Ordinance 2002-31 ORDINANCE NO. flm,; -.r AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, ADOPTING A BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING RESOURCES FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003, BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2002, AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2003; REPEALING ALL CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; CONTAINING A SEVERABILTIY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, the City Manager and staff have prepared and filed with the City Secretary a proposed budget for operation of the City during Fiscal Year 2003; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget appears to be in form and substance which fully complies with all applicable provisions of the City Charter and State law; and WHEREAS, the proposed budget has been available for public inspection and review; and WHEREAS, the City Council has this date conducted a public hearing to receive input from the citizens of the City concerning the content of the budget; and WHEREAS, the Council having considered the proposed budget at length, and having provided input into its preparation, has determined that the proposed budget and the revenues and expenditures therein contained is in the best interest of the City and therefore desires to adopt the same by formal action; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, as follows: Section 1. That the proposed budget of the revenue of the City and the expenses of conducting the affairs thereot: as summarized in the attached Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by reference, be, and the same hereby is, completely adopted and approved as the Budget for the City for Fiscal Year 2003. Section 2. That the sum of Thirty Million One Hundred and Forty Eight Thousand, Five Hundred and Seventy Dollars ($30,148,570)'is hereby appropriated out to the General, Wylie Economic Development Corporation, 4B Sales Tax Revenue, Emergency Commun1cations, Frre Training Center, General Obligation Debt Service, 4B Debt Service, Street Capital Project, Utility, Utility Construction and Fleet Replacement Funds for payment of Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay of the operation and administration' of the City according to the various purposes and intents therein descnoed. Section 3. The specific authority is hereby given to the City Manager to transfer appropriations budgeted from an account classification or activity to another within any individual department or activity; and to transfer appropriations from designated appropriations to any individual department or activity as provided in the City Charter. Section 4. Should any paragraph, sentence, sub-division, clause, phrase or section of this ordinance be adjudged or held to be unconstitutional, illegal, or invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this ordinance as a whole or any part or provision thereof: other than the part or parts as declared to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional Section 5. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its adoption by the City Council pursuant to the law and the City Charter. Section 6. That all other ordinances and code provisions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of any such conflict or inconsistency. DULY PASSED AND APPROVED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, on this the 10th day of September, 2002. 12 ~~aYor ATTEST ~. ',,;.... i '~,.., , W -l >- S U. o ~ U C") o o "I >- u. 0::: o u. >- 0::: <( ::2: ::2: ::) CI) I-- W <.9 o ::) CO o z <( <.9 z a: <( w I U -l CO ::) a... u. o w U i= o z "0 X 5l I-- 0.> o 0.> () 0. = tt:: o >'0 a.. S CIl ~.cQj ..... t OJ C 0 ro o Z c OJOO~ cl'--"::: .C I >. roCl):<:::: o.>OU ..cOo.> .~ o..c :0"1..... ::l ."0 o.~ffi roo..o.> tlEg ::l0tt:: -g~0 o ro CIl () 0.- .u ~ .~ .c 19 ::l 0.> .u ::2: t5 5.!!1 ~ 0>.>. ';,S(5 :<:::: 0.> 0.> U:5..c 0.>.......... = 0 i- ~~ro > 0.> L.. 0.>.0:9 ..cE-l .....ro..c ro..c~ ..cUE ..... CI) ~.u ........ 0.> C Q) t ::l ::l ro 0 L.. ..cUI-- uo.>"O >...c C ~"""ro U C ro 0.> ..... .- E 0.> >. .0::: S 0. 0.> o.>g:5 .c .. ...... .....<oro 15 ro .~ C") -.0 C "I ::l 00 0. .- 0 0.> tlN..c 0.> L.. ..... 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CIJ o Z ::J LL IJ.J ....J CD <( C2 0... o 0:: 0... 0... <( ....J ;:: o I- IJ.J CIJ <( IJ.J 0:: U IJ.J o I- IJ.J Z EXHIBIT B FISCAL 2003 PROPOSED BUDGET CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS TUESDAY, SEPT. 10,2002 W .....J >- $: LL o ~ o ('? o o N >- LL 0:: o LL >- 0:: <( :2: :2: ::) C/) I- W <.9 o ::) a::l o Z <( <.9 z cr <( W I o .....J a::l ::) 0.. LL o W o i= o z -0 X 3l I- 0) o 0) t) g-'5,tE c.$:~ 0) -..... E"€~ e 0 CIl o Z ~ g~:2: .C I >> CIlC/):!::: 0)00 ..cOO) .!:2 0 ..c :oN..... ::J --0 o..~~ CIlc.O) u E .!:2 ::JOtE -g~0 o CIl (/) t) 0..- .(3 i::' .~.~ -ffi "(3 :2: t; 3.~ ~ 0>-.>> ';,$:(3 :!::: 0) 0) OE..c .~ 'O~.. >-.(/)i::' $:Q3~ 0).0:9 EE.....J .....CIl..c CIl..c:!::: ..cOE ..... C/) ~ "0 +J O)ea; t ::J::J CIl 0 ..... ..cOI- (0)-0 >>..c e ~+-'rn o .!: CIl 0) ..... .- E 0) >-. .0:: $: 0.. 0) O)gE ..c .. ..., .....<DCIl a ro .!:2 ('? -:0 eN ::J 000.. .- 0 0) uN..c 0) ..... ..... 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Lt"ioo CO 0> CO LO N '<to o ~ W '" t) -oz 5 ::s LL<( Q; m 6~ .8~ ~C) 2z ~ C ro Z ~W o N u::> Lt"i CO ~ o LO ~ N a (V) <17 <17 <17 o 0> 0> Lt"i 0> N cri a ..... LO as '<t ~ o (V) a co 1/). N LO CO o ~ <17 <17 CI) W :J Z W > W cr: -l <( I- a I- w U Z <( -l <( al o Z :J LL Z W CI) <( W cr: U Z CI) o Z :J LL W -l al <( 0:: 11. a cr: 11. 11. <( -l <( I- a I- w CI) <( w cr: u w o I- W Z FY 2003 DEPARTMENTAL STAFFING SUMMARY (ALL POSITIONS SHOWN AS FULL-TIME EQUIVALENTS) BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 General Fund City Manager 2.50 3.50 4.50 4.50 City Secretary 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Municipal Court 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Finance 6.00 6.00 5.50 5.50 Facilities & Fleet Services 1.00 1.00 1.00 Police 30.10 31.10 26.10 30.00 Fire 18.00 19.00 27.00 27.00 Animal Control 1.00 1.40 1.50 2.00 Development Services 8.50 Planning 2.50 3.00 3.00 Building Inspections 4.50 7.00 7.00 Code Enforcement 1.50 1.00 1.00 Streets 5.25 6.25 5.75 7.75 Parks 6.00 7.00 7.00 9.00 Recreation 1.85 1.35 1.80 2.10 Library 4.50 4.50 4.75 4.75 Total General Fund 88.70 93.60 99.90 107.60 Utility Fund Utilities Administration 6.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 Utilities-Water & Sewer 8.00 8.00 9.00 11.00 Engineernig 3.00 3.00 3.00 Utility Billing 4.50 5.50 7.00 7.00 Total Utility Fund 19.00 20.00 22.50 24.50 Wylie Economic Development 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 4B Sales Tax Fund Parks 1.00 3.00 4.00 4.00 Community Center 1.50 1.50 1.50 2.50 Library 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Total 48 Sales Tax Fund 3.50 5.50 6.50 7.50 Emergency Communications Fund Dispatch Services 7.00 7.00 Total Emergency Comm Fund 7.00 7.00 TOTAL ALL FUNDS 113.20 121.10 137.90 147.60 3 FY2003 DEPARTMENTAL STAFFING SUMMARY (cont.) Notes: FY2002 Changes made subsequent to original FY2002 Budget. Finance - Addition of a Budget Analyst. Planning - Secretary 1 position upgraded to Administrative Secretary. Parks 4B - Addition of a Field Supervisor position. FY2003 Police - Upgraded a CID Officer to Sergeant, Added One CID Officer and Two Patrol Officers. Increased the man-hours for School Crossing Guards. DARE Officer position transferred to Patrol. Animal Control- Added One Animal Control Officer and deleted the part-time position. Streets - Addition of a Crew leader. Streets - The Fleet Maintenance Coordinator position was transferred from Facilities to Streets. Parks - Added Two Maintenance Workers. Recreation (General Fund) - Increased the Wylie Wave Program from 1.8 Full-Time Equivalent to 2.1 FTE. Recreation (Community Center) - Increased part-time hours for Building Monitors from twenty (20) to sixty (60) per week. Full time equivalents for Building Monitors increase from .5 to 1.5 positions. Utilities - Added One Equipment Operator and One Maintenance Worker. 4 PROPERTY TAX DISTRIBUTION CALCULATIONS FY2003 FY2002 Tax Year 2002 Tax Year 2001 TAX ROLL: Assessed Valuation (100%) $ 929,246,605 $ 754,444,639 Rate per $100 0.715 0.720 Total Tax Levy 6,644,113.23 5,432,001.40 Percent of Collection 98% 98% Estimated Current Tax Collections $ 6,511,231 $ 5,323,361 SUMMARY OF TAX COLLECTIONS: Current Tax $ 6,511,231 $ 5,323,361 Delinquent Tax 70,000 70,000 Penalty and Interest 30,000 30,000 TOTAL TAX COLLECTIONS $ 6,611,231 $ 5,423,361 DISTRIBUTION: FY2003 FY2003 PERCENT FY2003 FY2002 TAX RATE OF TOTAL AMOUNT AMOUNT GENERAL FUND: Current Tax $ 4,588,788 $ 3,615,671 Delinquent Tax 49,332 47,545 Penalty and Interest 21,142 20,376 Total General Fund $ 0.503896 70.475% $ 4,659,263 $ 3,683,592 DEBT SERVICE FUND: Current Tax $ 1,922,443 $ 1,707,690 Delinquent Tax 20,668 22,455 Penalty and Interest 8,858 9,624 Total Debt Service $ 0.211104 29.525% $ 1,951,968 $ 1,739,769 DISTRIBUTION $ 0.715000 100.000% $ 6,611,231 $ 5,423,361 ASSESSED VALUATION OF TAXABLE PROPERTY LAST NINE YEARS AND FY2002 1000 929.2 Z 754.4 0 800 -'" 1-0:: 624.1 <:5 ::J...J 600 ..Jo 463.4 <0 >lL 400 CO w'" U)~ 200 U)...J w:::! U):E U) 0 < FY95 FY96 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FISCAL YEAR 6 GENERAL FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 1,152,952 $ 1,726,300 $ 2,168,440 $ 2,263,960 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes 3,239,790 3,683,600 3,715,670 4,659,260 Sales Taxes 844,284 795,090 935,500 935,500 Franchise Fees 816,944 776,490 939,000 979,000 Licenses & Permits 739,570 630,000 831,500 865,100 Intergovernmental Revenues 263,330 352,450 352,540 225,500 Service Fees 1,043,551 1,523,180 1,491,810 1,438,300 Court Fees 492,549 540,000 486,400 486,400 Interest & Miscellaneous 170,702 132,100 107,300 83,300 Total Revenues 7,610,720 8,432,910 8,859,720 9,672,360 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from Other Funds 427,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 Proceeds of long-term debt 500,000 250,000 Total Other Financing Sources 927,000 420,000 670,000 420,000 Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 8,537,720 8,852,910 9,529,720 10,092,360 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 9,690,672 10,579,210 11,698,160 12,356,320 EXPENDITURES: General Government: City Council 53,885 78,050 60,970 83,350 City Manager 281,905 426,680 417,650 490,280 City Secretary 115,604 133,730 131,750 146,460 Municipal Court 145,609 156,930 143,250 174,630 Finance 438,178 458,070 431 ,250 530,910 Facilities & Fleet Services 161,866 177 ,870 178,560 405,300 Combined Services 1,356,246 2,003,280 1,651,090 1,527,820 Animal Control 54,254 75,380 72,640 117,230 Public Safety: Police 1,844,178 1,898,050 1,874,600 2,308,000 Fire 1,241,314 1,645,260 1,658,450 1,923,850 Dispatch Development Services: Planning 174,893 215,320 213,560 225,650 Building Inspection 315,614 494,980 485,430 486,260 Code Enforcement 60,487 63,940 63,710 69,380 Streets 445,148 903,220 878,860 867,150 Community Services: Parks 439,798 618,460 574,470 763,560 Recreation 86,645 86,230 88,470 109,300 Library 306,604 337,260 327,360 356,760 Transfers to Other Funds 182,130 182,130 290,040 Total Expenditures 7,522,228 9,954,840 9,434,200 10,875,930 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 2,168,444 $ 624,370 $ 2,263,960 $ 1,480,390 7 GENERAL FUND SCHEDULE OF REVENUES BY SOURCE ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 Ad Valorem Taxes: Current Taxes $ 3,169,302 $ 3,615,670 $ 3,615,670 $ 4,588,790 Delinquent Taxes 38,801 47,550 60,000 49,330 Penalty & Interest 31,687 20,380 40,000 21,140 Sales Taxes: General 841,613 792,690 933,000 933,000 Alcoholic Beverage 2,671 2,400 2,500 2,500 Franchise Fees: Electric 550,109 519,490 647,000 679,000 Gas 46,095 31,000 60,000 63,000 Telephone 68,708 70,000 68,000 68,000 Cable 59,657 56,000 58,000 58,000 Sanitation 92,375 100,000 106,000 111,000 Licenses & Permits 739,570 630,000 831,500 865,100 Intergovernmental Revenue: Lake Patrol 30,628 41,010 41,000 41,000 COPS Grant 118,871 38,600 38,600 40,500 State Grant 18,566 4,240 4,240 WISD/COPS 41 ,367 80,360 80,400 60,000 County Park Grant 101,470 101,500 County Library Grant 10,406 10,000 10,000 10,000 Warrant Collections 1,230 3,000 3,000 WISD/Crossing Guards 15,772 14,000 14,000 14,000 FirelDispatch Service 26,490 59,770 59,800 60,000 Service Fees: 911 Fees 147,056 2,870 Alarm Permits 8,457 5,000 8,500 8,500 Alarm Monitoring Permits 1,840 2,640 3,000 East Texas Medical 20,800 20,800 20,800 Animal Control 7,661 2,500 5,000 5,000 Development 199,209 722,700 552,000 472,000 Parkland Dedication 47,680 66,000 66,000 Sanitation 625,712 673,000 753,000 790,000 Concessions 5,344 12,500 4,000 4,000 Lighting 6,763 6,000 5,000 5,000 Leaguel Athletic 9,325 11 ,000 8,000 8,000 Wylie Wave Program 22,530 16,000 50,000 40,000 Wylie Wave Activity 4,618 3,000 7,000 9,000 Library 5,036 3,000 7,000 7,000 Court Fees 492,549 540,000 486,400 486,400 Interest Income 97,500 90,000 60,000 60,000 Miscellaneous: Rental Income 34,298 33,100 34,000 19,000 Dare Donations 5,000 3,000 Miscellaneous Income 38,904 4,000 10,300 4,300 Other Financing Sources: Proceeds of long-term debt 500,000 250,000 Transfers from Other Funds 427,000 420,000 420,000 420,000 TOTAL REVENUES $ 8,537,720 $ 8,852,910 $ 9,529,720 $ 10,092,360 8 WYLIE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION the WEDC. A full-time executive director is employed by the Corporation. This individual reports to a five- member Board of Directors appointed by the City Council. FUND DESCRIPTION The Wylie Economic Development Corporation (WEDC) accounts for the use of 4A sales tax revenue which is restricted by State legislation for directly enhancing and promoting economic development. Sales tax levied in Wylie is 8.25% of goods and services sold within the City's's boundaries. Of this 8.25% tax, .5% of the City's share goes to WEDC. FUND NARRATIVE The goal of WEDC is to increase the employment opportunities and tax base of the Wylie community. The WE DC establishes specific goals and develops an annual Action Plan to accomplish these goals. The 4A sales tax funds the daily operations and programs of PROGRAM NARRATIVE Accomplishments for FY2001 Objectives for FY2002 Major Budget Items STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 2000-2001 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES: Sales Tax Interest, Rental & Misc $2,349,438 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES EXPENDITURES 420,806 170,761 591,567 2,941,005 Administrative Expenses Economic Incentives 204,643 439,099 110,436 7,000 761,178 $2,179,827 Debt Service Other Financing Uses TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE BUDGET 2001-2002 ESTIMATE 2001-2002 $2,179,830 BUDGET 2002-2003 $1,961,020 $2,143,490 396,350 466,600 466,600 20,000 10,000 10,000 46,350 476,600 476,600 2,559,840 2,656,430 2,437,620 279,780 463,200 184,270 353,020 121,750 363,490 154,900 110,460 110,460 787,700 $1,772,140 695,410 $1,961,020 688,220 $1,749,400 BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET STAFFING LEVEL 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 Executive Director 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Secretary 1 8N 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TOTAL 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0. 9 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND FUND DESCRIPTION publicity and building improvements at the Library. The Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation (the 48 Corporation) was established to promote economic development within the City of Wylie. The activities of the 48 Corporation are accounted for in the 48 Sales Tax Revenue Fund and 48 Debt Service Fund. This special revenue fund accounts for the use of the 48 Corporation sales tax revenue which is restricted by State legislation to improving the appeal of the City as a place to live, work, and visit and promoting economic development. Sales taxes are levied in Wylie at 8.25% of goods and services sold within the City=s boundaries. Of this 8.25% tax, 0.5% of the City=s share goes to the 48 Sales Tax Revenue Fund. Objectives for FY2003 ~ Continue to support the current levels of positions funded for Parks, Recreation and Library operations. ~ Continue to maintain an adequate level of fund reserves by balancing requests for funding between recurring and nonrecurring expenditures. Major Budget Items FUND NARRATIVE The fund ended fiscal year 2001-2002 with an estimated fund balance at September 30, 2002, of $471,360. The estimated FY2002 year-end revenues and expenditures are $482,900 and $639,240, respectively, resulting in a decrease to the fund balance of $156,340. PROGRAM NARRATIVE ~ Summer and Fall Concert Series ($35,000). ~ Community Center chairs and tables ($6,000). ~ Community Center computer ($2,000) and Shuffleboard equipment ($1,500). ~ Air Conditioning for Library file server room ($7,000). ~ Books and materials for Library ($19,000). ~ Additional shelving for for the Library ($3,800). ~ Annual debt service transfer to the 48 Debt Service Fund ($140,850). Accomplishments for FY2002 Funded books, furniture, programming, ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET EXPENDITURES 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 Personal Services $185,163 $259,470 $262,480 $334,350 Supplies 12,140 11,000 11,000 29,200 Maintenance 4,255 5,500 5,250 5,000 Contractual Services 30,058 93,200 73,800 71,000 Capital Outlay 102,018 139,900 128,710 29,300 Transfer to 48 Debt Service Fund 138,000 139,300 138,000 142,050 TOTAL $471,634 $648,370 $619,240 $610,900 10 4B SALES TAX REVENUE FUND STAFFING BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET PROPOSED STAFFING LEVEL 1999-2000 2000-2001 2001-2002 2002-2003 Asst. Parks Superintendent 28-E 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Parks Field Supervisor 13-N 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 Maintenance Worker 7-N 1.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Comm Center Coordinator 23-E 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 Building Monitor - Part-time 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 Librarian 26-E 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 TOTAL 3.5 5.5 6.5 7.5 STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING BALANCE $ 648,818 $ 522,310 $ 627,700 $ 491,360 REVENUES: Sales Taxes 420,807 396,350 466,600 466,600 Interest Revenues 29,702 30,000 16,300 16,300 Total Revenues 450,509 426,350 482,900 482,900 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 1,099,327 948,660 1,110,600 974,260 EXPENDITURES: Community Services: Parks 188,061 340,090 312,020 235,930 Recreation 80,559 92,690 92,510 139,410 Library 65,014 76,290 76,710 93,510 Combined Services Transfers to Other Funds 138,000 139,300 138,000 142,050 Total Expenditures 471,634 648,370 619,240 610,900 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 627,693 $ 300,290 $ 491,360 $ 363,360 11 EMERGENCY COMMUNICATIONS FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING BALANCE $ $ $ REVENUES: 911 Fees 173,000 173,000 178,000 I ntergovernmental Revenues 30,000 30,000 39,000 Total Revenues 203,000 203,000 217,000 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES: Transfers from General Fund 182,130 182,130 290,040 Total Other Financing Sources 182,130 182,130 290,040 Total Revenues & Other Financing Sources 385,130 385,130 507,040 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 385,130 385,130 507,040 EXPENDITURES: Public Safety Dispatch Services 385,130 385,130 507,040 Total Expenditures 385,130 385,130 507,040 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ $ $ 12 FIRE TRAINING CENTER FUND is $14,060. For FY2003 revenues and expenditures are estimated to be $60,300 and $59,000 respectively. The ending fund balance for FY2003 is estimated to be $15,360. FUND DESCRIPTION The Fire Training Center (FTC) Fund was created to account for the revenues generated by First Responder Fees and donations for training equipment and the construction and maintenance of the Fire Training Center. First Responder Fees are revenues that are generated by billing a patients insurance company for first responder calls. Insurance data is collected and provided to a billing service which bills the insurance companies and remits the payments to the City. The Fire Department is receiving donations for materials and labor from the business sector, individuals and other Cities towards the construction of the training center. FUND NARRATIVE The Fire Training Center project was established as a separate fund late in FY2001. The fund ended FY2001 with a fund balance at September 30, 2001 of $28,617. The estimated fund balance for FY2002 ~ Accomplishments for FY2002 ~ Built burn house ~ Built confined space and trench simulator ~ Built rappelling tower ~ Built access road for training center ~ Objectives for FY2003 ~ Three bay building for special apparatus equipment ~ Haz-mat simulator ~ Major Budget Items ~ Billing and collection service fee ($9,000) ~ Training Center construction($59,000) STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 2000-2001 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUES $ First Responder Fees Interest 33,485 TOTAL REVENUES TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES EXPENDITURES Public Safety Tools 33,485 33,485 Contractual Services Buildings TOTAL EXPENDITURES ENDING FUND BALANCE 4,868 $ 28,617 BUDGET 2001-2002 $ 29,750 ESTIMATE 2001-2002 $ 28,670 TOTAL REQUEST 2002-2003 $ 14,060 80,000 60,000 300 60,300 88,920 60,000 300 60,300 74,360 80,000 109,750 4,868 3,000 860 1,500 12,000 9,000 9,000 65,000 65,000 48,500 80,000 74,860 59,000 $ 29,750 $ 14,060 $ 15,360 59 GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 243,496 $ 268,980 $ 267,700 $ 306,860 REVENUES: Ad Valorem Taxes: Current Taxes 1,244,564 1,707,690 1,687,810 1,922,440 Delinquent Taxes 13,554 22,460 22,460 20,670 Penalty and Interest 11 ,833 9,620 20,000 8,860 Total Ad Valorem Taxes 1,269,951 1,739,770 1,730,270 1,951,970 Interest Income 25,596 22,000 14,100 5,000 TOTAL REVENUES 1,295,547 1,761,770 1,744,370 1,956,970 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES $ 1,539,043 $ 2,030,750 $ 2,012,070 $ 2,263,830 EXPENDITURES: Principal Retirement $ 694,038 $ 951,750 $ 951,750 $ 1,125,890 Interest 572,434 787,300 748,460 829,790 Fiscal Agent Fees 4,876 5,000 5,000 6,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 1,271,348 1,744,050 1,705,210 1,961,680 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 267,695 $ 286,700 $ 306,860 $ 302,150 ANNUAL REQUIREMENTS TO AMORTIZE GENERAL OBLIGATION DEBT Net of Self-Suppoted Debt Paid by Utility Fund October 1, 2002, to Maturity 800,000 