8 minutes and 59 seconds. b. Non Life-Threatening Emergency Calls will have a response time 90% or better of 12 minutes and 59 seconds. These commitments shall be calculated on a per one-hundred transport basis, and shall be calculated annually at the end of ETMC-EMS fiscal year. The response time commitments set forth above shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Contract. In this regard, the following definitions and protocols shall be employed for purposes of response time measurement, compliance reporting, and late run penalty assessment-. a. Definition. Response time is herein defined as the elapsed time between the moment a request for ambulance service is received at ETMC-EMS's ambulance control center (i.e., the moment callback number and location are acquired, either by voice or by ANI! ALl 911 data transmission and confirmed) and the moment a first-arriving, fully-equipped and staffed ETMC-EMS paramedic ambulance, paramedic-level Mutual Aid unit, paramedic-level 1st Response team, or advanced life support capable medical helicopter arrives at the scene; provided that in order to "stop the clock" such first-arriving unit shall be operated by ETMC-EMS or by a Mutual Aid unit or 1st Response Organization approved by the Medical Control Board and operating under subcontract to ETMC-EMS. For A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/0 1 9 scheduled patient transfers, "time call received" shall be the agreed-upon appointment time of patient pickup. b. Use of Mutual Aid Providers. Subject to a finding by the Medical Control Board that the clinical quality of care provided by a proposed MICU staffed Mutual Aid provider, helicopter ambulance service, or 1 st Response organization participating in ETMC-EMS's 1st Response Support Program and operating at the paramedic level, is deemed substantially equivalent to the quality of care required under this Contract, such paramedic units operated by Mutual Aid providers, 1 st Response organization, and helicopter ambulance services responding at ETMC- EMS's request to locations within the Contract Service Area shall be deemed to "stop the clock" on behalf of ETMC-EMS. c. Method of Measurement. Response time standards shall be established and response time performance shall be measured in terms of "fractile distributions"-- not average response time measurements. d. Call Classification. For purposes of response time measurement, the applicable standard shall be based on each request's presumptive run code classification (i.e., life-threatening emergency, non life-threatening emergency, unscheduled routine transport and scheduled routine transport) as established at the time the call is dispatched by a person trained in the use of and correctly employing Medical Priority Dispatch Protocols proposed by the Medical Director and approved by the Medical Control Board. (Retrospective classification of priority code shall not affect measurement of response time compliance.) e. En route Upgrades and Downgrades. If a presumptive run code classification is upgraded to a higher priority while the ambulance is en route (as a result of information provided by a physician or law enforcement officer at the scene), the applicable run code designation shall be the upgrade priority and response time shall be measured from the moment of upgrade. If a presumptive run code classification is downgraded to a lower priority while the ambulance is en route (as a result of information provided by a physician), the applicable run code designation shall be the downgraded priority and response time shall be measured from the original time of call receipt. f. 911 Interface Requirements. Upon ETMC-EMS assuming full responsibility for dispatch, ETMC-EMS shall be free to employ, at its own expense, such CAD hardware and software and 911 system interface arrangements as ETMC-EMS deems most conducive to efficient operation and response time reliability. The Coalition shall cooperate fully with ETMC-EMS's reasonable requests to establish telephone call-transfer linkages and, where appropriate, 911 computer system interface arrangements (e.g., with ETMC-EMS functioning as a secondary PSAP), as requested by ETMC-EMS. 911 personnel shall transfer medical calls and callers to the ETMC-EMS Control Center as per protocols approved by the Medical Control Board. 3.03 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM. Except for changes adopted by the Board of Directors of ETMC-EMS, ETMC-EMS shall comply with A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 10 customer-service and accounts receivable management practices as provided in this Contract. 3.04 DISASTER ASSISTANCE. During a declared disaster, locally or in a neighboring jurisdiction, the normal course of business under this Contract shall be interrupted from the moment the disaster occurs. Immediately upon such notification, ETMC-EMS shall commit such resources as are necessary and appropriate, given the nature of the disaster, and shall assist in accordance with disaster plans and protocols applicable in the locality where the disaster occurred. The disaster-related provisions of this Contract are: a. During such periods, ETMC-EMS shall be released from response time performance requirements, including late run penalties, until notified by the Coalition that disaster assistance may be terminated. At the scene of such disasters, ETMC-EMS personnel shall perform in accordance with local disaster protocols established by that community. b. When disaster assistance has been terminated, ETMC-EMS shall resume normal operations as rapidly as is practical considering exhaustion of personnel, need for restocking and other relevant considerations. c. During the course of the disaster, ETMC-EMS shall use best efforts to provide emergency coverage throughout the "Contract Service Area" and shall suspend non-emergency transport work as necessary, informing persons requesting such non-emergency service of the reason for the temporary suspension. 3.05 NO AMBULANCE DEPLOYMENT RESTRICTIONS. Every member jurisdiction and participating jurisdiction shall have access to the resources of the EMS System, as dictated by fluctuations in consumer demand for service, weather conditions and disaster events. To ensure such flexibility in responding to shifting needs, ETMC-EMS will refrain from contractually committing any of its ambulances to the exclusive benefit of any jurisdiction. 3.06 GRANDFATHER CLAUSE. Nothing in this Contract shall be construed as preventing ETMC-EMS from honoring and fulfilling contractual commitments in effect as of the commencement date of this Contract, even if provisions of such contracts are in conflict with provisions set forth immediately above, provided, however, that no such existing contract containing provisions in conflict with the provisions of this Contract shall be extended or renewed unless amended to remove the conflicting provisions. 3.07 SACHSE AMBULANCE AND DEPLOYMENT. In addition to the required ETMC- EMS ambulance for the Response Area, the City of Sachse will staff an ambulance (with MICU capabilities) donated by ETMC-EMS to provide primary ambulance service and response for the City of Sachse ("Sachse Ambulance"). When the Sachse Ambulance is deployed and/or unavailable to the City of Sachse, the first back-up ambulance will be requested through ETMC-EMS which will be ETMC-EMS Required MICU when available. The next back-up ambulance shall be within the Coalition when available. 3.08 WYLIE AMBULANCE AND DEPLOYMENT. The City of Wylie is currently staffing an ambulance (with MICU capabilities) donated by ETMC-EMS ("Wylie A36\6203\22\ I 98Y96-5/17/01 II Ambulance") and will continue to do so. Such Wylie Ambulance shall be used to provide back-up ambulance service to the Coalition. ETMC-EMS shall pay a one hundred ($100.00) dollar stipend, per transport, to the Coalition member city (but specifically excluding the City of Sachse, unless the City of Sachse unit is backing up either ETMC-EMS Required MICU or the Wylie Ambulance and such transport is initiated from outside the City of Sachse's corporate limits) who provided the transport but only when ETMC-EMS calls for back-up in the event ETMC-EMS's unit is out of service, subject to Section 3.11, below. 3.09 DONATED AMBULANCES. With regard to both the Sachse and Wylie Ambulances (collectively, the "Donated Ambulances"), as set forth in Sections 3.07 and 3.08 above: a. Sachse and Wylie shall retain ownership of the Donated Ambulances, with ownership surviving this Contract. b. ETMC-EMS shall provide reimbursement for professional liability insurance at a combined cost not to exceed a total of $1 ,500 per year and normal and customary equipment necessary for the operation of such Donated Ambulances. c. ETMC-EMS shall provide all EMS supplies for the operation of the Donated Ambulances (as described in 3.07 and 3.08, above). d. Selected cities of the Coalition will staff and operate the Donated Ambulances. e. The Coalition operating the Donated Ambulances shall provide for automobile liability insurance coverage. f. ETMC-EMS shall be responsible for any maintenance or repair to the drive train of the Donated Ambulances, unless such repairs are showing to be caused by the unreasonable neglect and/or abuse of the Donated Ambulances by the Member Jurisdictions. g. ETMC-EMS shall provide the Coalition with another ambulance unit during any time that the Donated Ambulances are out of service. ETMC-EMS will provide such replacement ambulance for a period of up to ten (10) days, but no longer. After ten (10) days, ETMC-EMS will negotiate a mutually acceptable short term lease for such replacement ambulance with lease payments not to exceed ten dollars ($10) per month. h. If the Coalition requests additional resources from ETMC-EMS, the Parties agree to renegotiate in good faith the annual total subsidy to be paid ETMC-EMS in order to provide sufficient resources for the services described in such Contract. If the Parties are unable to reach such a mutual agreement, the current provisions shall remain in effect. 3.10 USE OF NON-COALITION OR NON-ETMC-EMS AMBULANCES. In the event a Coalition Member utilizes an ambulance of an entity that is not a Coalition Member nor an ETMC-EMS unit, and a Coalition ambulance or an ETMC-EMS ambulance was A36\6203l22\ 198996-5/17/01 12 available, then such Coalition Member shall reimburse ETMC-EMS for ETMC-EMS's loss of revenue for such trip, excluding transfer. 3.11 CLEAN TICKET PROVISION. The One Hundred ($100) Dollar stipend as set forth in 3.08(b) above, is expressly conditioned upon the Coalition Members fully and accurately completing the trip ticket and related paper work in accordance with the policies and procedures that ETMC-EMS requires of its own personnel in the completion of such trip ticket ("Clean Ticket"). ETMC-EMS will provide adequate training/education to personnel filling out trip tickets. 3.12 CLINICAL STANDARDS AND QUALITY IMPROVEMENT. The initial standards of clinical quality, as well as the clinical upgrade schedules to occur on or before listed deadlines throughout the term of this Contract shall constitute contractually binding performance requirements under this Agreement. (BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 13 ARTICLE IV CONSIDERATION Consideration for this Contract is an award of exclusive market rights subject to exemptions set forth in Schedule A to this Contract for the term of the Contract. 4.01 AUTHORIZATION OF USER-FEE CHARGES. ETMC-EMS shall charge user fees for services originating within each Coalition Member Jurisdiction. Each Coalition Member may assist its residents in purchasing and paying for membership rights by incorporating voluntary provisions for billing and payment in conjunction with residential water bills. 4.02 USER-FEE AUTHORIZATION. ETMC-EMS IS hereby authorized to charge for ground ambulance services user-fees as follows: The maximum total average of all bills generated for ambulance service originating with the Coalition (exclusive of mileage charges), shall not exceed $643.54. 4.03 ANNUAL INFLATION ADJUSTMENTS. The Coalition shall annually permit adjustment of the ETMC-EMS Maximum Total Average Bill (as discussed in 4.02), the first such adjustment being authorized on October 31, 2001. Any increase made to the Maximum Total Average Bill in such adjustment shall not exceed the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index on a nationwide basis over the most recent twelve (12) month period for which published figures are available. ETMC-EMS has the discretion to accept all or a portion of the maximum allowable inflation adjustment and may apply those amounts in the manner determined by ETMC-EMS provided that such adjustment does not exceed the maximum allowable adjustment under this Contract. 