Ordinance 1969-04 A1231-0RDINANCE DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION FOR LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX The Steck Co., Austin, Texas ORDINANCE NO. 69-4 AN ORDINANCE DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION FOR LOCAL SALES AND USE TAX, ORDERING THAT SAID TAX BE IMPOSED, INSTRUCTING CITY SECRETARY TO FORWARD CERTIFIED COpy OF THIS ORDINANCE AND MAP TO COMPTROLLER OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTS, AND SUSPENDING RULES REQUIRING ORDINANCE TO BE READ UPON THREE SEPARATE DAYS. Be it Ordained by City Council (1) of the City of Wyl ie Section I. There came on to be considered the Returns of an election held on the 5th day of A p"'; 1 , 19~, upon the question of the adoption of a local sales and use tax for the benefit of said City in accordance with the provisions of House Bill No. 207, 60th Legislature, Regular Session, 1967, and it appearing that said election was in all respects legally held and that said Returns were duly and legally made and that there were cast at said election 117 votes, of which number 202 votes were cast "FOR adoption of a one per cent (1 %) local sales and use tax within the city," and 115 votes were cast "AGAINST adoption of a one per cent (1%) local sales and use tax within the city," and said question or proposition having been Approved (2) approved/failed by 87 votes. Section II. The majority of the qualified voters having voted for the adoption of said local sales and use tax, the said tax is hereby imposed in said City and shall become effective as provided in said House Bill 207, and the City Secretary is hereby instructed to forward to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, State Capitol, Austin, Texas, by registered or certified mail a certified copy of this ordinance and a map of this City clearly showing the boundaries thereof. Section III. The rule requiring that an ordinance shall be read on three separate days is hereby suspended and this ordinance shall become effective as provided by charter of this City and the laws of the State of Texas. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this the 8th ,19~. ATTEST: ~~v J:LQ~-e~ CITY CLERK . (1) Insert City Commission or City Council, whichever is applicable. (2) Strike the one not applicable. ..... - I, the undersigned City Clerk of the City of Wf>tlie ( t i~ , Texas, do hereby certify that the foregoing copy of an ordinance declaring result of election for a local sales and use I tax is a true and correct copy of the original of said ordinance on file and of record in my office, and that said ordinance was passed by the Council of the City of Wylie Council/Commission Texas, at a R- gular Councih1eting on the 8th day of Aprn , 19~, a quorum being present and is of record in Minute Book #1 , Page of the Minutes of said City Council Council/Commission ~~~ CITY