04-13-2022 (Parks & Recreation) Agenda Packet Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting- Rescheduled April 13,2022—7:00 PM CITY Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak.Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Minutes from the March 14, 2022 regular meeting. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of an update to the proposed Monroe Farms Development parkland dedication. 3. Consider,and act upon,approval of the Park Event Application for the Do it for Declan 5K event at Founders Park on December 10,2022. 4e Consider, and act upon, approval of the Park Event Application for an Art Market Event at Olde City Park on July 16, 2022. 5. Consider, and act upon, the selection of one representative from the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on. the Art Selection Committee for the Public Art Advisory Board. WORK SESSION WS1. Project Updates. WS2. Future Agenda Items. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on April 10,2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Page 11 1 Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required,then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. § 551.076—Discussing deployment of security personnel or devices or security audit. Page 12 2 04/13/2022 Item 1. Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes March 14, 2022—6:30 PM Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. The following Parks and Recreation Board members were present: Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Craig Allen, Board Member Brian Willeford,Board Member Kim Mullis, and Board Member Kevin Stewart. Board Chair Joni Robinson was absent. Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz, and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No Citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA A. Consider,and act upon,approval of the February 14,2022 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Willeford, seconded by Board Member Stewart, to approve the February 14, 2022 Regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Board Chair Robinson absent. WORK SESSION: WS1. Project updates. Director Diaz reviewed the Project Updates spreadsheet which lists current project updates, anticipated project completion dates,park zone location for each project, and the budget of which each project is funded out of. He noted that in addition to the spreadsheet, staff continues to add current updates to the Weekly Report which is emailed to the Parks and Recreation.Board and City Council. The contract with Dunaway and Associates for the dog park and splash pad designs has been approved by the Wylie City Council, and a kick off meeting with staff will soon follow. The project design and construction documents are anticipated to be complete by this summer,with the call out for construction bids to take place thereafter. Project construction is expected to begin by early 2023 with an anticipated completion date of summer 2023. Design funding will be paid out of the 4B Tax Revenue Account, leaving a total of$2 million in the General Fund Account for the construction of the dog park and splash pad projects. Director Diaz advised that even after funding the design contracts, an ample amount of money will remain in the 4B Tax Revenue Account that could also be considered for project utilization if needed. He also said staff intend to apply for a county grant for both projects, which could provide a fund match of up to $500,000 to be put toward the projects. The project location sites will be determined at the onset of the design study, with concept design plans to be reviewed during future Parks and Recreation Board meetings, as well as joint work sessions with the Wylie City Council. March 14,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 11 3 04/13/2022 Item 1. Staff continue to work with BRW Architects on a Wylie Senior Recreation Center design contract,which is expected to be complete and ready to go before the Wylie City Council for approval on April 12th. The Wylie Senior Recreation Center's design contract will be funded out of the 4B Tax Revenue Account,and its renovations will be funded out of the General Fund Account. The Wylie Senior Recreation Center project includes installation of a porta-cache, interior improvements, and restroom modifications to meet ADA requirements. After Wylie City Council approval is received, a kick off meeting with staff will follow. The Thomas and Maddie Brown House ADA accessible ramp, located at the north end of the house, is still under construction with only minor cosmetic detailing remaining to be done. The vendor will soon pour concrete to reinstall the brick paver walking path that is adjacent to the ADA accessible ramp. The property's fencing will remain down in order to make the house more accessible and inviting to the public. Staff intend to work around the area of the Birmingham statues at the south side of the house, and new sod will be planted in the spring. Staff continue working on the plans to convert the Thomas and Maddie Brown House into a welcome center facility. The parking lot lighting project at the Community Park and Wylie Senior Recreation Center is still in process. All prep work by the contractor and electrician is complete, and they are waiting on the arrival of the light