4.04 ADJUSTMENT FOR EXCESS BILLINGS. In the event ETMC-EMS's actual total average bill (exclusive of mileage charges) for services rendered in a Member Jurisdiction or Participating Jurisdiction during the preceding contract period is found to be inadvertently in excess of the level permitted by the then-applicable "SubsidyIPrice Agreement", the Coalition shall delay the effective date of the inflation adjustment increase in that jurisdiction by a number of days sufficient to fully offset the amount of overpayment, as proposed by the Coalition and approved by the Board of Directors of the Coalition. 4.05 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR EXTERNALL Y IMPOSED UPGRADES. ETMC-EMS may periodically apply for extraordinary rate adjustments to offset the actual and reasonable marginal costs of implementing and maintaining clinical upgrades required by the Medical Control Board and approved by the Coalition. Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.06 EXTRAORDINARY ADJUSTMENTS FOR UNUSUAL COST INCREASES. As may be justified by circumstances beyond ETMC-EMS's reasonable control (e.g., industry wide insurance cost increases of major magnitude, restoration of OPEC's pricing powers, etc.), ETMC-EMS shall be eligible for temporary but renewable (as justified and approved by the Coalition) "extraordinary rate adjustments" when the governing body of A36\6203\22\198996-5/17/01 14 the Coalition finds that the cause of such extraordinary increase in the cost of one or more factors of production necessary to produce quality pre-hospital care is due to an unusually large, rapid increase in the cost to ETMC-EMS of that factor of production, in which this increase is industry wide, not the result of poor purchasing practices and not the result of increased consumption of the factor of production. Provided, however, all such approvals of Extraordinary Adjustment shall be subject to optional review and confirmation or denial by the Coalition. 4.07 ANNUAL SUBSIDY. The Coalition agrees to pay ETMC-EMS an annual subsidy for services described herein, the total of such subsidies for Years 1 - 3 being as follows: Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 69,585.00 75,516.00 86,604.00 Such subsidy payments shall be made on a quarterly basis with twenty-five (25%) percent of the annual subsidy being due at the begilming of each quarter. As such, the quarterly payments are due on October 1, January 1, April 1, and July 1 of each contract year. Any payments which are due and owing as of the execution of this Agreement shall be paid within thirty (30) days of the execution by ETMC-EMS ofthis Agreement. The share of the subsidies to be paid by each Coalition member shall be as agreed to by the Coalition. In the event the Initial Term of this Agreement is continued into one or more renewal terms, the Parties agree to negotiate in good faith relative to subsidy amounts for the renewal term(s), if any. If the Parties cannot mutually agree on such subsidy amounts for any renewal term, ETMC-EMS may terminate this Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. I The amounts set forth above represent the amounts due ETMC-EMS assuming the Coalition members remain the same as of the effective date of the Contract. The Coalition further agrees to reimburse ETMC-EMS for any ETMC-EMS loss in revenue due to any current Coalition member no longer participating in this Agreement. EACH COALITION MEMBER WHO WITHDRAWS FROM THE COALITION, CEASES TO PARTICIPATE OR CONTRACTS WITH ANOTHER EMS PROVIDER, AGREES TO MAKE ETMC-EMS WHOLE FOR SUCH LOSS OF REVENUE FOR THE DURATION OF THE CONTRACT (WHICH INCLUDES SUBSIDY AND PATIENT TRANSPORT REVENUE RELATED TO SUCH COALITION MEMBER) TO ETMC-EMS. Such Coalition member agrees that its termination or withdrawal from the Coalition irreparably harms ETMC-EMS and knowingly and specifically agrees that its agreement to make ETMC-EMS whole as the result of such termination or withdrawal is an essential provision in this Agreement. The Coalition agrees to the maximum extent permitted by law to hold harmless ETMC-EMS from such loss of revenue and loss of subsidy. In the event such Coalition member refuses to reimburse ETMC-EMS for such loss of revenue or loss of subsidy, ETMC- EMS shall have all rights allowed by law to pursue money damages, including its attorneys' fees in seeking to collect such loss of revenue and subsidy from the Coalition Member. Additionally, the failure to pay such monies to ETMC-EMS is a material A36\6203\22\198996-5/17/01 15 breach of this Agreement and notwithstanding any other provisions to the contrary, ETMC-EMS may terminate this, Agreement upon sixty (60) days prior written notice, without penalty. 4.08 ETMC-EMS shall have the exclusive right to bill and collect any third party payor or individual for services rendered by ETMC-EMS, and for any transports rendered by the Coalition. 4.09 COUNTY FUNDS. Any funds received from Collin County shall be in addition to the amounts received by ETMC-EMS as set forth in Section 4.07, above. 4.10 ADDITIONAL UNITS. The Parties acknowledge that the Member Jurisdictions are growing rapidly and the need for future EMS services may arise in the future. ETMC- EMS will periodically evaluate the services rendered and determine ETMC-EMS's capability and performance. As the result of such evaluation, ETMC-EMS may consider such information in evaluating the need to donate additional units or other alternatives to the Coalition as sound business practices would dictate, and as the Parties mutually agree. (BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 16 ARTICLE V INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 5.01 INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS. At all times during the term of this Contract and throughout any extension periods thereof, ETMC-EMS shall obtain and pay all premiums for ETMC-EMS's owned and operated ambulances. For liability arising solely from the actions or inactions of ETMC-EMS or ETMC-EMS's personnel, all such policies shall name the Coalition and the Medical Control Board as "additional insureds". ETMC- EMS shall furnish the Coalition with an Accord Certificate of Insurance indicating that the types and amounts of insurance required hereunder are in full force and effect and that the insurance carrier shall give the Coalition thirty (30) days' written advance notice of any cancellation, change, termination, failure to renew or renewal, or any change in coverage of any such policy or policies reflected on said certificate. Nothing in this Article V shall be deemed to prohibit the use of a program of insurance being "self- insurance" as that term is normally used as being a formally organized system of covering risks or to be a limitation upon the insured as to the deduction it may cause to be provided in connection with any of its respective insurance policies. ETMC-EMS's Insurance coverage shall meet the following minimum requirements: a. WORKER'S COMPENSATION. Worker's Compensation Insurance as pem1itted by the laws of the State of Texas. b. COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY. Commercial general liability insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limits (CSL) for all claims resulting from bodily injury (including death) and/or property damage arising out of the operations of the ambulance service authorized hereunder. c. AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY. The following coverage is required: ' (i) Uninsured Motorist. Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage, covering all automobiles and including all owned, hired, or leased vehicles in an amount equal to or greater than the minimum liability limits required by law. (ii) Employer's Non-owned Auto Coverage. Employer's non-owned liability in an amount equal to the liability limits set forth in Subsection b., immediately above. d. AMBULANCE LIABILITY. A policy covering the liability created by ambulance operation to a limit called for in Subsection b. hereof. It is further understood that, due to the nature of this risk, it is presently necessary to obtain this coverage through the Assigned Risk Pool and that policy form must be accepted as offered. e. MALPRACTICE. Malpractice insurance in an amount not less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) for each claim. A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 17 f. EXCESS LIABILITY INSURANCE UMBRELLA. Excess liability insurance umbrella policy providing two million dollars ($2,000,000) coverage per occurrence and four million dollars ($4,000,000) annual aggregate coverage in excess of all other liability policies prescribed herein. g. SUBMISSION OF POLICIES. Said insurance policies required hereunder may be submitted to the Coalition. Satisfactory evidence that such insurance is at all times in full force and effect shall be furnished to the Coalition. h. EFFECT OF CANCELLATION OR TERMINATION. The cancellation or other termination of any policy of insurance required hereunder shall give the Coalition the right to revoke and terminate this Contract for ambulance service granted hereunder, unless another insurance policy complying with the provisions of this section shall be provided and be in full force and effect at the time of such cancellation or other termination. 1. "OCCURRENCE" FORM REQUIRED. All coverage furnished hereunder shall be written on an "occurrence" basis, not a "claims made" basis, provided, however, a combination of "claims made" coverage and "extended reporting endorsement" ("tail coverage") for an indefinite period following expiration of this Contract shall be considered equivalent to "occurrence" coverage. Furthermore, nothing in this provision shall be construed as prohibiting partial self-funding of defined aspects of coverage, provided self-funding financial arrangements and risk-management aspects are approved by the Coalition, which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. 5.02 INDEMNIFICATION. ETMC-EMS covenants and agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the Coalition, and each Member Jurisdiction and their officers and J employees, from any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge or expense arising out of any act, action, neglect or omission by ETMC-EMS during the performance of this Contract, except that neither ETMC-EMS, East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System, nor any of their subcontractors, or assignees, will be liable under this section for damages arising out of injury or damage to persons or property directly caused or resulting from the negligence of the Coalition, or any Member Jurisdiction or any of their officers, agents, representatives or employees. . (BALANCE OF P AGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5117/01 18 ARTICLE VI MAJOR DEFAULT & REPLACEMENT PROVISIONS 6.01 MAJOR DEFAULT DEFINED. Conditions and circumstances that shall constitute a major default by ETMC-EMS shall include but not be limited to the following: a. Supplying to the ,Coalition during the contracting process, false information or information so incomplete as to effectively mislead; b. Willful falsification of data supplied to the Coalition or to the Medical Control Board during the course of operations, including by way of example but not by way of exclusion, dispatch data, patient report data, response time data, financial data, or willful downgrading of presumptive run code designations or deliberate omission of any other data required under this Contract; c. Deliberate and unauthorized scaling down of operations to the detriment of performance during a "lame duck" period; d. Failure to maintain equipment in accordance with generally accepted maintenance practices; e. Willful attempts by ETMC-EMS to intimidate or otherwise punish non- management employees who desire to interview with or to sign contingent employment agreements with successful bidders following a subsequent bid cycle; f. Chronic and persistent failure ofETMC-EMS's employees to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner and to present a professional appearance; I g. Failure by ETMC-EMS to cooperate with and assist the Coalition in its transfer of ETMC-EMS's operations after a major default has been declared by the Coalition, as provided for in 6.02, next, even if it is later determined that such default never occurred or that the cause of such default was beyond ETMC-EMS's reasonable control; h. Failure to substantially and consistently meet or exceed the various clinical and response time standards required hereunder; 1. Intentional over billing in violation of provisions of this Contract. 6.02 DECLARATION OF MAJOR DEFAULT AND TRANSFER OF SERVICE. In the event the Coalition determines that a major default has occurred, and if the nature of the default is, in the opinion of the Coalition, such that public health and safety are endangered, ETMC-EMS shall be given written notice specifying the particular complaints and identifying them as appropriate by date, place, etc. with a reasonable opportunity (defined as 72 hours for deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety and thirty (30) days for any other deficiencies) to correct said deficiency. In the event ETMC-EMS fails to correct said deficiency within the time as set forth above, ETMC- EMS may thereafter be found to be in default (as set forth in Section 6.03). In such A36\6203122\ 198996-5/17/0 1 19 event, ETMC-EMS shall cooperate with the Coalition to effect a prompt and orderly transfer to the Coalition of ETMC-EMS's and the Coalition's responsibilities as set forth in Section 6.03. 6.03 MAJOR DEF AUL T. In the event of a major default and the failure to cure same as set forth in Section 6.02, ETMC-EMS shall transfer its responsibilities within seventy-two (72) hours thereafter upon such finding of a major default by the Coalition. Notwithstanding the foregoing, ETMC-EMS does not waive its rights to challenge such declaration and may dispute such issue in a court of law and, if successful, recover all its damages as allowed by law. 6.04 DEFAULT NOT DANGEROUS TO PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY. If the Coalition declares ETMC-EMS to be in major default on grounds other than performance deficiencies dangerous to public health and safety, ETMC-EMS may dispute and legally resolve the Coalition's claim of major default prior to transfer of ETMC-EMS's operations by the Coalition. 6.05 "LAME DUCK" PROVISIONS. Should ETMC-EMS fail to prevail in a future procurement cycle, the Coalition shall obviously depend upon ETMC-EMS to continue provision of all services required under this Contract until the new contractor assumes service responsibilities. Under these circumstances, ETMC-EMS would, for a period of several months, serve as a "lame duck" contractor. To ensure continued performance fully consistent with the requirements of this Contract throughout any such "lame duck" period, the following "lame duck" provisions shall apply: a. Throughout such "lame duck" period, ETMC-EMS shall continue all operations and support services at substantially the same levels of effort and performance as were in effect prior to the award of the subsequent contract to a competing firm; b. ETMC-EMS shall make no changes in methods of operation that could reasonably be considered to be aimed at cutting ETMC-EMS's service and operating costs to maximize profits during the final stages of this Contract; and, c. The Coalition recognized that, if a competing firm prevails in a future procurement cycle, ETMC-EMS may reasonably begin to prepare for transition of service to the new contractor during the "lame duck" period, and the Coalition shall not unreasonably withhold its approval of ETMC-EMS's requests to begin an orderly transition process, including reasonable plans to relocate staff, scale down certain inventory items, etc., so long as such transition activities do not impair ETMC-EMS's performance during the "lame duck" period and so long as such transition activities are prior-approved by the Coalition. 6.06 PERFORMANCE PENALTY. To provide protection to the Coalition, a Seventy-Five Thousand Dollar ($75,000) performance penalty will be assessed ETMC-EMS, pursuant to the provisions for declaration of major default set forth herein. A36\6203\22\ 198996:.5117/01 20 ARTICLE VII TERM AND RENEWAL 7.01 TERM OF AGREEMENT. The initial term of this Agreement shall commence on the date of final execution, indicated herein, and end on September 30, 2003 ("Initial Term"). 7.02 RENEWAL TERMS. This Agreement shall automatically continue in force from the end of the Initial Term for one (1) year renewal terms (each renewal term referred to as "Renewal Term") unless either of the parties shall give written notice to the other of its desire that this Agreement not pass into a succeeding Renewal Term but shall terminate at the end of the then current term. Such notice of termination shall be received one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the end of the current term. There will be no limit to the number of extensions. (BALANCE OF P AGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5117/0 1 21 ARTICLE VIII REPORTS 8.01 VERIFICATION OF USER-FEE CHARGES. By May 1 of each contract year, ETMC-EMS shall furnish to each Member Jurisdiction and Participating Jurisdiction an annual audited financial report documenting the following information for the previous contract year: a. Gross revenues (exclusive of mileage charges) generated for the transport of patients by ETMC-EMS ground ambulance service originating with that jurisdiction; b. Total number of individual patients transported (one-way) by ETMC-EMS ground ambulance service originating within that jurisdiction; c. Certification that charges for loaded mileage and membership fees have or have not been billed at or below the amounts then authorized by the uniform schedule of charges for mileage and membership fees (verification by sampling data shall be acceptable); d. Subsidy payments received from that jurisdiction; e. An accounting of late-run penalty payments to and expenditures for the "CPR and 1st Response Support Program Fund". Such statement shall certify that expenditures of such funds have been used solely to fund direct, out-of-pocket costs of citizen CPR and related training and ETMC-EMS's 1st Response support program costs, and that none has been used to fund wages or salaries of personnel employed by ETMC-EMS or to fund ETMC-EMS's administrative overhead costs. 8.02 RESPONSE TIME COMPLIANCE. Within ten (10) days after the close of each calendar month, ETMC-EMS shall provide to each Member Jurisdiction and Participating Jurisdiction and to the Medical Control Board, an accounting of response time performance relative to every transport for ambulance service originating within that jurisdiction, presented in the following foIinat: (BALANCE OF P AGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/0 1 22 Life-Threatening Non Life-Threatening Unscheduled Routine Scheduled Routine Response Time EmerJ' encies Emergencies Transfers Transfers* # % Cum % # % Cum % # % Cum % # % Cum % O-:::;lm59s 1 - < 2m59s 2 - < 3m59s 3 - < 4m59s 4 - < 5m59s Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. Etc. :::; 120 min. * i.e., scheduled 24 hours or more in advance of requested time of pickup. (BALANCE OF PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK) A36\6203\22\1 98996-5/1 7/01 23 ARTICLE IX GENERAL PROVISIONS 9.01 CHARACTER AND COMPETENCE OF PERSONNEL. All persons employed by ETMC-EMS in the performance of work under this Contract shall be competent and holders of appropriate permits in their respective trades or professions. The Coalition may demand the removal of any person employed by ETMC-EMS who chronically misconducts himself or is chronically incompetent or negligent in the due and proper performance of his duties, and such person shall not be reassigned by ETMC-EMS for production of services under this Contract without the written consent of the Coalition, provided, however, that the Coalition shall not be arbitrary or capricious in exercising its rights under this provision, and shall be required to document in writing the specific reasons for exercising rights relative to any given employee, and shall also give that employee an opportunity to defend himself in the presence of ETMC-EMS's chief executive officer and Medical Director and the Directors of the Coalition's governing board prior to removal. 