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08-25-2022 (Historic Review) Agenda Packet
Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting August 25, 2022—6:00 PM Second Floor Conference Room-300 Country Club Road, Building#100,Wylie,Texas CITY 75098 CALL TO ORDER NOMINATE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Nominate and Motion on Chair and Vice Chair COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda.Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Ae Consider, and act upon,the approval of the June 23, 2022 Minutes REGULAR AGENDA 1, Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding construction of a new Residential structure in accordance with Ordinance Number 2022-34. Property located at 100 S. Cottonbelt St. within the Downtown Historic District. 2. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No.2022-34.Property located at 407 N Ballard within the Downtown Historic District. ADJOURNMENT CERTIFICATION I certify that this Notice of Meeting was posted on August 19, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. on the outside bulletin board at Wylie City Hall,300 Country Club Road,Building 100,Wylie,Texas, a place convenient and readily accessible to the public at all times. Stephanie Storm, City Secretary Date Notice Removed Page 11 1 The Wylie Municipal Complex is wheelchair accessible. Sign interpretation or other special assistance for disabled attendees must be requested 48 hours in advance by contacting the City Secretary's Office at 972.516.6020.Hearing impaired devices are available from the City Secretary prior to each meeting. If during the course of the meeting covered by this notice, the Commission should determine that a closed or executive meeting or session of the Commission or a consultation with the attorney for the City should be held or is required, then such closed or executive meeting or session or consultation with attorney as authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act,Texas Government Code § 551.001 et. seq.,will be held by the Commission at the date, hour and place given in this notice as the Commission may conveniently meet in such closed or executive meeting or session or consult with the attorney for the City concerning any and all subjects and for any and all purposes permitted by the Act,including,but not limited to,the following sanctions and purposes: Texas Government Code Section: § 551.071—Private consultation with an attorney for the City. § 551.073—Discussing prospective gift or donation to the City. Page 12 2 08/25/2022 Item A. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: A Prepared By: Mary Bradley Subject Consider, and act upon, Minutes from the June 23, 2022 Regular Meeting. Recommendation Motion to approve as presented. Discussion The minutes are attached for your consideration. 3 08/25/2022 Item A. Wylie Historic Review Commission Regular Meeting June 23,2022—6:00 PM Council Chambers - 300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY CALL TO ORDER Chair Joe Chandler called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM. Commissioners present: Chair Joe Chandler,Vice Chair Sandra Stone, Commissioner Melissa Kenfield, Commissioner Kali Patton, Commissioners Allison Stowe. Commissioners absent: Commissioner Krisleigh Hoermann, and Commissioner Frank Besadesky. Staff present: Deputy City Manager Renae 011ie, Planning Manager Jasen Haskins, and Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Vice Chair Stone gave the Invocation and Chair Chandler led the Pledge of Allegiance COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one approached the Commissioners for Non-Agenda Items. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, the approval of April 28, 2022 Meeting Minutes. Commissioners Action A motion was made by Commissioner Stowe, and seconded by Commissioner Patton to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and carried 5—0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding the approval for substantial renovations in accordance with Ordinance 2013-17 for the remodel of an existing commercial structure, located at 108 E. Marble Street within the Downtown Historic District. Staff Presentation Deputy City Manager 011ie addressed the Commissioners stating that the property owner desires to enclose the existing overhead drive-thru area to allow for additional office space. The existing roof will remain. The exterior materials will be stucco, color and texture to match the existing smooth texture surfaces. The proposed plan adds approximately 1,130 square feet. New storefront windows will be installed on the north and south façade. Board Discussion. Deputy City Manager 011ie stated that the applicant was not present. Commissioner Stowe questioned the parking. Commissioners questioned if the existing large tree in the middle of the drive will be moved or destroyed. Deputy Page 11 4 08/25/2022 Item A. City Manager 011ie stated that the Commissioners were not approving for construction, but rather enclosing the existing overhead drive-thru. Planning Manager Haskins addressed the Commissioners stating that the applicant will be required to submit a Site Plan due to floor area is increasing and the elevations are substantially changing. The Site Plan will then be considered by the Planning and Zoning Commission for approval. Board Action A motion was made by Chair Chandler, and seconded by Commissioner Kenfield to recommend approval of Item 1 as submitted. A vote was taken and carried 4— 1,with Commissioner Stone abstaining. 2. Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 100 S. Cottonbelt St. within the Downtown Historic District. Staff Presentation Deputy City Manager 011ie addressed the Commissioners stating that the property owner proposes to demolish an existing residential dwelling that has undergone significant modifications from its original construction. Section 6.3.E.3 of the City's Zoning Ordinance outlines criteria for demolition, one of the requirements is to provide an Engineer's report. The property is located at 100 S Cottonbelt. Deputy City Manager 011ie went over the highlights from an Engineering Report that was provided. The existing framing members appear to be from the original construction of the home according to the report. However, the roof structure was missing a ridge board,purlin bracing and collar ties. A room has been added in the attic area. It was the opinion of the engineer that the wall and ceiling framing is not adequate to support the room addition. The Foundation report provided the following: Drywall cracks, window separations, frieze board separations, damaged joist, damaged beam,ponding, and a wet understructure were observed. It was determined that the structure has experienced seasonal foundation movement over the life of the structure,resulting in differential movement of the block and base foundation. Although the Engineer's report states that considering the age and condition of the structure, the house could be remodeled/restored. It is staffs opinion that it would come at a significant cost to the property owner. As stated in. the Ordinance criteria, The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and importance of the historic district (e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district staff believes that its removal would not be detrimental to the public interest. If approved for demolition, the applicant will submit new plans for the Commissioners review to rebuild from ground up a new residential dwelling that meets the current design standards of the Downtown Historic District. Board Discussion Mr.Arnulfo Perez,Consultant for the applicant,addressed the Commissioners,stated that the foundation piers were a mix of concrete masonry unit pads and blocks and wooden posts. The entire subfloor has been removed. The house is leaning to the north and supported with 4x4 posts staked to the ground. Several interior and exterior walls are not square or plumb and are not fully resting on the foundation. Mrs. Helen Pearce, property owner, addressed the Commissioners stating that the foundation company did not receive a permit from the City, and once this was realized that they did not have a permit,the damage was already done to the home. The desire is to build an historic looking home, once demolition is complete. Board Action A motion was made by Vice Chair Stone, and seconded by Commissioner Kenfield to recommend approval for Item 2 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 5—0. WORK SESSION 1. Discuss Special Projects. Page 12 5 0812o120zz Item x. Deputy City 011ie addressed the Commissioners, stating that at the last meeting, she mentioned Arcadia Publishing interested inpublishing u pictorial history of Wylie, and another opportunity was presented that Wylie Economic Development started a book. The Wylie Ecnuuodo Development is focusing oo the business side o[the history. Staff io asking for direction instead o[just the Historic Review Commission working on the history book, but working with Wylie Uiokxiod Society and VVvUc Economic Development. Chair Chandler rcc0000xrndod u Members o[Board Members from each entity. Vice Chair Stone expressed that since there would be a fee received from the history book, that the majority of the funds 000nc to Historic Review Commission and then splitting some of the profits with the other entities. Vice Chair Stone questioned how denox are tracked. Deputy City Manager 011ie stated that when construction is done without uperood, the construction is not caught. With two Code Eoforoezncu1 Officers patrolling the entire city, catching each violation is limited. Some violations are caught when the Code Enforcement Officers receive telephone call from a concerned citizen. Vice Chair Stone expressed concern of when an item is approved by the Commission with stipulations, is there a timeline for those aUpu|uUoua being completed. Planning Manager Haskins m{uied that currently the Zoning Ordinance does not regulate aiipu|udooa such as bushes or trees being installed or completed within u specific time frame. However,upon a final inspection, the bushes or trees will be required to be installed if no one was living in the residential home. The down side is once u property owner moves in, the trees or bushes can be removed and nothing in the Zoning Ordinance regulates it. Planning Manager Haskins stated that hc would research the state law on landscaping and aesthetics for residential homes. Deputy City Manager 0Uic stated that Building Inspections has unc`v software that has steps for permit ouhnodta|» and majorityofthe ouhoudta|o have to he reviewed and approved by the Planning Department before finuUzcd. Conuooiuuioucr Stowe recommended revising usentence on the Landmark Application regarding un example of narrative. Staff responded that the Narrative History will he revised. RECONVENE INTO REGULAR SESSION Chair Chandler reconvened the oocc\ing into Regular Session. ADJOURNMENT &motion was made hyVice Chair Stone,and seconded hy Commissioner Patton tn adjourn the meeting a1 7:OUPM. &vote was taken and carried 5 -0. Joe Chandler, Chair ATTEST Mary Bradley, Secretary Pa8e 13 08/25/2022 Item 1. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: 1 Prepared By: Renae'011ie Subject Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding construction of a new Residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 100 S. Cottonbelt St. within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented Discussion Owner: Rick and Helen Pearce Applicant:Arnulfo Perez The Owner/Applicant is proposing to construct a new residential dwelling on a single lot. In accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34, any development proposing new construction or substantial renovation requires special oversight by the Commission to ensure preservation of the historic and architectural character of the area. The applicant is proposing to construct a 1,516 s.f. single story residential dwelling on 0.23 acres (10,019 sf). The single-family dwelling will conform to the design standards of Article 6.3 as well as other city ordinances and guidelines. The proposed style includes an open front gable roof with an 8:12 pitch with vinyl single-hung and fixed windows. The primary exterior material shall be horizontal wood siding with the width between four and five inches, in accordance with Section 6.3.E.5.f. The selected paint colors will be from an Historic Palette. The design incorporates a covered front wood porch, as well as a covered rear wood patio. A 6' cedar picket fence will replace the existing chain link fence around the perimeter of the property. Staff Recommends approval subject to additions and alterations as required by City Engineer and Building Inspections Department. 08/25/2022 Item 1. PLANS AND PERMITS • DALLAS Note 8500 N STEMONS FREEWAY DALLAS-TEXAS Siding to Serving the metroptex 214-213141S Be 4"to5" A AAA; ,AAAANTAtAtAA\ AtailitAAAWIAAA n LABA1111111111111111M,AAWAA,. tA4itsAgittrItkAt t THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO PROVIDE -46VklARti,°„,. iaIIIIIIIIIIIIIIN6v,t:.kn,„ BASIC CONSTRUCTION INFORMAT tON NECESSARY ID SUESIANTIALLY BUILD THIS t AulllikitPAIAANIttAtAtiA STRUCTURE THESE PLANS MUST BE ,•tijillialliall1=';''' istktk.: VERIFIED AND CHECKED BY THE BUILDER, Nt.v.tamasi's HOMEOWNER, AND ALL CONTRACTORS OF ,,'rlaill*TVIII111.1.11011.11.114111,4""mvAAA,, TH CS .10B PRIOR, 10 CONSIRLICION ,,1:„IiiIMMENNENMERNEW—--4,'— ---. tAtAittAt A BUILDER. SHOULD OBTAIN COMPLETE s AAAAtiStAtth i El*GINEERING SERVICES HY At, AND „,:',.k,,'• AnAAAOMA,111A,, FASCIA AS srrkuer URAL BEFORE EEC SNr LNG SELECTED 11',,tktVt .., 9, cr pLA1 CONSTRUCION OF ANY KIND. NOTE- ALL At AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAA AA AIAAAAAA'AttAt AtrA AVAA ttit AEAKAA 1 kw,A At AvA A itAt AAA AAAAAAAA,AA‘,A ,t t., , 'FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODES ANIL, Att. rt 'tt sAttst.'At,AA sAt A.,`A"t''s'A.'ttt A tAt ' A A:CtAtAlAttilhAttAVAttittAAA AAA AttAAAAANAIWVARAAS,A1 I, RESTRICTIONS TARE PRECEDENC OVER ANY SIDING 6' r,,A,ABAAANAAAAATAAtAcatA AAAAAAAAAAAAA-A ANAAAA,Al PART OF THESE PLANS. asigisionm „- Mililli1111111111111111 ,W- - .‘6% '"3 s "‘"t AS SELECTED ''''''''..— twAIONN t. ,,, y ,, ,MilliallillIMM '"..„ttAt'A 41 nintwm,0 1, : statt.AAAA4 11111111111111111111111111111 t"Nt, , e,,r4'immummas ±kl ky°1‘ ) %wow 1, ' 1-.14411 GREAT CARE AND EFFORT HAVE GONE INTO limellollisio Nl, 1 ,g,e' o OPPRINIMPOINI [.,.,••, ,...„,,,,E,,,,,,, , .-..( WINDOW AS inimmims. lim o k lk: Minetta ' 0 Wq.ateV111111111, Z31 THE CREATION OF THESE BLUEPRINTS , SELECTED 11001.1111.11111.11 ,, , A ,NINNOMMMINNi 1,t,A,0 ow IttAkAtt*1 A t It HOWEVER, BECAUSE OE'fFIE VARIANCE IN „s„, iiiiMMINNINI t_tt-Vt7t,t, gittitVkte4[IP II I i KAMM GEOGROHIC UDLATIONS. WILL NOT 1111.1110MOIRMNIIIIN, 'e lasummimmom , --_'.1-, muk.wmv 1,, ,fimmaio ASSUME LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES DUE TO ENITOPS„OMISSIONS OR DEFICIENCIES STUCCO AS ' OA 4 ON THESE PLANS, OWNER,MIALDER MUST SELECTED 1 ast o AAA b COMPLY WITH LOCAL BUILDIFIG CODES ,VM,Pan PRIOR 10 COMMENCEMENT OF 1.,,,,,s.,\•\‘‘,„,..,,,,,,, , ,,,,,, N\‘k\‘‘, ,\,,,,,,,,.. \z,,,,,,„, ., J N,:i\\\\''''',*N.,, ,\:,\;•• CONC CONSTRUCTION THE PURCHASE OF THESE `Ii* ‘,,,,'4,\, *.s„)'W•%N'' • N'k,„.N„',\'..ZN,\\ FIRmwswanammos ' PLANS ENTITLES THE BUYER TO CONSTRUCT THIS NOUSE ONLY ONCE. 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I.C.0" DATE:07,..06-2022 RIGHT ELEVATION .. , SHEET NAME ..„ ..„ ---"" - - SCALE: 1/8" = l'-0" .. FACADE SHEET 03 - 8 08/25/2022 Item 1. PLANS AND PERMITS DALLAS 8500 N STEMONS FREEWAY DALLAS-TEXAS Serving the metroptex 214-2131418 4 Ere; ..N. .‘ AL ,#,t,, tsi a ' s t si.@AAA AA,0.14 s itat, '‘a sta a.s ati..tt s.‘..Qttl t't THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO PROvIDE - a.,,,,,PaTT,T `‘,A,'RaIR,DROTRafiafiRgEsITCHNITW_ y.. BASIC CONSTRUCTION INFORMAT CON .T.T4T FIN,'Tait Nfi TfiaaITHITRTaTNIKT.1,,aTTfiRTa;°"1-'-°tH, .„ NECESSART TO sUESIANTIALLY BUILD THIS RR ay NaR,,,RA h,,s ,y,ay a TfiaTaa FT'HT ya Pfi afi .00TIT,',‘ R-- STRoCruRE THESE PLANS HURT BE ,,,FaTairETTEfiyI 0,,,,Afiy;fiy •,;;`,,,:‘,,,,44;.w,,,,Am:41,...,- .:,'-‘0,4„„ - AND CHECKED By THE IluILDER, HOMEDANER, AND ALL CONTRACTORS OF TH CS .10E PRIOR. TO CONS IR,''DION ,,,,,,,,,,,, LIU IEDER. SHOuLta OBTAIN COMPLETE „R0,,aN,a,aaaaa,a ay,A ay,re'',a, a, a RD a aa.a*,,,c,,a, •afiRP MI Is fiTIDTH Da,.;,,,k,.., ,,,,v,,, :D:4.°,6 644u „z„, 4"or5"siding ENGINEERING SERvILES HvATT, AND M.A 441 A s is.Att At..., STRUCTURAL BEFORE SECT/041.ND yAscLA As ,•fiTI.,It,TH 140I,y,D..,DT,TNIfifiaTT fifi'fiTTIRT,II.T,Dc, fiaawa, 0,,,u04.00.,, ',4qaa,,,,aa,a-R1cm,,,,,,,ava‘0R,,,,,AR,,,,,,maa,,,RaR 1.- ,, .;`. 4.,.`,., , ., ,,',,t',.1,, -;; , ,zii ito,t01Lr,tr0,Qt.. ...;rTt.,,Tal:00:..tt:stt.t. ‘tt0?sv.00,0 0t. 9"-E'PLATE CONDI RuCION OF ANT KIND. NOTE ALL SELECTED \LA 71 To meet historical FEDERAL, STATE, AND LOCAL CODER AND RESTRICTIONS TAKE pRECEDENC OVER ANT ',,ARTARAFFRompayay,TANG AppoyayafiGHTly,awassfisca ,EDRYDARRTAFTANTH aTTENTRayayERTAyfiNKEITHRDRARRHAR. CM PART OF THESE PLANS. SIDING 6' le RKTERKTA,TARTFRAyTAN TANKHAT HaTARapaspapaa• •T a.a,aTTY fiTTYTT‘ H TaTT TY TY a fiTT Taca-m-TH fi Req. AS SELECTEE) BATENTAA,C, , , LL7EALAFAL, ,„A- ' -JAZ), 111 ir:1):11 1=011== 'GREAT CARE AND EFFORT HAVE GONE INTO THE CREATION OF THESE SuccEMPIN rs WINDOW AS HLAA,AAA) AALHAAHAA , HOWEVER, SED.ALSE OE"THE VARIANCE IN M SELECTEE) Em.),),17 , L IIALAALLALL) A t GEOGRAPHIC LOCATIONS. WILL NOT -74-- 0 a cts' i I° " IIIIIMIIIIIIIIPVBIPOMIIIIMIIIIIMIIIMII ASSUME LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES DUE aMmikaiiir TO EITRORS„OMISSIONS OR DEFICIENCIES vaaatamE fi‘fiTivaaaa: 0 't WALE%)ESEALLIA URNS- cLETELE#ALCNALCA iiimmirepluiimpigimmim ON THESE PLANS, OWNER/BUILDER MUST aNkaaaT,aaft,,Yassa AU 1),W)) COMPLY WITH LOCAL 'BUILDING CODES ETANATENT TAHRAGyaram rficatrTajasavca' 0 ° °° ; a a PRIOR 10 COMMENCEMENT OF HEAT,WAN EWA A'MEAN AUL ILNEALFAHL 1.111111111111 _ -A - PEREEEMEMEMMERVII ,"\LA,ANAN,\ CONSTRUCTION THE PURCHASE OF THESE PLANS ENTITLES THE ENTER TO CONSTRUCT rHts Mt/USE ONLY ONCE. ANT LOTTING, lir "Ilr "I*7 / / TRACING OR ALTERING OF THESE PURRS IS NOT RERMITTEIS VIOLATORS MIL BE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION ODDER COPYRIGHT CANS REAR ELEVATION CI Ir.„„„„p,„„„„,,p, SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-13" r,1,,,rrunsmhsrgl,117,4, :::;,4.1,,,,;‘,7244,40 ;x4s..ys, „13: ,&V,.`,,',%,INNV,,t4TNA'NV,War,„,0/`41/t7;Nftl,‘NVNt'Nn'041010,0w-4001044,IfififiaTIDIDDESIDDEDTIRI,fiD,STINICIDTDDT,GIDETTSOIT1,DRIT'afiaNDSDIPTSTIOTDIRTIRIGIRETTRITN,IVT, fi PROJECT '''''''''''it,''''''r'''''''''''''t*•‘‘'Wn'hr(4All''ttrjtVresrV.L'4.esrAl"''''',"';'4‘,$','A,'&‘.1Vt'sttn ,',.'''' '4%1.*Tli$:,',•,‘,.,,X,VA‘4,4,VVA,,,At,n's"rAre4',.,,,4Ak'n,A•1','`,1.N,N,',,r.',,t4 NI,i'l,k4,,,AA,L4isf,!A/ANIAr "i A r Or A ''''''•sf'A'tr..0'14 ri'V. '''.I r' . ' ' r, ••A 1"r '"" •A A r a A "I Arr‘ •,t r r rr, • "' ' r " r'r 1,, , ' A, ^ "‘” '•, 't kV''"'' •',A' \, ,", 'A,,,,,,,lnyv,,,,,VV,t r rs•,t s.rOy Irr.,,,,rAA,,,,r4 ,..re,rstr,A,or,r.A•^qr.,.ill 4 r4 A.'WWI.,,,,,,,,tel1110i'*,Asi .AAA.1....*IAM AAM.AM A am......A.,*a.amt.as..a.is'N.,A.‘A‘A.4'At A.AAA....4.. NEW RESIDENC1AL ".4 t*At,"kit.'.‘.A,a,m""TiMa,'TTIFIP sTaTITHYYS'alsaIfifi Ta'ma,'afia afi,ma 0 ITT,P1 HP ITHRTITTAcm Ifin HaFfip Ffi,FIT 0,TIToR Ifi Ffi ITYYTTD,NT IT/TTI a1 asInT HAFTYHT-1,4k,-," ,,,‘.,'w,,A bs‘,;-,,e)m,ktil,,, „,4,nr,s1„;1,',,,,,s1,n,W ,,,a`k„‘,«,A,:,',.',Ww.,.,:‘,,,,ss r,`Mst:,;"..,,,,t,',,,,z,.4,',„%z,lo.V4;,,V,v,;,,',ORGEFID,I,DITTIND,fia NINIIIID DastaTNEDI DE DITITTID,RATTIT.4,,TRERTRODTRTEIT,,ay,,ITEYRII-fifiaNINTTISPRIETTDARTEIRITDDDIT.T ',..- CONSTRUCTION AA PIAA,s P,A*I ir,PP A..AMA ataMMA.AM AM ism al'1.Mus a ..attattAst,Au 4.0,11AA.,,,,%,A Pk,A,A A Al ta*AAA.NA&A MA mst.. ....AA s.MA SAU Al a.A MA AAA,AA AALALL AA)).LA ALA,,,,,,,d, %A,AA Pp A Op Pp A P1 MA.A,.NA a'010,,.M 111..1 s s M.1,... A*A1.11 A amala.A min.**MA h *A 1 AM..MA ts.us i'M la 4 s*Ai as A A As AA Aii Att..,si.A a.At A.11,.1,A m A.t 4 A A to as.,AA. 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SHEET 04 r 9 08/25/2022 Item 1. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC REVIEW # Date: NOTICE TO APPLICANT 1 Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering.Office no later than 10 days before the meeting. (Regular meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m in the City Hall Council Chambers,or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. APPLICANT INFORMA N Name: A tr •-t. , L} '. `t . Phone: ,� 'l S Ca ( ,. Mailing Address: t 1 Cr CO. ` -e cebqX Email Address: c t t-t- 4 b 2.-7(3'C�'r o.° 1 Fax: (I t.eo,r -. PROPERTY OWNER INFO ON Name: �Jc a ��l�-l�tr 1 4e a Phone: 3cl 3(c) k Mailing Address: 1 '\ l'z`..1� t- ©� ( v�-c 0-- r u 7 )q,� Email Address:-11-p iar e (' 5rvto\, Cc?(-1,1 Fax: _ PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business (if applicable): Current or intended use of the building: 4Z- 1- -Q Address of Project: _ 1 t>` s ) •�-S4- (The below information(Lot, Block;Subdivision, and Frontage)can be obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the property: http://collincad.org or http://dallascad.orr or http://rockwallcad.org If you do not have access to the Internet or cannot locate this information on the website, contact the Planning Department at(972)516-6320 for assistance. Lot ,Block_, Subdivision Current.Zoning: Which District is the property located within? ❑ Downtown Historic District ❑ South Ballard Overlay District ❑ Other 10 ar 08/25/2022 Item 1. SCOPE OF WORK o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and for repairs (attach additional sheets if necessary): Are you painting an exterior feature? YES 69> If YES: Describe Feature Color Name Sample Attached Ex. Window and door frames SW Autumn Hue (No. 7665) YES NO tsocP-, G c --. 0,^t,t. L,�S . . NO �t4 p,w hi v- ;A.i,45 k,"il, k„,f5 c t. P PO t.--Lt YE NO t>vo i-s t' sp,.+- 1 , ,. sop- YE NO Are you replacing an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Material Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex. Window frame Wood Vinyl YES NO E t.1" wn,Sws,, L)yvk Z in s,.n.•- J V. YES NO D,,0-5 LaD co '. t YES NO 1 61 ar4-c2 l) � 4 • ,t rt YES NO o New Construction Are you replacing an existing structure? ES), NO If YES, complete"Demolition"below. o Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: t \ c,,N ,,-,.-,n. i k What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? 9PO,r)o e Explain why the property is being demolished as opposed to restored or renovated for adaptive reuse: ,V 1 e ti cam- 11 08/25/2022 Item 1. What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? o Sign Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions: Total Square.Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES,what is the method of lighting? Will this sign project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES,what is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Sign Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? , ,; u .> �r What is the proposed height of the fence? Are you replacing an existing fence? NO If YES,what is the current fence material? f fit Have you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): r c *‘-o 10 ✓t is-:v? "e.\te-i 12 08/25/2022 Item 1. REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS: o Current photographs of the property o If available, historic photographs of the property o Site Plan indicating the following: o Dimensions of the lot on which the building will be located, including setbacks (check official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) a Location and width of all easements (check official plat records) o Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings,parking areas,and existing signs(if any) o .Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction o Sample board of materials and colors to be used o Site Plan Fee$250.00 - Check/Card/Cash(Check made payable to City of Wylie) Intended start and finish dates: Start Finish I have carefully read the complete application and know the same is true and correct. I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application, and I agree to comply with all provisions of the City ordinances, State laws, and all property restrictions,whether herein specified or not. k&A, (Ow r or Authoriz d Agent) RETURN TO: City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (972) 516-6320 1s 08/25/2022 Item 1. 16y Hr 1 ( S ., }1 4 i J (csY4tid vs,y saY `' u � • p: Z. e .� . i f rvx ,,,s P4 u 14 . WW" Na.p '"awP4Sh'p 4�"'Jv • �, .d y, rYwW N: a4 °' :' }v"�:;N x, . ,",. A"'^Pr<,^.