06-23-2022 (Historic Review) Agenda Packet Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting June 23,2022—6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION&PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon,the approval of April 28,2022 Meeting Minutes. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, located at 108 E. Marble Street within the Downtown Historic District. 2. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 100 S. Cottonbelt St. within the Downtown Historic District. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss Special Projects. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on June 17,2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall, 300 Country Club Road, Building 100, Wylie, Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Page 11 1 Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code§ 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071 —Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. Page 12 2 06/23/2022 Item A. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: A Prepared By: Mary Bradley Subject Consider, and act upon, Minutes from the April 28, 2022 Regular Meeting. Recommendation Motion to approve as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. 3 06/23/2022 Item A. Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting April 28,2022—6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Chair Joe Chandler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Commissioners present: Chair Joe Chandler,Vice Chair Sandra Stone, Commissioner Krisleigh Hoermann, Commissioner Kali Patton, Commissioners Allison Stowe. Commissioners absent: Commissioner Melissa Kenfield, and Commissioner Frank Besadesky. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Stone gave the Invocation and Chair Chandler led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one approached the Commissioners for Non-Agenda Items. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the Minutes from March 24, 2022 Regular Meeting. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Hoermann, and seconded by Commissioner Patton to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and carried 5—0. WORK SESSION WS 1. Discuss and Review the Landmark Designation process. Staff Presentation Assistant City Manager 011ie addressed the Commissioners stating that Staff is asking for direction and suggestion on the Landmark Application, as well as the revisions for the Landmark Ordinance. Commissioners discussed the Landmark Ordinance Section 58.22 regarding if a property owner consents to the designation and submits an application, as well as if a property owner does not consent to the designation. Staff responded that when the ordinance is presented to City Council,the determination of whether the Historic Review Commission will decide upon the designation or if the City Council will make the final determination. In addition, if a property owner does not consent for a designation, the history of the property would need to be significant Page 11 4 06/23/2022 Item A. before steps made to require the property owner to have a designation. Staff may add a paragraph within the ordinance to state significant alterations to a property/structure may cause the Landmark designation to be revoked. Vice Chair Stone questioned the incentives. Staff responded stated that we would possibly start with a plaque. Incentives may change in five to ten years to preserve the history of Wylie.The Commissioners discussed the design of the plaque. Once the Landmark Ordinance is adopted by City Council, the Commissioners will go forward on discussing the design of the plaque and reaching out property owners desiring to have a plaque. The Commissioners reviewed the Historic Building Marker Application and directed Staff to add Name of Organization under Owner Information; and add property/structure throughout the application. Vice Chair Stone asked about Committees. Staff responded that the type of Committee, and the purpose would be determined by the Commissioners,then taken to the City Council for approval by ordinance. Staff stated that Arcadia Publishing contacted the City of Wylie and they are interested in publishing a pictorial history of Wylie. Staff will work on the agreement with the Publishing Company which must be approved by Council. If the book is accepted and published, staff will budget funds for purchasing initial copies for resale. The Commissioner does not have authority to obligate the City for funds/expenditures. The Commissioners directed Staff to forward the link for the Arcadia Publishing for information and review. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Chair Chandler reconvened the meeting into Regular Session. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Vice Chair Stone,and seconded by Commissioner Stowe to adjourn the meeting at 6:41PM. A vote was taken and carried 5 —0. Joe Chandler, Chair ATTEST Mary Bradley, Secretary Page 12 5 06/23/2022 Item 1. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: 1 Prepared By: Renae'011ie Subject Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance No. 