2,400,000 2,000,000 1,600,000 1,200,000 400,000 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ ~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m Principal m Interest 61 4B DEBT SERVICE FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 170,309 $ 170,610 $ 180,010 $ 182,220 REVENUES Interest Income 9,866 9,000 3,400 3,400 Transfer from 4B Operating Fund 138,000 139,300 139,300 142,050 TOTAL REVENUES 147,866 148,300 142,700 145,450 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 318,175 318,910 322,710 327,670 EXPENDITURES Debt Service - Principal 55,000 60,000 60,000 65,000 Debt Service - Interest 82,445 79,290 79,290 75,850 Debt Service - Agent Fees 716 1,200 1,200 1,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 138,161 140,490 140,490 142,050 Fund Balance - Reserved for Debt 149.148 149.150 149.150 149.150 Fund Balance Unreserved 30,866 29,270 33,070 35,270 ENDING FUND BALANCE $ 180,014 $ 178,420 $182,220 $185,620 FUND DESCRIPTION The debt service funds, also know as interest and sinking funds, are established by ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds and providing for the payment of bond principal and interest as they come due. The 4B Debt Service fund receives sales tax as a transfer from the 4B Sales Tax fund to meet the debt service requirements associated with the issuance of $1,710,000 of bonds in April 1996. The revenue bonds were issued by the Wylie Park and Recreation Facilities Development Corporation and received ratings of "Baa" from Moody's Investor's Service and a "BBB" from Standard & Poor's Ratings Service. FUND NARRATIVE The financial statement for this particular fund is fairly straight forward. Transfers are made from the 4B Sales Tax Revenue Fund sufficient for supporting annual debt service requirements. The estimated ending fund balance at September 30, 2002, is $182,220. This ending fund balance is primarily made up of the required Reserve Fund of $149,150. The reserved monies can only be used if the current year's sales tax revenue stream is insufficient to support the debt. At the beginning of FY2003 outstanding revenue debt is $2,021,253. 62 STREET CAPITAL PROJECT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $2,764,631 $6,298,730 $6,426,010 $8,181,420 REVENUES Interest Income 131 ,165 120,000 90,000 120,000 Street Assessments 5,596 2,900 Miscellaneous Income 300 810 Bond Proceeds 4,500,000 2,500,000 TOTAL REVENUES 4,637,061 120,000 2,593,710 120,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 7,401,692 6,418,730 9,019,720 8,301,420 EXPENDITURES Materials & Maintenance 30,111 30,000 8,780 30,000 Contractual Services 429,762 500,000 329,520 500,000 Capital Outlay 515,813 4,000,000 500,000 6,500,000 Transfer to Other Funds TOTAL EXPENDITURES 975,686 4,530,000 838,300 7,030,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $6,426,006 $1,888,730 $8,181,420 $1,271,420 FUND DESCRIPTION The Street Capital Project Fund was created to account for proceeds from the sale of general obligation bonds to be used for street improvements, drainage, curbs & gutters, alleys, sidewalks and traffic control. FUND NARRATIVES The primary funding sources for the Street Fund in FY2003 are the unexpended proceeds of bonds issued in fiscal years 1999 and 2000, $4,500,000 in bonds issued in late 2001, $2,500,000 in bonds to be issued in late 2002 and estimated additional interest earnings of $100,000. Accomplishments for FY2002 ~ ~ Objectives for FY2003 ~ Begin construction on the Kirby/Stone connection. ~ Complete design and begin construction on the Alanis Lane paving project. ~ Finalized construction plans for the Stone Road and Ballard Avenue paving projects. ~ Continue design and right-of-way acquisitions for major street projects. ~ Complete design and begin construction of SH78 between Eubanks and Spring Creek. 64 UTILITY FUND COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENSES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 OPERATING REVENUES: Water Service $ 2,326,133 $ 2,870,000 $ 2,653,460 $ 2,775,000 Sewer Service 1,418,742 1,600,000 1,562,930 1,623,000 Sewer Pass-Thru 341,769 370,000 378,000 393,000 Penalty & Interest 58,068 70,000 64,000 64,000 Water Tap Fees 138,151 130,000 160,000 120,000 Sewer Tap Fees 28,785 35,000 30,000 35,000 Reconnect Fees 1,958 4,000 3,500 3,000 TOTAL OPERATING REVENUES 4,313,606 5,079,000 4,851,890 5,013,000 OPERATING EXPENSES: Water Purchases 566,568 840,000 740,000 800,000 Sewer Treatment 347,490 1,102,450 339,120 1,070,550 Utility Administration 216,523 264,310 257,830 278,680 Utilities 612,157 2,052,000 