�q p@v(.pyt.V,ANry rr . » y x ° A a y , .44 ',, o ' a JYJ r e a a a k k 'r „ � a a „ � e J^... ,�.>ryJ u, w ^ " ' � ' s "° . 'Z' 1 :;^ems 0 , , , ,, , A , , ,, { U,"4 dJti; .... .,N I V W d W V¢V4yM,''ARZ ' t Y; N 5; a a9y {' �t aia,4 a ,a r � Y ,, " R,d W� ,awAa 4 v�b44:6A4 Y' y N 4a4y � '. i s; ap 7e '& e "V' M'7 aar' F a Lr h lv MFa :Vt}s, D�s,.y4r"r�" ii k x4a ,s F ti0C ilad t 1�r;ks rlon^S@51y4 n a°> Y� rYr " 1 q, r �t` r r`s" . r'v ` o �'W� as, A J MAt TM} aV 1 S v' myry i nWr Y "ti s i 4+ 4 t �1F : Y+.. MD i + . c, d, P ahy : y+ r a yy 1 r'. ,, „ 4 ay b;; ry 1Fs11 i; ( Y 1 � xw } E }G r+v Urban White Poppy Seed Safati 2 PPU 1 ^ r 2 P U . 14 08/25/2022 Item 2. Historic Review Commission CITY OF AGENDA REPORT Department: Planning Item: 2 Prepared By: Jasen Haskins,AICP Subject Consider and act upon a recommendation to the City Council regarding a request for demolition of a residential structure in accordance with Ordinance No. 2022-34. Property located at 407 N Ballard within the Downtown Historic District. Recommendation Motion to recommend approval as presented Discussion Owner: Kari and Mike Isom Applicant: Isom Revocable Trust and Tracy&Robert Lawson The property owner(s) propose to demolish an existing residential dwelling that has undergone significant additions and modifications from its original construction. The Engineer's report gives an overview of the condition of the property stating that the home is "not safe for occupancy". The home is a one story, single-family residence. The overall structure is constructed with separate foundations and framing components connected together and could not be moved. Due to obvious structural failures of the building,the report recommends demolition. According to Collin County Appraisal District records, the house was built in 1960 with a garage added in 2021 and is not of architectural or historical interest. The house to the north along Ballard was constructed in 1993. The home to the south was constructed in 1868 with a detached garage added in 1955. To the west are townhomes built in 2007. To the east is St.Anthony's Catholic Church. Section 6.3.E.3. of the City's Zoning Ordinance outlines the criteria for demolition as follows: Demolition of a structure will NOT be allowed if any of the items below are met: 1.A structure is of architectural or historical interest and/or value or its removal would be detrimental to the public interest, or 2. The building contributes significantly to the character of the historic district and demolition would create a detrimental view or adversely affect the existing buildings on the block, or 3.A structure is contributing or unusual or uncommon design and materials and it could not be reproduced without great difficulty and/or expense, or 4. If its proposed replacement would not make a positive visual contribution,would disrupt the character or be visually incompatible within the historic district. Demolition of a structure MAY be allowed if any of the following criteria is met: 1. The building has lost its architectural and historical integrity and importance and its removal will not result in a negative,less appropriate visual effect on the historic district, or 2. The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and 15 08/25/2022 Item 2. importance of the historic district(e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district. As stated in the Ordinance criteria, The structure does not contribute to the historical or architectural character and importance of the historic district (e.g. a non contributing structure), and its removal will result in a positive, appropriate visual effect in the district staff believes that its removal would not be detrimental to the public interest. If approved for demolition, the applicant(s) will submit new plans for HRC review to add a garage and relocate a carport that meets the current design standards of the Downtown Historic District. 16 08/25/2022 Item 2. APPLICATION FOR HISTORIC ' Date: August 15,2022 NOTICE TO APPLICANT 1 Completed applications and drawings must be in the Planning and Engineering Office no later than 10 days before the meeting.(R. lar meetings are held on the 4th Thursday at 6:00 p.m.in the City Hall Council Chambers,or Special Called Meetings as needed.) 2 It is imperative that you complete this application in its entirety. Incomplete applications will be returned and could delay the commencement of your project. 3 The presence of the applicant or his/her agent as designated herein is necessary at the Historic Review Commission Meeting. 