05-05-2022 (Cemetery Advisory Board) Agenda Packet Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board May 05, 2022—6:00 PM Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 ...n( CALL TO ORDER COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Board regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a fbrin prior to the meeting in order to speak.Board requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group.In addition,Board is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA n...._ Consider, and act upon, approval of the April 7,2022 regular Cemetery Advisory Board meeting minutes. WORK SESSION S1. Discuss the final draft of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. WS2. Discuss the formation of committees. 3. Discuss the status of acquiring the cemetery properties. RECONVENE INTO OPEN SESSION ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on April 29,2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. p n 1 If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Board should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Board or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Board at the date,hour and place given in this notice as the Board may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act, including, but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.072—Discussing purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. :p r: 11 I 2 05/05/2022 Item 1. Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes April 7,2022—6:00 PM Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie, Texas 75098 C TY . IE CALL TO ORDER Board Chair Sandra Stone called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. The following Cemetery Advisory Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Keith Stephens, Board Member Gloria Suarez, Board Member Allison Stowe,Board Member Kimberly Summers,and Board Member Jami Lindquist. Board Member Juan Azcarate and Board Alternate Erin Williams were absent. Staff present included:Assistant City Manager Renae' 011ie,Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz,and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes. CITIZEN COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS No Citizens came forward. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, approval of the March 3, 2022 Cemetery Advisory Board meeting minutes. Board Action A motion was made by Board Member Suarez, seconded by Board Vice-Chair Stephens,to approve the March 3, 2022 Cemetery Advisory Board meeting minutes. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Azcarate absent. 2. Consider, and act upon, approval of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations, Chapter 78-Parks and Recreation,Article IX Cemeteries. Director Diaz addressed the Board advising that staff had incorporated the Board's recommended changes into the Rules and Regulations draft which was included in the April 7, 2022 Agenda Packet. Director Diaz said that staff was in contact with both Danny Allen of Allen Funeral Home and Richard Parker of the current cemetery board in regards to the existing cemetery rules and regulations that they currently adhere to. Director Diaz noted that in Sec 78-371 Cemetery Care item (b), Board Vice-Chair Stephens had expressed during the previous Board meeting,his concerns on the responsibility of grave marker/monument maintenance in the event families of the internment were unknown or were unwilling to assume responsibility. Director Diaz responded that Sec 78-371 item(b), as written,remains consistent with the current cemetery rules and regulations in place and therefore was not amended, as to which Assistant City Manager 011ie also recommended it remain as written. Assistant City Manager 011ie referred to a similar rule that the City of Wylie Code Enforcement officers adhere to, wherein a citizen in violation receives a warning or warnings, and if the violation is not addressed within a specific timeframe, City staff proceed in hiring a contractor to address the code violation,of which the homeowner is subsequently billed for. April 7,2022 Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes q 0 11 3 05/05/2022 Item 1. Board Chair Stone recommended staff add verbiage to Sec. 78-371 item(b), stating that the City will assume maintenance responsibility for the marker/monuments, as well as the provision of small permanent markers for unmarked plots. Board Chair Stone also recommended staff visit the Wylie Cemetery and Kreymer Cemetery and walk throughout them both in order to access the current marker/monument and plot conditions. Board Chair Stone informed the Board that typically temporary markers are placed on plots at the time of burial, however, those markers typically only last up to 90 days. Board Chair Stone recommended the City instill a gate fee to plot owners, such as $75, wherein a portion of that amount is designated to go toward a small