Ordinance 1969-07 O::~:DIl\TJ.1J}CE l'~O. ) I " (, 'I.. ! A:r O:DI:UiNCE FIXING {rIm 'l'AX JATE lUTD LEVY" IN .A.ITD FOR mIT7 ('ITY '-,'r;' 1"YT Tl,' m"!,'T ^.r::: 1;'(',') T'-T7 v~;' ,'p 19Ka UPOT-T riLL. .L~.w v .... ~'...I. .1 ...__J...L_,-_J, .......;.J.1~l1.lV, J.. ....I_I. ..._..:-1 ...I...w.H..Ll V,/, -' 1.'1. TAXABLE PROPEi~TY nr SAID CrEY OF WYLIE, TEXAS, FOn THE r~tJRI?OST~ OF r;AYIITG TI-I:~ CUl:;':~:~E=\TT E:ZI)EI-TSES OF S.A.ID C~Jn~:r TTr-. 1=j''''''S''^I Y'I',^'-' l;"\T1)I'...TG r"PT'T""!'r::>T:'T"; -:;0 1 n7:J ^~.T"".lJ mT,p-;1 ""U'" LL':::'" .L..L v...'....J _u..:'L.\ .lJi.'i_; l.i 0.c_JJ:.c .t...l......LJLd.".. .-/j, :7 0, ill":' 1..il.~,J j~' ~.~- TI-II~rc r)1Jl~f)C)S~ OJ? CT:'~='~...4.TII.JG ...D.. Il'JT~~~::.:n~~ST AI-TD 1SIiTI~IITG l~UI"~D TC) nErEID:::; TEG;~ p={nTCIPAT~ I\ND IlTTm~EST OF THE BeNDED DTDEBT- :mXESS OF SAID CITY, PriOVIDI:TG TEAT rr TEE EVEXT ...t:LJY T;=~OVISION CF THIS m::OEL'\.NCE BE HET}) mTCONSTITUTIOHAL AND IITVALID THAT SU HOLDIlTG SEALL NC'T AFFECT THE ~:r!Z?'=AIHING IYROVISIO;r,S II:SE~:~OF, ALL mmnL~FCES AND FAl/ITS rrH:;~f{r~OF ET C()~JFLICT AIm PIWVIDITTG PUI3LI Cj\.~~lI IT C)r{DfiII-T;:~J) rr -:"7^ C' . _.",:J.>.\'..1-.1.0. T}r~ CITY COTJr;CIIJ C;l~ T}-r2~ CITY OF ~.,~IYLI::~~, S3CTION 1: there is hereby levied for the year 1969, upon all the real property situated within the corporate limits of said City of ~ylie, Texas, and upon all personal property which was owned within the corporate limits of said. city of Wylie, T)xas, on the first day of January A.D. 196~, except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Con- stitution and laws of the State of Texas, a total tax of One and 50/100 (31.50) Dollars on each One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation on all of said property which said total tax here now levied as aforesaid is respectively as follows: SEC'rrOlT 2: An acl valorem tax of and at the rnt"! 0:f One and 26~/100 (~fl.26) Dollnrs on each One Hundred U:100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation of said taxable nronertv is hereby levied for the year 1969, to ray the curr~nt ~peratinG e:q1- enses of said City of ~y~ie, Texas, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 1970, which tax, when collected, shall be appropriated to and deposited in and to the credit of the Genera14Fund of said City of Wylie, Texas. SECTION ~: An ad valorem tax of and at the rate of Twenty Four (::>0:21+) Cents on each One Hundred (~nOO.OC:)j)ollars of assessed. valuatiop o:€ said taxablez~ro~)erty is hereby levied for the year 1969, for the purpose of creatine an Interest and sinking fund with'which to pay file Interest and retire the Principal of the valid bonded indebtedness of the Citv of ~ylie, ~exas, now outstandjng, and such tax when colle~t- ed, shall be aljly;:'oLJriated and de sited to the credit of L1L. Interest and Sj,nkin3 Fund of the City of ~ylie, Texas. S3CTICIT .il: In the event any j)rovision of this Crdina~lce shall be held unconstitutional and invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the same shall not affect the re- maininc }rovisioDs thereof. SECTIO:T ;5: All CrlEnances and ::.."DTts of wlli_ch are i'(1 con- flict wjt~ any of the ~r0vjGions of this Ordinance are h~r~by expreSSively repealed. SECTION 6: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect October 1, 19&;27, a~ld notice of such enacblent shall be -nub- lished on one occasion in some newsuaner of ren8~~1_ circu- l~tion in the City of ~ylie, Texas,-within t~n (10) days of j_ t 's -~JaSsalj'e. ~A' L~~ Oneida Gallagher City Secretary CITY COlJITCIL .5 ]'~l-:'T I~I.::B~~~I'{ , ~) 11SSl~D .l't~'.TJ) i\.I)F'=,~CiV}~l) J.LJ1) l)I\~)~~.':{r~D J?U}3LIS1-II~D TIE~ CITY O.F'/'JYLIJ;;, TI~X.li.S, THIS rr:m-;; 9th 1969. ~ Iall -- fiTr_rl~Str : LE ORDINANCE NO. 69-7 . An ordinance fixing the tax rate and levy in and for the City of W}'lie, Texas, for tne year 1969, upon all taxable property in said City of Wylie, Texas, for the purpose of paying the current expenses of said city for the fiscal year ending Sep- tember 30, 1970, and the further purpose of creat- ing a interest and sinking fund to retire the principal and interest of the bonded indebtedness of said city, .. providing that in the event any pro vis ion of this orainance be held uncon- ~ stitutional and invalid that . such shall not affect the rem a in i n g provisions thereof, repealing all or- ~ dinances and parts thereof in conflict herewith and ~ providing for' publication. Be it ordained by the Cit}' CouncU of the City of Wylie, Texas: n Section 1: there is hereby levied for the year 1969, upon all the real property situated within the cor- porate limits of said City of Wylie, Texas, and upon all personal I>roperty which was ownea within the corporate limits of , said city of Wylie, Texas on the first day of Janu- ary A. D. 1969, except so much thereof as may be exempt by the Con- I stitution and laws of the State of Texas, a total tax of One and 50/100 ($1.50) dollars on each One Hun- dred ($100.00) Dollars of assessed valuation on all of said property which said total tax here now levied. - . N Thursday SePtember 18, 1969 ze ews -, _ ,.--- ,.........,,,. I __lJ . ,.. ..~. ..w......'..".m.. CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIOA CITY ATTORNEY B. ROBERT B~ WATER SUPERIN' W. A. ALLEN FI RE MARSHALL GLENN DAN I EL