4 All presentation material must be received by Staff on the Monday the week prior to the meeting. This will be case for Historic Review Commission and City Council. APPLICANT fNFORMATION Name: Kari&Mark Isom Phone: 972-890-3919 Mailing Address: 409 N Ballard Ave.Wylie,TX 75098 Email Address: inkiso iftrnall.com Fax: PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Isom:972-890-3919 Name: Isom Revocable Trust and Tracy&Robert Lawson Phone: Lawson:614-439-6291 Mailing Address: ISOMS:409 N Ballard Ave. Lawsons:405 N Ballard Ave.Wylie,TX 75098 Email Address: mkist"2gmaiLem"tracY'slaws°11@gmail' Fax: PROJECT INFORMATION Name of Business(if applicable): Current or intended use of the building: Demolition Address of Project: 407 N Ballard Ave.Wylie,TX 75098 (The below information(Lot,Block,Subdivision, and Frontage)can be obtained on the County Appraisal District's website by entering the physical address of the property: hiladeraiiin(Wprg.or 'ytallmcoel org or hy)y'roehwal icodprq Ifyou do not have access to the Internet or cannot locate this information on the website,contact the Planning Department at(972)516-6320 for assistance. Lot 2 ,Block 2gi" Subdivision Russell Addition Current Zoning: Downtown Ifistorkat District Which District is the property located within? IN Downtown Historic District 0 South Ballard Overlay District 0 Other 17 08/25/2022 Item 2 SCOPE OF WO' o Remodeling/Renovating Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed alterations and/or repairs(attach additional sheets if necessary): NA Are you painting an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Color Name Sample Attached Ex. Window and door frames SW Autumn line(No.76651 YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Are you replacing an exterior feature? YES NO If YES: Describe Feature Current Material Proposed Material Sample Attached Ex. Window frame Wood Vinyl YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO New Construction Are you replacing an existing structo 'YES) NO If YES,comp! e"Dominion'? elow. •Demolition Describe the condition of the existing structure: The single family home is in a state of considerable disrepair The attached engineer's report says"there are obvious structural failures of the building,"that should"condemn the building as'not safe for occupancy'." Vinyl siding is falling off the exterior.The old garage was demolished and another garage was started but was not finished and reported was not built to code.A large amount of concrete rubble is left from the old garage.There is a rodent infestation(and we have hired exterminators to control the issue.) What is the estimated cost of restoration or repair of the existing structure? NA 18 08/25/2022 Item 2 Explain why the property is being demolished as opposed to restored or renovated for adaptive reuse: According to the engineering report,"because the structure appears to be constructed in several piece components...the residence is not capable of being repaired or moved." What do you plan to do to mitigate the loss of the landmark structure? Although located in the Downtown Historic District,the structure has no archetectural or historical interest,nor does it contribute to the character or the district Added grocnspace between the residences at 405 and 409 N Ballard will significantly add to their pimminatec in the district. All debris will be removed from the lot and the lot will be graded and grass planted.The current trees will remain. o Sign Type of Sign: o Attached Sign o Pole Sign o Temporary Sign o Banner o Monument Sign o Other(Specify) Sign Dimensions: Total Square Footage Will the sign be connected to electricity or lit in any way? YES NO If YES,what is the method of lighting? Will this sir project over a public sidewalk? YES NO If YES,what is the distance from the sidewalk to the bottom of the sign? Have you submitted an application for a Si uf Permit to the Building Inspections? YES NO o Fence What is the proposed material and style of fence you intend to install? WOOS) What is the proposed height of the fence? co Are you replacing an existing fence? YES If YES,what is the current fence material? Have you submitted an application for a Fence Permit to the Building Inspections? YES COD Provide a detailed description of the nature of the proposed project(attach additional sheets if necessary): Eventual" the two lots will be lit with the Dorris takin the northern half and thc Lawsons takin the southern onion. The horns plan to construct a small workshop and possibly a small residence near the rear of the lot,The Lnwsons plan to move their current mimed(located in front of their gara )to the rear of their half of the property.Both portions will 19 08/25/2022 Item 2 REQUIRED ATTACRIVIENTS: • Current photographs of the property o If available,historic photoLl phs of the property • Site Plan indicating the following: • Dimensions of the lot on which the building will be located,including setbacks(check official plat records and Zoning Ordinance) • Location and width of all easements(check official plat records) o Location and dimensions of all existing and proposed buildings,parking areas,and existing signs (if any) o Architect's rendering or elevations of proposed construction o Sample board of materials and colors to be used ta/A • Site Plan Fee S250„00 Check' ar asb(Check made payable to City of Wylie) Intended start and finish dates:Start October 1,2022 Finish October 31,2022 I have carefully read the complete application and know the same is true and correct I understand the ordinances governing the activity described in this application,and I agree to comply with all provisions of the City ordinances,State laws,and all property restrictions,whether her in specified or not. X (kit& ( er or Authorize Agett9 RETURN TO: City of Wylie Planning Department 300 Country Club Road,Building 100 Wylie,Texas 75098 (972)516-6320 20 08/25/2022 Item 2 IG T 0 SE GI - I G, . . . 