poles and light fixtures for installation. The anticipated completion date of the project is expected to be sometime in March but is subject to the delivery of the light poles and fixtures. New playground equipment is on order for Valentine Park,with an estimated installation to be sometime this spring. The Public Information Office and GIS Office is currently working on a new City Dashboard to be added in April to the City of Wylie website's main page. This dashboard will focus on City project updates,highlighting the roads, the downtown area,the dog park,the splash pads,the Wylie Senior Recreation Center renovation,and other similar City endeavors. The Parks and Recreation Department staff are looking into integrating a Special Projects tab linking the Parks Division web page to the new City Dashboard. The Wylie Historical Society has been in contact with Assistant City Manager Renae'011ie to proceed in contracting with the City to lease the Stonehaven House. The Wylie Historical Society plans to utilize the Stonehaven House as their primary office, and would take on the responsibility of hosting fundraising events with the goal to raise money to pay for added improvements at the Stonehaven House. Interim City Manager Brent Parker approached staff with the idea of incorporating new sponsorship efforts to help fund the new facilities being added to City parkland. Sponsorship efforts discussed include donations for memorial pavers,plaques,or similar,which could be positioned accordingly within the new dog park and splash pad locations. Sponsorship plans will be pursued by staff once the dog park and splash pad design process is further along. Board Vice-Chair Suarez requested staff to provide a link for the Senior Recreation Center's Daily Activity Menu on the City of Wylie website,as well as hard copies of the menu at other City locations,such as the Wylie Recreation Center. She also asked staff to provide statistics on the current Wylie Senior Center enrollment and usage(post the COVID-19 epidemic) at an upcoming Parks and Recreation Board meeting. The presentation that staff presented during the February 22nd Wylie City Council meeting, was created to bring awareness of the many quality services that the Wylie Recreation Center provides, and how these services effectively impact the community. The Wylie City Council has since requested staff to provide additional fee structure options for facility use passes, as well as unique user statistics. These unique user statistics include such items as follows: 1)what percentage of the Wylie Senior Recreation Center budget is utilized by the 4B Sales Tax Revenue account,2)who is using the recreation center(demographics,age, sex, etc.),3)what programs and passes these patrons are purchasing, and 4) how can the 4B Tax Revenue Account be utilized more efficiently and effectively in order to gain potential savings to put toward other future Wylie Parks and Recreation projects. Board Member Swendig addressed the Parks and Recreation Board to give an update on the Wylie Parks and Rec Foundation. He advised that the newly created website and Facebook page for the foundation has gone live, and March 14,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 12 4 04/13/2022 Item 1. includes information on its first event for a community clean-up at the Wylie Municipal Trail on April 9th from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Board Member Stewart suggested that Board Member Swendig reach out to local non-profit groups such as the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Eagles Scouts, etc., to pursue assistance with the foundation clean-up events. Board Member Swendig noted that an Instagram page is in the works, and that a foundation logo is in process of design. Director Diaz advised that similar to the City of Wylie "Friends of the Library" page, on the City website, the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department plan to eventually include the Wylie Parks and Rec Foundation links and infoiiiiation on its web page. Board Vice-Chair Suarez addressed the Parks and Recreation Board with the Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board updates from the March 3`d regular meeting. She advised that the meeting mainly consisted of review and confirmation on the Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Member's suggestions on amending the Cemetery Rules and Regulations initial draft. Board Vice-Chair Suarez noted that existing cemetery records will be a challenge for staff, and that the formation of cemetery sub-committees, as well as possibly using outside vendors for specific operations, will likely be considered. Board Member Mullis updated the Parks and Recreation Board Members on the Envision Wylie Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee, of which she serves on. The purpose of this committee is to gain input from Wylie residents and Wylie City Council on a 20 to 30 year plan in regards to residential and business enhancements. Future residential capacity, land use, as well as road infrastructure appear the primary concern to the Wylie City Council at this point. The next Envision Wylie Comprehensive Plan Open House event for citizen input is scheduled for Thursday, March 31s`from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., in the Smith Public