and simple permanent granite marker if needed. Board Chair Stone stated, to which Board Vice-Chair Stephens agreed,that committee members are limited as to what they are able to volunteer for in regards to maintenance and repair of damaged grave marker/monuments. Board Chair Stone stated that volunteers could pull weeds and do minor enhancements to the plots,but the lifting or leveling of a fallen marker/monument and the repair of a damaged marker/monument must be contracted to an outside vendor. Assistant City Manager 011ie advised that operational expenses such as repairs, maintenance, lawn care, small permanent plot markers, etc., will be allocated out of the general budget. Board Vice-Chair Stephens recommended a local Wylie company that he knew of called Sunflower Cemetery Services, which can be contracted for grave marker/monument repair. Board Chair Stone recommended the Rules and Regulations should specify that no plot will go unmarked and that the City will assume responsibility for repair in the event the internment's family is unknown or unable or unwilling to assume responsibility. Assistant City Manager 011ie stated that when City ultimately takes over the two cemeteries, staff will hire a vendor to perform ground penetrating radar in order to confirm the possibility of existing unknown internments or empty plots throughout the two cemeteries. Board Chair Stone suggested the Board consider an "Adopt a Family" fundraiser wherein those participating periodically put flowers or similar on plots wherein there is no family contact. Director Diaz referred the Board to Sec. 78-373 size of current plots. Director Diaz stated that current cemetery committee member Richard Parks advised staff that the plots at the Wylie Cemetery are as follows: the "old section" of a family of 12 burial plots has dimensions of 30'x20'; the "first new section" of single burial plots have dimensions of 4'x10'; and the "newest section" of individual burial plots have dimensions of 6'x12'. Director Diaz also advised that the Kreymer Cemetery "old section" of family burial plots of six have dimensions of 12'x24'; the new section of lot spaces are 4'x12'; and that there are no existing cremate-only spaces. Director Diaz advised that burial fees will be established and brought before the Cemetery Advisory Board prior to City Council's final approval. Internment limitations are set at two per standard space. Assistant City Manager 011ie advised that Sec 78-373 (c) and (e) as shown in the Agenda Packet will be amended as follows: referring to (c) the cremate-only space will be completely removed, and item (e) referring to the internment limitations per space will be amended to state "Internment limitations per space will remain in accordance with the State law." Board Vice-Chair Stephens added that currently,the state law limits cremation internments to four per plot. Assistant City Manager 011ie advised she would research and then forward this statute to the Board in an email. Director Diaz stated that Sec 78-378 (k),referring to allocated funds for grave leveling and provision of a semi-permanent grave marker, remain as written. Director Diaz advised that staff plan to hire a contractor who will dig the graves. Board Chair Stone advised the Board that the grave contractors who dig the graves do not include the particular maintenance of grave leveling in their contract and that it typically falls onto the responsibility of others, such as City staff. Director Diaz noted that in regards to Sec. 78-379, staff removed the section noting the allowance of double- stacked burial, in order to remain consistent with the current cemetery board's policy. Sec. 78-381 was also amended to align with the current cemetery board's practice in regards to allowing only one individual container of flowers to be placed or affixed on each plot. Board Vice-Chair Stephens questioned staff on how they intend to enforce the flower container limitation with the family of internments, to which Board Chair Stone added that she has noticed that family of internments will commonly add other non-floral items to their plots, items of which include solar lights,PVC pipe for flowers, and other sentimental items such as stuffed animals, toys, and similar. Director Diaz noted that Sec. 78-381 (a) speaks to the concern of items being left on graves. Assistant City Manager 011ie responded that City staff will respectfully remove the items that are against the April 7,2022 Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes q e 12 4 05/05/2022 Item 1. rules and regulations,taking into consideration the items,where they are placed, and the possible reasoning for placement of the item thereof. Staff will also make attempts to contact family members in order to advise them of the potential item removal, giving an option for their retrieval. Board Vice-Chair Stephens noted that the military has a tradition of the placement of coins on military gravesites that should be considered as well. Assistant City Manager 011ie advised the Board that the Division 4 Perpetual Care Fund section will not be included in the Rules and Regulations as an item that the Board is to consider for approval during the Board meeting. Assistant City Manager 011ie also stated that, at this time, the Perpetual Care Fund will be governed by the local government code, and that staff intend to consult with the City Attorney in regards to any amendments thereof. This item will be brought back to the Cemetery Advisory Board in a future meeting, and the Sec. 78-374"Resale Options"must be reviewed and approved by the City Manager. Board Member Suarez asked staff to provide the final version of the Rules and Regulations to each plot purchaser. Board Chair Stone added that she recommends staff post some of the more specific cemetery Rules and Regulations,such as flower and object limitations,etc.,on a permanent sign easily viewed by visitors,within the cemeteries. Board Member Suarez inquired about the City's legal obligation of posting a notification to notify citizens of the acquisition of the cemeteries, by way of a newspaper publication or other media sources. Assistant City Manager 011ie responded that this action of notification is not necessarily a legal requirement for the City,but that she feels it is indeed important for staff to notify citizens of this transition by way of newspaper notification as well as social media. Board Chair Stone inquired about the cemetery fees, to which Assistant City Manager 011ie responded that the cemetery fees will be researched by staff and then presented to the Board at a future meeting, with consideration that City Council will need to give final approval thereof. Assistant City Manager 011ie added that the approved cemetery fees will then be included in the City Fee Ordinance,and not included within the Rules and Regulations document. Board Chair Stone stated she wanted additional clarification to be included in the Board's action for the Rules and Regulations, Sec. 378-71 (b), stating that the City will assume responsibility in providing permanent grave markers on unmarked plots, as well as maintenance responsibility for plot monuments and markers in need of repair, in the event that family members of the internment cannot be located or are unwilling to assume responsibility. Assistant City Manager 011ie disagreed with Stone's recommendation for this additional wording. She advised that Sec 78-378 (k) includes adequate wording conveying that funds would be allocated for grave leveling and small semi-permanent grave markers if the internments family members are unable or unwilling to do so. Assistant City Manager 011ie also stated that in regards to Sec. 78-371 "Cemetery Care" item (b), she does not recommend additional wording be added, as Board Chair Stone requested, stating that the City would assume responsibility in the event that internment's family members are unable or unwilling to do so. Instead, this specification for responsibility assumed would be addressed within the City policies. Assistant City Manager 011ie stated that the Rules and Regulations item, if approved for recommendation by the Cemetery Advisory Board,will go before City Council for approval on April 26, 2022. Board Action A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Stephens, seconded by Board Member Stowe, to approve the Cemetery Rules and Regulations, Chapter 78-Parks and Recreation, Article IX Cemeteries as written,with the exclusion of Division 4. Perpetual Care Fund Sec. 78-435 and Sec. 78-436, the exclusion of Sec. 78 373 (c), and the amendment of Sec. 78-373 (e)to state internment limitations per space shall be in accordance with state law. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Azcarate absent. WORK SESSION WS1. Board Updates. April 7,2022 Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes q e 13 5 05/05/2022 Item 1. Assistant City Manager 011ie told the Board that staff is working with the City Attorney in the drafting of agreements between the City of Wylie and Allen Funeral Home, allowing for Danny Allen to continue assuming his current responsibilities with respect to the management and operation of the cemeteries,until the City of Wylie is able to completely take over in all areas of management and operation. Assistant City Manager 011ie stated that the transition of ownership documents are currently being drafted by the City Attorney, with the projected finalization of transition to take place by October 1, 2022, which will be within the City's 2022/2023 fiscal year budget, allowing funds to be budgeted for operational expenses. This projected date of October 1, 2022,will also allow the necessary time needed for staff, along with the City Attorney, to work on the details of the Perpetual Fund and the transfer of existing funds from the current cemetery board to