03-13-2023 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes Wylie Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting ,AI
Minutes „
March 13, 2023 —5:30 pm
Council Chambers -300 Country Club Road, Building#100, Wylie,Texas 75098 CITY OF
Board Vice-Chair Gloria Suarez called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The following Parks and
Recreation Board members were present: Board Member Brian Willeford, Board Member Nick Puente,
and Board Member Randall Zaboinik. Board Member Craig Allen arrived at the meeting at 5:31 pm, and
Board Chair Kim Mullis and Board Member Gerald Dyson were both absent.
Staff present included: Parks and Recreation Director Carmen Powlen, Assistant Parks and Recreation
Director Brent Stowers, and Parks and Recreation Administrative Assistant II Janet Pieper.
No Citizens came forward.
1. Consider and act upon approval of February 13,2023, Regular Parks and Recreation
Board Meeting Minutes.
Board Action
A motion was made by Board Member Willeford, seconded by Board Member Zaboinik,to approve
the February 13, 2023, Regular Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes. A vote was taken, and
the motion passed 4-0,with Board Member Craig Allen arriving at the meeting at 5:31 pm and Board
Chair Kim Mullis and Board Member Gerald Dyson both absent.
WS1. Project Updates.
Staff Comments
Assistant Director Brent Stowers updated the board on completed and ongoing departmental projects.
The Olde City Park playground resurfacing project is now complete, with approximately 8,000 square
feet of multicolored Pour-in-Place surfacing installed by the vendor. The playground was reopened this
week for public use.
Valentine Park was prepped for construction by staff, and the contractor plans to begin the installation of
the new modular playground with freestanding components within the week,weather permitting.
Renovation of the Birmingham Farms playground is in process. Staff will soon prepare the area for
contractors to install a new modular playground in mid-April.
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March 13, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes
The Municipal Complex Trail concrete connection to the Library Garden is complete and includes a 25 by
25-foot concrete pad for a future pavilion amenity.
In order to pass the final inspection,contractors redid the ADA ramp's concrete landing at the Welcome
Center at the Brown House. The project will be complete and ready for final inspection after staff repairs
the drainage in the landing area.
The contractor added concrete pads and irrigation to the planter boxes behind the Senior Recreation
Center facility. Benches were also added to the area.
City Council reviewed the City of Sachse Maxwell Creek Landfill Trail Project during a work session.
Out of the four potential options,they directed Staff to pursue pricing for routes C and D. Council prefers
route D which will cost approximately$70,000 to add the small piece of eight-foot trail on the Wylie
Independent School District(WISD)property on Hensley Lane, connecting to the developer's existing
and potential trail pieces located on Woodbridge Parkway. It has yet to be determined whether the
construction costs will be the responsibility of WISD, the City of Wylie, or a shared cost. In the future,
the City of Wylie intends to add street lights and crosswalks at the Woodbridge Parkway and Hensley
Lane intersection.
The rip rap at the drainage areas on the west side of Founders Park is causing excessive maintenance
issues and is therefore being removed and replaced with concrete flumes. Concrete flumes have already
been added on the east side of Founders Park, and all but two concrete flumes will be added within this
fiscal year's budget; the final two concrete flumes will be added in the 2023/2024 fiscal year's budget.
The dog park and splash pad bid specifications are under review by our Purchasing staff and are expected
to be sent out for bid by the end of March. The process includes the bid opening, lasting up to four weeks,
review of the submissions by staff, selection of the vendor by staff,then final approval of the selected
vendor by the City Council. All bid packages will include the complete design plans with the option to
split construction into different fiscal years. The dog park will be a separate bid from the two splash pads,
which will be packaged together.
Staff is meeting with a vendor recently contracted for certain City of Wylie projects. Staff and the vendor
will discuss building a scope of work for the Senior Recreation Center renovation project.
A motion was made by Board Member Allen, seconded by Board Member Willeford, to adjourn the
meeting at 6:16 pm. A vote was taken, and the motion passed 5-0,with Board Chair Kim Mullis and
Board Member Gerald Dyson both absent.
4,4 iv/ Auc.—
Gloria Suarez,Board Vice-Chair
Janet Piepe , Administrative Assistant II
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March 13, 2023, Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting Minutes