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, located at 108 E. Marble Street within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented Discussion Owner: Brian Tobias Applicant: MLD Custom Homes The property owner proposes to enclose the existing overhead drive-thru area to allow for additional office space.New exterior materials will be stucco, color and texture to match the existing smooth texture surfaces. Existing roof will remain. New storefront window systems will be installed on the north and south facades. The proposed plan adds approximately 1,130 sq. ft. According to Collin County Appraisal District,the main structure was built in 1975. 6 06/23/2022 Item 1. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW Date: NOTICE TO APPLICANT I Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. 4 All presentation material must be received by Staff on the Monday the week prior to the meeting. This will be case for Historic Review Commission and City Council. APPLICANT INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email Address: Fax: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Name: Phone: Mailing Address: Email Address: Fax: PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business (if applicable): Current or intended use of the building: Address of Project: (The below information (Lot, Block, Subdivision, and Frontage) can be obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the property: http://collincad.org or http://dallascad.org or http://rockwallcad.org If you do not have access to the Internet or cannot locate this information on the website, contact the Planning Department at (972)516-6320 for assistance. Lot , Block , Subdivision Current Zoning: Which District is the property located within? ❑ Downtown Historic District ❑ South Ballard Overlay District 0 Other 06/23/2022 Item 1. SCOPE OF WORK o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and/or repairs (attach additional sheets if necessary): Are you painting an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Color Name Sample Attached Ex. Window and door frames SW Autumn Hue (No. 7665) YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Are you replacing an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Material Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex. Window frame Wood Vinyl YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO o New Construction Are you replacing an existing structure? YES NO If YES, complete"Demolition"below. o Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? 8 06/23/2022 Item 1. Explain why the property is being demolished as opposed to restored or renovated for adaptive reuse: What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? o Sign Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions: Total Square Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES, what is the method of lighting? Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES, what is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? What is the proposed height of the fence? Are you replacing an existing fence? YES NO If YES, what is the current fence material? Have you submitted an application for a Fence Peimit to the Building Inspections? YES NO Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): 9 06/23/2022 Item 1. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: o Current photographs of the property o If available, historic photographs of the property o Site Plan indicating the following: o Dimensions of the lot on which the building will be located, including setbacks (check official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) o Location and width of all easements (check official plat records) • Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings, parking areas, and existing signs (if any) • Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction o Sample board of materials and colors to be used o Site Plan Fee $250.00 - Check/Card/Cash(Check made payable to City of Wylie) Intended start and finish dates: Start Finish I have carefully read the complete application and know the same is true and correct. I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application, and I agree to comply with all provisions of the City ordinances, State laws, and all property restrictions, whether herein specified or not. X (Owner or Authorized Agent) RETURN TO: City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road, Building 100 Wylie, Texas 75098 (972) 516-6320 06/23/2022 Item 1. DESCRIPTION , STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF COLLIN 4 BEINGall that tract f and i theCity f Wylie, i County, t xc , out >u 1 Q CO of the s.9 Shelby Survey, A S P d g all Lot d the South 1 < h t -f Lot 23 f e Brown and b Addition deg. `> t e,( X V. 57 Page 62 f the r'lot Records _.f Collin County. .lianas, and cr >w w being rt'e described follows; BEGINNING t 2 h steel d found t the intersection t the North (ttI LLI > ,".- >, ❑re f VC Marble Street with the Fast /n of N. l ck_on Avenue, same 7 CC CC' ,^�' ce being the Southwest corner of said Lot 22; >8 CC ; 0 0 Z _ _ THENCE North 00 de .es 00 minutes 00 secondsEast (Pealing Pa s), `. CO LI 90.00 feet Mono the E t line f d N l skso Avenue to c 7/2 inch "'^�'• CO >8 0 steel rod found for .r, from which a 8 inch steel rod found at the ® : C01 0 I— N orthwesf corner of sold Lot e3 bears North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 Z [ P In 5 g seconds C t 0 c00 feet forthe d from which a 3 3 inchsteel I ---4 rod found the Northwest cornetLot 6 tears North 00 i co 00 co m tee 00 ands Lost, 210.00 t f witness; THENCE South_ 89 degrees -I.5 minutes 2 second. East, ; s_00 feet to a Cr point r c tr Wes tine or a 20 t t.y from which a t .2 inchsteel rod found t North 3/ rt qre.o_. 03 minutes Siseconds West, ,• o-o 0.5. t et for witness; ' - THENCE South 00 degrees `0 t es 00 seconds East. 90,00 eel' along: '7.25d At'RkS tJ West f alley t t inch steel d found t the • e � ` ( intersection f theNorth 7 f W. Marble Street with the West line of m __ _ _ said ;r0 foot alley, same. being the Southeast corr , pre ..a,cf Lot 22, .. im m THENCE North 89 degrees 13 minutes 32 seconds West, 125.00 feet along E m - st said line of W. Marble 5'treet ;to The POINT CIF BEGINNING, co 0,258 to acres of land. io Nn - o N !m s a c v c6 F± 4 p L o C mcT _C U "OIN7 tit r < u� .z in l3f1_INN,Nv^ - -- 6 -- a. +-+ _ 0' 70' 40' 60' 80' i 0 mr of CO 4 � ridb.'> m y_ Nit CZice o - ro(z, I o o of o Q CE O p o m t -- - --- IF- Note: Bearings based on recorded plat(Vol. 31, Pg. 362). v Note: Verify exact location of underground utilities prior to construction. ,�.._..............._................._. ',. Note: All 5/8 inch steel rods set have red plastic cap stamped "Boundary Solutions" c 0 0 in , it, s _ Farmers Electric fz visage Cooperative, inc. ;ro .� ni_ , ,>r 'a co vt o cv G.F. ... n TP <l/s-4na! Address: 108 oa 29 Marble .- MAi EWB SR 1 rt cas Q C r00 `sSUR-c� Drawn by: mjb 0 B.S.l.Job# 1012-003 'O _.1.1.._...'. 06/23/2022 Item 1. u PROJECT: AMERICAN ENTITLEMENTS ,, u REMODEL ,,,,, o< ,,,, a 108 E. MARBLE STREET M WYLIE, TX 75098 � � ' BUILDER: MLD CUSTOM HOMES ,, LANDON DAY IT 1 31 STEEL ROAD, WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 Q � w0s y W,_p F < U<o DESIGNER: GUSTAVSON & ASSOCIATES LLC SHEET LIST: W Q W T-1 TITLE SHEET a 113 Lantana Lane A-1 AS BUILT FLOOR PLAN z Wylie, TX 75098 Phone: (21 4) 675 3172 A-2 REMODEL FLOOR PLAN o Email: Allen©GusTX.com A-3 REMODEL REFLECTED CEILING v HI A-4 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS : � ,a" W M � g y.. hat " ,r,w as jl rt4,, i .,... � � ..� :Ts,. 1 rv�S rx1 dy . dm"wai t J �. .. � oenrw a. , «.w 3 AEC ,mo SI 4 AEC T-1. 12 \\ 333 333 33 \\lam 1,3 \\lam 1,3 \\\.\\lam 1,331 3333 3 3 31 333 3 3 31 333 3 3 31 333 3333 \\ 3333 \\lam 1,33 \\lam 1,33 \\lam 1\ll L 0 y Gf W G9 i I K N y O O 0 O Cf Afl ® ®W C 9 D is.ts\,st N '� . _ _19 SHEET NAME eui�oFR PROJECT ors..c��irR GUSTAVSON&ASSOCIATES LLC >E AS-BUILT FLOOR PLAN MLD CUSTOM HOMES AMERICANCD ENTITLEMENTS Wyke, IX 75098 -�' 31 STEEL ROAD ADDITION Phone 2'4-675 s,72 VYLIE, TEXAS 108 1N Marble St Wybe, TX 75098 E AIeneGus-xcom `i 06/23/2022 Item 1. U Ui w I— V 0 � /..... ......... ......... ........ H�ouEH�o�q ......... ........ ......... ......./ ¢ N / ,as / ao / o'S <3 ,L-oP 24_ — 'r O — ♦ "� Pox,s+re .:: xw ,s,a aQ3. 97 Ind 12® ,r f rr) OPEN CALL CENTER AREA - -e V ®o-4 / ' -- ass _ /.i._/2,./ Z ♦ Z5Z EXISTING BUILDING VC-R �c-a s -g. J ♦ r. ��I—z 4n a ♦ � . 0 `LZ0P, db. d: M1's ,b1 � iii , ,,I, C!I _ ♦ _ 0 I o (COMM..SHALL VU21,CXIS11110 DI...) w Z 0_ ♦ ♦ cL 0 ..._LEGEND ......... ................................ 0 0 THERMOS:, ADDITION FLOOR PLAN LL h� FIRE Al RRM-EMERGENCY PMRs WI ELECTRICAL LAYOUTLLI 0 Vc-s C E R R IK.AC az 0 g ,oGGLE..WITCH SQUARE FOOTAGE ,w Z .. „0 You oC,LL,w/use CALCULATIONS 3, CZ r rs - roof - - cm. �R TON SO.,RRaoR w Poawa coca r,s °` ,ate MuoN,eo:XI LED. 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'�';r^,.�.WrV„�;.:� ...' ,,,�I'�t�,"��� "„ .�u n� tn�' � image ec� 7ur�,heb�a�?.t ..�"Z'�Ca. li kdrl�l,.tats arms Fi a, e ita ctrlern 17 06/23/2022 Item 2. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: 2 Prepared By: Renae'011ie Subject Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 100 S. Cottonbelt St. within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented Discussion Owner: Rick and Helen Pearce Applicant:Arnulfo Perez The property owner proposes to demolish an existing residential dwelling that has undergone significant modifications from its original construction. Section 6.3.E.3. of the City's Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria for demolition as follows: Demolition of a structure will NOT be allowed if any of the items below are met: 1.A structure is of architectural or historical interest and/or value or its removal would be detrimental to the public interest, or 2. The building contributes significantly to the character of the historic district and demolition would create a detrimental view or adversely affect the existing buildings on the block, or 3.A structure is contributing or unusual or uncommon design and materials and it could not be reproduced without great difficulty and/or expense, or 4. If its proposed replacement would not make a positive visual contribution,would disrupt the character or be visually incompatible within the historic district. Demolition of a structure MAY be allowed if any of the following criteria is met: 1. The building has lost its architectural and historical integrity and importance and its removal will not result in a negative, less appropriate visual effect on the historic district, or 2. The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and importance of the historic district(e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district. The