9.02 PERMITS & LICENSES. ETMC-EMS shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and licenses required for initiation and completion of its work under this Contract. 9.03 ASSIGNMENT. ETMC-EMS will have the right to assign this Agreement to any related or affiliated entity of the East Texas Medical Center Regional Healthcare System without any party's prior consent. Otherwise, this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the expressed written consent of the Coalition. Such written consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 9.04 RIGHTS AND REMEDIES NOT WAIVED. ETMC-EMS agrees that the work specified in this Contract shall be completed without further consideration of the market rights provided for herein and that the acceptance of work and the payment of user fees and subsidy amounts (if any) shall not be held to prevent maintenance of an action for failure to perform such work in accordance with this Agreement. In no event shall payment by a Member Jurisdiction (if any such payments are made) hereunder constitute or be construed to be a waiver by the Coalition of any default or covenant or any default which may then exist on the part of ETMC-EMS, and the making of such payment while any such default exists shall in no way impair or prejudice any right or remedy available to the Coalition with respect to such default. 9.05 ATTORNEY FEES. If either the Coalition or ETMC-EMS institutes litigation against the other party to secure its rights pursuant to this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to the actual and reasonable costs of litigation and reasonable attorney's fees in addition to any other relief to which such party may be entitled. 9.06 NON-DISCRIMINATION. ETMC-EMS agrees as follows: a. ETMC-EMS will not discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because ofrace, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age, ETMC-EMS will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed and that employees are treated during employment without regard to their race, A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 24 religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. Such action shall include, but not be limited to the following: (i) employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; (ii) recruitment or recruitment advertising; (iii) layoff or termination; (iv) rates of payor other forms of compensation; and (v) selection for training, including apprenticeship. ETMC-EMS agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices to be provided setting forth the provisions of this non-discrimination clause. b. ETMC-EMS will, in all solicitations or advertisements for employees placed by or on behalf of ETMC-EMS, state that all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, disability, sex or age. 9.07 COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS. The services furnished by ETMC-EMS under this Contract shall be rendered in substantially full compliance with applicable federal, state and local laws, rules and regulations. It shall be ETMC-EMS's responsibility to determine which laws, rules and regulations apply to the services rendered under this Contract and to maintain compliance with those applicable standards at all times. 9.08 SEVERABILITY. In the event any provision hereunder is determined to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable under applicable law, said provision shall be deemed deleted from this Agreement as if never contained herein and the remainder of this Agreement shall remain enforceable. 9.09 HEADINGS. The Paragraph headings, articles, sections and captions contained in this Contract are solely for the convenience of the Parties and shall in no manner be construed as part of this Agreement. 9.10 CHOICE OF LAW. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas, and, in the event of litigation with respect to this Agreement or any of its terms, venue shall rest in Collin County, Texas. 9.11 ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement supersedes any and all other agreements, whether oral or in writing, between the Parties hereto with respect to the subject matter hereof, and no other agreement, statement or promise relating to the subject matter of this Agreement that is not contained herein shall be valid or binding unless in \vriting signed by all Parties. 9.12 AMENDMENT. This Agreement may be amended by a writing upon the agreement of . both Parties so as to conform to the law or any changes in the law and/or regulations applicable to the terms of this Agreement. If the Coalition refuses to amend the Agreement in accordance with this Section, such action shall be considered a breach of this Agreement and the Agreement may be terminated by ETMC-EMS. 9.13 NO WAIVER. The failure of either party to insist at any time upon the strict observance of perfom1ance of any provision of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy as provided in this Agreement shall not impair any right or remedy of such party or be construed as a waiver or relinquishment thereof with respect to subsequent defaults or breaches. Every right and remedy given by this Agreement to the Parties hereto may be A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 25 exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient by the appropriate party. 9.14 INCORPORATION OF SCHEDULES. Schedule A, Uniform EMS Ordinance and Schedule B, Commitment to 1st Responder Support and Quality Care, Schedule C, Quality Improvement Program are expressly incorporated within this Contract as though written and contained directly within the text of this Contract. 