Ordinance 1969-09 O~:DITTA".JC":~ ITO. ) .(, -. / it" .l\..T'~ ():~1DITTlilJCE 3STlillLISI-IIjJG A S:S\'.JI~r2 S~8I{\lIC~1~ ~~_~ATE lIT iltLD FOR rrln~ CITY OF \VYLIE, T~-:;XAS, DISTETGUISEING BET"'.'lEEN DIFFETm:TT rrYl-:'ES 01,-1 S~~J.~~\rIC1~~ CI{AF,~GES TO B3 1~11\.1)E ~FCIR ~ESIDE?TTIitI_, l(\TTD COI,II".'IEI~cClj\.I.J }~STJ\.BLISI-Il.:}~TTTJS, I~I~I")EAI.:ItTG liIJI_i O..E~?DIT.y.L4.I'TC~~,S AI'.TD PAT{TS OF OImHTAIJCES IN CONFLICT El~RIi}'!ITH; IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF WYLIE, T~}:JtS ; SECTION 1; The City of Wylie hereby establishes the following sewer rates as listed below: 11. . Single Family Residence :,;2.00 3.50 Single Family Residence with Renter or Duplex Two Residences or One Residence and One A~artment on One Lot D. One r~esidence and Two Apart!Ylen ts on ('me Lot B. ,... \j . 3.50 5 . c~o }~~ . Al)artmen t Houses, Trailer Parks, and liul tiple Units: $2.0C plus $~R2S for each unit occupied on any meter reading date; Laundries, Factories, Public Schools; $2.00 plus 3~.OO for each urinal, toilet, floor drain, 1,_i tchen sinles or washers; 1)ptejJ D. "I11oJesaJe Outlets, Ball'-s, T1'o""8ss:i.onal Offices, Cafes, Restuarants and Hospitals or Doctor Offices 1.50 Ius $1.UO for each urinal, rroilet) floor drain or :~i t chen sinl;:s; T"' 5.1 . ,... ".", . I-T c . Garages, Service Stations, Car Washes, Auto and Implement Dealers; $1.50 Plus $~.OD for each Urinal, toilet or floor drain; Fish 1.Iarkets, Poultry Dressers, Hatcheries and Slaughter Houses; $10.50 or $0.15 per thousand gallons of water consumed per water meter, which- ever is greater. I. Section 2: All ordinances and parts of ordinances thereof in conflict with any of the provisions of this Ordinance aI's" areby ex:ressively repealed. :?~;:;CTIOlT 4: rrhe fac t that the sewer ra te.s ~10W charged by the City of Wylie are inadequate to cover the bonded indebted~ess and are not adequate to cover the services to the Citizens of Wylie, requires that this Ordinance be effect on the first billin~ date in October and shall cover the services rendered corr~encing Sentember 1 r; 1 e;(e; /, ..,/L)j. ~~)I~SS__~]J , 1969 ~----- . IaJ_l Attest: .iku .~.... .1~ Oneida Gallagher . C5ty Secretary , ORDINANCE NO. 69-9 An ordinance establishing a sewer service rate in and for the City of Wyl1e, Texas,. distin- guishing between different types 01 servlcecharges to be made for residential and commercial estab- ::~ rd~~~~~fi~~"~ ordinances hi conflict Herewith: