Ordinance 1963-01
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CITY or,' ~{)t I /~ ~ TAXAS.
Section 1. The~ shall be aIJpointed by the 01 ty Mana-
ger ot the C~ ot . '~J~:Gi1 ~ a superintendent or the 1later
~':ol"ks" who a . 1 be tba strative o:f'tioer of the vlater Works
System.. indlWiing all engine houaes$ engines, pumps, reservoirs,
stand p11es.. elevated tanka, pipe lines.. hydrent8, meters, wrenches,
atopcoeks, sate valves, tire plug., testing eQUipment, and all other
property and maoh1neI"'.{ UMd Ol"! or connected With the Water Works
System. Be d1all have genet'al SUperviSion over all employeea of the
~Ja.ter ~Jorks System and shall make frequent trips of inspection over
all pipe lines and all other property used in or connected with the
t'later 'u;'orks System~ aId shall make all repa1rsdeemed necessar"J and
consistent tdth his (lut1es.
He shall a.lso report all violations ot this ordinance to
the City f.~er an1 ahall forthwith proceed to have proeccuted(ottendera
d"set~;~h in this o%!dinance or ~' aJllendment thereot.
He shall also attend to and control the water su....vpJ.:v and
at all 't1."lles see to tho sutr1cienc~ithcraof, ana s:r~ not1f-'J the
COmt'i.U!ll t-,i'.11 W"'J.ess e:llergency requires otheI.~';;1.se.. of th e Deccan! ty
of: shuttinc:;; oft any pipe line for the purpose of J:rWcing z'epairs J
extensions, connections.. etc. should he know beforehand the necess-
ity t" BO shut off the "'later from an;; line or lines 01'" the system.
In the performance of his duties as reqq1red by this
section.. the .Superintendent shall bo st.tbject at all times to the
c ordinances; rules and regultltions. He sha.ll serve 1'01' such
term and receive BUCh compensat:.ton v,s :na.y be fixed by the govern-
bod~! .-
Sectio:n 2 . It shall thereafter> be urualltul fen-any per-
sons to do.. canmlt 01' assist 1n committing any of the followiJ.1.G;
thinga or acta the C1'Cit of ?u;v.!. /'-e-<q .$ Texas:
(a) To open In" clos,n any 1':1,1'e hydrant or stopco,c;, C(itl-
m~cted with the tiatel~ ''lorks S'\tstem of the City o.r ~/€_ ,
or lift or remove the covers ot anjr gate valves or ~ off ~here-
01""; td,thout the permission of the Superintendent of the lJ~ater t\lork8,
Q~~t in case o~re.1 al'ld then ullder the dlreet1on. of' of"f'tcers ot
tne Fire Department. ~
(b) To interfere "~!lth.. destroy, d.eface, inlpalr, injure
or l'lanto,nly fOMe open .any gate" or door.. or in any 'fila,,/! 't\;'hataoe~ler
destroy" inJure or deface any- part of an;;t engine hou,se, reservoir"
standpipe, elevated tan';:" b"J.:1.1dlng or buildings, or ~
~t.~ &ppUJ'tenancea.. rences.. trees" ShrubS, or fL"ttures or
property appertaining to the Water l~orks Sy'stern.
(c) To go upon or ascend the sta1~ or steps # on :uw
elevated 't18.ter tank or standpipe ot the Water Worka Sltstem.. ex..
cept 1'r.;r pe:nniesion of' the Hater "1orks superintendent.
(<'1) To place 8.l~ telegraph" telephone, electric light
pole; or artr obstruction \1batsoever td,thin thJ.'tee teet of any fire
(8) To resort to any fraudulent devioe or arrangement
for the pUJlpoee ot Procuring water tee h1mselt or others tram pri-
vate connections or premiaes contrary to the City regulations or
PAGE 2.....
(r) '1'0 interferewith or injure any :reservoir" tank"
f'ounta1n, byd:ra.nt, p1p~ Jl" cock.: 'fralve or othcar apparatus per-
taining to the tlater W'oJlka System, or to turn on or ort without
authorit'-cf the limter in any street hydrant or other water f.1.."Cture..
or to hitch or tie any animal thereto.
(g) 11'Q Blake 01' lII'll:1t to be J1Iade &nl' oonnections with
the main or service pipes ot the ~later 1';orks Syste!a or to turn on
or use the water of said System without first obtalntng <1 pam1 t
h.!h e,
(h) To COVel' or conceal r~ view any water valve box,
MI'V'J.ce or metel' box.
(i) '1'0 ret,1ove ar~r ''later ;;letel"" that haa been placed by
the C1ty, or to inan;r manner cha.nge.. interfere With or tal:nper
with an;y water Jlteter; providillg that the Provisions ot this sec-
tion &hall not apply to the employees of the City when acting in
their official Cllpa01ty J or
(J l '1:0 tw.~ on the water aapply ot any bU1cUing or to
an.Y S'1J.pply pepe ,'!here the SUpply baa been tumed off: .fW the non..
paymen't of.' the monthly water charge or tor tn. violation o:f a1'\Y
rule or ordinance governing the Water Works s,.e'tem.
Seetio:n 3. It shall be unlawtul for arw persoxl$ i'1rm. or
corporation to raal<e a.."lY connection to the ma1Jul or p1pes of the
Hater Wcrks S7stem of: the 0ity of ~/:J; 1 without first
making app11_1on to the 01 ty" stat ~. r Iy the seveX'al and var..
