Ordinance 1966-04 (Rl) INANCE IIIJ.-Ic.h:- 1- AU ORDINANCE FIXllG THE TAX RATE AND LEVY I N AND FOR THE C ITV OF' WVL IE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1966, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERrY IN SA 10 C ITY OF' WVL IE, TEXAS : FORTHE PURPOSEOF' PAY INS THE CURRENf EXPENSES OF SA to C ITV FOR THE FISCAL YEAR Eft) INS SEP- TENER 30, 1967, AND.'fHi fURrHER P\WOSE OF CREATING A S INKING FUND TO RET IRE THE PRiNe 'PAL AND INTEREST OF' THE BONDED IN- OEBTBlNESS Of SAID Clif PROV~DING THAT IN Tf-E EVSir Atff PROV IS 100 (F TH' S (R) INAtCE BE )QD UNCONS1 rMIGNAL AND INVALID THAT ~H ~LD ING SW\LL NOT AFFECT THE REMA IN::. ItG PRO\' IS lOOS HEREOF J REPEALL'NG ALL (R).... INANCES 00 PARrS THERECF IN CONFLICT HERE- WITH AN) Pf~ 10 ING FOR PUBLlCAT 100. BE IT ORDA ,NED BY THE C trY COONe' L OF THE CITY OF \'IVL IE I TEXAS: ~t:h~n h There 1$ hereby levied for the year 1900, upon .11 the real property situated withIn the corporate 'ImUs of said City of WyU., Texa8, and on all per$Ontl I property which was owned withIn the corporate UmitG of said City of WylIe, Texas, on the 1st day of January A. 0., 1966; e><<;ept 80 much thereof U$ l1lCy be exempt by the COnstitution and Laws of the State of Texas, a total tax on One and 501100 C$I.,50) Oollars on eoch One HuncJre4 ($100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation on al' of saId property which saId total tax here now levied as afore... $aId 18 ~ttv.ly as follows: ~t.i~Q 2: An ad valorem tax of and at the rete one One and 22/100 ($1.22) Dollars on each One Hundrod ($100.00) Oollars of assessed valuation of saId taxable property Is hereby levied for the }Ibm- 1900, for general city purposes and to pay the current operating expenses of saId City of Wyl'e , TCtXlSS, for the fiscal year endIng Septernber 30, 1967 r which S~t.~ 2: (eont I nued . ta., when collected, shal t be approprlatod to and deposited In and to the credIt of the o.neral Fund of satd City of Wylie, T.... ~t 10Il'1 An ad valorem tox of and at the rate of Twenty eight '$0.28) Cent. on oech One Hundred ($.00.00. Doll.,.. of asMesed v~luotfon of saId hua.blQ proper"ty Is hereby levIed for the Yef1r 1966; for the purpose of creating an IntereGt and Sinking Fund with whfch to pay the tnterest ond retIre the principal of the valid bonded Indebtedness of the Cftyof WylIe; Te~'1$, novl/ outstandIng, and such ta. when collected; shall be appropriated and deposIted in and to the creert t of the Interest and SInkIng FuM of the .Id CIty of Wyllol Texas. $cU~n 4: In the went any provIsion of thts Ordinance shea I be held unconstitutIonal and 'nvalld by court of competent Jurisdiction the same sha II 1101 affect the re- m Infng provisIons thereof. Wit,. :il AU ordInances and ports tl'Milreof Inc:onfflct with any of the provhdof1$ of this Ordinance ere httreby .......... ve I Y ......1 ed. ~t h)A ~. Thts OrdInance ahall be In fult fore. and effect October I 9 '900, and not lee of such enactment aha I I PG published on 000 occasion In oome nG'tvspaper of generClI circulation In the City of Wylte, Texas, wIthIn ten (10) deysof t~ paasage. pASSm. iII'PIlOlIli>>. AND ~ 1'UBl'SHE9. by t". City Council Qf the Cft)' Qf WYlie. T_. th'.. 26th doy of Solpt..... '9<S6. ^' /}7 /t---/?,/ <....~ ~,. l/' (\.~'--c.7~~ (). VI. l-llmp ton , 11\0 YO'" ATTEST" () L ~~, ~jl~v One' do ~. 'ilgh.r i' C i fy SwretQry Th~r~day, Sep1iinber 29, 1966 '^'i Legal Notice Ordinance No. 66-4 AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE TAX RATE AND LEVY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1966, UPON ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN SAID CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: FOR THE PURPOSE OF PA YING THE CURRENT EXPENSES OF SAID CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30,1967; AND THE FURTHER PURPOSE OF CREA TING A SINKING FUND TO RETIRE THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF THE BONDED IN- DEBTEDNESS OF SAID CITY PROVIDING THAT IN THE EVENT ANY PROVISION OF T HIS ORDINANCE BE HELD UNCONSTI- TUTIONAL AND INVALID THAT SUCH HOLDING SHALL NOT AFFECT THE REMAINING PROVISIONS HEREOF; REPEALLING ALL OR- DINANCES AND PARTS THEREOF IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PRO- VIDING FOR PUBLICATIeN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE C I T Y COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. There is hereby levied for the year 1966, upon all the real property situated within the corpor- ate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, and on all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, on the 1st day of January A. D., 1966; except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Texas a total tax on One and 50/100 ($1.58) dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) dollars of assessed valuation 0.'.1 all of said property which said total tax here n()w levied as aforesaid is respectively asfbllows: Section 2. An ad valorem ~ax of and at the rate on One and 22/100 ($1.22) dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) 'dollars of assessed valuation of said Staxable property is hereby levied for the yea r 1966, for general city '~purposes and to pay the current .~ operating expenses of said City of Wylie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1967, which tax, when collected, shall be appro- priated to and deposited in and to the credit of the General Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas. Section 3. An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Twenty eight ($0.28) cents on each One Hundred ($100.00) dollars of assessed valuation of said taxable property is hereby levied for the year 1966, for the purpose of creating an interest and Sinking Fund with wnich to pay the interest and retire the principal ofthe valid bonded indebtedness of the City of Wylie, Texas, now outstanding, and such tax when collected, shall be appropriated and deposited in and to the <;redit of the interest and Sinking Fund of the said City of Wylie, Texas. Section 4. In the event any provision of this ordinance shall be held uncon- stitutional and invalid by court of competent jurisdiction the same shall not affect the rema'.ning provisions thereof. Section 5. All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with any of the pro- visions of this ordinance are hereby expressively repealed. Section 6. This o::dinance shall be in full force and effect October 1, 1966, and notice of such enactment shall be published on one o.:::casion in some newspaper of general circulation in the City of Wylie, Texas, wi.thin ten (10) days of the passage. PASSED, APPROVED, AND OR- DERED , bv the City Council of the City of Wylie, Texas, this 26th day of September 1966. . O. W. Hampton, Mayor ATTEST: Oneida Gallagher City Secretary (SEAL)