11-16-2022 (Animal Shelter) Minutes IA/ Animal Shelter Advisory Board CITY OF WYLIE Minutes Regular Meeting November 16, 2022 — 6:00 pm Wylie Municipal Complex— Council Chambers 300 Country Club Road, Bldg. 100 Wylie,TX 75098 CALL TO ORDER Announce the presence of a Quorum. Dr. Brad Abraham called to order the Animal Shelter Advisory Board meeting at 6:03 pm. Board members present Shelia Patton, Amber Porter, Susan Cranford, and Jeff Forrester. Quorum is present. Staff Liaison Lt. Matt Miller is also present. INVOCATION The invocation was given by Jeff Forrester. CITIZENS COMMENTS ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS Residents may address Council regarding an item that is not listed on the Agenda. Residents must fill out a non-agenda form prior to the meeting in order to speak. Council requests that comments be limited to three (3) minutes. In addition, Council is not allowed to converse, deliberate, or take action on any matter presented during citizen participation. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Consider and act upon an Animal Shelter Advisory Board minutes of October 19, 2022. (ASAB Chair) Minutes November 16,2022 Animal Shelter Advisory Board Page 1 Board Action A motion was made by Jeff Forrester to accept the Animal Shelter Advisory Board minutes of October 14, 2022, as presented. Dr. Brad Abraham seconded to accept the Animal Shelter Advisory Board minutes of October 19, 2022, as presented. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. 2. Consider and place on file the 2022 State of Texas Rabies Quarantine Facility Inspection. (ASAB Chair) Board Action A motion was made by Jeff Forrester to accept and place on file the 2022 State of Texas Rabies Quarantine Facility Inspection, as presented. Dr. Brad Abraham seconded to accept and place on file the 2022 State of Texas Rabies Quarantine Facility Inspection, as presented. A vote was taken, and the motion passed unanimously. WORK SESSION WS1. Discuss the Animal Services facility's current status, needs for improvement,and future growth. Lt. Matt Miller stated that every board member has a Shelter Planners of American packet to review. We have also contacted a few places about a consultant, and the average price for the consultant is around $30,000. He has spoken with Glenna, the purchasing manager, and we will have to create an RFP. He would like to get the board's recommendation for a consultant to the city council. Jeff Forrester thanks Shelia and Lt. Miller for the packet. He recommended that we prepare an RFP for the city council at the mid-year budget. If we miss the mid-year budget, we will end up presenting the RFP to the city council at next year's budget. Dr. Brad Abraham asked. what is an RFP? Lt. Matt Miller stated it is a request for a proposal. It is something the city is required to do, and it has certain criteria that have to be met, and businesses will need to submit their proposals. Does everyone agree with starting an RFP? He will also get with PD staff to see what the progression is like for an RFP and will get back to the board in December. Amber Porter, what is the timeline for the mid-year budget? Lt. Matt Miller stated he does not know how long an RFP takes. Do you know how long it will take? Jeff Forrester stated the city has to post the RFP in the paper and can open it up to the public and allow for replies for 30, 60, or 90 days. It depends on if there is a list of contractors already. Lt. Matt Miller stated we will need to start the RFP quickly if this is the recommendation. Dr. Brad Abraham agrees with the recommendation for a consultant. Susan Cranford agrees with the recommendation. Amber Porter agrees with the recommendation and wants to get it to the mid-year budget. Minutes November 16,2022 Animal Shelter Advisory Board Page 2 Jeff Forrester agrees with the recommendation. Lt. Matt Miller stated we will push forward with the RFP and see what feedback we get.Anything else, Shelia? Shelia Patton stated everyone agrees with the recommendation, and she also agrees. Lt. Matt Miller stated that after the first of the year, he would like to arrange for the board to tour the Garland facility. He will also be setting four ASAB meetings next year. Then around June of next year, we should have two new board members. Jeff Forrester recommended that the consultant be assigned first before doing the tour. He also recommended that we tour multiple shelters so they can get a better understanding of what a shelter needs and why. Shelia Patton has visited a few shelters already, and they are all willing to assist and give feedback. She agrees with Jeff Forrester's recommendation. Lt. Matt Miller has looked at other shelters and the size of their facilities based on their city's population and noticed that some were joint facilities. We will take everything into consideration. ADJOURNMENT Motion was made by Amber Porter and seconded by Susan Cranford to adjourn the meeting. With no further business before the board, the board's consensus was to adjourn at 6:20 pm. ASAB Chair ATTEST: Shelia Patton, ASAB member Minutes November 16,2022 Animal Shelter Advisory Board Page 3