1ou.., UM8 tor which water 1s wan'ted, giving the name ot' owner of.'
the prOlxtJ...t:t" the number of lot and block.. name ot the Streetand
hwse nt_b_. Upan the p,.qmaent of the tapping fee. the Superin-
tendent shall make.. or have made. the necea8aX7 co.nnect10ns and
f'urn1Sh a curb stop box and oUl'b cock" the cost or whioh is in-
cluded 11'lthe tap}ta1.ng :t'ee" and. eve~r Premises connected with any
water main, or being aupp11M' w11;h mw water n.-an the city water
Works, 8halJ! a separate service oonnection.. curb stop box al1d
cu.rb cock. If' the applioation is approvod a permit will he issued.
J'Ul teea and OJlaJ:'ge~ el1aJ.l be paia :ror at mnounta and rates .fixed
bythia ord:tnance or b.y resolution as :e:L~l .f"rall tilne to t::tme by'
the governing body.
Sacci,on 1j.. fu~" person t-.rlshu)@:to d1acont1nue the use
of \;latal" supplies trom the \'~ator l'}orks S~/s'tem must give nO;ice
~i;;h~l"GOr to -the C.lty ~ othel"~'i1se the cla>ge \,;111 be entered until
suoh notice has been given. The charge for shuttir~ off ru1d
tu.m1ng on of such service .ahall be established by resolutio11
as fixed from ti.'11e to time Q.v the Be~~ ei'., EJ~Il~nws>.
<:1 y (C7I.AY/C/,
Section 5. It shall be the dut:v, ot all emplo:rees of
t;he eit:,'" 1naluding officers and members of the police force to
report to the Superintendent of the Water \\forks System" upon
blanks furnished for that purpose" any leaks or 'Unnecessary
wast of' water that may cane to their attention.. also any vio-
lations of this vrdinance.
See'cion G. All meters" t'lhethe:t' pr..Lvate 01' belon...;:1ns
to the HaterWc:rka Byste'll shall be set by- the employees of the
City. If thehater gets out of order and fails to register$ the
consumer will be oharged at the average daily consumption" as
ahown by the lneter when in order. _All water tl'at passes through
~~e~ shall be c~rg~.,d .!~, Whe~_h~:_"~s~~,~o: no~J{(7?7(;S-- .
S I, d, Z./::.t f J,r,. ; ;::~f: L ;~~'d n )2,"~ <, ";?:, h 1'1- ~ I' 0 /'
J~. per, P/-7 h"""//;7<:' ,L bf "tn".,/"" 1/
./ /'
Page 3.....
Seotion IT. Baoh oOJl8Wller ot water, living on a separate.
lot, must have B. aeparate oonnection and. meter. Where there ... I ~7
more than one ht.M.l8e on the same lot, both houses may be served (
through one meter at the option of the City. . Residences that are___-->
not 1n reach of the city .u.ta water main inay, with the consent of
he owner, tie on to his water supply, at the option of the City,
and in which case" the lllinila.wn monthly charge will be made for
each additional residence taking water through suoh meter. Each
>'min:i..mwrl' \'1111 entitle user to the min1.'num as established by re80- ~i'
1utrLon a8 fixed tro.'fI. time to time by the P __.t ..rCtmmiaa4.0ft85. t,'J.J(Jo,{lt
The;regular' minimum" the additonal minimum and all watex'llsed over
the minimums by such customers, shall be Charged to the customer
having the meter.
Section [3. Each \\Tater OQBSumer shall put up a meter de-
posit 1n an amount established by re8olut10nwh~ch may be applied
to the payment or ar~ unpaid bills and, when SO used, the deposits
shall be restored to the original amount. AJg"'.unused portion of
tlle deposit :shall be refunded a.t an:y" ti.me th'" account or service
is discontinued .~-
Section 9. ;lhe tapp1ng chBrges for' eonneot1ons with the
City vI.tar mains and laterals shall Qe set by resolution as fixed
from t1.rne to time by the Boa" o~Oofmil881e.JJ\'l's.
C I '--1'1 C...) 1..11. 'Y) (~ 1~ ) , .,
Section 10. This ordinance 1s cUllNlati ve of any other
ordinances on the subject and does not repeal any present ord-
inances unless this ordinance 1s ir direct conflict therewithj
in which case this ordinance shall govern.
Section 11. ~t"hat from and after 10 days from date of
the publication of this ordinance a~r p\U'.son, 4f~rm.. partnership,
association of perso11s~ or corporations~ or.~~agent or ~~l~~ee
thereof, who shall ~liolate any of the l'ule~; ftgula.t1ons or pro-
visions of thia ordinancej or any part of it or portion thereof,
by any act either of ~nmission or commission or cause the Bame to
be done, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic-
tion thereof ahall be punished by a fine in any amount not ex-
ceeding two hundred ($200.00) for each and every such vi-alation.
F.ach violation of each part or an.y part of' this ordinance shall
be and constitute 8 separate offense and where such violation is a
continued act~ each day such violation is oontinued, or permitted
to continue shall be and const:1.tute a separate offense and be pun-
ishable accordingly.
Section 12. The fact that there 18 no adequate ordinance
or ordj.nances of the Ci.t'Y or LV ~/G..'~ . . ~ Texas, regulating
the installation, use~ and operation of the ~lty Water Works~
creates an emergenc-:r and a public cnecesS1~ tpa.t thc.!'Ulf;)~_ .rl(>~r;d
quir1ng all ordinances to be read at three. meetingsbefore final
passage be suspended, and said rule is hereby suspended, and
th:i.s ordinance shall take effect immed1ately after its passage,
approval, and legal publicat1on, and 1* is so ordained.
";lAY OF
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City of
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__G - ,. (i'ty ~lerk
City of u..) tJ Yu--
11. J ' "