9.15 CORRESPONDENCE. All notices hereunder by either Party to the other shall be in writing, delivered personally, by certified or registered mail (postage prepaid), return receipt requested or by overnight courier services (charges prepaid) and shall be deemed to have been duly given when delivered personally, when deposited in the United States mail or delivered to the overnight courier, addressed as follows: If to ETMC-EMS: Anthony Myers, Vice President East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service P. O. Box 387 Tyler, Texas 75710 If to Coalition: Attention: or to such other persons or places as either Party may, from time to time, designate by written notice to the other. 9.16 INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. In performing this Contract, ETMC-EMS is acting as an independent contractor with respect to the Coalition and neither ETMC-EMS nor any ETMC-EMS staff shall be considered employees of the Coalition. It is agreed and acknowledged by the Parties that, as an independent contractor, ETMC-EMS retains the right to contract with and provide EMS services to entities and individuals other than the Coalition, and nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted as limiting or restricting in any way ETMC-EMS's right to do so. In no event shall this Agreement be construed as establishing a partnership or joint venture or similar relationship between the Parties hereto, and nothing herein shall authorize either Party to act as agent for the other, except to the extent herein provided. The Coalition shall be liable for its own debts, obligations, acts and omissions, including the payment of all required withholding, social security and other taxes and benefits with respect to all Coalition personnel. Neither ETMC-EMS nor any ETMC-EMS staff shall be subject to any Coalition policies solely applicable to the Coalition's employees or be eligible for any employee benefit plan offered by the Coalition. 9.17 FORCE MAJEURE. Neither Party shall be liable or deemed to be in default for any delay or failure in performance under this Agreement or other interruption of service deemed to result, directly or indirectly, from the acts of God, civil or military authority, A36\6203\22\ 198996-5117101 26 acts of public enemy, war, accidents, fires, explosions, earthquakes, floods, failure of transportation, strikes or other work interruptions by either Party's employees, or any other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of either Party. 9.18 ACCESS TO RECORDS. As an independent contractor of the Coalition, ETMC-EMS shall, in accordance with 42 U.S.C., S l395x (v)(I)(I) (Social Security Act S 1861 (v)(I)(I) and 42 C.F.R., Part 420, Subpart D, S420.300, et seq., until the expiration of four (4) years after the furnishing of Medicare reimbursable Services pursuant to this Contract, upon proper written request, allow the Comptroller General of the United States, the Department of Health and Human Services and their duly authorized representatives access to this Agreement and to ETMC-EMS's books, documents and records (as such terms are defined in 42 C.F.R., S420.301) necessary to verify the nature and extent of costs of Medicare reimbursable Services provided under this Contract. In accordance with such laws and regulations, if Medicare or Medicaid reimbursable services provided by ETMC-EMS under this Contract are carried out by the means of a subcontract with an organization related to ETMC-EMS, and such related organization provides the services at a value or cost of $10,000 or more over a twelve (12) month period, then the subcontract between ETMC-EMS and the related organization shall contain a clause comparable to the clause specified in the preceding sentence. No attorney-client, accountant-client or other legal privilege shall be deemed to have been waived by ETMC-EMS or the Coalition by virtue of this Contract. 9.19 ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This Contract contains the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior agreements, oral or written, and all other communications between the Parties relating to such subject matter. This Contract may not be amended or modified except by mutual written agreement. 9.20 CHANGE IN LA'V. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, if the governmental agencies (or their representatives) which administer Medicare, any other payor or any other federal, state or local government or agency passes, issues or promulgates any law, rules, regulation, standard or interpretation, or any court of competent jurisdiction renders any decision or issues any order, at any time while this Agreement is in effect, which prohibits, restricts, limits or in any way substantially changes the method or amount of reimbursement or payment for Services rendered under this Agreement, or which otherwise significantly affects either Party's rights or obligations hereunder, either Party may give the other notice of intent to amend this Agreement to the satisfaction of both Parties, to compensate for such prohibition, restriction, limitation or change. If this Agreement is not so amended in writing within ten (10) days after said notice was given, this Agreement shall terminate as of midnight on the tenth (lOth) day after said notice was given. 9.21 CONSENTS, APPROVALS AND EXERCISE OF DISCRETION. Except as may be herein specifically provided to the contrary, whenever this Agreement requires any consent or approval to be given by either Party, or either Party must or may exercise discretion, the Parties agree that such consent or approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, and such discretion shall be reasonably exercised in good faith. A36\6203\22\ 198996-5117/01 27 9.22 THIRD PARTIES. None of the provisions of this Agreement shall be for the benefit of third parties or enforceable by any third party. Except as provided above, any agreement to pay an amount and any assumption of a liability herein contained, expressed or implied, shall only be for the benefit of the Parties hereto and such agreement or assumption shall not inure to the benefit of any third party, including an obligee. 