1,047,310 1,677,450 Engineering 196,942 231 ,590 229,720 377,810 Utility Billing 224,356 529,380 499,490 578,460 Combined Services 104,100 106,200 79,700 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES 2,164,036 5,123,830 3,219,670 4,862,650 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 2,149,570 (44,830) 1,632,220 150,350 NON-OPERATING REVS (EXP): Utility Pre-treatment Fees 11,871 16,170 16,170 33,000 Interest Income 130,395 110,000 65,000 65,000 Miscellaneous Income 11,511 7,500 26,000 10,000 Debt Service (1,104,509) (1,194,130) (1,194,130) (1,284,100) Transfer from Other Funds 42,400 Transfer to Other Funds (420,000) (420,000) (420,000) (420,000) TOTAL NON-OPERATING REVS (EXP) (1,370,732) (1,438,060) (1,506,960) (1,596,100) NET INCOME (LOSS) 1,837,896 (1,482,890) 125,260 (1,445,750) BEG FUND BALANCE (WORKING CAP) 2,268,292 3,019,520 4,106,190 3,147,150 Adjustment to Fund Balance (1,084,300) END FUND BALANCE (WORKING CAP) $ 4,106,188 $ 1,536,630 $ 3,147,150 $ 1,701,400 65 UTILITY CONSTRUCTION FUND FUND DESCRIPTION for the Rush Creek lift station and the force main to Twin Lakes lift station. Construction is underway on the Rush Creek lift station and should be finished early in FY2003. The Utility Construction fund was created as a sub-fund of the Utility Fund to account for proceeds from the sale of general obligation and revenue bonds and State grants to be used for the acquisition and construction of major water and wastewater improvements. )> Completed miscellaneous utility replacements at various locations in the city. Accomplishments for FY2002 Objectives for FY2003 )> Identified and completed engineering designs for utility relocations along SH78 north of FM544 intersection. )> Completion of the Rush Creek lift station and the force main to Twin Lakes lift station. )> Completed acquisition of easements for the force main between Rush Creek and Twin Lakes lift stations. )> Completed design and bid the contracts )> Finish the design and engineering of three outfall sewer lines to the new Regional Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant. STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $3,290,278 $2,507,080 $2,519,440 $2,154,230 REVENUES Interest Income 153,330 110,000 34,790 40,000 Bond Proceeds 1,150,000 Transfer from Impact Fund TOTAL REVENUES 153,330 110,000 1,184,790 40,000 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 3,443,608 2,617,080 3,704,230 2,194,230 EXPENDITURES Water & Sewer Construction 881,770 1,500,000 1,550,000 1,500,000 Transfer to Other Funds 42,400 42,400 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 924,170 1,542,400 1,550,000 1,500,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $2,519,438 $1,074,680 $2,154,230 $694,230 66 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND DEPARTMENT FUNCTION The Fleet Replacement fund is an internal service fund established to accumulate sufficient resources to replace existing equipment which has reached or exceeded its useful life. Resources are acquired through charges to operating departments in the governmental and enterprise type funds. The charges are calculated using a straight-line amortization of each piece of equipment based upon the item's expected life. When a piece of equipment has reached the end of its projected useful life, a decision will be made as to whether the equipment should be replaced. If the cost of retaining the equipment (e.g. maintenance expenditures and length of down time) does not exceed a predetermined amount, then the equipment will be kept in service. However, once the equipment has been fully amortized, a department will not continue to make payments to the Fleet Replacement Fund. Interest earnings and equipment auction proceeds will help offset the impact of inflation on the replacement costs of equipment. FUND NARRATIVE In FY2002, fleet purchases included the scheduled replacement of one pickup each for the Streets, Wastewater Utilities and Meter Services departments. One additional Police patrol car and two additional Building Inspections trucks were purchased with funds from the departments' operating budgets. Proposed fleet purchases for FY2003 include the scheduled replacement of four Police patrol cars, one Animal Control truck, one Building Inspections truck and a crew cab maintenance truck for Parks. Parks will also purchase a mower with fees accumulated on a tractor which is due for replacement. The Fleet Fund will also replace a backhoe assigned to the Street Department. Department Contribution Vehicle Type 2003 Cost Facilities and Fleet Services $ 2,000 Police 68,280 4 patrol cars $ 88,000 Fire 62,170 Animal Control 1,860 1 half ton pickup 13,000 Building Inspections 13,300 1 compact ext. cab pickup 13,000 Code Enforcement 4,380 Streets 31,000 1 backhoe 50,000 Parks 39,640 1 crew cab pickup, 1 mower 43,000 Utilities - Administration 2,860 Utilities - Water/Sewer 30,100 Engineering 6,500 Meter Services 6,280 TOTAL ALL DEPARTMENTS $ 268,370 $ 207,000 79 FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND STATEMENT OF REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED 2000-2001 2001-2002 2001-2002 2002-2003 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $ 493,843 $ 596,090 $ 597,430 $ 773,080 REVENUES Auction Proceeds 13,110 10,000 8,700 10,000 Contributions from Departments. 210,170 221,680 221,680 268,370 Interest and Miscellaneous Income 26,448 15,000 26,740 15,000 TOTAL REVENUES 249,728 246,680 257,120 293,370 TOTAL AVAILABLE RESOURCES 743,571 842,770 854,550 1,066,450 EXPENDITURES General Government 37,770 20,000 18,270 119,000 Police/Fire 89,102 18,030 88,000 Utilities 19,270 34,000 45,170 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 146,142 54,000 81,470 207,000 TOTAL FUND BALANCE $ 597,429 $ 788,770 $ 773,080 $ 859,450 80 CAPITAL EQUIPMENT /EXPANDED LEVELS OF SERVICE SUMMARY FUNDED IN FY2003 General Fund Utility Fund City Manager Utility Administration Laptop computer-Pia 2,500 Computer 1,500 Desk 700 3,200 UtiI ities Municipal Court Equipment Operator (1) 40,150 Automated phone attendant with Maintenance Worker (1) 37,440 on-line inquiry/payments processing 10,900 Truck 30,000 Water Line on Cotton Belt 125,000 Finance Water Line on Jackson 150,000 Computer 1,500 Water Line on Cooper 110,360 Furniture 2,000 2" Water Meters 10,000 3,500 Sanitary Sewer Line on Cotton Belt 118,000 Facilities Concrete Saw 22,000 Air Conditioning at Municiplal Complex 24,000 Mini-Excavator 25,000 Skid Steer Loader 25,000 Combined Services I & I Monitors (2) 12,000 Tax Note Financing: Security Gate (Motorized) Srv Center 12,000 Vehicles 93,000 Financial Software/Hardware 200,000 716,950 Major Tools and Equipment 141,600 434,600 Utility Billing Meters 160,000 Police Computer System (Firefly program) 20,000 Patrol Officer (2) 109,060 Increase hours of AlP Clerk 1,500 CID 54,530 181,500 Upgrade CID to Sergeant 14,590 Crossing Guard (1/2) 3,190 Total Utility Fund 899,950 Police Cruiser w/equipment 50,950 Computer Equipment 8,930 4B Sales Tax Fund Cubicle 3,000 Recreation-Community Center Other Equipment 4,600 Increase hours for two Building 248,850 Monitor positions 20,770 Fire Computer 2,000 GIS Software 7,500 ChairsITables 6,000 Equ i pment{Sh uffleboa rd) 1,500 Animal Control 30,270 Upgrade PIT to FIT 29,200 Library Rework floor-additional cages 11,000 Remodel (AlC) 7,000 40,200 Shelving 3,800 Planning 10,800 Computer 1,500 Total 4B Sales Tax Fund 41,070 Building Inspections Software 2,500 Emergency Communications Fund CAD SQL Server upgrade 30,380 Code Enforcement Software 3,000 Total Emerg Communications Fund 30,380 Streets Fleet Replacement Fund Crew Leader (1 ) 49,150 4 Patrol Cars for Police 88,000 Street overlay program 250,000 1/2 Ton Pickup for Animal Control 13,000 Light Bar and auto analyzer 2,700 1 Compact PU for Bldg Inspections 13,000 252,700 1 Backhoe for Streets 50,000 1 Crew Cab Pickup for Parks 43,000 Parks 1 Mower for Parks Maintenance Worker (2) 73,860 Quail Meadow (Grant) 37,850 Total Fleet Replacement Fund 207,000 Flower Planters 1,320 Curb Dresser 1 ,450 Total All Funds 2,333,520 114,480 Recreation Program Leaders (Wylie Wave) (2) 6,190 Security lights-aide City Park 2,000 8,190 83 Total General Fund 1,155,120 THE WYLIE NEWS Covering Wylie, Sachse, Murphy and the surrounding area lION. Ballard St. P.O. Box 369 Wylie, Texas 75098 972.442.5515 Fax 972.442.4318 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN Before me, the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared Chad Engbrock, of THE WYLIE NEWS, a newspaper regularly published in Collin County, Texas and having general circulation in CoUin County, Texas, who being by me duly sworn deposed and says that the foregoing attached ~ ' fVO. ::2 00,).. - 3 I . ,J 0 0..2. - 3.::L . .;2 () o~ -33 , ' was published in said newspaper on the following dates, to-wit: 4~ IJ' ( . , 2002, and , 2002. Zl&: Subscribed and sworn to before me this the 3 -,-,( to certify which witness my hand and seal of office. day of tJ--t.+- , 2002, PATTI J. BAKER Notary Public State of Texas My Comm. Elql. 07-31-05 Notary Public in and for The State of Texas My Comnlission Expires 7-31- (}j