the City's potential new Perpetual Fund. Assistant City Manager 011ie expressed her and the staff's appreciation to the Board for their assistance in the process of the upcoming cemetery transitions. Board Chair Stone inquired about the accessibility of current cemetery records, as well as a projected timeline that is expected for staff in regards to taking over the cemeteries completely. Assistant City Manager 011ie responded to Board Chair Stone that the information she inquired about cannot be confirmed until an agreement with Allen Funeral Home is executed. Assistant City Manager 011ie also advised the Board that staff does not definitively know when the City will completely take over the two cemeteries, adding that staff will continue to efficiently and effectively communicate with Allen Funeral Home's owner, Danny Allen, on issues regarding cemetery records. Board Chair Stone inquired on who would become the cemetery sexton at the time of the transitions of the two cemeteries, to which Assistant City Manager 011ie responded would be assigned to Director Diaz. Board Chair Stone also inquired about potential cemetery record software. Assistant City Manager 011ie responded that staff was currently researching software for record maintenance but have not at this time selected a specific vendor. Board Chair Stone then inquired about the formation of various cemetery committees, to which Assistant City Manager 011ie instructed the Board to forward City staff the preferred names as well as committee types, and their objectives therein; all of which must gain final approval from the City Council. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Board Member Stowe, seconded by Board Member Lindquist, to adjourn the meeting at 6:55 p.m. A vote was taken and the motion passed 6-0 with Board Member Azcarate absent. Sandra Stone,Board Chair ATTEST: Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant 11 April 7,2022 Wylie Cemetery Advisory Board Minutes q e 14 6 05/05/2022 Item WS1. Cemetery Advisory Board AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Hawkes Subject Discuss the final draft of the Cemetery Rules and Regulations. Recommendation I /A Discussion he final rules and regulations will be reviewed during the Cemetery Advisory Board work session. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals ommunity Focused Government I'lanning Management 05/05/2022 Item WS1 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 1111:11:11:1111111111111 v v 1 8 05/05/2022 Item WS1. Chapter 78 - PARKS AND RECREATION ARTICLE IX CEMETERIES DIVISION 3. - CEMETERY OPERATIONS Sec. 78-370. General. (a) The City of Wylie Cemetery ("cemetery") is set apart for the burial of human remains subject to the rules established in this chapter, the Code of the City of Wylie and any applicable ordinances, state or federal laws. (b) Burial spaces in the cemetery shall be conveyed to a purchaser by a certificate of ownership for the purpose of burial only. The rights of the purchaser are subject to such rules and ordinances as may be enacted or amended from time to time by the city council. (c) The rules and regulations contained herein are designed to protect the rights of all cemetery space owners. The rules as adopted have been determined to be reasonably necessary and incidental to achieve the objectives. (d) The four cemeteries under ownership and maintenance of the city consists of approximately 9 acres: (1) Kreymer Cemetery COL-C145, located within a designated park property on the west side of Kings Ct., Avalon Addition Phase II, Blk J, Lot 7, 1.996 acres; (2) Hughes Cemetery COL-0034, ABS A0688 F De La Pina Survey, Sheet 4, Tract 109, 2.0 Acres; (3) Wylie Cemetery #99 COL-001 l Railroad, Blk 24, Lot Blk 24 2-6 Blk 25 1-4 Blk 26 1-4 Blk 27 1-5 & 13, 3.00 Acres; (4) Wylie Cemetery#99 COL-0011ABS A0688 F De La Pina Survey, Sheet 4, Tract 101, 2.2985 Acres. (e) Sale by the city of cemetery spaces shall be limited to the new addition as spaces in the original section of the cemetery have been previously sold. Sec. 78-371. Cemetery care. (a) The city shall provide for the continuing care, maintenance, operation, and improvements to the cemetery. In general, this shall include: maintenance of fences and walls, road maintenance, mowing, edging, pruning, landscape construction or removal of plant material, policing of the grounds, pest control, and such other maintenance as may be necessary to keep the cemetery presentable at all times. (b) Cemetery care does not include the purchase, erection, repair, irtr-or replacement of monuments, headstones, markers, or any other item on a space. Sec. 78-372. Hours of operation. The cemetery shall be open every day from sunrise to sunset. 2 9 05/05/2022 Item WS1. Sec. 78-373. Purchase options. (a) Standard cemetery space: Wylie Cemetery: Old section (Lot of 12)-30'x20' First new section-4'x10' Newest section-6'x12' Kreymer Cemetery: Old section (Lot of 6)-12'x24' New section-4'x12' (b) A Baby Land Cemetery space is three feet by five feet(3' x 5'). (c) C 0es-woadahl 'n-the-eet te (d) Purchase price ^.