Ordinance 1967-03 CITY OF VVy:......IE AREA CODE 214 PHONE: 394-2236 MAYOR O. W. HAMPTON COUNCILMEN HARRY F. TIBBALS, JR. (Mayor Protem) WILLIAM E. MARTIN KENNETH A. MAUK MELVIN DOUTHITT CHARLES P. ELLEDGE CITY MANAGER JACK H. WHITT CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY ATTORNEY JOHN E. GAY WATER SUPERINTENDENT W. A. ALLEN FIRE MARSHALL GLENN DANIEL 109 WEST OAK STREET WYLI E, TEXAS 75098 UrlDL\Al\CE NiJI\fBE..'-\ 6'( - 3 APPRO~RIATIOG OP~INANCE AN ORDINAiWE ADOPTING BUDGET AND AF:FROPHIATING RESOURCES :F'CR THE BUDGET YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1967. ~",.~~..~~~{-o BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF 'dYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1: That the budget estimate of lhhe revenue and expendi tures of the City ofvlylie, Texas, as prepared by the City Hanager and appropriated by the City Council for the fiscal year beginning October 1, ~967, and ending September 30, 1968, be a,nd is hereby adapted and approved as the budget for such fiscal year; SECTION 2: That the sum of Seventy Ei~lt Thousand One hundred forty Three (~78,143.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Revenues for the payment of operating expenses and capital outlay of the city government, as set forth in detail in the budget; Section 3: That the sum of Nine Thousand Two Hundred (w9,200:00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the General Fund Revenues for the purpose of paying the accruing interest and redeeming bodds as they mature during the year on the General Fund Debt Service as listed in detail in the budget; Section 4: That the sum of Forty Five Thousand Five Hundred Forty Eight ($45,548.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the 'dater and Sewer Fund Revenues for the payment of operating expenses a,nd capi tal out- lay of the city gover~~ent, as set forth in detail in the budget: Section 5; Tha t the sum of Twenty Tlvo Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty Eight (~~22, 728.00) Dollars is hereby appropriated out of the Water and Sewer Fund Revenues for the purpose of paying the principal and interest on Hevenue Bonds, \l",_rrants and Interest, 1956 Asset Reimbursement to the General Fund, Bond and BOlnk Fees, and in Lieu of Taxes to the General Fund, as they mature during the year on the Utility Debt Service as listed in detail in the budget; Section 6: That this ordinance be in full force and effect from and after its adoption. PASSED AND APPROVED this the 12th day of September 1967. FROl' cr 1'1 O}4" '~vYLI E HI NUTE:3 At a Regular meeting of the C1 ty of ;vylle Council on Tuesday September 12, 1967, the proposed 1967--1968 Budget for the City of \'1ylie was thoroughly dlsousf:'Jsd ;and ~tudled. Motion WillS made by Counc1lma.n Tl'bbals and Z~conded by CODncilman Elledge that the,pro- poeed Budget for 1967--1968$ totalling t155, 615.00 be adopted. en the question" Unani- mous AYEi}. .,.' - ".../ I~' , ~>/ i:~,fc:L c., li~1("\ ~ c:. ." .N'/I ')'''a.yor .0 rJ:: '?-. ~~.~ 6(t'-_Lt.-Ja- >1 . :":neld~ GtI,lla.!;;her, C1 ty ecret~r"y