9.23 P AID IN-SERVICE TRAINING. ETMC-EMS will provide each ETMC-EMS EMT and Paramedic 'with sixty (60) paid hours for continuing education each year. 9.24 PARAMEDIC SKILL LEVELS. Effective EMS Paramedic skill levels will be implemented as follows: ,200_, ETMC- a. Texas State EMS-P Certification b. Basic TraUlnaLife Support c. Driver Training d. Advanced Cardiac Life Support -e:--- - u Advanced-Pediatric Emergency Care 9.25 TERMINATION OF CONTRACTS. In the event any of the Member Jurisdictions signing below as a principal of this Contract have individual contracts with East Texas Medical. Center. Emergency Medical Service for ambulance service as of the Commencement Date of this Agreement, such contractual arrangements and agreements shall terminate contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement. 9.26 COUNTERP ARTS. This Contract may be executed in multiple counterparts, and is effective on the last date of execution indicated below. City of Lavon, Texas I East Texas Medical Center d/b/a East Texas Medical Center Emergency Medical Service or J rinted Name: 111 JI- 7-0/ ~ (date) . '/VbFr 7J~f City anager Printed Name: (date) A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/0 1 28 ~'Texa' 1(~7-0{ Mayor .,..-;-:- C dJ. ( date) Printed Name: /6H r t-dS ~tl~/ City Manager / A (date) Printed Name: ~/,V OA /T. SjfiJ 4/)::J , ~ /3 tJ/ Ci'ty Manager J1 . $;i (date) Printed Name:. -/1 1t;I1Jlln City of Wylie, Texas Mayor Printed A36\6203\22\ 198996-5/17/01 29 City of Murphy, Texas ~yY~;{Lu Mayor (date) Printed Name: ~ 0 y .~ 13 B A/T LB '//;J City Manager Printed Name: ( date) City of St. Paul, Texas ~j)~ %7/P1 Ma f (date) rintedName: .00 Yc c to C.e4 ~ ~ '1 /11 City Man'ager Printed Name: ( date) City of Parker, Texas j)~rld IfA/)?nl~~ '_,2~J;l/ 11ayor (date) Printed Name: L7 h' ~ Ie' hid ~ ~ t!! ~ B'1/~hry Y/1Cm~ (or #eNtll?7/h?~41~V 4 -..2f--t'/ City Mahager 1 L~ / (date) ~~ PrinredName:~;?~~~ rJiI-IE WYLIE NEWS Cotetln~ W"IIe, Saellse, ftllltl,ll, DlIIlllte luttoundln~ aled 110 N. 111111111(.1 SI. 1',( J, Illl~ .l(j!} W}'lir. TC~Il~ 7.'iOYR (972) 442-5515 rnx (972) 442-43 I R s'rATE Oli' TEXAS COUNTY Oli' COLLIN Uefol'e me, the underslglled outhurUy, Oil tbls doy petsonolly appeared thod ElIgbtock, of TilE WYLIE NEWS, n lIe\V5l'nper tegulnrly published 'n.ColIlI. County.lexas atid bovtng general drculatlon h. Collin COUllty, 'texns, ,,'110 being by .lIe duly 81Vorri de,JOsed oud says thut the totegohig oUoched '-~ {JnR. ,# ~ 6a/ d- ~ nns publ! hed III 5nldlle"'Sl'nIJet on e tollo\vlng dates, to-wit! ,~ c2 ~ , 200", and f 2001 (Jf/ff--- Cl;. --;-';gbr~~k ' Subscl'lbed nml S\VOI'n to befote me thfs the :~ to cea-tlrJ' ",hide whlless my hsnd and sen' or office. day of 62~ f 2001 Notary PubUc 'II aud Cot' The State or 'texas 1\1y COIIIlUiss'OIl ExpJres .3J 3) rY-! , l'IIE WYLIE NEWS t;;,-;'ct/lIg'Wyiie, Sachse, ftltltl,l,y lIlIl/lhe slIttllllllllillg lItClI 110 N. Ballard SI. /'( J. nll~ .1(i9 Wylir. TCl(Il~ 75()9R (972) 442-5515 rnx (972) 442-4.1 I R STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before tile, the undersigned authority, on this day personally oppeared Chad Engbt'ock, of THE WYLII~ NEWS, n newspaper regularly published In Collin County, Texas and having general drculaUonln Collin COUllty, Texas, who being by me duly sworn deposed alld says that the foregoing attached Sj JL Old. WO \ - :}~ I \"as published In said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: .'~'''' ~+-. ~~ , 2001 ~ and , 2001 . ~ Chad Engbrock Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this the 1 +h to cel'Uf.}' which ".Jtness my band and seal of office. day of ~. Od-.. , 200 f , My Commission Expires ~ C6~~J1 ORDINANCE NO.-l 2001-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE. TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A REG- ULATED AMBULANCE SERVICE SYSTEM BY IMPLEMENTING THE MASTER CONTRACT FOR PARAMEDIC AMBULANCE SER- VICES BETWEEN EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CEN- TER DIBI A EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CEN- TER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE ("ETMC-EMS") AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND OTHER SOUTHEAST COLLIN COUNTY COALITION MEMBERS INCLUDING THE CITY OF Ll\VON, LUCAS. MURPHY, PARKER, SACHSE, AND ST PAUL WITH THE INITIAL TERM OF THE AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE ON THE DATE OF FINAL EXE- CUTION AS INDICAT- ED ON THE CON- TRACT AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003; PROVIDING FOR A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVID- ING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HERE- OF JOHN MONDY, MAYOR ATTEST: ,BARBARA SALINAS -J- CITY SECRETARY . _ 18-lt-312 rI'lIE WYLIE NEWS Coveting Wylie, Sacllse, ftlutrhy allll the surrounding ntei I '0 N. B:tllmd SI. P.O. l111lt ~(19 Wylie, Tc:'\n~ 7509R (972) 442-5515 Fox (972) 442-43 I R S'I'ATE OIi' TEXAS C()UNTY OF COLLIN Uefol'e me, the undersigned outhorlty, 011 this doy persollolly oppeared Cllod Etlgbtock. of THE WYLIE NEWS, 0 lIewslJoper I'egulorly published tn, Collin Coullty. Texas atid hovlllg general circulation In Colli" COUlltJ, 'teXAS, ,...ho being by rne duly slVorri deposed and soys that the foregoing attached 57/L Ordinance 2001-26 ,t'DS published '11 snld lIen'spolJer on tlte following dotes; to-wit: June 20 . 20(H', ond .2001 ((ltk Subsel'lbed oud 5'VOI'1I to before me tbls tbe 2nd to eel'flr,)' ,vhlch watness my hand nnd senl of offlce. July KATHLEEN S. NOBLE Notary Public State Of Texas My Com Exp. 03.()3,2004 .2001 Notary PubUc hi dud fo.. The State of Texas 1\1y COlluuissioll Expire ORDINANCE NO. 21101-26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING A REGULATED AMBU- LANCE SERVICE SYS- TEM BY IMPLEMENT- ING THE MASTEr", CONTRACT FOR PARA- MEDIC AMB ULANCE SERVICES BETWEEN EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CENTER D/B/A EAST TEXAS MEDICAL CEN- TER EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE C'ETMC-EMS") AND THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS AND OTHER SOUTHEAST COLLE'I COUNTY COALITION MEMBERS INCLUDING THE CITY OF LAVON, LUCAS, MURPHY, PARKER, SACHSE, AND ST. PAUL WITH THE INITIAL TERl"!1 OF THE AGREEMENT EFFEC- TIVE ON THE DATE OF FINAL EXECUTION AS INDICATED ON THE CONTRACT Al',fD END- [NG SEPTEMBER 30, 2003: PRt=:\rIl)II\IG FC)R A PENALTY FOR THE V[OLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE; PROVID- ING FOR REPEALING, SAVINGS AND SEVER- ABILITY CLAUSES. PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE OF THIS ORDINANCE, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE CAPTION HERE- OF DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 12th day of June, 2001. John Mondy, Mayor . Barbara Salinas, 1city Secretary 4-1 t-339