4 Texas Professional Engineer(TX:95672) Phone: 214-577-1077 Oklahoma Professional Engineer(OK:22438) Fax:214-224-0549 Arkansas Professional Engineer(AR: 17788) New Mexico Professional Engineer(NM:26495) Website: www.LighthouseEng.com Registered Texas Engineering Firm(F:9334) Email: Ofnce@LighthouseEng.com DATE: Thursday, June 16, 2022 TO: Tracy Lawson (Potential Buyer and the City of Wylie) RE: Evaluation of Residence- Not Safe for Occupancy- Recommend Demo 407 North Ballard Avenue, Wylie, TX 75098 Jason Conklin, PE physically inspected the above referenced residence to investigate the structural integrity of the structure. Based on my observations, experience and judgment, I concluded that the residence should be demolished. There are obvious structural failures of the building. These structural failures condemn the building as "not safe for occupancy". See the photos below for the current condition of the structure. Because the structure appears to be constructed in several piece components connected together (separate foundations and framing), the residence is not capable of being repaired or moved. The residence violates most safety building codes and standards of the 2021 International Residential Code as adopted by the City of Wylie. It is the opinion of this engineer that the structure has outlived its serviceable life and it is recommended to demolish the residence. -444 4.1 ..„ MICHAECD.GANDY ft.0% 95672 .:4„," /0' •eir • Michael Gandy, P.E. Thursday, June 16, 2022 Registered Engineering Firm F-9334 Inspection Date: 06/15/2022 Report Date: 06/16/2022 Lighthouse Engineering© Page 1 of 4 08/25/2022 Item 2. Lighthouse Engineering, L.L.C. BAG NISR AN Deli.►.. aIL Use of this report for any reason implies consent to all agreements and limitations of this report. This report is the professional opinion of Lighthouse Engineering, LLC and is based upon a limited evaluation of the property. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. We have no contractual relationship with, or obligation to, any party other than the addressee of this report. This report does not constitute a structural warranty or performance contract with the purchaser of this report to or with any other party. It only states conditions observed at the time of the inspection. The evaluation of the property included a visual examination of the exposed interior and exterior finishes of the structure and the ground surfaces adjacent to the structure and to the taking of relative floor elevations. The taking and testing of soil samples was not included. Unless written in the report, the original design drawings and any design conditions were not known. Determination of construction to Building Code is best done during the original construction and is not a part of this evaluation. Testing for plumbing leaks was not performed but is recommended after foundation work is performed. It is possible that future repairs could be required for the subject foundation/structure. This evaluation only addresses the current condition of the foundation/structure. Lighthouse Engineering, LLC does not offer or imply any warranty for the repairs or for the repair company's acts or omissions or for any other person conducting the repairs. The fee collected is for this inspection only. Additional engineering services are available at an additional cost. Requests for these services must be made in a timely manner before commencement of work. Please contact this ;office for additional inspection scheduling and fee arrangements. Sincerely, i �PcdF Tf „4 • *�t�� MICHAEL D.GANDY to, 95672 ct. Michael Gandy, P.E. Thursday, June 16, 2022 Registered Engineering Firm F-9334 Inspection Date: 06/15/2022 Report Date: 06/16/2022 Lighthouse Engineering© Page 4 of 4 22 08/25/2022 Item 2. Lighthouse Engineering, L.L.G. K ^ , �" ...a.~rrs".. r"dw'.rorti... .ki"tY,l �.. .,._ �-.. Al A .. :}# s ✓ `h ^yY.` '"-'""re.- , a r sn Hu w Sd" rt N it ' 'IJ w � � - ' . ' Nx TM�"a^4dn* 0.` a x " „:.Y , �w d ?. ° te " 1#,—.,.. _ '"""^° < x,-..,„.., r31',1 ''''* a —.Mvwevww, .,.w_u .; —.,��� �, '` y X�! .n .,wmrmrawanx Vu.nmm+wwmnwawwmrawvnwruww�ruw , ,� " , - w. "n .++x+n_w...."...nu..mma..x ewNwruv»r"aI .m.�.w,,,,,n w j 'C YW, * hh� nk "`" w.yi, „ xw„rx: dA'� R 1 7P ' ' .. oois r• wjat a _. ^ p " �` Pa I AW �k. 7" } arrTluxrvwi�x,wm+uwmn>: m.rvuwwwn— >' ¢¢ " � {. a, .>'m. 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