^ the-priee--of all cemetery spaces shall be established by ordinance and amended as necessary. (e) Interment 'li it. er spacer shall be in accordance with state Health and Safety Code Chapter 711, Sec 711.0395, and as amended.pn „ limited-t t (2-3-int t .ndard- �.� , -thart-no-more-tharnfen . n ti n 1burialalo. �r e-sh.d- , ',rgle-spsee. Only one casket will be permitted in each grave. In the event cremation is utilized, a maximum of four(4) interments will be permitted in one (1) space. Sec. 78-374. Resale options. The sale, transfer, or assignment of any cemetery space by any owner or purchaser shall not be binding upon the city until it has been approved by the city manager or their designee. Resale pricing of burial spaces shall not exceed the current sale price of a city burial space. Upon said approval, burial rights to the cemetery space shall be conveyed by the city through the issuance of a new certificate to the new owner or purchaser upon payment of all fees, as established by ordinance and amended as necessary. Sec. 78-375. Cemetery records. Records giving full data on all interments shall be kept in the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department files, and shall be made available to the public. The data is to include the section, lot, and space along with the name, age, and date of interment for each grave space occupant. Sec. 78-376. Cemetery sexton. (a) The city manager or their designee shall serve as the cemetery sexton, who has the necessary authority to execute orders and to put into effect the rules and regulations prescribed by this chapter. (b) The cemetery sexton shall have the same powers, duties, and immunities granted by law to a police officer for the city. He/she shall maintain order and enforce the cemetery rules and regulations, 3 10 05/05/2022 Item WS1. federal law, state law, and municipal ordinances in the cemetery, and as near to the cemetery as necessary to protect cemetery property. (c) The cemetery sexton shall have such other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the city manager. Sec. 78-377. Copies of chapter furnished to interested persons. The cemetery sexton shall furnish a copy of this chapter to each person proposing to purchase a space in the cemetery. Each funeral director having charge of burials in the cemetery, and each person selling monuments, markers, or other improvements for spaces or lots in the cemetery, shall advise interested persons of the provisions of this chapter and shall see that they receive copies of this chapter. Sec. 78-378. Requirements for grave markers and monuments. (a) All monuments are subject to the provisions of this chapter and specifications prepared by and kept for record in the Wylie Parks and Recreation Department. However, all monuments in the new section of the cemetery will be flush to the ground except for the family lot upright markers. (b) Monument dealers must notify the cemetery sexton of their intention of erecting a monument, and obtain a permit upon payment of all fees as established by ordinance and amended as necessary, before proceeding with the work. The site and excavation must be approved by the cemetery sexton so that it will not interfere with the placement of a monument on an adjoining lot. Also, allowance must be made for the future filling-in of the space to the prescribed level of cemetery spaces already established. (c) The cemetery sexton shall have the right to inspect all memorials before the same are placed on the foundations thereof. He/she may refuse the placing of any memorial on such a foundation if he/she finds that such memorial is not in compliance with any of the provisions of this chapter, or that the workmanship has not been done in a skillful, workmanlike manner, or that the foundation is not adequate to sustain the weight of the memorial. (d) The cemetery sexton reserves the right to prohibit the erection of any vault, monument, or marker that may be considered inappropriate. (e) No monument will be allowed on any cemetery space until the burial right for the space is paid in full. (f) All monuments must be fabricated of bronze, granite, marble or stone of approved quality. (g) All foot markers shall be placed at or below ground level. (h) All grave mounds shall be low, oval shaped, not exceeding twelve (12) inches in height in the center, and sloping to the edges so as to permit a mowing machine to easily pass over. (i) Permanent bronze, granite, or marble vases and/or urns may be placed on the monument base or die, but not on the ground. Chairs, benches, or settees are prohibited. (j) Permanent bronze, granite or marble vases and/or urns may be placed upon cemetery spaces provided they are attached to the sides and/or tops of permanent markers. 