Ordinance 1966-02 I~ ~.r"."'" ()._O ---y /----' ORDINANCE APPROVING AHD ADOPTING ESTH1ATE or COSTS or IMPROVEMENTS AND or AHOUNTS TO BE ASSESSED ON PORTIONS or VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, SAID STREETS BEING OUTLINED IN AN APPENDIX TO THIS ormnU~NCl~ AND HAKING ASSESSMENT or COSTS. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wylie has heretofore ordered that the hereinafter portion of various streets be paved and contract therefor has been made and entered into with the City of Wylie as contractor; and VJHEREAS, the City Council of the City of \.Jylie has caused the City BR~i"..r to prepare and file estimates of the cost of '." ,., such improvement and estimates of the amounts per front foot proposed to be assessed against abutting property and the owners thereof: and \.JHEREAS, such estimates have been examined bV the City Council: THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, that~ Section 1. Such estimates be and they are hereby adopted and approved. Section 2. Such estimates be attached to this ordinance. Section 3. Property owners abutting said streets be assessed in accordance with Ordinance No. b.bl- heretofore passed by the City Council and Articles 10B2 and 1083 of the Revised Ci vil Statutes of the State Of/T;Xif. PASSED Arm APPROVED trds :J day of September, 1966. / ~7-- ~'I/ ~ (/ " / / '-./ ". '" ..-. / ~ " /'.,. ,-J " , ,.' <, " /' {/~A.. ,z.. . .... r (,.,' , L~ \.. .., ";_> ____- ~c::.~- '-"t---- ATTEST: ~hVL~" .......... ' ~" ....Q~.~. ./ ,_..".~_J.... '. . .' .......~' . . '1e i' --,.------- " ,,'.' uL~.#.l,.l .Lt'\" ,Ir. (SEAL) I CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND ACCURATE COpy OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 66-2, OF THE CITY OF WYL IE, COLUiN COUNTY, TEXAS. (j' __ ( 10. ~' , f' 1" / lvv.cdtL ~.,L1f-; ),1/ One i da Ga II agher ;; C i t Y Secretary