Ordinance 1990-11 P
ORD. io 9
WHEREAS: Population growth, land development and indiscriminate
refurbishing of structures and neighborhoods through
much of the last few decades has brought with it a
continuing loss of Wylie's physical and historical
WHEREAS: Citizens recognize the ample evidence of enhanced civic
awareness, community pride, cooperation and friendship
between neighbors in communities which respect and
preserve their historic legacy;
WHEREAS: Studies demonstrate that an increasing number of people
are looking for a quality life away from the problems
of a large metropolitan area and that communities with
a defined attractive town center and defined attractive
neighborhoods promote shopping, tourism, new business
investment and development and the attendant enhanced
tax revenues;
Now, Therefore Be it ordained by the City Council of the
City of Wylie, Texas
SECTION 1: On a monthly basis in perpetuity historic
landmarks be they edifices or locations which
are distinctive and important elements of the
City's cultural, social, economic, political,
archaeological and architectural history
shall be designated as Historical Landmarks,
City of Wylie, Texas
SECTION 2: Designation of these landmarks will be made
by the City Council. Designations may be
initiated by a property owner, the Historical
Society of Wylie, City Council or the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
SECTION 3: Designated landmarks will be awarded markers
based on category of selection.
SECTION 3A: Historical edifices and similarly
small sites shall be designated
with a marker detailing the
historical significance of the
edifice or site.
SECTION 3B: Historical zones, areas and
residential neighborhoods shall,
where possible, in cooperation with
the Parks Department be provided
with a conspicuous and attractive
landscaped area with a marker
detailing the historical
significance of the zone, area or
residential neighborhood
SECTION 4: The City Council when considering normal city
improvements such as lighting, pavement or
landscaping shall where designated historic
landmarks exist make every effort to ensure
that said improvements are in keeping with
and enhance the appearance of the landmark
edifice or site.
SECTION 5: The City Council in recognition of the need
to protect, preserve and promote the existing
Town Center, i.e., North Ballard Street
Business District, declares official desire
to participate in the Texas Main Street
Center Program. To begin the process the
City Council instructs the City Manager to
contact and cooperate with the Wylie Chamber
of Commerce and the Historical Society of
Wylie in presenting a plan to the Texas Main
Street Center for consideration in inclusion
in the Texas Main Street Program
Duly passed by the City Council, City of Wylie, Texas, on August
28, 1990.
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