Ordinance 1963-02 " I..~"~"'C~.' "0 / JJ ~J ;'_ _::/..L 1\) ;5l.. ! 'J Ij 1 \! . (p ,,_) -,-.. L.. ITnrc;HA'"I' P;~');)LEH I S & ".ll:;I'T')OR I S OR;)PJANCE ::::ITY OF ViYLIE, TEXAS l\.,;r OHD1>TANCE D!~V1\JIjiG AND ILGULATING ITIlJERAJT;i!~RCt1AWL:_', I'IIVERAT,TT VI:';I,JDORS, P]:~Y)LF;RS, A;LJ PERS,JNS TAKIfJC ORDERS POR OR OFF rw FOR ;)ALE, GOODS, 'NARES, kJ;R:IIANDISE, SERVICES, PLO'I'Ow GRAPfS, N~WSPAPERS, ~AGAZINES, OR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO NEWSPAPERS OR ;'1AOA7.1-:::=:;S; ESTABLISHING 'IE LL;GAL HO'JRS:'Cl}-I TIIE TRANSA'I'ION 0';' snCH BUSINESS; PROVIDIl{G P:)R A LICE\fSE AND LICErJSF~ FEE; PROHIBITING :::E:LL.INO OR ::,OLICITING"'I'I'}iQUCfi ThEIIJ CARRYING SUCH LICENSE 'WHILE SO ENGAGT:D; REQ,UIRPfG suc;r PERSON OR P'"RSONS '1'0 MAKE APPLICATION ]:COR LICENST,:, 'l'EETmp! NfAKnm "'ULL DISCLOSURE OF ALL MATTRS FER'l'INETJT TO SUCH AC'l'IVI'I'Y; RECtUIRING A BOND; l:::XET\'iF'l'ING 'THOSE EYGAGED IN JENr.;nS'I'ATE COIVEFERCE FROM LICE1'JSE "'EE AND BOND BUT RE(~UIRITJG strCIT PERSOl'TS TO REGISTER ITF THE CI'I'Y SECREr~ARY, PAY A PEE P(}R nrVES'I'IGArI'IVE ATiD AUT"lDnS'rRATIVE COST; PROVIDING PENi\L'TF~S ~'OR 'l'FE \lIOLATIOJ'T OF 'l'EIS ORDINANCE, I:\TI:LUDING A TI'IN!'~IWT LI;SS 'I'HAN $:,10.00 NOR ~WRE THAT ~;~200.00 POR T:ACE OPPE'TSE AND :C)EPINIl\TG ijirp':'4.T SHALL r;ONS'l'I'I'UTE A SEPARATE OPF'ENSr~; PRovI OIiW /~ SAVPJGS CLAUSE; AFD REPEALING COl\TFLICTITJG OP DI\TANCES OR PARI'S OF OR ))INANGES . B~ IT' ORDAINED BY 'I'hE CIty COG\TCIL OD' ThE; CITY OF' WYLIE, rrEXAS: SEGTIO~ I. This entire ordinance is and shall be deemed an exercise of the police power of the State of Texas, and of the City of Wylie, for the public safety, comfort, convenience and protection of the City and citizens of said City, and all of the provisions hereof shall be construed for the accomplishment of that purpose. , TION 2. That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to go from house to house or from place to place in the City of Wylie, Texas, soliciting, selling or taking orders for or offering to sell or take orders for any goods, wares, m rchandise, services, photographs, magazines, newspapers, or subscriptions to newspapers or magazines, except during the hours from 9:00 a.m. until 30 minutes after sundown. SECTION 3. That it shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to go from house to house or form place to place in the City of Wylie, Texas, soliciting, selling or taking orders for or offer- ing to sell or take orders for any goods, wares, merchandise, services, photographs, newspapers, magazines, or subscriptions to newspapers or magazines, without having first applied for and obtained a license so to do from the City Secretary of said City. It shall also hereafter be unlawful to sell or solicit in said ity, as aforesaid, without carrying such license while engaged in such soliciting or selling. SECTION 4. That any person desiring to go from house to house or from place to place in the City of Wylie, Texas, to sell or Peddler's Urdinance con "Iued - - - page 2 solicit orders for goods, wares, merchandise, services, photo- graphs, newspapers, magazines, or subscriptions to newspapers or mag~zines, shall ~e written application to' the City Sec- retary @said City~ a license so to do, which application shall show the name and address of applicant, the name and add~esp of the person, firm, or corporation, if any, that he or she/~~presents, and the kind of goods offered for sale, and whether such applicant upon any such sale or order shall demand, accept or receive payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery, and the period of time such applicant wishes to sell or solicit in said City. SECTION 5. The application mentioned in SECTION 4 hereof shall be accompanied by a bond in the penal sum of ~~ 1,000.00 signed by applicant and signed, as surety, by some surety ,company authorized to do business in the State of Texas, conditioned ,,*or the final delivery of goods, wares, merchandise, services, l~hotographs, magazines and newspapers in accordance with the ~ terms of any order obtained prior to delivery anj also condit- ioned to indemnify ~J?yand all purchases or customers for any \.. and all defects in" riraterial or workmanship that mafl exist in the article sold by the principal of said bond, at the time of ~~~~~e ~rf)lt~d3~h~:y~,a~f~:r d~: f~~:~; ~;:: d s ~~~ chU~~~~ s :~a~r ~ ~S- 'tne. use and benefit of all r;ersorls, firmsr9,r fc.erJ{~.r~~.io,es ' >, that may make any purchase or glve any orde~to the prlncipal on said bond, or to an agent or employee of "the principal. ~1 " Provided that in case applicant is a person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or association engaging in any act- ivity mentioned in SECTION 3 hereof through one or more agents or employees, such persons, firm, company, partnership, corp- oration or association shall be required to enter into only one bond, in the sum of $ 1,000.00 