Ordinance 1963-04 ORDIN~N9]; NO. 63- 4 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING CITY OF WYLIE AND SET'l.'ING A BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FOR THE A 'rIlv:E FOR TfiE hlEETING OF SUCH BOARD. BE IT OR;) INED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' WYLIF~, TEXAS: Section 1. That E D. Ell enbllrg,. Jr. , C1Jrtis Hale and Bill 'yVoods ..- ...-------. , who are residents of the City of Wylie, qualified voters and property owners in the 6it:{ of Wylie, are here- by appointed Board of Equalization for the City of Wylie for the year 1963. Section 2. That said Board of Equalization shall meet on the -Z-lst day of Septernb~r1963, and at such times thereafter that the Board may designate until its PASSED AND APf4WVED this / / duties are fulfilled. ~ day of ,.7 ~f( Z1 (l/, 1963. / .....,.- AT'I'EST: ( . , 11'\ '. ,I,,' . / ~Y'~~c-tlIG ~..f:'C.'1tc:.t/_ City Secretary (.