Ordinance 1969-12 WIll II R. ' I~W DD' JOH CITY JIM QRDINANCE 69-12 AN ORDINANCE FIXING &NO DETERMINING THE dENERAL SERVICE RATE TO BE CHARGED P,OR SALES OF NAT- URAL GAS TO RESIDEN- HAL AND COMME RCIAL CONSUMERS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF WYLIE, COLLIN COUNTY T,EXAS, AND PROVIDING F-OR THE MANNER IN WHICH SUCH A RATE MA Y BE CHANGED, AD-. JUSTED AND AMENDED AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. BE IT 0 RDAINED BY THE CITY OF WYLIE, TEXAS: SECTION 1. Effective with the first gas bills ren- dered after the final approval of this ordinance, the maximum general service rate for sales of natural gas rendered to restdentIal and commer- cial consumers within the city limiEs of Wylie by Lone Star Gas Company, a; Texas corporation, its successors and assigns, is hereby fixed and deter- mined as follows: First 1,000 cu. ft. orfrac- tion thereof $2.222 Gross; $-2.00 Net Next 3,000 cu. ft. @.978perMetGross;$.88 per Mcf Net Next 6,000 cu. ft. (riJ .878 per Met Gross; ."79 per Met Net Next 15,000 cu. ft. (riJ .811 per Met Gross; ./3 per Met Net Next 75,000 cu. ft. @ .767 per Mcf Gross; .69 per Met Net All Over 100,000, cu. ft, (riJ ,733 per Met Gross; .60 per Met Net. No gas bills will be rendered to any resi- dential or commercial consumer s e r v e d under the above rate not con- suming any gas during any monthly billmg period. ADJUSTMENT The amount of each net monthly bill computed at ,he above stated rates shall be subject to the following adjustment: Plu;; an amount equivalent to the proportionate part of any new tax, 0 r increased tax, or any other governmental impo- sition, rental, fee or C"~Tp"" (except state, countv, c:ity and special dl::::.t::. i~:' .:!.c1 valorcrll taxes an~_ taxes Al net income) levied, r..,.;es6ed or im- p"",ed subsequent to July :, ~}69, upon or allocable to the company's distri- bution operations, by any new or amended law, 'o-rdinaI1Ge or contrac.t option, may forgo the application of this adjust- .ment; however, failure of Company to apply such adjustment shall not con- stitute a waiver of Com- pany's right from time to time, or at any time, to make such'.adiustment",in whole-oFin part, in any subsequent monthly bill that may be applicable to such bill. Net rate shall apply to all bills paid within ten days from monthly billing date; gross rate shall be applicable thereafter. The above rate Is appli- cable to each residential and commercial consu- mer per month or for any part of a month for which gas is used at the same location. In addition to the afore- said rates, Company shall have the right to collect such reasonable charges as are necessary to conduct its business and to carry out its reasonable rules and regulations in effect. SECTION 2. The rate set 'forth in Section 1 may be changed and amended by either the City or Company furnishing gas in the manner' provided by law. Service hereunder is subject to the orders of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction, and to the Company's Rules and Regulations currently on file in the Company's office. SECTION 3. The fact that there is an imperative public need for an ordinance fixing and determining the rate for gas and gas service fur- nished to residential and commercial consumers creates an emergency, and the reading and passage of this ordinance at three separate meet- ings is hereby suspended ana this ordinance 'shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its passage at a single meeting ,and the approval thereof by the Mayor, PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 20th day of November, A. D., 1969. ATTEST: Oneida Gallagher Secretary R. J. Hall, Mayor City of Wylie, Texas STATE OF TEXAS r,OITNTV OJ'1 rOil IN B. ROB!:.HI I:IAK!:.H WATER SUPERINTENDENT w. A. ALLEN FIRE MARSHAll GLENN DANIEL I Wylie, ColI in County Texas, hereby certifyth'at ~e. above and foregoing 1S a true and correct copy of an ordinance passed andt.., approved by the C i ey,':" Cou~ciI of the City ot)~ Wyl1e at a Special sessio . held on the 20th. day:. 0 November , . 1969, as. i appears of record in.th Minutes of saidCityCoun- cil in Book 1, page IS:'h WITNESS MY HAND AND:. SEAL OF SAID CITY . tl1~s:" the 20th day ofNovembe#,/ A.D. 1969. ' ' .~,":":