Engineer's report gives a lot of technical and structural detail of its findings. The home was a stick built,pier and beam foundation, one story, single-family residence with vinyl siding. The foundation piers were a mix of concrete masonry unit pads and blocks and wooden posts. The entire subfloor has been removed. The house is leaning to the north and supported with 4x4 posts staked to the ground. Several interior and exterior walls are not square or plumb and are not fully resting on the foundation. The existing framing members appear to be from the original construction of the home according to the report. However, the roof structure was missing a ridge board, purlin bracing and collar ties. A room has been added in the 18 06/23/2022 Item 2. attic area. It was the opinion of the engineer that the wall and ceiling framing is not adequate to support the room addition. The Foundation report provided the following: Drywall cracks, window separations, frieze board separations, damaged joist, damaged beam, ponding, and a wet understructure were observed. It was determined that the structure has experienced seasonal foundation movement over the life of the structure,resulting in differential movement of the block and base foundation. Per Collin County Appraisal District records, the house was built in 1960. The houses immediately to the south along Cottonbelt all the way to Elliot are newer brick construction homes. Although the Engineer's report states that considering the age and condition of the structure, the house could be remodeled/restored. It is staff's opinion that it would come at a significant cost to the property owner. As stated in the criteria, The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and importance of the historic district (e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district staff believes that its removal would not be detrimental to the public interest. If approved for demolition, the applicant will submit new plans for HRC review to rebuild from ground up a new residential dwelling that meets the current design standards of the Downtown Historic District. 19 06/23/2022 Item 2. Page Two Inspection Services CONSULTING ENGINEERS, STRUCTURAL,MECHANICAL 315 Farrar Road, Waxahachie, Texas, 75165 Tel: (972)268-4140 Fax: (972)935-0184 Structural Framing Inspection April 29,2022 Mr.Justice Perez Tel:214-586-1482 Email: arnulfoperez7@gmail.com Structural Evaluation Inspection: Re: Structural framing inspection of house at 100 South Cottonbelt Avenue,Wylie,Texas 75098. Per your request, my representatives or I have visited the referenced property to conduct a structural framing inspection of the home mentioned above.The following are my on-site observations: This home was a stick built,pier and beam foundation,one story,single-family residence with vinyl siding. The foundation piers were a mix of concrete masonry unit pads and blocks and wooden posts where visible.The entire sub-floor had been removed. The floor joists were 2"X 6"nominal lumber spaced at 26"—27"on center. The foundation structure was excluded from this report at the request of the owner/contractor. Interior wall coverings had not been removed except in isolated areas at the west and north sides of the home. The homes exterior wall studs,ceiling joists and roof rafters were constructed of 2" X 4"wood framing.All of these structural components were spaced at 24"on center where visible. Some remodeling of the interior was observed with a portion of one interior load bearing wall removed. The house was leaning to the north and was supported with 4"X 4"posts staked to the ground and attached to the upper portion of the northern wall. Several interior and exterior walls were not square or plumb and these walls were not fully resting on the foundation in several locations. It is my opinion that the structure slanting was partially caused by the extent of foundation repair and load bearing wall removal. Considering the age and condition of the structure; it is my professional opinion that the house can be remodeled/restored. The existing structure can be restored and brought up to the intent of current code requirements by adding additional 2"X 4"wall studs to provide the minimum of 16"on center requirements or add blocking where spacing exceeds 16"on center at all locations. Blocking inside walls shall be placed at the lower and upper on third of the wall.Wind shear requirements can be added and are recommended. Upon inspection of the attic framing,the existing framing members appear to be from the original construction of the home. The original roof structure was missing a ridge board,purlin bracing and collar ties. An attic access opening was present with a minimum 22"X 30"clear opening.At the top of this attic ladder a room had been built in the attic over a 132 square foot area.The ceiling area below this room addition was sagging. It is my opinion that the wall and ceiling framing was not adequate to support the room addition initially. Removal of a load bearing wall below this room addition will only increase the sagging. In my professional opinion,this is a potential structural safety hazard. I recommend removing the attic room addition. Page 1 of 2 20 06/23/2022 Item 2. The materials used during the original construction of the home were assumed