Library. In addition, the Envision Wylie Comprehensive Plan Virtual Open House is available through April 4`h at following link: https://freese.mysocialpinpoint.com/wylieplan. This meeting and virtual meeting is being advertised on.Facebook, the City of Wylie website,email distribution,as well as City of Wylie utility bill inserts. It is expected for the Wylie City Council to finalize the Envision Wylie Comprehensive Plan in July of 2022. WS2. Future agenda items. On December 13, 2021 representative, John Arnold of Skorburg Development, attended the Parks and Recreation Board meeting to propose meeting parkland dedication requirements for the Monroe property, by the dedication of parkland and improvements. The Parks and Recreation Board approved this dedication, but the item was later tabled by the Wylie City Council due to their requirement of Skorburg Development reducing the number of home sites to be developed on the Monroe property. Representatives of Skorburg Development will bring the Parks and Recreation Board an updated plan for review during the April 1 lth meeting. Upcoming board meetings and city sponsored/co-sponsored events include the Parks and Recreation Board meeting on April 11`h,the 1 Lt Robert F.Welch Run for our Heroes fundraising event on April 23rd,the Parks and Recreation Board Tour on April23`d, the Wylie 500 Pedal Car Race on May ls`, the Taste of Wylie event on May 2"d, and the BBQ on Ballard event on May 14`''. Many of these events are included in the City of Wylie utility bill insert, with additional information posted on the City of Wylie website. Staff is still awaiting the final amended document for the "Prohibited Acts"portion of the City of Wylie Ordinances. Upon completion, Director Diaz will present it to the Parks and Recreation Board for their final review and recommendation to the Wylie City Council. Wylie Parks and Recreation staff has begun the fiscal year 2022/2023 budget process. Staff is looking into the projected financial operational and staffing needs that will result from the addition of the dog park and two splash pad facilities. Staff will also look at the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department strategic planning, encompassing the next three to five years. The goal is to integrate Master Plan items, from a budgeting standpoint, into this three to five year strategic plan. Specifically, improvements are needed at Founders Park for the Pirate Cove playground replacement, parking lot improvements, and field improvements primarily located on the west side of the park. March 14,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 13 5 04/13/2022 Item 1. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Stewart, seconded by Board Member Swendig, to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m. A vote was taken and motion passed 6-0 with Board Chair Robinson absent. Gloria Suarez,Board Vice-Chair ATTEST: Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant II March 14,2022 Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes Page 1 4 6 04/13/2022 Item 2. Parks and Recreation Board AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Robert Diaz Subject Consider and act upon parkland dedication for Monroe Development. Recommendation Motion to consider the parkland dedication as presented. Discussion The applicant is seeking approval for the parkland dedication for the Monroe Development. Skorburg Development is proposing to satisfy parkland dedication requirements by the dedication of parkland and improvements in lieu of funds. This parkland dedication for this development was considered and approved by the Board at the meeting in December 2021. Since that meeting the developer has met with the City Council and the Planning and Zoning Commission on changes to the original proposed plan. The developer will present an updated plan to the Board for consideration. Previous Dedication: Per City ordinance, the current parkland dedication requirement is five acres per 100 lots. The minimum parkland dedication for this development in terms of acreage only is 7.1 acres. The proposed development has 142 lots. These would be assessed at$2,000 per lot unit for a total of$284,000. The total amount of fees in lieu of development would be $284,000. The developer proposes to dedicate a total of 16.9 acres (2.8 acres out of the floodplain)and install approximately 1,925 linear feet of 8' concrete trail within the development and other park amenities such as a playground. The developer also proposes to connect the trail from the Monroe property to Kings Bridge Park located in the northwest corner of the development. Proposed new dedication: Per City ordinance,the current parkland dedication requirement is five acres per 100 lots. The minimum parkland dedication for this development in terms of acreage only is 5.65 acres. The proposed development has 113 lots. These would be assessed at$3,000 per lot unit for a total of$339,000. The total amount of fees in lieu of development would be $339,000. The developer proposes to dedicate a total of 15.9 acres(2.8 acres out of the floodplain)and install approximately 1,250 linear feet of 8' concrete trail within the development and other park amenities such as a playground. The developer also proposes to connect the trail toward the northwest portion of the Monroe property for a future connection that would be made by the City to Kings Bridge Park. The proposed improvement budget by the developer is estimated at$301,750. Page 1 of 1 7 04/13/2022 Item 2. The developer will again within the dedication of 15.9 acres plan to drain the lake due to water impoundment issues with the City of Dallas. All parkland dedicated to the City would be owned and maintained by the City. 8 04/13/2022 Item 2. Monroe Farms Parks and Recreation Board April 11, 2022 IG N 04/13/2022 Item 2. aaa;;.:. ... 