4 11 05/05/2022 Item WS1. (k) Funds will be allocated for grave leveling, and a provision of a small semi-permanent grave marker that notes the name, birth date, and death date on which for any plots whose family has chosen or is unable to purchase a permanent grave marker. Sec. 78-379. Burial rights. The cemetery sexton is authorized to execute, on behalf of the city, documents transferring burial rights in the cemetery, conveying to purchasers the right of sepulcher with the restrictions and covenants established by the Wylie City Council. Burial rights are issued for the use of the family of the purchaser and not for resale or speculation. The cemetery sexton may sell the rights only to individuals and not businesses or business entities. The intent of this restriction is to prevent the reselling of burial rights as a business. Transfer of a burial right from the family of the purchaser is restricted to sales to individuals and not corporations or business entities at a price not to exceed the current city burial space sale price. The cemetery sexton is authorized to purchase burial rights related to vacant cemetery spaces at the current price as set forth by the city for such a right. Sec. 78-380. Cemetery responsibility. The cemetery shall take reasonable care to protect the burial rights of cemetery space owners, but disclaims all responsibility for loss or damage caused by action of thieves, vandals, or other causes beyond its control. Sec. 78-381. Placement of objects in the cemetery. (a) No objects of any kind may be placed on graves or other cemetery property except as specifically provided herein. No advertising of any sort shall be permitted within the cemetery including the posting of signs advertising the proposed sale of private burial spaces. (b) Fresh flowers, artificial flowers, or floral pieces placed at the gravesite at any time, or funeral designs placed at the gravesite at interment, will be removed when unsightly or wilted but in no event longer than fourteen (14) days after placement. Items desired to be retained by the family and/or visitors must be removed within seventy-two (72)hours after being placed on the gravesite. No more than one individual container of fresh or artificial flowers may be placed or affixed on each space provided that: (1) Affixed flowers may be placed in containers approved by the cemetery sexton and consisting of bronze, granite or marble. (2) All flowers must be placed on or immediately next to the monument, or if there is no monument, at the head of the grave. (c) No planting of any kind shall be permitted within the new section of the cemetery. (d) All other planting must be done under the supervision and consent of the cemetery sexton. (e) The City of Wylie is not responsible for the loss of shrubs or plants whether planted by city crews or by direction of the owner of any space in the cemetery. (f) The City of Wylie is not responsible for any funeral design, floral piece, vegetation or other article or thing placed on any space or grave in the cemetery. (g) The City of Wylie reserves the right to trim, prune or remove any shrub and/or plant whenever necessary or advisable. (h) The City of Wylie may plant trees or shrubs on lot boundary lines. 5 12 05/05/2022 Item WS1. (i) The City of Wylie is exempt from the requirements of this section. Sec. 78-382. Construction prohibited. No construction of any nature or kind, such as curbing, fencing, coping, trellises, or enclosure of any kind, whether of vegetation or construction, around any cemetery space or lot, shall be permitted. Sec. 78-383. Payment prerequisite to use. No interment shall be permitted in any cemetery space until the purchase price of such space, and any other charges or fees associated with the cemetery space,have been paid in full. Sec. 78-384. Interment. An application for burial designating the location for burial, establishing ownership, or right to use the designated space, and establishing the authority of the person to control the burial on behalf of the deceased must be filed with the cemetery sexton, and a written permit issued prior to any interment upon payment of all fees as established by ordinance and amended as necessary. Sec. 78-385. - 78-434. Reserved 6 13 05/05/2022 Item WS2. Cemetery Advisory Board AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Hawkes Subject Discuss the formation of committees. Recommendation I /A Discussion he formation of committees will be discussed during the Cemetery Advisory Board work session. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals onununity Focused Government I'lanning Management 14 05/05/2022 Item WS3. Cemetery Advisory Board AGENDA REPORT Department: Parks and Recreation Account Code: Prepared By: Janet Hawkes Subject Board updates. Recommendation I /A Discussion tatus of acquiring the cemetery properties. Financial Summary/Strategic Goals ommunity Focused Government I'lanning Management 15