to be acceptable at the time. However,the materials are undersized for today's standards. It is recommended that the roof structure shall be altered by adding a properly sized 2" X 6"or larger ridge board. Rafters shall be blocked every three feet with 2"X 4"nominal lumber.The ceiling joists shall be blocked with 2"X 4"nominal lumber every three feet.Purlin bracing and collar ties should be added where required. Permitting,zoning,etc. is the responsibility of the homeowner/contractor. The contractor is responsible for the means and methods of installation.All work to meet or exceed the intent of the 2018 IRC Building Codes. I am pleased to perform this inspection for you. Should you need further assistance in this matter, please do not hesitate to call. Disclaimer: This inspection consisted of visual observations only. The porch is excluded from this inspection.The inspection excluded the electrical,mechanical, architectural,termites,wood destroying insects, dry-rotting wood,driveway, sidewalk,back patio,wood deck,and all detached structures.No performance warranty of any kind is expressed or implied. Due to the soil type in the area,the foundation may experience some movement/settlement in the future.The home is in a condition along with the wear and tear is consistent with one of its age and one that can be repaired and renovated. If the local,city,county, state, federal,or any applicable code is more stringent than this report and sketch,then the code requirement overrules and takes precedent. Limit of liability shall be the fee paid for this report. Sincerely, 5 P� F rE �111 d°4 4111)ee LEA CHARi.ES PAGE,JR. Lee Charles Page, P.E.1161555 j 61555 Or i Page Two Inspection Services#F-20584 l ..�� 1k,* `O NAB z?~ Page 2 of 2 21 06/23/2022 Item 2. * e SST • 1<iG 1> ; (8( >; .(t 398 Dallas t. ()id' (10) i.1 I 5.7(591 '.Ct id.tttimii(iiiL,.c' nz STRUCTURAL ENENTEERING„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION @N'RECTION" Date: April 25,2022 Attention: Arnulfo Perez (via arnulfoperez7 @ gmail.com) Subject: Pre-Repair Foundation Repair Evaluation Block and base Foundation 100 South Cottonbelt Avenue,Wylie, TX Good Afternoon: Crosstown Engineering (CE) was retained to inspect the subject foundation and to provide an opinion regarding the performance of the foundation. This report provides our reasonable professional opinion of the condition of the foundation on the date of our inspection and does not take into consideration any changes in the condition of the foundation or soils after that date. The contents of this report supersede any verbal comments made regarding the structure before,during or after the inspection and this report was prepared for exclusive use of the person or persons this report was prepared for and we do not have any obligation or contractual relationship to any other party other than the party this report was prepared for. Observations for compliance with any code or specification other than those explicitly stated are not included. Scope of Work: The subject foundation was visually inspected in areas that were accessible at the time of the inspection. The opinions provided within this report are based on the experience and judgment of the inspector and the information provided at the time of the inspection. This report also gives engineering advice with regard to the best and most economical repair method assuming normally expected subsurface conditions and conventional construction methods. It is known to all educated engineers with knowledge of the active soil supporting the structure that a full repair plan would include the underpinning of the entire structure and is not economically feasible due to the cost vs.benefit and the risk of resulting damages. Scope of Work Limitations: This report is for informational purposes only and is not intended to provide a detailed inventory of defects or a technical evaluation of the structure,drainage system or the overall property. The inspection excludes plumbing tests or procedures, verification of previous foundation repairs,framed superstructure, detached buildings, privacy or re- taining walls, general site drainage away from the structure, material and soil sampling/testing, and verification of concrete reinforcement or knowledge of the location of interior grade beams, boxed structural members not in plain sight or previous repair work. The client or individual ordering this report agree that Crosstown Engineering is not responsible for knowledge of the subsurface conditions without extensive geotechnical investigation including on-site drilling or testing of samples. 1 of 7 22 06/23/2022 Item 2. * e SST • 1<iG 1> ; (8( >; .