0 + S`^. .GNYS n ? n?^ tt�`Y ,.it,`4 „�"' Pv L ter, rc a', di 0 „'. ..��..,, ._,...k ,gym ���, * w i '11. , 1 iii*:'.1'7:4\4"';'„:„'',,„„,,q„.::" ..„ . .„ ,,.. t. N i�, p 6' gym* xa tly '..�.,�.� 1 � 1;1 Fri Homes k. 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" �kxi m�r`$rs 3. .,, �"kn*r*n ,Y i,Y.. ttlk Fr"' ,t ',I :,`' •41 ,tra "` M'yti;,,' `,f-. ' ,`x a" s"ii "" aYaKx,w;aaak 1 I' • �, t}}2 x t«we.»a„ewv ,L ^+'• w b , r ,t ,g�, kt Fw'• �r Y tti .� mot' i 3 '�`,".� t#.a a i; ,`ox �, x Fti t` t 2'#. i" L 33yy.. t, � e�,3tY,T q �'i 4 i'k r "����F t^xt i ':t't f Puuu„ ��� od"`v ,'xt A 4 r, ,„^ 4 x' s,;S'a. ,n s00 r 43s, t< ur ,> 2.. t e' rr°�4,* '3" x ' r 'a .'•m 1,tb ,� f,,,, a. �r -r,�� 4,F` �s+k ,a `t,� .0 � uYn M sr ` r"w!�'N r 1 ;fin= a� 4 r t Y .4, r`` w xfin I r, �Yr � t r�^ t�r�x",a; rx�t, .r ,�' ,�. 'a, r: Yv�x ` I' +tMint;. 'p"`teY• t t xxk, a. a°� 'I c e' 44 a x'tr.„ "N xm S 4` at 'ti t .t^ nY ;t '�P a n`• u x, 4tIT Iy. ",,,,, „r ^ncet, �p ,00 ''H,;..,'tkd; µ '. "x „ ` ,;tw, 't' > °", ,kt a„4 an. "'4v SvdY '�" :ie ��' � 'L, n,� t'*�y, ,v "I, "`t �," ,„�,, tie ', 4* a ^, 4 �4t ° F3' `k e 1 . x. ,,• -�i v m, A .Y„ , * , .,• ,u "$ s � t, �., i An ,., r� '��i' v„ „`�� "y, ': •�, ' r' �i'd7 t �1a� k{ " I' �� �`,a?; Es'4„,ti$4f',t°,"`' 'x, E ,i,, "t, ,�ii 3p .� ,. "�, e��,'< °�3t>° al 9A,_ ,, ,, I , ii�,i II p} 4,,, k,Y ` 1 ,rs�tr'a�r �4�t� RP"r �,u, „�'�tiu} S'k r y�� sL;, r,.> 4'`, ; = s, „4' 4 , a„ ''t ,; w ; 3tkt 04/13/2022 Item 2. 2y s�"'15 i ,t+,t '� s„#k 2rF �,}€ i+4444 4T'a�?fs� 6.� M}" i, its it` 'f„ \ 'k' 444,4 4 °,,'., � 't �rite,�,,. ,,rt},,,n , tr'iYC"'<, �° .? � ��, 2,>,t, tit ', �?i>��5t � `,T `�^,,,,fit yr �r�t ,,a�,lJ ' �i`,'„`„,t;°`t t,ti}?e �'�;lk 3�,�a<3,,e ' �-�' � + � I' � � � i� I' �'i�„ °, �, .w<� 'fix „#,, ,t,„�� ^�:'�� �, ,„i, ,� y �� ' � }<a } t �,it 3 :244,, fist, �1 "Y.*, \ I'tmiM1 , � ..} I� s 4 ��r' � � s.�.�n� u �tsf' t ��A��`..ft'k,2 Mon tt „ r t�l� Yxs>7. �, i ti cS,`tt �, {'t € -'J �€ �� , , Bx[is � �IM T EFII . �w TION �a �, ,+ ET ��E �� <�� ,, ti ',,, ._ A T AND L CAT 0 , , Y m444,44,4`4**444 '„',k, �,` ,#'Y, s , 4 fit= ,nn,v ,� t ` L �� � 1 L �� *4.44 *" iV,, ,1 tom,-,< s }. „t, 'a, fit` t' i , �,k ,"�' s`ice', 4 et�" 7`�aaaitaaaaaaa Y �,'��i�, '�' >:•rk J'r.� ' , v `t?„'„,} ,a 5'' „*?tisti�;i,` ? �� �I,� ��'+>€, {r, a „" ".'`9, 3,✓ 4 \,,, 'I, �,Pt t xI tV� ( 'I zZ� t �€ Fu �a ? �;, i a,ta a�. gNN 'i `, 3 ;y AN,,{tat .. a„ ,,,,,„4*44 €�,4tt ? , S' I', I' ,tip ,`;' ,;"",, 't1 4.V `s`n `ate4 t, 'I� �'w� �' a` `7��,£",5�k3'',. :�.,tkk "5t„, • '�#� bet 'of� �',#„itsi� 1 WJ�' �n' pi e d �4 4 3 Il p YS' rLos$ n-;no, L, ,ri ,,,,W :H„ „ „ 1„,,,„..,,,sof,33 Lat$" N , H il 1 H " ,:d , - aaa P� limilelillil ti s+< 3 >� t€��.�, � � „�„t�, �„ • ,�j ��� +�+ Soli �y to„r,k„,"4, z 4, 1„ ;' ,� a m ti „h"k',v}�,> h , ,'',.V tn, '„a dre, P'wo„, ,ta! t+f , t'tlsg„)„,,„ `�.._,`44,"'t5', i ,`�''�., r,,',,1 its'"€ ,M"` �?$d�' :?�� l iaa ' `aat't ,, 't,at , lattaro. x.. Aft *4 e t, z x;t- �, 80wi ap t '}' 'P' , 4.,` ,t 4 ,'',;,t}),v 4' '4(?� 0(' "1, ti v� ,u„� t' ",' ', ",y1%� , i< /# , 44 it, 444 s.,`;,. s ELE � , ,`r itiiiiiiig O N' fit, r`r�1`t„( ,setts ,�'t eat,, '#��t,'' tt4+ '`4',„„S,` e , t ,�1;" ' A1055 5' t, is^.SR4r„y 'j u, ,�y `" 'lalt }}s,s. „'ts ' 41 b'^8 lY j� �"i y�Y+�ryy , Y �k Y' + j; + 11wd kntt ,.dud„ Y,` , ' 4� ,„ , m'a?.Ws:. `�i Rt, �',,/y■, /yW� y/ /�+ 'y i''y� yp4+yy� k 47, '4 Gti, uvi.� `x �, Y xc „ ' kia #}} �' Ix i ti' t yA�`z�i`ffi` tY ..> wf+Nr„M M� 1W„ f" �M+.A a 'o'A'A i awnT o�yaI s IJ,.�:. try t iS i Kk Q t „� 4� ,_^' t ,tee ,,., to 'A ' ,l't ,t h�,,,.,z , h ' �' two „ t s "'4.a N ,� t 'ia ` . �, vt, • Swr fly y�^ r �"" 11 I..0....o., ,,ti„", t , sk,~,s r � e�, �, t' �,, �' rk 4+rI� 71 � yw+ryy� ' r, , < „ t h� V''k 14", ,t,y M a a 9 `y ' 4 v,' Y, �.,m:"4� i r " *7�"� '€ e t�� °i a* �� t '� �' t,3'+�tyP�A444.4Ga,.=m4�,'�}?`a^ ° 5 N�Ss; rs€m+su `" k V,it F t, ,wtS 4niaetlk m ' p 4 } ',n Vt; n 8r?y tk t 4041 kqifit„ a i „ € � j $ i„. sN k� ti } 444 „ . tm 'g" ' et 3 + € �to<� g a u �„„@ a � <�� w�a i' ( 'u y,,.�,"� ,` a k ' "' t _ .'i": i -' ;a+far 9 . „�„ v ,� °w+' .4. wi4, . ",,r,, ��T t ' P a t �■as 1 Ih� i u R :'; t, ,�k tat" '1y , < $�" wC N', l ,,°' ;s,„ vq,m " L' I'` f w,R }.� ,w� ; ), `, ,a,',t , ,, , �'t#, 4 fi x f" @ ` � i"wr ` w , i',a , Mt �4"" ,{ t„� tdet# .)ae t, t 55 I I I ', . 