03-22-2023 (WEDC) Minutes inutes ylie EconomicI'evelopment i Board irect rs Meeting March 22,2023 —7:30 A.M. WEDC Offices—Conference Room 250 S Hwy 7 Wylie,TX 75098 CALL ' r ER Announce the presence of a Quorum President Demond Dawkins called the meeting to order at 7:32 a.m. Board Members present were Melisa Whitehead,Blake Brininstool,and Aaron Jameson.Board Member Gino Mulliqi arrived at 7:33 a.m. Ex-Officio Member City Manager Brent Parker was present.Ex-Officio Member Mayor Matthew Porter arrived at 7:36 a.m. WEDC staff present included Executive Director Jason Greiner,BRE Director Angel Wygant, Senior Assistant Rachael Hermes,and Administrative Assistant Marissa Butts. INVOCATION& PLEDGEALLEG CE President Dawkins gave the invocation and led the Pledge of Allegiance. CO S ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS With no citizen participation,President Dawkins moved to Consent Agenda. CONSENT AGE r A All matters listed under the Consent Agenda are considered to be routine by the WEDC Board of Directors and will be enacted by one motion. There will not be a separate discussion of these items. If discussion is desired, that item will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. A._ Consider and act upon approval of Minutes from the F r ,2023 Regular Meeting oft e WEDC Board of irectors. B. Consider and act upon approval of the February 2023WEDC Treasurer's Report. . Board Action A motion was made by Blake Brininstool, seconded by Melisa Whitehead, to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0. REGULAR AGE NDA 1. Tabled from 1- -2023 Remove from table and consider. Board Action A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to remove this Item from table. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0. WEDC—Minutes March 22, 2023 Page2of3 Consider and act upon a First Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between WEDC and MLKJ Investments LLC. Staff Comments Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for the information related to the First Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between WEDC and MLKJ Investments LLC. Staff noted that MLKJ is getting through the final stages of their civil design approval and will then submit plans to building inspections before they can finalize some of their cost estimates. Board Action A motion was made by Gino Mulliqi, seconded by Blake Brininstool, to approve a First Amendment to the Purchase and Sale Agreement between the WEDC and MLKJ Investments LLC and further authorize WEDC President Dawkins to execute said agreement.A vote was taken,and the motion passed 5-0. DISCUSSION ITEMS President Dawkins moved to Discussion Item 3. Discussion Items 1 and 2 will be considered after Executive Session for discussion purposes. DS3. Staff report: WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report,Upcoming Events,and WEDC Activities/Programs. Staff Comments Staff referred the Board to the Agenda Report provided in the packet for all updates related to the WEDC Property Update, Temporary Access Agreements, Downtown Parking, Engineering Report, Upcoming Events, and WEDC Activities/Programs. Regarding past events, the Board shared their participation at Wylie Days in Austin, TX on February 6-7, 2023. City Manager Brent Parker made a request that staff encourage more small businesses to attend and participate in the upcoming Small Business Week Proclamation with City Council. Staff will send out invites to Board Members for the Christian Prayer Breakfast of Collin County held on May 4, 2023 and Taste of Wylie held on May 1, 2023. The Board agreed to a WEDC Board Special Called Meeting on April 3, 2023 at noon to discuss updates from the Bylaw Committee. EXECUTIVE SESSION Recessed into Closed Session at 7:56 a.m.in compliance with Section 551.001,et.seq.Texas Government Code, to wit: Sec. 551.072. DELIBERATION REGARDING REAL PROPERTY; CLOSED MEETING. ES1. Consider the sale or acquisition of properties located at Ballard/Brown, Brown/Eubanks, FM 544/Cooper,FM 544/Sanden,FM 1378/Parker,Jackson/Oak,Regency/Steel,State Hwy 78/Alanis, State Hwy 78/Ballard,and State Hwy 78/Brown. Sec. 551.087. DELIBERATION REGARDING ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT NEGOTIATIONS; CLOSED MEETING. ES2. Deliberation regarding commercial or financial information that the WEDC has received from a business prospect and to discuss the offer of incentives for Projects: 2013-9a, 2017-6a, 2021-2d, 2021-5a, 2021-6a, 2021-6c,2021-8a, 2021-9a, 2021-9b, 2021-9f, 2022-9i, 2022-1b, 2022-4d, 2022- WEDC—Minutes March 22, 2023 Page 3 of 3 7 ,2022-8b,2022-9f,2022-1 d,2 22-1. a,2 22.12a,2 23- a,2023-lb,2 23-1c,2 23-2a,2 23-2 b, 2 23-2c, 023-2 ,2 23-2e,2 23-3a,and 2023-3b. RECONVENE SESSION Take any action as a result of the Executive Session. President Dawkins reconvened into Open Session at 9:32 a.m.and moved to Discussion Items 1 and 2. PS1. Discussion regarding tha Performance Agreement a ee WEDC and ,LLC. Staff Comments Staff reminded the Board that the WEDC entered into a Performance Agreement with AXL,LLC in 2021 to assist with their corporate relocation, investment in machinery & equipment, and the hiring of additional employees.AXL met their performance obligations for Incentive#1 and,although they did not qualify for Incentive#2 this year, they are not in default on their Agreement. The Agreement states that they receive $1,000 for each new hire over the baseline employment established the previous year and their employment numbers will be revisited next year.The Board agreed that there should be no changes to the current Performance Agreement and can consider modifications if necessary in the future as it relates to additional equipment. DS2. Discussion regarding 22-223 Budget .Amendments. Staff Comments Staff will bring back a more formal action item regarding the FY 2022-2023 Budget Amendments at the WEDC Board Special Called Meeting on April 3,2023. Staff discussed the priority of the Board to move forward with preparing land for future development and the option to transfer funds from Incentives to Infrastructure-Special Services and Engineering/Architecture. The Board directed staff to transfer $1,500,000 from Incentives to Special Services/Infrastructure and $500,000 from Incentives to Engineering. FUT ' AGENDA ITEMS There were no Items requested for inclusion on future agendas. ADJOU1 MENT With no further business,President Dawkins adjourned the WEDC Board -37 a.m. D e a d Dawkins,President ATTEST: Jason Greiner, xecutive Director