1925 Ordinances
The State of Texas:
County of Collin:
Before me, the undersigned authority, on
this day personally appeared
J. W. Randle, the publisher
and editor of The Wylie Herald,
a newspaper published weekly in the
City of Wylie, Collin County, Texas, who, being
by me duly sworn says the he published in said
newspaper once a week for ten days, the foregoing
attached ordinance passed by The City Council
of the City of Wylie, Texas, the first insertion whereof was on
the 5th day of March A.D. 1985, and the second insertion whereof
was on the 12th day of March A.D. 1985.
M~QU.l- ..:ONTRO:.. \'aDI~'
\. , I
, Ordinance for the Prevention
.IOf Mosquito B. re'edin. g in ,W yUe, i
Collin County, Texas:
Be it ordained by the City
Council of the City of Wylie,
Section 1. It shall be unlaw-
ful to have, keep, maintai;
cause to p'ermit, within t,be::m-
corporated limits of th~.-CityOf
Wylie, Texas, any c6nection of t
-standing or flowing water in :
which mosquitoes breed or are \
~.~t~~n t~f b~~~~.'ll..I...:..~.::at.:dh~.I; .' '
to e~fectivel~r'i>f.e:ven~:'; " "
bre,edmg. i'...... n
Sec. 2.\. Any collectIon of wa,.:"
ter considered by Section. 1 of T
this ordinance 4lhall beheld to Ii
be those contamed in . ditches., I
pools, ponds, excavations, hole~,
depressions, open cesspools, prI-
vy vaults, fountains, cisterns,
tanks, shallow ",ells, bar~el~,
troughs . (except horse' troughs i
in frequent use) 1,lrns, cans, box'-',
, as, bottles, tubs, buckets,de-
I fective house roof gutters,
I tanks or flush c1os~ts, or ()th~r
I similar water contamers. '.
! Sec. a.The method of tr~t., l'
. ment of any' collections of water t
that are specified in Section. 2,
directed toward the preve.:ntI}):n,
of breeding ot mosqiIitoes/~f4l .
be approved by the accredIt ";
health officer and ,,'ma~rb,e'~t~;!' -+
one or more of the fo1l9\VU1~..: "
(A;) Screening ~ith:w~e i
netting of at least 16 ~P.~'i~,
the inch eac~w~Y. orW1~h'>fl,~J t
.Qther maten.alWhlch ; WIn .". ef- }
fectually preven~' the. mgre$S ~~..' ,'.
e~ess of 1ll0SqUIto~S. .;'
(B) Complete.exn.pty,
eryseven (7) da.ysoQf \1"
ed,C()ma.iIl:e~s,.' to~etlle..., " .
their, ~hQl'ffilgb.drymgo:r;:.81ea.j'"1
ing>', >;<.,\.-';,>..;::
(C) Using~J}U'Vl
proved and applied ullue(.. ,.,(
rection of the healthofflcer.-
'(D) Covering comple~ly}
Isurface of the waterwitl;1.ker~;'
sene, l'Jetroleum ,or'p3:!3.:ffwe,,~9
onoe every s-evendays. . ....;~
(E) Cleaning and keepmg
sufficiently free of , vegetable
growth and other ob$tructions,
and stockin~ with mosquito de-
.. stroying ,fish.
I :::-:-~)Filling or dratlljp..lYcto
I representative.
(G), Proper disposal, by re-
. moval or destruction, of tin
! eans. tin. boxes, broken' or \
'I renqt'J l-tJottles'~nd similar arti-
cles likely to hold water. l
Sec. 4. The natural presence 1
of mosquito larvae in standing I
or running water shall be ,evi-I
dence that mQsquitoes are breed-
ing there, and failure to, prevent
I such bl'leeding within three da.Ys
after notice by the health offi-
cer, his authorized ag:ent, or
representative,.. shall be 4~med
; .11. . violation oft4isordinance.
Sec. 5. Should the l'Jerson 'UL';
persons responsible for condi- '\
Hon~ lriving ris.e, ~~_!!:~;~::l'
IVi&~t~ '~nyA;lo;i~i~~Hofthis or':'
'1 dinance shall oneaCh.conviction.\
be 8ubject to a fine of not less
,than one ($1.00) dollar, or more,
Ithan t~enty-five. ($25:00) dOl-,\
) lars, III the dIscretIon 01 the
l' court. All acts or parts of acts
.. in conflict with. this ordinance I
are hereby repealed, and this!
'I,..or,d,inan, c e shall be in' full force'
and effect ten days after its I
, approval. '. I
Passed this the 4th day of I
l March, 1925. I
Signed: .
, Mayor of Wylie, Texas.)
Approved this the 4th day of
i March, 1925.
j Signed:
Mayor of Wylie, Texas. II.
Secretary. , 2t