0 � ' m4� . a,„ ^ " @ � E t,� ynk N .4 P * ,4 i, y,' k, ,,Zarkt1 'ai ,w, m q'C 4y� ,. ®,g• IN, „ ,., „ v . r • p ' k a�h,� F ma H R d r C ao va n, '0A� v nr a. e,,1l ,„„ ,„„„ Par se � r e a o I„ I I I II 1h I�ry ' p(, I'I'lilI -I II, II�II ,Id ?I ,I I�'Ipdr ,„ , ,„„„ „ „ ,I I BoardI � I � l I I , �I � � 1I3I d/'I 2h0I 2IId2I'�I�I tI eI mdI' 2I.II IId I IrIIlI I dl Attweii t't a a1 uttb a yr, .; $' 14„• 'tya'1 t'R` 'c iSY ' t } Y. " Z Ss L bk�� {St4 fix �`t w.n. k l, £s 3 s� ice$; ,a � zt � ' t i' ' S. Sw��x , 1*+ 'zlb " , l } t il � Y } Ott ` Y• �„ p ' ' fi \Yt� $lt k1;,t 1 t,n`$}} Ms �S#} , no d a ry °. av�' } t ct 2`a » �>, , � �}t_k w vt } t � § x\ , N 44�ty , . t� Sti iA� t�, ;`d9W"ax # w, #4w Ir ft 1II unI'l� 4 II, Ii ���7iI1�I CII y.iam;�I ��lli i'II f£ �I '�IIlI�Il Il IiIl lI II II II,' "l 'd yI, III ��„'II II llil II' I� iIIIp �I r i' y"f 'I' lI In'I II 7i� t � 2t sL .R� '''A„'''' t �. to }1R z � �t t IwWt4 ` +�ti utta .th, t xWA r ,. ms' Q, l ; ,l = , � a " i3, i uti �Ai � srt' "�+ ' n�,3� � fi„ i V ppNo I I 1 i £ ' n ,,„ f 7R AND DETENTION 15 V " t � i � V ; � � 4 t G p V� V DURING V ER�� � "t k �t PAS OF PROJECT MINE ated kfi y 1 �ll,a� i, �S L,`t�T5i;,,E,,...s,A.n:::,,o:...::Q:7c:,,,,,k:::T.i„,o,:,77,� z .m» � ; tt�" ;� 1' ��f�t�ty��i q�iY3ESl\h\rII �� II" ;� E t NTIQN . °( £ t i" "t ham : t r.t\ � � , � ^ � �� �, •$t{ "g a, h,Y. + Yxmot " 1, x�,�r :. yy A Io MI! � ,a t r acsy £ t" a �y," '' 1 , ,1r•,, t tntiztlbta ti� tt� y i<` v Stia T � ot $ r �� mr b,t"a e„n P Kmo a b\. "fi" w P 1fin',u Ii — q't,t�S ^ l }t , n �t, — "rs V 4 xJ ti' 3n ` �3 Ike „ t„,� , I „ _�_ a .td; £ }r l- I 'II t T� rm �� � " — £ ,} dP `S, t "b I'II Ij dI II Y; n2n, i . 'Z, ti„� µ' , �� �t;' ' v � ., Ix `_ i atsa" w�ax \ � R , s�,} , vn„te Yt4d'wv,�� m„ "�} S' kviu\, t $,, ,,Aid � s` t ,, ,, :it t `Y » 4 b, tt e� f 'mlt � u �r7,r �F v� %m � �S s }ntb, " N„ tta,f` � „:4a , r,� � +Ya t, 4 t,� t7a t 4 py 1 t � } � 7� r iI nl 'II"I'u�� �lI Iu' I �` " 4� IT I i bb� ` t s. }t �x a, �` t . o a,a� � s :a, m, � AL„ 4t t � v l {� ,t , t a � ,�i l,t � �: tr ,SsY �ax u ya ui , 'i ��ar � x t liftikkkOkkte tr, a 'go 1 ' , ` 4 ,te" ti , n , t� ° �' t t3� °T" ht+ 'r, ' t "t t 6 ' + " ,"� " „4 ,, " t !4,' , = ,t, 4 x s, » ,' q l,` , y3,' v , -''v, ",.. +a " i ,4 1 u1 . " t ���� � S,, ' sam 3 ,m \ t b an t j3 : b!`t , a�, , � a} .,� 4 S. + , ��. „ . „a j.�>x N t �Zh 7 t te � " t � P 'vH »urn' , t^ ^ � tu"`� ` 7, � s•t4`n}�� t 1 i au « �a 4 t }e { t `fs � t � > �. ti l a ` § , ' Q ?t w i � �t a ,,, t � e va to+ t t3 fi }u n� 40 _ � � , u d • � P t � 3 �P 'd 3, y� ' " R ;,Z: t� hAiw a hn .t, ' � �T � iKta 474 � � 4a = m � "i 4 i *i t ` 4 *xd`c ' I It " I I I„IJI lIljL' I'I 'I I I' I6 'IYI I aT . &itxnt vt lr t' 16 " �`a yy 1 YP9' " '4 + W ,.. °�" p^NI �. `{uwN ' t„„I piMi,„i �Y� a. , ri1fI �V'II 11' rr ,rI, mIII, ^I, li I'I'lil uo' �y'II'L I I'. IIII o!i II did i i i i i i i i i l i i i i ilia I i i I d'; i i ilii�l ii7illi' I i u ii I' � i i i � iiiii i i i i • lb 04/13/2022 Item 2. a, il „,,„,,, AI • alli . ID alk . il a. il DESCRIPTION Quantity UNIT PRICE TOTAL COST 6"Concrete Hike and Bike Trail 8 Wide-1,250 LF Max 10,000 SQ.FT, $ 6.50 $ 65,000 6"Concrete Pads for Benches and Tables along Trail 500 SQ.FT, $ 6.50 $ 3,250 Handicap Ramps 1 EA. $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000 Low Water Crossing 1 EA, $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000 Lake Draining and Dam Breach 1 EA. $ 40,000.00 $ 40,000 PIay Ground Playground Structure and Swing Set(Mulch Base) 1 EA. $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000 Hardscape(SidewaIks, Pads,and PIay Ground Border) 1 EA. $ 22,500.00 $ 22,500 Playground Drainage 1 EA. $ 12,500.00 $ 12,500 Park&Trail Improvements Picnic Table 2 EA, $ 2,000.00 $ 4,000 Park Trail Bench 4 EA, $ 1,250.00 $ 5,000 Trash Receptacle 4 EA. $ 1,250.00 $ 5,000 Park Trafl MiIage Markers 6"Posts 2 EA, $ 1,000.00 $ 2,000 ID Placards 2 EA, $ 500.00 $ 1,000 Installation 2 EA. $ 1,500.00 $ 3,000 Genera I Site Prep and Grading 1 LS. $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000 Seeded Areas Bermuda Hydromulch for 8'Trail Buffer and Playground Area 4.0 AC. $ 3,500,00 $ 14,000 Irrigation Irrigation Design and Install for Seeding 1 LS. $ 22,500.00 $ 22,500 Irrigation Stamped Plan for Permit 1 LS. $ 1,500.00 $ 1,500 15 TOTAL $ 301,750 7 6 8 e 04/13/2022 Item 2 0 IN 0Iai ilk _ diill /lb Alb • ip II Ali. . . 4, AI A111 PARK DEDICATION & IMPROVEMENTS Date: 4-6-2022 Cost of Park Improvements (Trail and Playground) $ 301,750 Park Land Dedication 2.8 Acres Park Land Dedication in Flood Plain 13.1 Acres Total Park Land Dedication 15.9 Acres Total Park Land Dedication 15.9 Acres City Required Park Dedication 5.6 Acres Total Park Land Dedication in Excess of Requirement 10,3 Acres Note: Developer to install park and trail improvements City to be responsible for water and maintenance upon completion of the improvements 16 8 § a i De ' cation Ic. and y5 „ � t t t i M1, II llIl ll ui I eII � , 1,,, , , 0 'IIr II_ 'II Ifm I�IIII �irIitdi lM1I, � I I�II�i �I "II Il'I I' , „ „„ aI w�Il� I I II' I"rl u'�Il I l Il",I t I „,„, ,, ,,„,„„„„„,„ „ —'l IuI Improvements ' I p„ ` I � � { 'ar I'Y I� IiI� II 'ri rI�II r�'II Il' II.I I� Il'� IIt.I l' "cat 'tr II ig�lId Iw'I bo� II' l'dI�ii I'^ to. y �( b Si� 'ty'> "3, y. o i,,3 � r }i ,} • 44 t� � r : tr "'`' ' *, k � tt � ,,. ?» I , '''',AP ?rd tt Y � ;s of",is'1 ,tr k 1 'Yss � } :"t;ti'1;i«t»` } ky s a ' F ,>>3nTrs,=r�� rr„i hii .kb r, ,24.s., § �� r, { ��tr C� a £i l ^ R A, r} i �5 s` n, k1>s„ti ,t',0tr£tr � s , I� 3 � . tdw i�� I � ' I i � M I 'l� iht 'luII III I� II mI II. ^ Ifil'"I, II II I n ....tot.,t stZ. 1� � S{' ,, t Yxwm iY y it,. a\b't, . �� r Y w' � tZ _,r F r� a».m �xwh13 r��r �t4 si �rMw ti'` lv �LM �„s tr�n i� t " `l �S „�q lrt Y � ,3^ TiU1 ANALYSIS MI "�'Ali � � m;, i tt ' , Y a PB AERtF�R�H )DP �NGT G I , svr O�,t Yy.t�FFmoY ra ¢ CR tr � ? At g st if • � „ IY ACT R�Q CL A1TN)E�QF+ VEa trh� � ' j1 l I ; I w i�i u � I �� I � taX t ii t ,t �' "at 't� m gg �+ 4 � � t� v�t' "r` SE E TK E � E t a �" �e3 , ' R ;fi' myt , I � A 4 3 x �xiY? t a 7ttr a' 1§i � 1 r " t' l y � .,s h Y; tyc, t�, t ILIttki1/4A‘WAANNV4,,W„''At.