05-09-2022 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes 1AI
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes INMay 9,2022—6:30 pm
Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie, Texas 75098 C I N OF
Board Chair Joni Robinson called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board Co-Chair Gloria Suarez,Board Member Brian Willeford,Board Member Craig
Allen, and Board Member Kim Mullis. Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Kevin Stewart were
Staff present included: Parks Manager Brent Stowers, Recreation Manager Carmen Powlen, and Parks and
Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of the April 13,2022, regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Co-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Mullis, to approve the April 13,
2022, regular Parks and Recreation Board minutes. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0 with Board
Member Swendig and Board Member Stewart absent.
WS1. Project Updates.
Staff Comments on Parks and Recreation Management Changes:
Parks Manager Brent Stowers addressed the Board with updates on the recent management changes following the
retirement of Parks and Recreation Director Robert Diaz; a decision has not been made on the replacement for the
open position, nor has direction been given on changes, if any, to the organizational structure of the Parks and
Recreation Department. Mr. Stowers stated that he would continue to oversee the Parks Division, and Recreation
Manager Carmen Powlen would continue to oversee the Recreation Division. Mr. Stowers advised he is assuming
the role of the departmental staff liaison for the Parks and Recreation Board and the Cemetery Advisory Board.
Staff Comments on the Dog Park and Splash Pad Site Locations:
Mr. Stowers reviewed the project update spreadsheet with the Board. He noted that a joint work session with the
Parks and Recreation Board and City Council took place on April 26 regarding location selections for the dog park
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and two splash pad projects; in attendance was Board Co-Chair Suarez. During the joint work session, a decision
was made for the dog park to be constructed within the four-and-a-half acre Blackland Prairie Restoration area,east
of the Municipal Complex parking lot. One splash pad location will be off Brown Street in the East Meadow Trail
area, near the Prairie Crossing art piece. The second splash pad location will be at the Community Park, between
the multipurpose fields and the existing playground.Mr. Stowers informed the Board that another joint work session
with the Parks and Recreation Board and City Council would take place in mid to late summer to review schematic
designs for the dog park and splash pads. Both splash pads are expected to open for public use summer of 2023.
Mr. Stowers addressed Board Member Mullis's concern over possible parking lot limitations at the Community
Park splash pad, advising that staff is in the process of reviewing the park's current parking lot utilization and has
had discussions with the Wylie Youth Baseball Association on the subject. He stated that both splash pads are
projected to be open for public use from Memorial Day through Labor Day and will not conflict with the majority
of seasonal league play. Mr. Stowers addressed Board Co-Chair Suarez's inquiry about the ability for citizens to
park in the grass or along the streets of Community Park, advising that neither were feasible due to cable barriers
in place and the narrowness of the road.
Staff Comments on the Wylie Senior Recreation Center Improvements:
Mr. Stowers stated that on April 12, the City Council approved funding for Wylie Senior Recreation Center
improvements; $150,000 from the 4B Fund for project design and $750,000 from the General Fund for project
construction.The project's primary focus is to upgrade,in accordance with ADA guidelines,the facility's restrooms.
When questioned by Board Co-Chair Suarez if the installation of an interior safety sprinkler system remained in
consideration, Mr. Stowers advised that it was unlikely because this system is required only if the facility's square
footage increased. Mr. Stowers noted that staff is currently in the vendor selection process. Recreation Manager
Carmen Powlen advised the Board that the initial facility study was a feasibility study and not a design study. She
stated that the project's next phase would be a design study that will involve more citizen input gained with a
combination of citizen surveys and focus groups.
Board Comments on the Wylie Senior Recreation Center Improvements:
Board Co-Chair Suarez recommended the opinions of the Wylie Senior Recreation Center staff and patrons both be
sought after for input on project ideas and priorities. Board Co-Chair Suarez felt the porta-cache project
consideration would not be a practical project selection primarily because it would reduce the number of parking
spots at the facility.
Staff Comments on the Brown House Welcome Center:
Mr. Stowers stated that the ADA ramp installation is complete, and the addition of handrails is in process at the
Brown House Welcome Center. He noted that Parks Division staff will soon begin upgrading the facility's
landscaping. The center's open house took place on April 30, but hours of operation remain limited due to issues
with staffing.
Staff Comments on the Valentine Park Playground Upgrade:
Mr. Stowers commented that the Valentine park playground renovation is delayed because the materials remain on
backorder. He noted that late September is the expected delivery date for the materials.
Board Comments on the Wylie Parks and Rec Foundation:
Due to the meeting's absence of Brett Swendig,no updates were given regarding the Parks and Rec Foundation.
Board Comments on the Cemetery Advisory Board:
Board Co-Chair Suarez, a Cemetery Advisory Board Member, reviewed the May 5 meeting with the Parks and
Recreation Board. She advised that the City Attorney would soon review the final draft of the cemetery rules and
regulations. Ms. Suarez stated City staff continues to work on details for the final transition in taking over the two
cemeteries, expected in October 2022. She noted City staff has allotted funds in the fiscal year 2022/2023 budget
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to go toward the cemetery operations. Ms. Suarez advised the Cemetery Advisory Board agreed to create a
fundraising committee to raise cemetery enhancement funds.
L Board Comments on the Envision Wylie Comprehensive Plan Advisory Committee:
Board Member Mullis addressed the Board on updated information regarding the Envision Wylie Comprehensive
Plan Advisory Committee,on which she serves. She stated that the committee held a final open house event where
Wylie residents were invited to review and offer plan input. Ms. Mullis advised that the final template is complete
and will next go before the Planning and Zoning Board for review,then to City Council for final approval.
WS2.Future Agenda Items
Staff Comments:
Mr. Stowers reviewed several upcoming events: BBQ on Ballard on May 14, Memorial Day event on May 30,
Juneteenth on June 18, and Bluegrass on Ballard on June 25. He advised the Board that Julie Pannell, Recreation
Supervisor,would soon email the Board with volunteer opportunities. Mr. Stowers noted that the American Legion
would be conducting their live-fire practice in Olde City Park from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm on the three Wednesday
evenings before the Memorial Day event. Board Co-Chair Suarez expressed her appreciation to staff for their
assistance and volunteer efforts during the recent Taste of Wylie event.
Mr. Stowers stated that Parks and Recreation staffs 2022/2023 fiscal year budget recommendations include specific
equipment and one upgraded Parks Maintenance position to an Irrigation Technician. He explained the upgrade is
needed due to the addition of the two splash pads. The 2022/2023 fiscal year budget begins October 1, 2022.
Mr. Stowers advised that the 4B Fund budget has funds to update the following: amenities at Avalon Park, located
in the east zone; accessibility and shade improvements to the Municipal Complex Community Garden, located in
the west zone;and playground replacement and improvements at Birmingham Farms Park,also located in the west
A motion was made by Board Member Mullis, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to adjourn the meeting at
7:06 pm. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Swendig and Board Member Stewart
Rob' son,Board Chair
Janet Haw es,Administrative Assistant II
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May 9, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes