05-18-2009 (Parks & Recreation) Minutes ptif
Parks and Recreation Board
Monday,May 18,2009—6:30 pm
Wylie Municipal Complex—Council Chambers
Announce the presence of a Quorum.
Chairman Anne Hiney called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.
Board Members present Chairman Anne Hiney, Co-Chair Dan Chesnut, Benny Jones (arrived at 6:40 pm), Donna
Larson and David Willey. Absent was: Brandi Lafleur. Joy Cortinas resigned May 7,2009.
Staff members present: Parks& Recreation Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz and Parks Secretary Charlotte
Rice. Absent were: Public Services Director Mike Sferra and Parks&Recreation Superintendent Bill Nelson.
Residents may address Council regarding an tern that is not listed on the Agenda.Residents must provide their name and address.Council requests that comments be
limited to three(3)minutes.In addition,Council is not allowed to corneae,deliberate or take action on any matter presen ted during citizen partition.
1. Consider and act upon approving the Minutes from April 27, 2009.
Board Action:
Board Member Chesnut motioned to pass the April 27, 2009 minutes and Board Member Larson seconded. A
vote was taken and passed 4-0.
Some of the discussion items reversed order,as Co-Chair Dan Chesnut had to depart early from the meeting.
2. Founders Park, Community Park, Master Plan and Olde City Park update.
Board Discussion:
Founders Park update:Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz presented the Board with material swatches for
the shade structures for Founders Park based on the April 21, 2009 meeting with Halff&Associates.
Chairman Hiney asked if picnic tables would be able to be included under some of the structures and Mr. Diaz
said that they were intending on having as many as could be comfortably placed two, perhaps three, in his
estimation. The Board, upon examination of the swatches,were in consensus that whichever material
provided the most shade(yet staying within budget)would be their choice. Halff&Associates'tentative
timeline is still determined to begin bidding in August 2009 and start construction in October. The rate of
completion is still estimated to be approximately 8-10 months.
Community Park update: Staff held a preliminary meeting May 7, 2009 with contractors Teague, Nall&
Perkins regarding Community Park improvements. This meeting focused on what the City's expectations
were, along with priorities for improvement and development of amenities. Assistant Superintendent Robert
Diaz intimated that Public Services Director Mike Sferra was in the process of writing a grant that would
supplement these improvements, through Collin County. Mr. Diaz stated that Staff would find out in October
2009 if we were awarded money from the grant, which would be ideal timing, as Staff could then incorporate
that money into the architectural design-scheme produced by Teague, Nail&Perkins.
Master Plan update: Hatff&Associates are finalizing and modifying standards to accommodate what the City
budget will allow. Staff met with them April 21, 2009 regarding its progress and it is their hope to have a draft
copy by summer. They are also moving toward development of Wells Property in concurrence with the Master
Plan and they hope to have it completed at the same time. Chairman Hiney expressed concern over not
having the Wells Property platted and protected for future park use. Mr. Diaz said that Council would have to
adopt the Master Plan and he wasn't sure how they would vote on the specific aspects of it.
Olde City Park update: Assistant Superintendent Robert Diaz imparted that installation of the underground
drainage was finished and that the restroom had been delivered and installed. Concrete was poured around
the structure and the final touches should be completed by the end of the month. In addition, sodding was
completed, especially for those areas that will be used for summer events. Other improvements included the
transplanting of five trees and installation of ten new trees, installation of sidewalks, seventeen-space parking
lot, electrical, irrigation and concrete beam with related water/sewer/electrical for the modular restroom 90
95%complete. The final site grading and hydro-mulching of winter rye seed would be accomplished within the
next 1 -2 weeks. The installations of the six decorative light poles and one park bench have been installed, as
3. Resignation of Board Member Joy Cortinas and the election of Board Member Benny Jones to the Wylie City
Board Discussion:
Board Member Joy Cortinas has resigned her position on the Board. Cortinas was filling the remaining portion
of Board Member Frankie Delgado; his term was to end this year. Staff will wait to fill her position with the
upcoming Board rotation. Board Member Bennie Jones was elected to the City Council; thus, has resigned
his position on the Board.
4.Veterans' Memorial Ground-breaking event on May 25, 2009.
Board Discussion:
The ceremonial groundbreaking event is still scheduled for Monday, May 25, 2009 from 10am-11am at Olde
City Park. The event was published in the Wylie News and everyone was encouraged to attend and honor the
military veterans and those currently serving in the armed forces. Approximately 50-100 people are expected
to attend the event.
5. Implementation of the newly-approved non-smoking and fee ordinances.
Board Discussion:
The new non-smoking ordinance was published in the Wylie News and can nowbe implemented. Staff is
working on getting signs created for posting in local parks, especially Founders Park, Community Park and
Olde City Park.The pavilion fees are in the process of being put into place. Staff is working with the City
Finance Department in order to set up procedures for the new pavilion rental fee protocol.
A motion was made by Board Member Willey to adjourn and Board Member Jones seconded the motion;
consensus of the Board was to adjourn. The Board adjourned at 7:08 p.m
ATTEST: Anne Hiney,Chair
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C ario =" irks Secretary
Minutes—May 18,2009
Wylie Parks and Recreation Board
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