* �, , l , `t mia� 3 ' ' ir�, �' r3, } .1 , �„ 1r t \ Y 33 I � Park l I I �^,� �S�'� s, n"w tt " nrpti„ t `� t�\ t� N � 4 � a , des ' , � # i en 'x. a� yyH�� ,»=p \i p 1itR t � � s t�r t I LI ' I " • 7 L ' F � � Y'Ay.rY\ ';':",Zr;':'!",,,'",mnn 1 „pn s ,m„ .r�v l � � 5a zia' 0 e a ` rct „ < . }Y > ax4 1Mit � ,� 4' ,. r A N, f i} 1,<r , nw "�rt ud ° r 44 t,' tq", r r p , {„ l• y,' xtIra ;4444r ty ` t k Wy„ ak K� 3" :>t � w 9a \4= "�l t0r r Qi , �S l � r ��w � 73, tt ° m t»t U , �t etk , , �� �,tn" 1� ���a .7"" {>ri ,�f' rYr ft � v\ ,, , � £ r � tr d 5 ,§i � �,}# , � C i' � { p gTTR ' ' j I ‘ 1 M1 t llK 3 t , h 1 otok„ k• ' t, I 9att r� ITA I �� ` 3 r a\, v \y bt it Y r4i � t an [7� s aY ` y tAt�t ` t � d sxr' rh tr f y21 +� 3 \ h ' t s ft f * � ui ,r a t '' � dY »n N� :.t , Y', Y S S- �» u �� ii��, tt Si� i '$ x; , � t r y ;; " l I ' i , u a » x t g { tr S s fiS. „Z ^t , r �1 t , zr �x 4�i om � 't� F �aatt8 . 4, µ r, f Ai Z's a i . i � , � S $ katt3C" fi I I, ' T r""u�=,f.t�}A� tiY, iv „ �` 3tr f 'e � .�' iwaa " y� f . aw"x- 'fit" §Nk �t � Ss t u ' fit � , W ,t,t+Y,�� t =.,Y` q» � , ..fi, ,'t k � „ ,„ " u a Z �.,,��� t v Sti1ml` Nv,t,�yu. � � ir�� tr � *�qp��itC 'olwm. , f }; �"\vW,lyy, , §0.d,`, pv 1 ,A'„AA ` iA �" a 5 t rc wY, lhA � , r C 4:^ l � tl i ' � j a` d* ° T�• „ a xr' vP+ y !P�n Y � � � � gffitt, a , xs tr 'v r. � ' y, HEul y ? m � a „. mt n: bten� or. «>. "8"�` ,N, d ' . µ � V t, , �' 6' K�4 " l I " I�I �idII i YdI" i6 ®V i I rl,, ll I.I Im 04/13/2022 Item 3. Vim... Parks and Recreation Board I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2022 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 6, 2022 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon the Park Event Application for the Do it for Declan 5K fundraiser event at Founders Park on December 10, 2022. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented. Discussion The proposed Event Application is for the Do it for Declan 5K event to be held in Founders Park on December 10, 2022. This is a new event and will follow the 5K route that previous 5K runs have utilized in Founders Park. Parks and Recreation staff will coordinate with the group on event logistics and set up. Page 1 of 18 04/13/2022 Item 3. „,.. C Y Parks&Recreation Department 949 Hensley Lane,Building 200 972-516-6340 Parks@wylietexas.goy • This application must be submitted a minimum of eight weeks prior to your event date. Special events, meetings, and gatherings (other than typical parties or picnics) vvill require submission of a Park Event Application prior to reservation approval. Please call the Parks Administration at 972-516-6340 if you have any questions peraining to the Park Event Application, Applicant Information Name of Organization* Website Cure Sanfilippo Foundation https://curesanfilippefoundafion,org/ Are you a non profit?* Please upload 501c3 Documents Yes No Contact Information Primary Contact Name* Katharine Sink Event Information Event Name/Title* First Annual Do it For Declan 5K Event Type* 5k/Walk Purpose of event* Fundraiser for the Cure Sanfilippo Foundation which raises money for research in search of treatments and a cure for Sanfilippo syndrome. My son has Sanfilippo. Event Location* Founders Park 851 Hensley Lane Proposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date* 12/10/2022 12/1772022 Start Time* T/r End e* 0600:00 AM 050000 PM het-Jude Setup hclude Cleanup 19 u41/a120zc Item a oo you plan»u sell items o,any kind? nwmv|o:drinks,mou items.t-*^inw.snmwcores, mom*ammpo. registrations etc, Yes No Please specify all items you plan tvsell vegistmtionn. Cure San5nrvn merchandise(uhirtn. ham).food items, drinks Will there xe food items provided? Yes No Please specify the types n,food items mbvprovided chips. popcorn, hot dogs, sandwiches,water,gommdo. soda Who in providing the food? Applicant Food Vendor Other Anticipated number cx Participating Vendors* Anticipated Event Attendance* 5 100 Event Target Audience* Everyone Event Details* This will be the first of a hopefully annual event. 5K run. Proceeds will go to the Cure Sanfilippo Foundation. They advocate for and fund research directed towards o cure and treatments. Son0ippn syndrome ina rare and terminal disease that is often compared to Alzheimers but in children,There is currently no available treatments or cure. My7 year old son, Deo|an. has Gon0ippn There will be a silent auction and Cure Sanfilippo merchandise for sale.Vendors will provide food and dhnko Event Announcement and/or Flyers NOTE: n food iv prepared on site o,off-site and brought mthe event location wbe offered m the public,free orm cost,the vendor applicant mum contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in omv, ,o inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health permit is required prior to the event, Kis possible that n health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to moxvnr the health and nom,ty of customers. Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972'548'5528 o, 972'548'5585� The Collin County webpim in wwwconincovn4xx.gov, Sec. 78'1O5nfthe City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be un|avmv|for any person to solicit for sale, vend, padd|e, sell nr offer m nvU any cold dhnkn, cigors, tobrnco, cigmreoea, huim, cmndieo, gondn, woncn or merchandise of any kind or nm/un° whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organization,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person, or organization,firm or cnrpombon, or employee of any person who are recommended by the Parks and noorembnn Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goodn, wm,eo, and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Signature Date° 01/25/2022 20 04/13/2022 Item 3. 21_. 04/13/2022 Item 4. Vim.,. Parks and Recreation Board I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2022 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 6, 2022 Exhibits: 1 Subject Consider and act upon the Park Event Application for an Art Market Event at Olde City Park on July 16, 2022. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented. Discussion The proposed Park Event Application is for an Art Market Event at Olde City Park on July 16, 2022. The proposed Art Market Event is an event proposed by Wylie Resident Jazmine Garcia. The event will provide space for up to 20 vendors to sell a variety of art and craft products. Per Ms. Garcia the vendors will have a sign by their booths that will encourage people to ask them about their career and creative practices. Ms. Garcia will attend the Parks and Recreation Board meeting to answer any questions from Board Members regarding the event. The Park Event Application did not indicate that this event was to benefit any local non-profit organizations. Parks and Recreation staff will coordinate with the group on event logistics and set up. Page 1 of 22 0411312022 Item 4. i,-ITY OF Parks&Recreation Department 949 Hensley Lane, Building 200 972-516-6340 1 Parks@wylietexas.gov r This application must be submitted a minimum of eight weeks prior to your event date, Special events, meetings, and gatherings (other than typical parties or picnics) will require submission of a Park Event Application prior to reservation approval. Please call the Parks Administration at 972-516-6340 if you have any questions pertaining to the Park Event Application. Applicant Information Name of Organization* Website Fancyberriesco https://Iinktr,ee/Fancyberriesco Are you a non profit?* Yes No Contact Information Primary Contact Name* Jazmine Garcia Event Information Event Name[Title* Art Market If other,please explain* EventType* The first art market in Wylie! I would like to hold this Other event in one of the parks. Purpose of event* My mission is to serve others by exposing individuals to art and small business'in the community, My goal is to give opportunity to young and aspiring artists to pursue their goals and interests in different creative fields and business,This could be a great opportunity for young adults in the community to meet other creatives at different stages of their careers/artists journeys, Event Location* Olde City Park 112 S Ballard Avenue Proposed Event Date* Alternative Event Date* 07/16/2022 07/16/2022 23 0411312022 Item 4. Start Time* End Time* 09:00:00 AM 07:00:00 PM lriclude,Setup Include,CleanuF) Do you plan to sell items of any kind? exarnple�cidnks,food tems,t-shirts,snow cones, memberships, registrations etc, Yes No Please specify all items you plan to sell Art and craft products: Paintings,earrings,ceramics, art prints, key chains, stickers, shirts,tote bags etc, Will there be food items provided? Yes No Anticipated number of Participating Vendors* Anticipated Event Attendance* 20 100 Event Target Audience* Young adults/students who are exploring career options, parents,community members who want to know more about the small businesses in their community, Event Details* I am planning for twenty vendors who sell a variety of art and craft products,This includes ceramics, paintings, art prints, key chains, stickers,tote bags,shirts, etc. I am still in the process of planning this event, I would just like to secure a location and date for the art market before designing flyers and fleshing out the details, I am encouraging young and small artists in Wylie to connect with vendors who are already professionals in their fields or students in college. Each vendor will have a sign that encourages people to ask them about their creative practices and careers, I graduated from Wylie East and am currently a communications design major at UNT, I grew up in Wylie and want to contribute back to the community I grew up in, Event Announcement and/or Flyers NOTE: If food is prepared on site or off-site and brought to the event location to be offered to the public,free or at cost, the vendor applicant must contact the Collin County Environmental Services Office in McKinney in order to inquire whether a Temporary/Short-Term Event Food Service/Health permit is required prior to the event. It is possible that a health inspector must examine food preparation and storage equipment to assure the health and safety of customers, Please contact the Environmental Services Specialist at 972-548-5528 or 972-548-5585� The Collin County website is www.collincountytx,gov. Sec� 78-105 of the City Code of Ordinances states: It shall be unlawful for any person to solicit for sale,vend, peddle, sell or offer to sell any cold drinks, cigars, tobacco, cigarettes, fruits, candies, goods, wares or merchandise of any kind or nature whatsoever within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facility; provided, however, that this section shall not apply to any person, organization,firms or corporations,or the agents of any person,or organization,firm or corporation, or employee of any person who are recommended by the Parks and Recreation Board and approved by the City Council to operate a concession or concessions for the sale of specified goods, wares, and merchandise within the municipal parks or recreation or community center facilities of the city. Signature Date 03/27/2022 '-Oto�� 24 04/13/2022 Item 5. Parks and Recreation Board GI Y F WYLIE AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2022 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 6, 2022 Exhibits: Subject Consider and act upon the selection ofrone representative from the Parks and Recreation Board to serve on the Art Selection Committee for the Public Art Advisory Board. Recommendation N/A Discussion The Wylie Public Art Advisory Board would like the Parks and Recreation Board to select a member of the Board to serve on the Art Selection Committee for an upcoming Municipal Complex Trail art project. The Parks and Recreation Board Member will be able to report back to the Board on the progress of the art selection. The timeline for selection of the artwork and budget are included with this agenda report. Pro•osed Art location: tlo ° ,w^ k ,w w MP wr aar "J+ q raMa i 1 a q �n `� r'" "J r'� w` �r r ,. r4^�r�a r 4 �a ,! m!'gym r fu r s r Page 1 of 25 04/13/2022 Item 5. Wylie Municipal Complex Walking Trails Public Art Budget 2022/2023 Revenue Costs No CIP Funding Contingency $5,000 Art Fund $95,000 Maintenance $4,500 Total $95,000 Total $9,500 Revenue for the Call $85,500 Revenue for Artist Travel $4,000 (2-3 semi-final artists) Plane/Housing $3,000 Maquette $1,500 (Honorarium $500 each ) Total $4,500 *Semi-final artists will have a tour of the city and existing art. They will also attend a community input meeting to hear from citizens regarding the art. Timeline April 21, 2022- Present call to the Public Art Board for direction to post on Café April 22, 2022- Post Call for Artists on Café with a deadline of May 27, 2021/Board appoints Selection Panel June 1, 2022- Meeting Selection Committee/Training June 2, 2022- Selection Panel ranking is open until June 13, 2022 June 16, 2022- PAAB Meeting June 27, 2022- Public Art Board selection panel narrows the submissions to 2-3 finalists June 30, 2022- Finalists are notified 26 04/13/2022 Item 5 Wylie Municipal Complex Walking Trails Public Art Budget 2022/2023 July 19, 2022— Artists are brought to the City for a tour July 20, 2022— Artist/Public Input Meeting September 15, 2022 -Artists meet with panel and Board to approve final artist design/PAAB meets to consider October 11, 2022- City Council approval of final Marquette and contract Artist begins Fabrication of Art August 2023 - Art is installed at site 27 04/13/2022 Item WS1. Parks and Recreation Board CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2022 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 4, 2022 Exhibits: Subject Project updates. Recommendation N/A Discussion Updates to the Board: • Review project update spreadsheet • Wylie Recreation Center-City Council work session April 12. • Dog park and splash pad site selection-joint PARB meeting with Council on April 26. • Wylie Parks and Rec Foundation • Cemetery Advisory Board update • Comprehensive Plan update Page 1 of 28 04/13/2022 Item WS1 Project Update Completion Date Park Zone Budget Funded From Splash pads and dog park Kick off meeting held with Summer 2023 $ 2,000,000.00 General Fund/4B staff. Site selection with City Council on April 26. Design $ 300,000.00 4B Wylie Senior Recreation Center Renovations Funding by Council on TBA Central $ 750,000.00 General Fund/4B April 12. Design $ 150,000.00 4B Brown House Welcome Center ADA ramp under Spring 2022 $ 70,000.00 Hotel/Motel construction. TBA-open April 29 Community Park and Wylie Senior Recreation Completed. Spring 2022 Central $ 125,000.00 A/I Center parking lot lights Valentine Park playground In progress Spring 2022 Central $ 70,000.00 4B Notes: City Dashboard for City project updates to launch in April. Will highlight roads, downtown, dog park, splash pads, Wylie Senior Recreation Center Project udpates for PARD specific projects on PARD website: http://cms2.revize.com/revize/wylienew/parks/special_projects_and_plans.php 29 04/13/2022 Item WS2. Vim... Parks and Recreation Board I AGENDA REPORT Meeting Date: April 11, 2022 Item Number: Department: Parks and Recreation (City Secretary's Use Only) Prepared By: Robert Diaz Account Code: Date Prepared: April 4, 2022 Exhibits: Subject Future Agenda Items. Recommendation N/A Discussion The listed items below can be discussed to comply with the Open Meetings Act requirements. For this meeting, items to be discussed are as follows: • PARD upcoming events: volunteer events and April 23 PARB Tour. • Joint meetings with City Council for review of a dog park, and splash pads-April 26. • Project updates for current year projects. • Budget and project Strategic Planning for PARD. Page 1 of 30