Ordinance 1966-05 . CITY" .OF VVY"LIE AREA CODE 214 PHONE: 394-':.136' MAYOR O. W. HAMPTON COUNCILMEN C. T. SHIELDS (Mayar Protem) RAYMOND POSEY W. D. WINGFIELD MELVIN DOUTHITT HARRY TIBBALS CITY MANAGER JACK H. WHITT CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. GAY ORD I NANCE NO .1 fo S-- 109 WEST OAK STREET WYLIE, TEXAS 75098 AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING WATER RATES FOR LOCAL RESIDENTS (WlmHIN CITY LIMITS) AND EXTENDED AREA RESIDENTS (OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS) OF WYLIE, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: WATER SUPERINTENDENT W. A. ALLEN FIRE MARSHALL Section I; The City of Wylie, Texas, hereby extablishes the follow- GLENN DANIEL ing water service rates effective October I, 1966, for local residents (Within the City Limits): Minimum To 2,000 Gallons $ 2.50 ,1;000 to 10,000 Gal Ions Per Thousand $ 0.75 ]0,000 to 17,000 Gallons Per Thousand $ 0.50 AI lOver 17,000 ~a11ons Per Thousand $ 0.40 Section 2: The City of Wylie, Texas, hereby establ ishes the follow- ing water service rates effective October I, 1966, for extended area residents (Outside City Limits): Minimum To 2,000 Gal Ions $ 5.00 ~OO to 10,000 Gallons Per Thousand $ 1.00 10,000 to 17,000 Per Thousand $ 0.75 AI lover 17,000 Gallons Per Thousand $ 0.50 Section 3: All ordinances and parts thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this ordinance are hereby expressively re- pealed. Section 4: The fact that the water rates now charged by the City of Wylie, Texas, are inadequate to cover the indebtedness and are not ddequate to cover the services rendered requires that this ordinance take effect on October I, 1966. CITY" ,OF VVY"LIE AREA CODE 214 PHONE: 394~l~36 MAYOR O. W. HAMPTON COUNCILMEN C. T. SH I ELDS (Mayor Protem) RAYMOND POSEY W. D. WINGFIELD MELVIN DOUTHITT HARRY TIBBALS CITY MANAGER JACK H. WHITT CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. GAY WATER SUPERINTENDENT W. A. ALLEN FIRE MARSHALL GLENN DANIEL 109 WEST OAK STREET WYLI E, TEXAS 75098 PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of September 1966. ~~. O. W. Hampton, Mayor ATTEST: ~ ~~~ Oneida Gallagher, c~y Secretary Legal. Notice Ordinance No. 66-5 AN ORDINANCE PRE S C RI BING WATER RATES FOR LOCAL RESI- DENTS ( WITHIN CITY LIMITS) AND EXTENDED AREA RESIDENTS (OUT- SIDE CITY LIMITS) OF WYLIE, TEXAS. BE IT 0 RDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. The City of Wylie, Texas, hereby estaolishes the following water. service rates effective October. 1, 1966, for local residents (within the city limits): Minimum to 2,000 gallons, $2.50; 2,000 to 10,000 gallons, Per thou- sand, $0.75; 10,000 to 17,000 galLons, Per thousand, $0,50; AlL over 17,000 gallons, Per tho;.Isand, $0.4J. Section 2. Ti.e City of Wylie, Texas, hereby establ1shes the following water service rates effective October 1, 1966, for extended area residents (outside city limits): Minimum to 2,000 gallons, $5. 2,000 to 10,000 gallons, Per thou- . sand, $1.00; 10,000 to 17,000, Per thousand, $0,75; All over 17,000 gal- lons, Per tho:.Isand, $0.50. .' Section 3. All ordinances and' parts thereof in conflict With any of the provisions of this ordina.nce are here- by expressivly repealed. Section 4. Thefa:::ttha.p,;,the water rates now ch<i.rgedby ,the City of Wylie, Texas, are inadequate to cover the indebtedness' and are not ade- quate . to cover the. services rendered . requires tha t this ordinance take effect on October 1, 1966.. PASSED, AND.t\'PPROVED this 26th day of Septembe.r1966. o .W. Hampton, Mayor ATTEST: Oneida Gallagher City Secretary Ordinance No. 66-6 AN . ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING GARBAGE COLLECTION AND DIS- POSAL RATES I N THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: Section 1. That Upon October 1, 1966, a_ld thereafter the monthly rates for garbage colle.:tion and disposal by the City of WYlie, Texas, are as follows: h Residential Commercial $1.50 $4.00 Section 2. AlL ordinances heretofore passed by the City Coun~il of the City of Wylie, Te-xas, establishing rat e s for garbage collection and disposal are hereby repealed. Section 3. The fact that the present garbage c@Uection and disposal rates do not render adequate corrlpensa_ tion for improvement creates a health hazard and requires that this ordin"- ance take effect October 1, 1966. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 26th day of September 1966. O. W. Hampton, Mayor I ATTEST: Oneida Gallagher City Secretary