(t 398 Dallas t. ()id' (10) i.1 I 5.7(591 vm5'.Ct id.tttimii( STRUCTURAL ENEDIEFRING„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION INSPECTION The future performance of this foundation cannot be predicted due to variables out of the control of the inspector. Therefore, this report does not predict or warrant the future performance of the subject foundation and the reader is encouraged to read the entire report. Document Review: Documents were not provided for review. If existing piers are shown in the limited repair plan,their locations were provided by the client and are approximated. We do not certify their performance or existence. If the reader would like to verify their presence,they must contact the owner or contractor to obtain an engineering certificate for them. General Observation: For the purposes of this report directions will be described using the terms left, right, front, and back with the front referring to the side of the structure indicated on the limited repair plan. The structure is one story tall with a block and base foundation. The primary structural system of the structure is a wood framed system with exterior wood siding and interior drywall with various finishes. The foundation was ex- posed during our inspection. Grading, Drainage, Erosion and Vegetation Observations: The terrain immediately surrounding the structure was visually observed during the inspection. We observed the following: • The gutter system is inadequate and needs improvement. • The drainage system is inadequate and needs improvement. • The terrain is landscaped with grass, several trees, and some shrubbery. Some trees and/or shrubs are close to the foundation. Visual Observations: Drywall cracks, window separations, frieze board separations, damaged joist, damaged beam, ponding, and a wet understructure were observed.Based on our observations of the structure,the structure's physical damage and review of the map, we believe the structure has experienced seasonal foundation movement over the life of the structure, resulting in differential movement of the block and base foundation. 2 of 7 23 06/23/2022 Item 2. * e SST • 1<iG 1> ; (8( >; .(t 398 Dallas t. ()id' (10) i.1 I 5.7(591 '.Ct id.tttimii( STRUCTURAL ENENTEERIMG„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION @N'RECTION" Foundation Repair Recommendations: We recommend performing the following in the approximate locations of the structure as indicated on the limited repair plan: • Obtaining a framing inspection prior to any repairs. • Installing a full guttering system with downspout extensions. • Regrading the perimeter of the structure to pitch water away from the foundation. • Using fans to dry the crawlspace area after the perimeter is regraded. • Installing 300 LF of beam. • Adding a single 2x6 to existing 2(2x6)beams to make triple. • Installing 1,152 LF of joists at 15"spacing so they run on top of beams cohesively from one end to the other. • Installing 156 LF of rim joist. • Resetting/re-shimming the entire block and base portion of the foundation with steel to improve leveling. The purpose of the installation is to provide support and mitigate downward movement in the areas of the installation. Please see the limited repair plan for more information. Maintenance Opportunities: We recommend pre-lift and post-lift plumbing tests be performed on the sewer and potable plumbing lines. The results of the tests should be immediately provided to our office. Maintaining a fully functioning gutter system will minimize ponding, soil loss and erosion, and will help control seasonal movement near the foundation. The gutter system should direct storm-water discharge away from the foun- dation through downspouts to a well-drained area that is graded away from the foundation. Optimally, we recom- mend the gutter system discharge via in-ground solid pipe to a low-lying area far away from the foundation. Vegetation maintenance and a foundation and yard-watering program will also help control seasonal movement. Maintaining consistent moisture levels in supporting soils at all times of the year is necessary. It is important that the soils be stabilized and maintained with grass or ground cover around the perimeter of the structure to prevent erosion and an exposed or improperly embedded foundation. Large to medium-sized trees, and even large or numerous shrubs, growing too close to a foundation can dramatically effect the moisture content of the soils within the zone of influence beneath the structure. Root systems extract large quantities of water from underlying soils and result in large volumetric changes in the soils (shrinkage). As the tree absorbs water from the soil and the soil volume de- creases, the foundation will settle in unsupported. If problematic roots are observed, we recommend removal or installation of tree root barriers. Grading of the soils around the foundation is a critical element to your foundations health. Sloping the soils away from the home and preventing water from ponding near the foundation is needed to prevent soil"heave". If ponding is noticed near the foundation during the rainy season,consult with an engineer or a drainage contractor immediately. Over-saturated soils can cause"heave" or settlement and contribute to foundation movement. The purpose of the pier installations and block and base work is to support the structure properly and improve eleva- tions in areas of differential settlement. It is understood that structures of this age and type will not be completely level. Any wood shims and inappropriate wood pad/block elements shall be replaced with steel shims and the appro- priate concrete pad and blocks. All deteriorated,rotted,cracked or twisted wood beams,joists, subfloor or sill plates shall be removed and replaced. The contractor shall sister beams and joists as appropriate where spans are greater than 7 feet. Additional pads and blocks are recommended for beam spans greater than 7 feet between existing 3 of 7 24 06/23/2022 Item 2. C ' eSST , WN 1<iG 1> ; (8( >; .(t 398 Dallas t. ()id' (10) i.1 I 5.7(591 vm5'.Ct id.tttimii( STRUCTURAL ENENTEERING„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION INSPECTION pad/blocks. Although Crosstown was able to visually identify the majority of the wood members, it should be un- derstood that some areas of the crawlspace were difficult to access for a visual inspection and deteriorated wood is not easily identified upon visual observation. As a result,the contractor may identify additional wood members that need replacement. This report identifies the minimum foundation repairs necessary. Please see the repair plan for more information. Expectations of the Limited Foundation Repairs: The proposed limited repair plan is intended to provide a reasonable repair to improve the performance of the foun- dation and is not intended to level the foundation. The contractor shall determine the amount of elevation correction needed based on the reaction of the structure during the lift in order to minimize damages and additional stress. Because the structure has endured foundation movement and framing distress, residual differential elevation and perceptible floor slope or some leaning door frames/windows,other re-occurring damages,and noticeable issues may remain following the foundation repairs. The soils beneath and surrounding the structure are known to shrink and swell as the seasonal soil moisture content fluctuates. Moving forward, we anticipate that some cracks in the interior and exterior walls will surface due to seasonal movement within the soils, even after foundation repair. Periodic repair of this type of cracking may be needed. 4 of 7 25 06/23/2022 Item 2. * e SST 1<iG 1> ; (8( >; .(t 398 Dallas t. ()id' (10) i.1 I 57(591 vm5'.Ct id.tttimii(iiiL,.c' nz STRUCTURAL ENEDIEFRING„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION INSPECTION Disclaimer: The fees collected are for this report and inspection only and do not include additional services. Additional engineer- ing services such as construction compliance inspections or post-repair inspections are available at an additional cost. A request for a construction compliance inspection must be made in a timely manner before commencement of repair work. Otherwise, we accept no responsibility for the proper execution of the repairs. Crosstown Engineering will only perform the post-repair inspection if the proper paperwork is provided at the time of the request. The paperwork should include the type of piling installed,the piling installation depth,the final pressure and the final scope of work. If the scope of work is to be altered by the contractor, we must be notified prior to installation. It is known to educated professional engineers that the soils in this area are subject to movement due to expansion, contraction or densification of the soils, etc. This soil movement could possibly cause the foundation to move after the remediation plan has been implemented and may impact the stability of the foundation and cause damage. We do not warrant the future performance of the subject foundation and the reader is urged to review this entire report. The limit of liability is limited to the fee paid for this opinion. No further agreement shall be made, altered, or varied except by written instrument. Diligent foundation care to maintain consistent soil conditions along the perimeter should reduce further problems after the recommendations within this report have been implemented. However, seasonal moisture variations, water leaks, erosion and other factors may affect the stability of the founda- tion and put it in danger of further damage. Neither Crosstown Engineering,its sub-contractors, nor Adam Green,P.E., are responsible for liability to the owner or others for acts or omissions of the contractor to carry out the repairs in accordance with their agreement or for the construction means,methods,techniques, sequences,procedures or the safety precautions incident thereto. The con- tractor is solely responsible for the warranty of the work performed in accordance with their agreement. Please see the pier specifications (if provided) and limited repair plan for more information. w..w•a4�yt Sincerely, o r ‘w Crosstown Land Development Services Texas Engineering Firm(F-15944) i ;..... tit 116597 :' ,`��° Adam Green,P.E.,MBA + r teENs, ONAV Professional Engineer(TX#116597) 4/25/22 ` '` 5 of 7 26 06/23/2022 Item 2. C ' eSST , WN 1 amp: (8(>) 808 398 Dallas 18, ((id' (16()) .1 5/(591 t .