09-12-2022 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting '.I
September 12,2022—6:30 pm
Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie, Texas 75098 CITY OF
Parks and Recreation Supervisor Katy Burton gave an overview of the Wylie Senior Recreation Center.
Board Chair Kim Mullis called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 pm. The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez, Board Member Craig Allen, Board Member Brian
Willeford,and Board Member Gerald Dyson. Board Member Brett Swendig and Board Member Nicholas Puente
were absent.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Parks and Recreation Assistant Director
Brent Stowers, Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Pieper, and Parks and Recreation
Supervisor Katy Burton.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon,approval of the August 8,2022,Regular Parks and Recreation Board
Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Dyson, seconded by Board Vice-Chair Suarez,to approve the August
8,2022, Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0,
with Board Member Swendig and Board Member Puente absent.
1. Consider and act upon,approval of a Park Event Application from the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club,a
non-profit organization,to hold their annual Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Co-Ed Softball Tournament
fundraiser event in Founders Park on November 5,2022.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Willeford,to approve the Park
Event Application from the Wylie P.O.L.I.C.E. Club, a non-profit organization,to hold their annual Wylie
P.O.L.I.C.E. Club Co-Ed Softball Tournament fundraiser event in Founders Park on November 5,2022. A
vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0, with Board Member Swendig and Board Member Puente absent.
2. Consider and act upon,approval of changing the Parks and Recreation Board meeting to an earlier
specified time.
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September 12, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Vice-Chair Suarez, seconded by Board Member Allen,to approve changing the
Parks and Recreation Board meeting to the earlier time of 5:30 pm. A vote was taken, and the motion passed
5-0, with Board Member Swendig and Board Member Puente absent.
WS1. Project Updates.
Staff Comments on Splash Pads and Dog Park
Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Brent Stowers went over the project updates ledger with the Board. He
reviewed with them the discussion during the August 9 Parks and Recreation Board's joint work session with City
Council,wherein staff reviewed the architect Dunaway and Associates'dog park and splash pad schematic
designs. During the work session, City Council requested a few changes to the schematic design for the East
Meadow Trail splash pad;requested changes include additional parking and repositioning the splash pad more to
the west of the park. Council also requested a change to the size of the dog park paddocks. Staff will direct
Dunaway and Associates to make the requested design changes, and then staff will present these changes to City
Council for further direction in September. Mr. Stowers noted that City Council agrees additional funding will be
necessary for the completion of these projects. Funding sources will derive from excess General Fund Balance,
4B Fund Balance, and Acquisition and Improvement Funds. The tentative completion date for the two splash pad
projects is the summer of 2023,and the tentative completion date for the dog park project is the fall of 2023.
Board Comments on Splash Pads and Dog Park
Board Member Dyson inquired why the City Council's direction included a reduction in the size of the dog park
paddocks. Mr. Stowers responded that City Council requested a decrease in the size of the dog park paddocks to
allow for more of the project's designated funds to go toward some of the dog park's aesthetic needs,such as sod,
irrigation, fencing,and concrete mow strip.
Staff Comments on Wylie Senior Recreation Center Renovations
Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen advised the Board that regarding the Wylie Senior Recreation
Center renovations,City Council instructed staff to direct the architect in providing a complete big-picture plan
phasing in the facility's projected needs. Staff is awaiting a proposal for this plan from the architect.
Staff Comments on Brown House Welcome Center
Ms. Powlen stated that the Brown House Welcome Center is now open to the public and has been well received
by citizens thus far. Staff is working with Collin County and the Wylie Historical Society to line up several
exhibits at the facility for public view in the fall.The ADA ramp at the facility passed inspection;however,the
adjacent parking lot needs minor changes before final inspection approval.
Staff Comments on Valentine Park
Mr. Stowers updated the Board that the Valentine Park playground equipment delivery had been delayed again
and is now scheduled to arrive in November 2022.
Board Comments on the Wylie Art Advisory Board
During their September 15 meeting, Board Vice-Chair Suarez,who also serves as a Wylie Art Advisory Board
Member, stated they would meet with the three selected artist finalists. Selected artists will provide a model of
their proposed art during this meeting,of which the Art Selection Panel will choose one. During a Council
meeting,the Wylie Art Advisory Board will present the final selected art model to the City Council.
Staff Comments on the Parks and Rec Foundation
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September 12, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Because Board Member Swendig was absent from the meeting, Mr. Stowers updated the Board that Board
Member Swendig continues searching for his wife and his replacements to take over the Parks and Rec
Foundation. Board Vice-Chair Suarez inquired about the City assisting in advertising the foundation's search. Ms.
Powlen responded that the City could not publicize or post any direct information on social media about the
foundation's search. The City is permitted to re-post on social media any related information published by the
Parks and Rec Foundation or Board Member Swendig.
WS2. Future Agenda Items.
Staff Comments
Parks and Recreation Assistant Director Brent Stowers reminded the Board about the scheduled Parks and
Recreation Board Tour and stated that staff is in the process of putting together the Tour schedule. During the
Tour, a tree planted in honor of Texas Arbor Day will be recognized and include a Board Member photo
opportunity. Lunch will be provided after the Tour, and possibly a short meeting depending on any received
consent items. Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Pieper requested confirmation from the
Board Members of their ability to attend the scheduled Tour. Because some could not participate,the Board
consensus was to postpone the Tour and reschedule for Saturday, October 29,2022, at 9:00 am.
Mr. Stowers advised that upcoming city events include National Night Out on Tuesday, October 4, Boo on
Ballard on Thursday, October 27,and recognition of Texas Arbor Day on Friday,November 4. With these
planned City events, volunteer opportunities will be available for Board Members who would like to participate.
Staff will recognize Texas Arbor Day in the Recreation Center and Smith Public Library breezeway,with staff
handing out free trees and providing various activities for citizens.
Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen stated that staff would add details regarding the upcoming office
changes for the Parks and Recreation Department to a future Parks and Recreation Board meeting agenda
A motion was made by Board Member Willeford, seconded by Board Member Allen,to adjourn the meeting at
7:26 pm. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0, with Board Member Swendig and Board Member Puente
Kim Mullis,Board Chair
Janet ieper,Administrative ssistant II
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September 12, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes