1962 Ordinance-Secretary of City Shall Also Act As City Treasurer ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT THE SECRETARY OF THE CITY SHALL ALSO ACT AS CITY TREASURER THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF WYLIE COLLIN COUNTY OF ON THIS, the lOth day of July, 1962, the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, convened in re~ular session, at the regular meeting place thereof, with the following members present, to -wit: ROY HALL R. D. ONSTOTT JACK PARKER JACK BOSTIC CARL D. WARD J. R. STORY MAYOR ALDERMEN and the following absent: , constituting a quorum; when, among other proceedings had, were the following: Mayor Hall introduced a proposed ordinance. The ordinance was read in full by the City Secretary. Alderman Storey made a motion that any rule requiring ordinances to be read at more than one meeting be suspended. The motion was seconded by Alderman Parker and carried by the following vote: AYES: Aldermen Onstott, Parker, Bostic, ':lard and Story NOES: None. Alderman Bostic made a motion that the ordinance be passed finally. The motion was seconded by Alderman Ward and carried by the following vote: AYES: Aldermen Onstott, Parker, Bostic, Ward and Story NOES: None The Mayor announced that the ordinance had been finally passed. CERTIFICATE OF CITY SECRETARY THE STATE OF TEXAS 1 CITY OF WYLIE COUNTY OF COLLIN I, the undersigned, City Secretary of the City of Wylie, Texas, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an ordinance providing that the Secretary of the City shall also act as City Treasurer (and Minutes pertaining to its adoption), passed and adopted by the City Council of said City on the 10th day of July, 1962, and which ordinance is recorded in Book 2 page 15 et seq., of the Minutes of said City Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and affixed the seal of said City, this the 10th day of July, 1962. (City Seal) DUTIES OF CITY SECRETARY SECTION 1. Powers and Duties. This office shall have all the powers and perform all the dut- ies prescribed to it by law. He or she shall be responsible to the City Council under the supervision of the City Manager. SECTION 2. City Treasurer. Pursuant to Article 977 Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, 1925, as amended, all of the powers and duties of the office of City Treasurer shall be exercised by the City Secretary. COrd. #63-5) SECTION 3. Accounting of Funds. It shall be the responsibility of the City Secretary to keep the official records of the revenue and expenditures of the various funds in existance or established by the City Council, and to see that they are in proper balance at the end of each month. From the records a monthly revenue and expenditure report shall be prepared for the City Council, under the dir- ection of the City Manager. Quarterly reports shall be pre- pared from the records to meet City Council needs and require- ments of state and federal laws. SECTION 4. Payrolls. It shall be the responsibilty of the City Secretary to keep proper records of the personnel of the City; To Prepare payrolls and to coordinate the personnel acctivities of the various departments of the City; To prepare quarterly reports of Social Security, federal withholding tax, unemployment compensation tax and all other reports required by Federal State or Local Laws. SECTION 5. City Council Meetings and Records. a. The City Secretary shall attend every meeting of the City Council and shall keep accurate minutes of the pro- ceedings of said Council in a book provided for that purpose. b. The City Secretary shall engross and enroll all motions and resolutions of the City Council and Ordin- ances of the City. c. The City Secretary shall attest licenses issued by the City. d. The City Secretary shall preserve and keep in order all books, papers, documents, and records of the Council, and keep a record of such books, papers, documents, and records. e. The City Secretary shall have custody of all laws and Ordinances of the City. f. The City Secretary shall have custody of the Seal of the City and shall affix the same to obligations of the City only by order of the City Council. g. The City Secretary shall perform such services and comply with such regulations as may be prescribed by Ordinance or resolution. h. The City Secretary - in order to comply with the Open-Meeting-Law - shall post in a place readily accessible to the public and 72 hours preceding such meetings, notices of the meetings of the City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Housing Board of Ap- peals, and any other Board or Commission of the City. 1. The City Secretary shall perform all other necessary duties that pertain to such office and all other dut- ies as required by the City Councilor City Manager. SECTION 6. Administrative Departments. The City Secretary shall have supervision, subordinate to that of the City Manager, over the other members of the Administra- tive Department to see that the clerical and support staff performs the duties assigned to them; To see that the public relations and courtesy of the office personnel are highly maintained; To see that notices of job openings, public hearings and ordinancies are properly published in the news- paper; To see that all accounts receivables and accounts payable are properly and timely handled by the staff; To pre- pare a list of monthly accounts payable on each fund to present to the Council for approval at the regular City Council Meet- ing each month; and to perform other duties as may be assigned by the City Manager. ~