(ft)81c8 STRUCTURAL ENENTEERIMG„HOME&FOUNDATION ATION @N'RECTION" DISCLOSURE&DISCLAIMER It is known to knowledgeable professional engineers that the soils in this area are subject to movement due to expansion, con- traction or densification of the soils etc. This soil movement could possibly cause the foundation to move after the remediation plan within the attached report has been implemented and may impact the stability of the foundation and cause damage. NO WARRANTY IS EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED BY THIS ENGINEER AS TO THE PERFORMANCE OF THIS FOUNDA- TION OR THE REPAIRS THERETO. Diligent foundation maintenance to maintain consistent soil conditions along the perim- eter should reduce further problems after the recommendations within this report have been implemented. However, seasonal moisture variations,water leaks,erosion and other factors may affect the stability of the foundation and put it in danger of further damage. REPORT LIMITATIONS This report is written for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a detailed technical evaluation of the property or an inventory of defects. The opinions expressed in this report are based on a visual evaluation of current conditions observed at the time of the inspection. THERE IS NO WARRANTY,EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED,CONCERNING THIS ENGINEERING REPORT. The information in this report supersedes any verbal comments, expressed or implied, made by Crosstown Land Development Services or its principals,agents or employees. The client agrees that neither CLDS nor its employees or owners will be respon- sible for: 1.Knowledge of the subsurface conditions without extensive geotechnical data obtained from onsite drilling and testing of the recovered samples, 2.Knowledge of cracks,vertical differential displacement of floors without uncovering of the floor by the client;and 3.Any other element such as joists or beams and other structural members that is boxed or otherwise not readily available to CE for viewing,and releases CE from any liability attributable to such knowledge or conditions. Any prescribed repair or maintenance plan detailed by this report is based on observations of apparent performance of the facility at the time of this structural survey. Compliance with any code or specification other than as expressly noted is specifically excluded. The provided Floor Map and resulting recommendations are based on conditions as they now exist and DOES NOT IMPLY OR WARRANT THAT OTHER PROBLEMS AND OR AREAS MAY NOT MANIFEST IN THE FUTURE. This report was prepared expressly for the client and expressly for the purposes indicated by the client. Permission for use by any other person for any purpose,or by the client for different purpose is denied unless otherwise stated in writing by CE. CE SHALL HAVE NO LIABILITY FOR ACTS OR OMISSIONS BY THE CONTRACTOR OR HIS SUBCONTRACTORS PERFORMING WORK ON THIS PROJECT, OR THE FAILURE OF THE CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM THE WORK IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REPAIR PLAN. CE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METH- ODS,TECHNIQUES, SEQUENCE OR PROCEDURES OR THE PRECAUTIONS INCIDENTAL THERETO. CE expressly DISCLAIMS ANY WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE and the client expressly dis- claims that it has contracted for or received any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose with respect to this report. THE REPORT UNDER THIS AGREEMENT IS THE OPINION OF CE AND THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES THAT EXTEND BEYOND THE DESCRIPTION ON THE FACE OF THIS AGREEMENT. 6 of 7 27 06/23/2022 Item 2. CONSTRUCTION NOTE: IF INTERIOR PILING LOCATIONS ARE SHOWN ON THIS MAP THEY ARE APPROXIMATED AND ARE LOCATED WITHOUT KNOWLEDGE OF THE LOCATIONS OF THE INTERIOR GRADE BEAMS.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE FIELD JUDGEMENTS BASED OFF OF THEIR GRADE BEAM INVESTIGATIONS AND OBSERVED SLAB QUALITIES TO FIELD LOCATE THE FINAL INTERIOR PIER LOCATIONS. FINAL SCOPE CHANGES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. ADD SINGLE PLEASE NOTE:IF EXISTING PILINGS ARE SHOWN ON THIS 2X6 TO MAP,THEIR LOCATION WAS PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT MAKE AND IS APPROXIMATE. CE DOES NOT CERTIFY THEIR TRIPLE PERFORMANCE OR EXISTENCE. IF THE READER WOULD LIKE TO DETERMINE IF THEY ARE ACTUALLY PRESENT, THEY MUST CONTACT THE OWNER OR CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN AN ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE FOR THEM. Z 0 UO U CL CC 14 PORCH FRONT • OBTAIN A FRAMING INSPECTION PRIOR TO ANY REPAIRS. • INSTALL A FULL GUTTERING SYSTEM WITH DOWNSPOUT EXTENSIONS. • REGRADE THE PERIMETER OF THE STRUCTURE TO PITCH WATER AWAY FROM THE FOUNDATION. • USE FANS TO DRY THE CRAWLSPACE AREA AFTER THE PERIMETER IS REGRADED. • INSTALL 300 LF OF BEAM. • ADD A SINGLE 2X6',TO EXISTING 2(2X6)BEAMS TO MAKE TRIPLE. • INSTALL 1,152 LF OF JOISTS AT 15"SPACING SO THEY RUN ON TOP OF BEAMS COHESIVELY FROM ONE END TO THE OTHER. • INSTALL 156 LF OF RIM JOIST. • RESET/RE-SHIM THE ENTIRE BLOCK AND BASE PORTION OF THE FOUNDATION WITH STEEL TO IMPROVE LEVELING. LIMITED REPAIR PLAN "NOT TO SCALE-ALL LOCATIONS APPROXIMATE* ® S-P� ®F Ts®R�', PRE-LIFT ELEVATIONS BY CE( ) 0.0 POST-LIFT ELEVATIONS BY CE( ) (X.X) 1 r/ �,® LEGEND / .......................:.......0 A.GIN ELEVATION BASEPOINT ® PROPOSED PAD/BLOCK EXISTING PIER 4.4;',.., 116597 /ter PROPOSED BEAM EXISTING PAD/BLOCK O PROPOSED BREAKOUT PIER 4 25 22 es®•c <®�ENs ...44:® EXISTING BEAM PROPOSED PIER EXISTING BREAKOUT PIER �®NS®®N�� CROSSTOWN ENGINEERING II • • TBPE FIRM F-15944 -WWW.CROSSTOWNENGINEERING.COM (469)-751-7694 - DALLAS METROPLEX ENGINEERING 1 FOUNDATION PAIR 100 SOUTH COTTONBELT AVENUE, WYLIE, TX I 28 06/23/2022 Item 2., 04- • . '.N.Z...„."40,,,, -''_,:z.i,_., '' * • 4,4,4 4,-4' ; of .........",.... .---.1eteM • --.,.. .1...-..t-","-;gf,-nit,-' -!"'" , ....-,..«,...-„,,,,,,, - „- - ., ''..--.4-:;"el.' :"'''''P-.''''''--''' ---viii ".'",. g , ;4'. 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