10-04-2022 (Planning & Zoning) Minutes Wylie Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting ,AI October 04, 2022—6:00 PM f'• Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY OF WYLIE CALL TO ORDER Chair Bryan Rogers called the meeting to order at 6:00pm.Commissioners present:Chair Rogers,Vice Chair Joshua Butler, Commissioner Keith Scruggs, Commissioner Jennifer Grieser, Commissioner James Byrne, and Commissioner Rod Gouge. Commissioners absent were Commissioner Jacques Loraine. Staff present were: Community Services Director Jasen Haskins, Senior Planner, Kevin Molina, Engineering Development Manager Than Nguyen and Administrative Assistant Mary Bradley. INVOCATION& PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chair Rogers gave the Invocation and Vice Chair Butler led the Pledge of Allegiance. COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Any member of the public may address Commission regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Members of the public must fill out a form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Commission requests that comments be limited to three minutes for an individual, six minutes for a group. In addition, Commission is not allowed to converse, deliberate or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. No one addressed the Commissioners on Non-Agenda Items. CONSENT AGENDA All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be separate discussion of these items.If discussion is desired,that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A. Consider, and act upon, the approval of the September 20, 2022 Minutes. B. Consider, and act upon a recommendation to City Council regarding a Final Plat Woodlake Village Lots 3- 6 of Block A, Slate Commercial PD 2022-38, being a Replat of Lot 1, establishing four commercial lots on 7.788 acres, generally located on State Highway 78 being 1000' east of Eubanks Lane. Board Action With no questions,a motion was made by Commissioner Gouge,and seconded by Vice Chair Butler to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider, and act upon, a Site Plan for Lot 4 of Slate Commercial PD 2022-38, for a multi-tenant retail development on 1.223 acres. Property generally located on State Highway 78 being 1000' east of Eubanks Lane. Staff Presentation Page LI Senior Planner Molina stated that the applicant is proposing to develop a 10,066 square feet multi-tenant retail building on 1.223 acres, located on Lot 4, Block A of Woodlake Village. The property is zoned within Planned Development 2022-38 and allows for retail development with shared parking throughout the entire 7.89 acre site. In August, 2022 the Commissioners made a motion to approve with stipulations and the vote failed. The site plan presented differed from the zoning exhibit and staff had concerns regarding the drive-through placement aligning with the entrance drive from State Highway 78. The new updated plan has the drive-through shifted to the west. This change has allowed for the development to not have a one way entrance when entering the site and allows for improved traffic flow. The presented plan more closely resembles the zoning exhibit of the Planned Development Once completed the site is expected to have four total access points. One on-site from State Highway 78,two cross access from adjacent properties, and one from Centennial Drive. The Planned Development requirements call for one parking space for every 200 square feet of building area,a total of 51 parking spaces are required. The site plan provides 63 parking spaces, two being handicapped spaces. Public Comments Mr. Sahil Kurji,developer for the development,addressed the Commissioners stating that the lot is bigger allowing the parking from the west side of the lot to the north side. This allows parking closer to the potential tenant on the east side. Thanked all staff and the Commissioners for working with them on revising the plan. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Byrne,and seconded by Commissioner Gouge to approve Agenda Item 1 as presented. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. 2. Hold a Public Hearing, consider, and act upon, a recommendation to the City Council regarding a change in zoning from Agricultural District(AG/30) to Planned Development - Single Family(PD-SF) to allow for a single family residential development with three open space lots and a commercial tract on 32.288 acres generally located on Country Club Road approximately 2000' south of Parker Road(ZC 2022-14). Staff Presentation Senior Planner Molina addressed the Commissioners stating that the applicant is requesting to rezone 32.288 acres from AG/30 to a Planned Development with 78 single family lots,three open space lots and one commercial tract. The applicant has made changes to previous proposals based on feedback received during previous City Council meetings. The feedback generally consisted of concerns for the single family lot sizes, the limited amount of commercial property, and public access to the park. The applicant has reworked the site layout and PD Conditions to more closely resemble the SF-10/24 design standards of the Zoning Ordinance. As presented,the requested PD allows for 78 single family homes on minimum 10,000 square foot lots. Home sizes are a minimum 2,400 square feet. These standards match the density requirements of the SF 10/24 zoning district. Some modifications to these standards are 7.5 feet side setbacks in lieu of 10 feet, 12.5 corner lots setbacks in lieu of 25 feet and 20' rear setbacks for Lots 26-32 Block A and Lots 9-11 Block B in lieu of 25 feet. The architectural standards are also modified to allow for four lots skipped on the same side of the street without facade repetition in lieu of seven lots. The residential development shall also prohibit accessory structures. Board Discussion Mr. John Arnold, Skorburg, developer, addressed the Commissioners and made a presentation stating that the property owner has decided not to include the land where an existing pond is currently located due to the complex difficulties of impoundment water rights by the City of Dallas. Page 12 Chair Rogers expressed concern from the Planned Development Conditions proposing four lots skipped on same side of street before repeating similar floor plan and elevation in lieu of the Zoning Ordinance requirement being seven lots. After some discussion, Chair Rogers offered revising the Conditions to skip six lots on same side of street and Mr. Arnold was in agreement. Public Comments Chair Rogers opened the Public Hearing for Item 2, with no one approaching the Commissioners, Chair Rogers closed the Public Hearing at 6:33 PM. Board Action A motion was made by Commissioner Grieser and seconded by Commissioner Gouge to recommend approval for Item 2, with stipulations that the exterior facades of homes on the same side of the street vary every six homes. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. ADJOURNMENT A motion was made by Commissioner Gouge,and seconded by Vice Chair Butler to adjourn the meeting at 6:35PM. A vote was taken and carried 6—0. Bryn gers hair ATTEST II( I Ma Br ley, Secretary L Page 13