Ordinance 1969-10 ~'TCj . ,) /.. I .p~rT C~I~J)I2~AlTCT~ :~r[IDITC:\ Gl~I~BAc.rj'~ CC.:I_,I.:I~CTI AND DISPCSAI, EATE~) ET A?<D Fm: CITY OF ':JYLIi~, TT~XAS, :JISTIJTGUISlIING '1' HE m\Tl)T;'C ..L ..;....r.. -,_II..,) SEI(TlIC=:e =~(I1TES TC; f.'li\T)E i;>J'~SIDj~PTIAIJ jl1m I" rj - .,-:,.rr Ti'T~:' T ("~ ..~ T \..J\...-,;, ,_'..I.l..J..:... -i- V1..._:_1 ~,~~srrliBr.JISI-L.II~l"Jlrs, ="~~PJ~.llLI:"JG ./1.IJ1J OT<~DI="~.l\.ITC=I~[) l~:Tl) 1)lt~.~:~TS ()li' OI~=)I=T~~::'::C::;:CS lIT (;C)~':"~}'LICT \~/ITI-I : IT }3Y TI{I~ CITY CC;lJ~'TCIL OF T~-IIG CITY OF i}!YLI}~~, .AS: SSCTIOX 1: That uron October 1, 1969, and thereafter the monthly rates for garbage collection and disposal by the City of 0ylie, Texas, are as follows: =~~ 1;:~~S I D B::>pr I l\IJ ~::;2 . ()CI ler :11onth c 0 rn.':.3r~ C I 11.L .".4 '-(""; ,) .)v per month 'l':r:un A. lL~~;~l~ S with less than five trailers and with group facilities $4.50 per month D. with more than five trailers shall have individual service and shall be charged on a per trailer basis of ~1 .00 per month SECTION 2: All ordinances and ~arts of ordinances thereof in conflict with any of the ~rovisions of this Ordinance are expressively repealed. SECTIO].)" 3: 'rIle fact the garbage collection an-l di.sposal rates now charged are not adequate to cover the expenses of this service to the Citizens of Wylie, requires that this Oruinance be in effect on the first billing date in October, 1969 and shall cover the services rendered com- Dencing Se~tember 15, 1969. l-)I\.SSE:~O l-lTTD .ti~P.C';ROiI~~]) TI{IS TI-IE Sitll SBJ?TEi<I3EJ.~, 1969 .l\.TT::~~ST : ..-4/ Oneida Gallagher City Secretary ORDINANCE NO. 69-10 An ordinance prescribing garbage collection ana aisposal rates in and for the City of Wylie, Texas, distinguishing between the different types of service rates to be made for res.i- dential and commercial establishments, repeal1ng all ordinances,and parts of ordinances in confl1ct ,~~.r~with: