07-11-2022 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes IA/
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Minutes IN
July 11,2022—6:30 pm
Council Chambers-300 Country Club Road,Building#100,Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez called the regular meeting to order at 6:30 pm.The following Parks and Recreation
Board members were present: Board Member Brett Swendig, Board Member Brian Willeford, Board Member
Gerald Dyson, and Board Member Nicholas Puente. Board Member Craig Allen and Board Member Kim Mullis
were absent.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Parks Manager Brent Stowers, and Parks
and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Hawkes.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider,and act upon,the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Chair for the 2022-2023 term.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Swendig, seconded by Board Member Willeford,to nominate Board
Member Kim Mullis to serve as Board Chair for the 2022-2023 Term. A vote was taken and passed 5-0 with
Board Member Allen and Board Chair Mullis absent.
2. Consider,and act upon,the election of the Parks and Recreation Board Vice-Chair for the 2022-2023
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Swendig, seconded by Board Member Willeford,to nominate Board
Vice-Chair Suarez to serve again as Board Vice-Chair for the 2022-2023 Term. A vote was taken and passed
5-0 with Board Member Craig Allen and Board Chair Kim Mullis absent.
3. Consider,and act upon,approval of the June 9,2022,Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Swendig, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to approve the June
9, 2022 Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0
with Board Member Craig Allen and Board Chair Kim Mullis absent.
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July 11, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
4. Consider,and act upon,approval of a Park Event Application from North Star Dance Project to hold
a Fall Dance Fest event at Olde City Park on October 9,2022.
Representative of North Star Dance Project,Alexa Guarjardo,addressed the Board explaining the event details
and goals. Board Member Swendig recommended going forward, that the Parks and Recreation Department
require Park Event Applicants to provide proof of liability insurance for future permitted events at Park
facilities,particularly when youth are the targeted audience.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Willeford, seconded by Board Member Puente, to approve the Park
Event Application for the North Star Dance Project to hold a Fall Dance Fest event at Olde City Park on October
9,2022.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Craig Allen and Board Chair Mullis
WS1.Board Member Orientation.
Parks and Recreation Director, Carmen Powlen, led a presentation to the Board that summarized an overview of
the Parks and Recreation Department. She advised that a more detailed presentation by staff will follow during the
August 8,2022 Parks and Recreation Board meeting.
WS2.Project Updates.
Staff Comments
Parks Manager Stowers, welcomed the two incoming Parks and Recreation Board Members, Gerald Dyson and
Nicholas Puente,who gave a brief introduction of themselves.
Mr. Stowers noted the Agenda Packet inclusion of the Review of Robert's Rules, Parks and Recreation Board
Bylaws, and Chapter 78 Parks and Recreation Ordinances. He explained that the included documents detail an in-
depth look at the rules,codes,and guidelines for Parks and Recreation Board Members.Mr. Stowers recommended
all Parks and Recreation Board Members review the documents at their convenience.
Mr. Stowers reviewed the Project Update Spreadsheet with the Board. He stated that Dunaway and Associates
completed the splash pads and dog park surveys and are currently working on the project schematic designs. Mr.
Stowers said that a Parks and Recreation Board joint work session with City Council is tentatively scheduled for
August 9, 2022. Parks and Recreation Board members are encouraged to attend and will have the opportunity to
address City Council on the splash pads and dog park projects during the joint work session.
Parks Manager Stowers advised that staff would soon meet with the Wylie Senior Recreation Center renovation's
architect to discuss the project priority list. Parks and Recreation Director Powlen advised that the prior month's
focus group meetings assisted staff in the development of project priorities; these included ADA-compliant
restrooms, reorganization of staff office space, and HVAC updates. Lower on the priory list included exterior
facility improvements and the addition of a porta cache.Ms. Powlen noted that adding a porta cache would require
the installation of fire sprinklers to the entire Wylie Senior Recreation Center, which would be over the project's
budgeted amount.
Ms. Powlen stated that the Brown House Welcome Center's ADA ramp installation is complete, and staff is now
awaiting its final inspection.She said that the ordered museum displays had arrived and were in the process of being
installed. Ms. Powlen noted that the hiring of a complete part-time staff remains an issue but is still underway.
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July 11, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
The Valentine Park playground project is still in process due to the ordered playground equipment remaining on
back order. Expected delivery is expected in the fall of 2022,with an install date soon after receipt.
Board Comments
Board Member Swendig advised that the search continues for the replacement of his and his wife's seats on the
Parks and Rec Foundation.
Board Vice-Chair Suarez advised that the Cemetery Advisory Board had met on July 7, 2022. To update the new
Parks and Recreation Board Members, she reviewed the purpose of the Cemetery Advisory Board and the City's
acquisition of two cemetery properties. Board Vice-Chair Suarez advised that the transition includes record
management software and operational funds for cemetery maintenance, such as mowing contracts. She stated that
the Wylie Volunteer Program would be formed instead of a cemetery committee because it better fit the cemetery's
needs. Board Vice-Chair Suarez advised the finalization of legal documents for the cemetery transition was in
process and expected to finalize on or after October 1,2022, fiscal year 2022/2023.
Board Vice-Chair Suarez updated the Board on the Public Art Advisory Committee's last meeting,stating that over
60 artists had submitted proposals. She said the Committee had narrowed the proposal submissions down to only
four and invited the four artists to tour the city of Wylie area,view the intended artwork site, and show samples of
proposed artwork.
WS3.Future Agenda Items.
Staff Comments
Parks Manager Stowers advised that July is Parks and Recreation Month, and the Wylie Recreation Center has
planned several activities to celebrate the event.
Parks Manager Stowers reviewed the Parks and Recreation Board calendar,pointing out the two tours listed in April
and October. He explained the next tour is scheduled for October 22,2022, and will consist of the Board and staff
looking at various Parks and Recreation Department facilities, current projects, and upcoming project sites. Parks
Manager Stowers stated that the annual Arbor Day tree planting ceremony would take place during the October 22,
2022 tour. He noted a brief regular Parks and Recreation Board meeting might be included at the end of the tour.
A motion was made by Board Member Swendig, seconded by Board Member Dyson, to adjourn the meeting at
7:58 pm. A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0 with Board Member Allen and Board Chair Mullis absent.
- 2 / 2- C, ,
/Gloria Suarez,Board Vic Chair
190/Md -4477-6-‹A Janet Hawkes,Administrative Assistant II
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July 11, 2022 Parks and Recreation Board Minutes