Ordinance 1965-02 ~:l?'.:':,J~' No:rI6E I 'f6'J-W A Public Hearing On The, 1964-65 Budget For The City Of Wylie :< t-_ & ~ Will Be Held At The City Hall d ~ d...) 5....:. ,. ',.,,.;;;. " - 11 anA.Mif~~n' ' ~ ORD;~~ .~~~;'-'-I'Si~E:~i=~T:~E words AN ORDINANCE FOR "go", "caution", or "stop", or ERECTION OF A TRAFFIC exhibiting different colored CONTROL SIGNAL AT THE lights successively one at a CORNER OF OAK & JACKSON time, or with arrows, the 101. I STREETS IN THE CITY.OF \ lowing colors only shall be used WYLIE, TEXAS; PROVIDING and terms and lights shall in- FOR STANDARDS; PROVID- dicate and apply to drivers of ING A LEGEND; PROVIDING vehicles and pedestrians as A PENALTY; AND DECLAR- follows: ING AN EMERGENCY. (a) Green alone or "Go." BE IT ORDAINED BY THE (I)Vehicular traffic. Vehicu- CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY lar traffic facing the signal, ex- OF WYLIE, TEXAS: cept when prohibited by other Section 1: The City Manager ordinance, may proceed straight shall place and maintain a traf- through or turn right or left fie control signal at the inter- u~l~ss ~ sign at such place pro- section of Jackson & Oak hlblts eIther such turn. But ve- Streets in the City of Wylie. hicular ~raffic, including vehic- Section 2: (a) All traffic con- l~s turnIng. right or left, shall trol signals and devices shall Ylel? the rIght-of-way .to other conform to the manual and vehicle~ 3?d to p:destrlan.s law- specifications approved by the fully ~lthm the mtersectlon or · state highway commission or ~ adJacent. cros~walk .a~ the I resolution adopted by the city tIme such slg?al IS exhibIted. commission. (2) PedestrIans. Pedestrians (b) All signals required here- facing the signal may proceed under for a particular purpose across the roadway within any shall so far as practicable be marked or unmarked cross- uniform as to type and location walk. throughout the city. . (b,~ Yellow alone or "Cau- (c) All traffic control devices tion. so erected and not inconsistent ( 1) Following green; vebic- with the provisions of state law ular traffic. When shown follow- \ or this chapter shall be official ing the green or "Go" signal control devices. vehicular traffic facing the sig- Section 3: Whenever traffic oal is thereby wnrned that the is controlled by traffic control red or "Stop" signal will be ex- , , hibited" immediatelY.. thereafU\l'. t:i't '_i)._.,.I-o,,,-":.:'~:......,_........'~r-~>~'-'''''''''.'~c . THE WYUI LEGAL NOTICE publication hereof. PASSED AND APPROVED this 9th day of March, 1965. s-O. W. Hampton, Mayor ATTEST: ~-:-Oneida Gallagher, __lty Secretary - CITY SECRETARY MRS. ONEIDA GALLAGHER CITY ATTORNEY B. ROBERT BAKER WATER SUPERINTENDENT W. A. ALLEN FI RE MARSHALL GLENN DAN I EL