Ordinance 1964-06 ORDINANCE NO. {;1/& AN 01IDINANCE REGULATING THE KEEPING OF DOGS n~ THE CITY OF wYLIE; PROVIDING FOR A LICENSE AND TAX; PROVIDING FOB THE VACCINATION OF DOOS; PROVIDING FOR A DOG POUND; PROVIDING FOR THE REDEMFTION OF DOGS iL'4D THE DISFcOSAL THErUDF IF' NOT REDElXMEr;; AND FHOVIDING FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS CRDINA1~CE. Ift' 0HDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF' THE CITY 01''' vl::CLIE. TF.J(AS: SECr.!'lON 1. frovldlng for Dog Tax and \/acclnatloIl: 'i'ha.t. there 1s hereby levied ana a.ssesseO upon each dog, male or female, kept or own.eO wi thin the 01 ty ot \~y11e, Texas, an annual tax of '(1.00 oft. each male dog and 1.00 on each female dog, Whioh tax is to be due and payable on the f1rst of J~~~~~ of each year and it is hereby made the dut~ of the owner or keeper of any dog, male or female, to pay Over to the Chlef of Police or his duly authorlzed agent the said tax on or before the flrst day -1 L/' Iy ot J81'1:tlary each year. SECTION 2. The Chief of Pollee shall oollect or have oollected under his supervial,::m all dog taxes and shall be responsible to the City of Wylie for all moneys oollected under this ordlnanoe and shall make monthly reports in writing of all money oolleoted un<3er this ordinance to the Council and shall pay over to the Clty Clerk for depOsit with the City Treasurer all money so cOlleet&1 at least onoe each month. SF,CTICN 3. Upon the payment of said tax, the Chief of Foliee or his duly authorized agent shall furnish the owner or keeper of ea1.d dog or dogs wi th a tag on which 1s stamped the number of oeglstratlon with the year for which tax is paid, which tag the owner or keeper shall attaoh to a collar securely fastened around the neck of such d05, male or female, and no dog saall be allOwed to run at large without the proper tag attached to the collar around the neok of said dOB. In no event shall the ChIef of Polloe or hie duly authoriZed agent 1ssue a license tag to any owner or keeper shall furnish a. vaooinatlon certlficate Issued by a licensed Veternlnarla.n stating that such dog or dogs have been vacoinated against rabIes by him. SECTION 4. All dogs withln the CIty of WylIe, Texas, are hereby requIred to be vaool~;i~ against rabIes by some llecensed veterlnarian on or be fore Jar,..Wai Y , at, and each year thereafter, and 1 t 1s further provided herein that every Veterinarlan who vaccinates any suoh dog, eIther male or ternale, within the CIty of Wylie, Texas, shall eolleot hie fee for same from the owner of the dog al~ shall issue a oertifioate of .acclnation to such owner, stating the name of the owner, a brief descrIptlon of the dog" the date ot vaoclns..tlon and the fee colleoted by him for same; '/lheliever any person has complied wl th th.e pl"'ovitlione of the preceding sections and the said dog tag is lost or otherwise destroyed, it shall be the duty of said owner or koeper of sa1d doe; to procare another tag from the Chief of Police bJ pay1.np; the value of uald tag and all coats that may have aocrued as herein- atter provided.. S.EC,!'ICN 5. I tshall be the duty of the Chief of .Folloe or hiD authorized agent to oapture a.nd impowld 1n a pen to be pro- vided by the 01 ty tor that purpose and called the <fDog Poundtf and any dog, male or female, foarA r~~lng at large w1thln the City of ~(yll$, Texas, without a tag an provlC1ed tor unaer the terms 01' this ordInance and if such dOB,malGo" female, 1ft not redoemed and reolaimed and taken from Bald pound wlthln the time required u..r..der the ProvisIonr. of thls ol'dlnance, then the Chief of ../-'olloe shall advertise said do~ for ,ulle twenty four hours by Posting one .notioe otsaid sale at thE: COOl' or. the 01 ty 'Hall, "Nhlct notloe shall g1 ve t.he time and place ot sale and ""hftll... Jtt n.ot "'.... ....I. red earned , ee11 tald dog, m&l~ or female, at publlc auotion and if no one shall bid UPOfl the aama, "1.)l;:1> "'......OHht f h w~'" _M.,.. 0 Q arges due on sald dog, the 941d dog _hall be bought by the 01ty at once and kl1led by the Chief Of Police or hIs duly auth.orlaed agent. SECTION 6. (a) The owner and keeper Of any dog or dogs oaptured or lmpounded under the prOVisions of this ordinance shall be permitted and allOWed at any time wlthln forty.eight hours after such dog or dogs shall have been lmpounded. to redeem, recla1m and again receive possession of said dog or dogs, upon payment to the Chief ot Folioe, or hIs duly authorized agent, the sum ot ~O.50 per day or fractlonal part thereof durlng which tim.e said Clog or dogs may have been 1mpounded for every such dog eo impounded which sum eo pald to hlm shall by the Chief of Follce be pald over to the City Clerk tor deposIt with the Treasurer for the uee and benefit of the CIty as well as all other money receIved by him under the terms ot' this ordlnance. (h) Should the owner or keeper of said dog or dogs, male or temale, fall to redeem the same as provided for in paragraph (a) of this section wlth1n the forty-elght hours, then said dog or dogs shall be advertised and sold or killed in the manner prov1ded for 111 this ordinance. It shall be the duty of the Chief of .Folioe and duly authorized krepresentati ve to see that the terms of this o~31nanee are strictly enforced, provided how- everf that the terms of thle orc'llnance shall not be applicable to dogs following countI~men~ in to the City. ~lE;C'l'IOn '{.. The Chief of :;:01101'3 and any polioeman of this City shall have the right to shoot or kill any rabid dog or any dog 1n the streets wh1ch snall manlfest a d1sposition to bite. SEC'l'ION 8. That any person who shall wilfully take from any do~ a oollar or tag shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviotion shall be f1i.e(l 1n any sum not to exceed 100.00. SECTION 9. Any person violat1ng any prov1sions of th1s ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a. misdemeanor and upon con- v1ction shall be t1ned 1n any sum not exceeding ~100.00. FAfH3ED AND A:PP':~OVED THIS THE ':"11:1 DAY OF :r~H 1C6~ o. ,~. Hampton, Mayor A~!T]f;S~l : (Vv~y& jt.u'1-te// Oneida nallap,her, Cl t.y secretary