as above required, which bond shall be made to cover the activities of all its agents or employees. SECTION 6. That a solicitor, a peddler, an itinerant merchant or an itinerant vendor as the terms are used in this ordinance shall be held to be any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or association engaged in any activity mentioned in S~CTION 3 bereof. ;.'i-~ SECTION 7. That the license fee for a solicitor, a peddler, an itinerant merchant or an itinerant vendor shall be ~ Isg&. Provided, however, when any person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or association engages in any activity mentioned in SECTION 3 hereof through one or more agents or employees, such person, firm, company, partnership, corporation or assoc- iation shall, in addition to said \~~ I$,C (} fee above rJ1entioned, pay a license fee of ~,5", r. t for each agent or employee so en- gaged, all of which licenses shall be valid for one year from the date of their issuance; provided, further, tiiat the license shall be issued to the individual agent or employee and shall not be used by any other agent or employee. Peddlers Ordinan continued -page 3 // The fees herein provided for shall be used for the purpose of defraying expenses incident to the issuing of said license. SECTION 8. The(p;ovisions ~l~t~;A~~~a~~ ~~~t/~PlY to sales made to deft~by commercial travelers or sales agents in the usual course of business, nor to sales made under auth- ority and by order of law, nor to vendors of farm and dairy products. Si;CTION 9. rChe provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to persons engaged in interstate commerce as that term is herein defined, prov:1ded, however, that it shall be unlawful-for persons engaged in interstate COlmnerce to go from house to house or place to place in the City of Wylie without having first regis- tered with the City Secretary of said City giving the following information: (a) Name, home address and local address, if any, of registrant. (b) 'fame and address of the person, firy;, or corporation, if any, that he or she represents or for whom or through whom orders are to be solicited or cleared. (c) Nature of the articles or things which are to be sold or for which orders are to be solicited. (d) 1Vhether registrant, upon any sale or order shall demand or receive or accept payment or deposit o~ money in advance of final delivery. (e) Period of time which registrant wishes to solicit or sell in said City. The registrant at the time of the registration, as herein provided for, shall submit for inspection of the City Secretary written proof of his identity which may be in the form of an automobile operator's license, identification letter or card issued to regis- trant by the person, firm or corporation for whom or through whom orders are to be solicited or cleared. /l ~, Registrant must pay cost of registerin,~: which is ;~ r5;" per person, firm or corporation, plus ~~ S-'~. for each agent, or employee so engaged. 'I'he term II interstate commerce" means solici t- ing, selling or taking orders for or offering to take orders for any goods, wares, merchandise, photographs, newspapers or magazines, or subscriptions to newspapers or magazines which, at the time the order is taken, are in another state or will be produced in another state and shipped or introduced into this City in the fulfilJment of such orders. SECTION 10. Any person, firm or corporation violating any prov- isions of this ordinance or failing to observe any provisions hereof shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than SiIO.OO and not more than 8200.00 and each and every day or fraction of a day during which this ordinance, or any part thereof, shall be violated, shall be Peddlers Ordinance continued-- page 4 deemed a separate offense and punishable as such. ~BCTION II. Each and every provision, paragraph, sentence and clause of this ordinance has been separately considered and passed by the City Council, and each provision would have been separately passed without Bny other provision, and if any prov- ision hereof shall be ineffective, invalid or unconstitutional for any cause, it shall not impair, nor effect the remaining portion, nor any other part thereof, but the valid portion shall be enforced just as if it had been passed alone, and all ord- inances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 12. By reason of the fact that the City Council con- siders the purpose of this ordinance necessary for the public welfare of the City of Wylie, Texas, and of its citizens, it is hereby declared to be an emergency measure, demanding that the rule referring ordinances to be read at more than one meeting of the City Council be suspended and that this ordin- ance take effect immediately from and after its passage, app- roval and publication according to law, and it is so ordained. Ig6 ~ PASSE,) A".TD APPRovED this the II day of A r].1l}l F~S IT : ,{:.v ,._~"., 1 City Secretary,